Business grants
Community grants
Augean revenue and small grants fund
Augean manages landfill sites in King’s Cliffe and Thornhaugh. Some of their revenue (Section 106 monies) helps fund local community projects
Community grant funding
Grants up to £5,000 for voluntary and community activity that improves the quality of life for local residents
Community safety funding
You can apply for a grant of up to £5,000 to support projects and activities
Member Empowerment Fund
Each councillor is allocated yearly funding for small community-based projects
Northamptonshire Funding Fair
Funding for community groups for projects, new activities and play equipment, building repairs and more
Register a warm space
We are co-ordinating a network of warm spaces this winter to provide support to anyone struggling
Shared Prosperity Fund
We have secured £4.8 million from the Government’s Core Shared Prosperity Fund and have submitted a further application to access a further £1.1 million of funding for rural areas
Strategic grants
Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisations can apply for strategic grants that will run from 3 years from April 2024 to support our community