Household Support Fund


Voluntary sector grant funding, framework and project briefs - HSF


The following funding is available these types of projects:

Grant number

Grant value

Individual grant project briefs



Home improvements - including working with social landlords for insulation, lighting and white goods energy efficiency and replacement



Food poverty - working with foodbanks, holiday clubs, food management such as meals on a budget



Assisting in tenancy matters including financial assessment



Provision of benefits advice



Budget management and financial skills education



Winter support through other mediums such as electric blankets, warm weather wear and heaters



Energy support, assessment and advice



Addressing poverty, hardship and research with the Gypsy, Romany and Traveller (GRT) community



Winter meal programmes that could include breakfast and lunch clubs, providing hot meals and information sessions

1. Introduction

The purpose of the Household Support Fund Grant Framework is to set out the principles and criteria that govern how North Northamptonshire Council (the Council) awards grant funding to provider organisations from the Household Support Fund Household Support Fund 4 for 2023/2024.

The Council is committed to distributing available funding fairly, efficiently, and effectively. This framework outlines the Council’s approach to Household Support Funding distribution and resourcing external third- party organisations to assist in the delivery of the Council’s strategic objectives and priorities.

The Household Support Funding distribution and resourcing by external provider organisations to assist in the delivery of the Household Support Fund 4 is guided by the Department for Work and Pensions.

A grant is defined as a financial award the Council makes from Household Support Fund 4 to support households which are both vulnerable and experiencing financial hardship with the increased costs-of- living.

These grants can be made to provider organisations including Community and Voluntary Organisations, Town and Parish Councils, Registered Charities and to other bodies working within the Council’s boundary.

This framework is written for the Council and any who enquires about Household Support Fund availability and procedures. It applies to the process of funding for grants from the Household Support Fund 4 only.

The extension of the fund was announced by the Department for Work and Pensions as part of the continuation of the Costs-of-Living support packages for 2023/2024.

2. Scope

The framework is built on a set of agreed principles and an understanding that:

  • grants are made at the discretion of the Council and will be dependent on the availability of the level of funding which is determined by the Department for Work and Pensions
  • activities funded must be fully consistent with the Council’s Corporate Priorities
  • all grant applications will be determined on their objective merits. No organisation is entitled to funding just because it may have been granted funding in the past or for any other reason
  • a consistent, customer focused process is required in relation to the Household Support Fund 2023/2024 grant applications, with relevant assessment and evaluation procedures, and appropriate monitoring systems in place
  • the Council must ensure proper, prudent, and effective use of public money; and eligibility for funding is aligned with specified criteria. This allows the Council to focus on supporting organisations to achieve their best and to meet clearly identified needs, as per the Council’s Corporate Priorities.

Grants will be available to provider organisations between the 1 April 2023 and 31 March 2024 as detailed on the Councils website.

3. Grant Framework Outcomes

It is recognised that the third-party organisations including Voluntary and Community Sectors and Parish / Town Councils have an important role to play in improving quality of life in North Northamptonshire.

We invite applications for grant funding from provider organisations which demonstrate funding will be used to support low-income and vulnerable households across both town and rural communities in North Northamptonshire.

Consideration will be given to applications that have a good evidence base, demonstrating clear outcomes and links to the aims and objectives of the Household Support Fund 4.

Applications will need to evidence how they will meet the project brief key performance indicators with funding provided.

Applications considered must reflect the changing demographics and social infrastructure of local communities and align to the aims and objectives of the Household Support Fund 4. The overall aim of the Household Support Fund 4 Grant process is:

To provide longer term financial stability to households by offering financial hardship support, financial assessment and future planning for individuals.

The objectives of this framework are to ensure that all grants allocated will also:

  • target resources to meet identified needs
  • maximise leverage (for example match funding)
  • maximise sustainability (economic, environmental and social)
  • achieve accountability and openness; and
  • provide guidance to officers, members, and voluntary and community organisations on the framework in relation to Household Support Fund 4 funding available and support of NNC households.

Applications are assessed against the individual grant project brief.

Grant project briefs are as listed below:

NumberEssentials to Utilities - Grant Project Briefs
1Home Improvements – to include working with Social Landlords; improving the costs of energy through insulation, lighting, and white good energy efficiency / replacement.
2Food Poverty – to include working with food banks, holiday clubs, food management support.
3Tenancy Support – assisting in tenancy matters including financial assessment.
4Provision of Benefits Advice.
5Budget management and financial skills education.
6Winter support – through other mediums such as electric blankets, warm weather wear and heaters.
7Energy support – assessment and advice.
8Addressing poverty, hardship and research with the Gypsy, Romany, and Traveller community.
9Winter meal programmes – to include breakfast / lunch clubs, providing hot meals and information sessions.
10Providing Warm Spaces.

Scoring utilised is as detailed in the scoring matrix in Section 4 Transparency, Equality and Accountability.

4. Pillar 4 - Essentials to Utilities Framework

4.1. Accountability and Responsibilities

This section outlines the role of Grant Funding Panel (hereafter known as ‘the Panel’) and Oversight Board, and officers and others as appropriate, in relation to the Household Support Fund 4.

Members of the Council’s Panel and Oversight Board are:

  • accountable to the Council to ensure proper, prudent and effective use of public money
  • accountable to the Council to ensure that activities that are funded are consistent with the guidance provided by the Department for Work and Pensions; and
  • accountable for the application of a consistent, customer focused process with relevant assessment and evaluation procedures and appropriate monitoring systems in place.

The Panel will be responsible for assessing and making recommendations to the Oversight Board who operate under a delegated authority from the Executive as part of the approval received for the distribution of funds for the Household Support Fund 4. The Oversight Board will then make the awarding decision.

The Panel will have representation Council Officers from:

  • Communities & Wellbeing
  • Finance
  • Public Health
  • Children Services
  • Revenue & Benefits

The Oversight Board will be represented by the following:

  • Executive Member for Adults, Health & Wellbeing
  • Director of Public Health
  • Strategic Finance Business
  • Assistant Director Communities and Leisure
  • Strategic Lead Communities & Wellbeing

The Panel will provide updates to the Corporate Leadership Team and members, promote, and manage the Household Support Fund 4 grant scheme and provide advice and assistance to applicants as necessary.

Organisations in receipt of funding are required to comply with terms and conditions set out in any agreement.

4.2. Implementation Procedures

Underpinning Principles: both the Panel and Oversight Board acknowledges the need for a transparent and fair means of dispersing the Household Support Fund 4 grants, while maintaining due diligence in the management of public monies.

4.3. The Underpinning Principles

The basic funding requirement is based on established need.

The overarching principle is that of meeting local needs which have been identified and prioritised by the Council or by others but acknowledged by the Council.

All activity must meet the following basic requirements to be provided with funding:

  • have a clearly identified need
  • must deliver outcomes which meet this need
  • deliver cost effective and quality service provision, fitting with the purpose and remit of the individual grant project brief
  • must demonstrate funding will be used to support low-income and vulnerable households across both town and rural communities in North Northamptonshire
  • be delivered by a credible organisation with the capacity to deliver the project as stated
  • align with the Department for Work and Pensions guidance
  • meets the essential criteria as listed in the individual grant project brief; and
  • have submitted all the relevant documentation as detailed on the application form.

4.4. Accessibility

Information on Household Support Fund 4 will be available through the Council’s website and through other forms of media as required.

4.5. Clarity

The Council will endeavour to keep the process straightforward, transparent and accessible.

4.6. Transparency, Equality and Accountability

All assessments of funding and grant applications will adhere to this Household Support Fund 4 grant framework and individual grant project briefs.

Separate applications are required for each individual grant project brief.

The assessment of grant applications will be scored using the following matrix as per each individual grant project brief criteria.

Scoring Matrix

1Unacceptable response:
  • none provided
  • demonstrating a significant misunderstanding of the question
  • not meeting the criteria even to a minimum extent
2Weak response:
  • meeting certain aspects to a minimum extent but fails in others
  • little evidence of ability to meet or deliver to the proposed criteria
3Fair response:
  • meeting the majority but not all aspects of the criteria
  • adequate evidence of ability to meet or deliver to the proposed criteria
4Good response:
  • meeting all aspects of the criteria
  • comprehensive, clear proposal demonstrating a good understanding of the criteria
  • clear evidence of ability to meet or deliver to the proposed criteria

Response which exceeds criteria:

  • materially exceeding the criteria, through a creative or innovative response or where additional ‘added value’ areas have been identified
  • clear evidence of ability to exceed the proposed criteria

The Panel and Oversight Board must be able to justify recommendations made, and the rationale.

The grant framework and scoring matrix will make it possible for the Panel and Oversight Board to be transparent about Household Support Fund 4 Funding recommendations taken and the process used to reach these.

4.7. Eligibility

In order to manage the grant funding applications in a fair and equitable manner, the Council has established eligibility and grant project briefs with which all groups must comply. See Applicants as to who is eligible to apply for funding.

4.8. Applicants

4.8.1. Who Can Apply

Parish and Town councils, charities, community and voluntary groups, clubs, and not for profit organisations are eligible to apply for funding for the specified purposes.

Applications will only be accepted from organisations whose activities are not carried out for profit, that are properly constituted, efficiently run and subject to prudent financial management.

4.8.2. Who Cannot Apply

Private businesses and for-profit organisations where funding would contravene local government Subsidy Control or any other legislation.

Statutory bodies (an organisation that has been created by law (statute); parish / town councils are exempt).

Religious bodies where the money will be used primarily for religious purposes or religious buildings or facilities unless it meets the requirements of the individual grant project brief.

Political parties or groups whose primary purpose is lobbying.

Organisations that hold more than six months unrestricted operating costs within their assets, unless a good reason can be demonstrated.

Any application for unspecified and unclear purposes.

4.8.3. What Can Be Funded

There will be specific eligibility criteria in applying for individual grant project briefs and the list below only includes those elements which are common to organisation in delivering the individual grant project briefs:

  • Up to 10% core running costs (heat and light, insurance rent or premises costs, office costs, etc) in line with Department of Work and Pensions guidance
  • Programme or direct costs which are directly relevant to the individual grant project brief
  • Projects or activities that supports households in need of support to cover the essential living costs such as food, clothing, utility bills and household costs
  • Travel and transport costs associated with events in Northamptonshire related to grant distribution
  • Hire or purchase of equipment for meeting project needs
  • Technical assistance (where third-party support is required to meet the project outcomes)
  • Publicity, marketing but not political lobbying; or
  • Volunteer expenses.

4.8.4. What Cannot Be Funded

Some exclusions will apply, unless specifically allowed for within specific funding sources:

  • Applications from households based and/or outside of the North Northamptonshire Council boundary
  • Requests for grants from organisations which are discriminatory, political, or are classed as religious conversion
  • Where there is statutory funding provision available
  • Costs that can be claimed back from elsewhere e.g., VAT
  • Costs that are not auditable e.g., cash payments unsupported by an approved financial system
  • Costs towards the provider organisations banking charges or repayment of debt
  • Payments made to individual members of an organisation who have a personal financial interest
  • Retrospective costs e.g., activities completed, or costs incurred before the agreement of funding
  • Programmes or activities which are considered the core activity of national or regional government, Government Departments, or arms-length body, such as health or education
  • Gifts and prizes
  • Alcohol
  • Employee costs, including salaries (unless agreed by the Funder)
  • Political lobbying
  • Training costs; or
  • Works to facilities that are / should be subject to an insurance claim.

4.8.5. How To Apply

The grant application pack comprises comprehensive guidance notes and a template application form.

Applicants will be encouraged to submit electronic copies of the application form online.

We encourage collaborative working of provider organisations in making applications to ensure suitable coverage across all areas of North Northamptonshire in both town and rural communities.

Additional supporting documentation must be submitted alongside the application form for it to be assessed. Failure to do so will result in the application being rejected. This includes:

  • Constitution or Governing Documentation
  • Public Liability Insurance
  • Year End Accounts
  • Equality Policy
  • Organisation Privacy Notice; and
  • Safeguarding Policy including Child Protection Statement / Vulnerable Adults Statement where applicable.

4.8.6. Closing Time and Date for Applications

This must always be adhered to and there are no exceptions for applications received after the closing time.

Closing dates can be reviewed at any time, with dates being published on the Council’s webpage.

4.8.7. Assessment and Decision

Once an application has been received the designated Officer will acknowledge this within fifteen (15) working days.

The Panel and Oversight Board will be expected to follow the timescales and process for grant approval.

The Panel will review and discuss all applications for funding:

  • Applications will be dealt with in a set timeframe
  • The Panel will score and make recommendations to the Oversight Board for the final decision on awarding the grant
  • Resolutions will be decided at an Oversight Board meeting

Oversight Board meetings will be held at corresponding intervals for applications as per the individual grant project briefs

Each application must achieve a minimum score of three (3) for each criterion for the application process to be successful. All criteria are deemed to be critical and a minimum 60% of the total available needs to be met. The scoring matrix is set out in Transparency, Equality and Accountability.

Failure to achieve this by the end of the full application process will result in the application being rejected.

Successful applications will be awarded grant funding on receipt of signed agreement and Household Support Fund 4 grant funding must be spent by 31 December 2024.

The Council gives no undertaking that grant funding under this scheme will be available in future financial years.

If an application is unsuccessful there is no right of appeal, but feedback will be available.

4.8.8. Review of the Framework

The Household Support Fund 4 grant framework can be reviewed as necessary.

4.8.9. Related Framework Procedures

The Household Support Fund 4 grant framework will be supported with working procedures, guidance notes (‘How to Apply’ guide) and an application form. All documentation will be aligned to ensure that applying for grant funding is easy and straight forward for the applicant.

4.8.10. Monitoring And Evaluation

The Council recognises that it is important to demonstrate public money is spent the right way and achieves best value. In the allocation of funds, there will be a need to ensure effective monitoring and evaluation which focuses on outcomes. To achieve this, it is proposed that:

  • monitoring should be proportionate to the funding awarded
  • monitoring should also be used to demonstrate achievement; and
  • there is a need to keep information collection as simple as possible for groups

4.9. Complaints and Comments

The Council is always keen to hear feedback from applicants; both positive and negative. If an applicant wishes to leave feedback on how their application has been dealt with, details of the process can be obtained from the Communities Team at [email protected].

If an applicant wants to make a formal complaint, they can use the Council’s complaints process - details are available on the website.

4.10. Contact Details

Any enquires relating to the Grant Framework should be addressed to:

Household Support Fund
Communities and Wellbeing
North Northamptonshire Council

Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 0300 126 3000

4.11. Adherence to the Public Sector Equality Duty

A public authority must give ‘due regard’ to:

  • Eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by the Equalities Act 2010
  • Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it
  • Foster good relations between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and people who do not share it.

Further details about equalities monitoring can be found on the council’s website and in the Equalities privacy notice.

4.12. Data Protection Implications

A Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) is a process to help you identify and minimise the data protection risks of a project. The council is required to undertake a DPIA for processing that is likely to result in a high risk to individuals.

The council has considered the data protection implications of processing grant funding. This processing is compliant with the provisions in the Data Protection Act 2018 and the UK General Data Protection Regulations (UK GDPR). The council has considered the data protection implications of processing.

Further details of how personal data is processed and kept securely can be found in the Household Support Fund Grant Framework Privacy Notice on the Council’s website.

5. Glossary of terms

AccessibilityBeing easy to approach, reach, enter, speak with, use, or understand
AccountabilityThe state of being liable or answerable
AccurateFree from error or defect
AcknowledgesRecognise the existence of
AidTo provide support for relief or help
ApplicantA person or organisation who makes the formal application
ApplicationA formal request to be considered, submitted to an authority, institution, or organisation
AssessmentThe act of appraisal or evaluation
AttorneyAn Agent acting on behalf of another in a legal capacity
AuditableAn official examination and verification of accounts and records
AuthorityThe power to determine, adjudicate, or otherwise settle issues or disputes; jurisdiction; the right to control, command, or determine
AwardTo give as due or merited
BoundaryThe border of the Authority
BudgetAn estimate of expected income and expense for a given period
CapitalAmount of finance
CharacteristicsA distinguishing feature or quality
ClaimantAn individual who makes a claim
CommunityA group of any size
ComplaintsAn expression of discontent, regret, pain, censure, resentment, or grief
ConsultTo seek advice or ask guidance from
ContingencyAlternative plans
ContractThe legal agreement between the Operator and the Council, which details the Council’s requirements, terms, and conditions
Leadership Team
The leadership team who responds to the goals and strategies of the council
Corporate PlanThe corporate plan is the council’s key strategic planning document, which articulates the council’s overall aims and ambitions, and serves to be a focus for setting key targets for the council.
Corporate PrioritiesThe corporate priorities are the key commitments the council has made to everyone in North Northamptonshire.
CostsThe price paid to acquire, produce, accomplish, or maintain
CouncilNorth Northamptonshire Council organisation
CrisisA condition of economic instability or danger
CriteriaA set of rules
CustomerA person who receives goods or services
DataInformation in digital format
DefinedDetermined, fixed, or clearly marked out
DelegatedProvided with
DemographicsThe statistical data of a population
DepartmentA distinct part of an organisation
DependentRely on
DiligenceConstant and earnest effort to accomplish what is undertaken
DirectorA person chosen to control the affairs of
DiscretionThe power or right to decide or act according to one's own judgment
DiscriminationTreatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favour of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit
EconomicThe production, distribution, and use of income, wealth, and commodities
EligibilityStipulated requirements / rules
EmergencyA sudden, urgent, usually unexpected occurrence requiring immediate action
EqualThe same as
EqualitiesBeing equal to
EssentialAbsolutely necessary
EvaluationAppraisal of
EvidenceTo prove or disprove something
ExceptionalA an exception or rare instance
ExecutiveA person or group of persons having administrative or supervisory authority
FinalThe last
FinancialMonetary receipts and expenditures
FoodbankAn agency, group, or centre that collects food and distributes it to people experiencing food insecurity
ForecastCalculate in advance
FundingA supply of money
GovernanceA system of management
GrantA financial award
HarassmentAn act or instance of torment, vexation, or intimidation
HardshipA condition that is difficult to endure; suffering; deprivation; oppression
HealthThe general condition of the body or mind with reference to soundness and vigour
HouseholdA collection of people residing in the same place
IdentificationProof of who someone is
ImpactThe effect
ImplementationPutting in place
ImplicationsThe significance
ImprovementThe enhancement of
InclusionInvolvement of
IndividualA single human being
InfrastructureThe fundamental systems
InsuranceProtection against loss or harm arising in specified contingencies
Key Performance
Indicator (KPI)
A quantifiable measure of performance over time for a specific objective
LobbyingTo solicit or try to influence votes
MarketingThe total of activities involved in the transfer of goods from the producer to the consumer
MeterMeasuring tool
MonitoringTo observe, record, or detect
NNCNorth Northamptonshire Council
OfficersA person who holds a position of rank or authority in the organisation
OutcomeA final product or end result
OversightSupervision and watchful care
Oversight BoardThe independent governing body that reports and monitors grant funding
ParishThe people of an ecclesiastical or civil parish
PerformanceThe execution or accomplishment of work and / or acts
PoliticalConnected with a political party
PovertyHaving little or no money, goods, or means of support
PowerAbility to do or act
Pre-paymentUpfront payment
PrinciplesAn accepted or professed rule of action or conduct
PrioritiesSomething given special attention
PrivacyThe state of being concealed
ProcedureA particular course or mode of action
ProfitThe monetary surplus left after deducting wages, rent and cost of raw materials
ProhibitedForbidden by authority or law
Project BriefA short summary of the basic elements of a project
ProtectedAssures safety from harm
PublicThe people / community
RegionalA region, district, or area
RegulationsLaws, rules, or other order prescribed by authority, especially to regulate conduct
RejectedTo refuse
ReligiousPertaining to or connected with a monastic or religious order
ResourcesA source of supply, support, or aid
RetrospectiveLooking or directed backward
ReviewFormal assessment of something with the intention of instituting change if necessary
RiskExposure to the chance of something happening
SafeSecure from liability to harm or risk
ScoringEvaluation by assigning a grade or score
SectorA distinct part of society
ServiceTo supply with aid, information, or support
SocialHuman society
SpentTo pay out, disburse, or expend money
StatementsA communication or declaration setting forth facts
StatuteAn enactment made by a legislature and expressed in a formal document
Statutory BodyAn organisation that has been created by law (statute)
StrategicA plan, method, or series of manoeuvres for obtaining a specific goal or result
SustainableAble to be supported as with the basic necessities or sufficient funds
SystemA coordinated method or plan
TargetsA goal
TenancyAn occupancy of land, a house, or the like, under a lease
The PanelGrant Funding Panel
Third-partyAny party to an incident, case, quarrel, etc., who is incidentally involved
TownA thickly populated area, smaller than a city and larger than a village, having fixed boundaries
TransparentOpen and candid
TransportA system of public travel
TravelTo go from one place to another
UnitaryA system of government in which the executive, legislative, and judicial powers of each are vested in a central authority
UnspecifiedNot referred to or stated specifically
UsageDoing or handling something or treatment of
UtilitiesDomestic fuel and source of water
VictimisationThe act of blaming others for the hardships one encounters in life
VoluntaryDone, made, brought about, undertaken, of one's own accord
Voluntary SectorThe organisations whose primary purpose is to create social impact rather than profit
VouchersA document that gives evidence of an expenditure
VulnerableNeeding supportive or protective social services and community resources because of protected characteristics


Amount allocated - £95,000

Core objectives of the project

The Recipient shall:

Through the provision of a co-ordinated approach to tackling food poverty in North Northamptonshire in delivering support to residents in need.

This will include working in partnership with other service providers such as foodbanks, holiday clubs in response food poverty for households in cost-of-living crisis across North Northamptonshire. 

Minimum project requirements

1. The Project

The Recipient shall:

1.1. Provide services across both town (population size of 10,000 or more) and rural (population size of 9,999 and below) communities in North Northamptonshire.

1.2. Work with low-income and vulnerable households.

1.3. To directly help households affected by the cost-of-living crisis by providing access to food and other essentials within North Northamptonshire.

1.4. Work in partnership with other organisations and or service providers operating in North Northamptonshire to help provide support to those in greatest need. Such as food and nutrition education and meal management.

1.5. Create and co-ordinate service provision within North Northamptonshire and raise awareness for residents and organisations to access services relating to food poverty and education.

1.6. Identify any locations and gaps in services provision and look to provide appropriate support.

1.7. Participate in the quarterly meetings with Household Support Fund management to coincide with regulatory reporting to discuss progress against Key Performance Indicators.

1.8. Provide satisfaction measures from customer interactions.

1.9. Not exceed a spend of more than £500 per household in total across all services provided.

1.10. With the authority of the Household Support Fund Team Leader, the maximum spend may be increased on a case-by-case basis for a household requiring specialist support. A request for such discretion to be applied must be submitted by email detailing the rationale to [email protected].

1.11. Any discretionary approval from NNC to increase in the maximum spend must be received in writing by the provider prior to being actioned.

1.12. Provide onward referral to other NNC departments and other agencies where a household need is identified.

1.13. All services provided should be completed is by appropriately trained, certified, and qualified individuals. They must also hold appropriate indemnity insurance and make it available upon request.

1.14. Complete appropriate risk assessments for the services they provide and make these available upon request.

1.15. Provide services which add long term value and sustainability to the household.

2. Project Availability

The Recipient shall:

2.1. Provide the service for a minimum of five days per week. 

2.2. Link to other relevant providers who can help add value to this Project.

2.3. Ensure both town and rural communities are provided with services. 

2.4. Attend and provide performance figures at quarterly monitoring meetings with the Funders designated lead officer.

2.5. Adopt the Funders key commitments. 

2.6. Shall acknowledge the funding is financed by the Department of Work and Pensions and publicise this in the delivery of the project.

3. Key Outcomes

3.1. Provide access to households directly affected by the cost-of-living crisis by providing access to food and other essentials within North Northamptonshire.

3.2. Provide data on the number households supported as part of services provided.

3.3. Provide data on the types of services provided to households across North Northamptonshire throughout the funding period.

3.4. Be able to demonstrate support offered to both town and rural communities across North Northamptonshire.

3.5. Provide data on measurements of satisfaction for support services provided to households in North Northamptonshire.

4. Performance Indicators

Performance Indicators attached as a Schedule to this Agreement will be reviewed on a quarterly basis with a summary report at year end. The data contained within this schedule will support submissions to the Department for Work and Pensions funding returns on predetermined dates. The targets for each indicator are contained within the schedule.

4.1. Demonstrate household support offered to both town and rural communities across North Northamptonshire as detailed below:

Definition of household = All residents residing in the same property

  • 4.1.1. Number of households supported.
  • 4.1.2. Number of households supported with Pensioners.
  • 4.1.3. Number of households supported with Disabled Occupants. 
  • 4.1.4. Number of households supported with Children.
  • 4.1.5. Total £ value spent on all Households.
  • 4.1.6. Total £ spent on households where there are Pensioners residing.
  • 4.1.7. Total £ spent on households with Disabled Occupants.
  • 4.1.8. Total £ spent on households with Children. 4.1.9. 
  • 4.1.9. Are any members inf the household part of the armed forces community.*
  • (*Armed Forces - Serving Personal, Ex-Armed Forces or Reserves)
  • 4.1.10. Number of organisations partnered with.
  • 4.1.11. How many services are offered.
  • 4.1.12. What types of services are provided.

4.2. Measurements of satisfaction for support services provided to households in North Northamptonshire

  • 4.2.1. Supporting data and outcomes from organisational customer satisfaction surveys

5. Final Project Report

The Provider will submit an annual report attached as a Schedule to this Agreement.

5.1. Demographic information of those accessing the Project to be submitted, to include:

  • 5.1.1. Equal Opportunities Monitoring for those accessing the service in relation to 4.2.
  • 5.1.2. Postcode grouping of attendees’ reference to 4.1 on first part of the postcode i.e., NN15 or NN8.
  • 5.1.3. Data on why people access this provision.

5.2. What information has been delivered or people have been signposted and referred to.

5.3. Details of other providers and organisations that have been involved in the delivering of this project.

5.4. Provide evidence of implementation of Quality Management systems including the quality of data for management purposes. (Managing data appropriately and not double counting numbers with the systems in place, how processes are run, review of systems, etc)

5.5. Total expenditure in providing the provision.

6. Additional Requirements 

6.1. The Recipient shall acknowledge the funding and support of the Funder and Department of Work and Pensions in any advertising relating to the delivery of the Project in all communication and marketing.

6.2. The Recipient shall ensure that they have in place both Adult and Children Safeguarding policies and procedures which comply with the requirements of the Council’s safeguarding procedures.

6.3. The Provider has a clear process and associated documentation for recording allegations of abuse.

6.4. The Provider needs to submit a copy of all relevant safeguarding policies to the funder on commencement of the project.

6.5. The Provider is to ensure that: 

  • 6.5.1. Alerts are made in a timely way, appropriate to the level of urgency and risk.
  • 6.5.2. Alerts contain all relevant information with regards to any allegation made to ensure that any investigation can be conducted comprehensively.
  • 6.5.3. Alerts are made to the relevant agencies and individuals are asked to consent to an alert being made, where they have capacity to do so. Reasons for overriding consent, e.g., that others may be at risk, must be explained to the individual.
  • 6.5.4. Dignity, choice, and respect for the individual is maintained throughout any investigation and they are informed of the outcome.
  • 6.5.5. Engagement with the safeguarding process, which may include participation in safeguarding strategy meetings and producing written reports of safeguarding investigations.
  • 6.5.6. The Provider will provide the Funder data on a quarterly basis:
    • The number of any alerts made.
    • The number of any investigations undertaken.

6.6. The Provider will ensure that policies and procedures are covered in induction and fully understood by staff and volunteers. 

  • 6.6.1. All staff and volunteers will have an initial understanding of Safeguarding duties within their first week of employment or volunteering. 
  • 6.6.2. Comprehensive training on awareness and prevention of abuse is given to all staff and volunteers as part of their core induction within three months. In addition, updated training will be provided, in light of new policies and procedures introduced either locally or nationally.

6.7. The Provider will provide the Funder data on a 6 monthly basis:

  • 6.7.1. A Training matrix for staff and volunteers:
    • Health and Safety
    • Safeguarding
    • Data Protection
    • Any other induction or mandatory training of the organisation

Amount allocated - £95,000

Core objectives of the project

The Recipient shall:

Through the provision of information, energy assessment, home improvement, replacement and repair of essential household items, insulation, lighting, and white goods, improve energy efficiency for households across North Northamptonshire.

Minimum project requirements

1. The Project

The Recipient shall:

1.1. Provide services across both town (population size of 10,000 or more) and rural (population size of 9,999 and below) communities in North Northamptonshire.

1.2. Work with low-income and vulnerable households.

1.3. Work with social landlords who house North Northamptonshire residents.

1.4. Provide information and support to North Northamptonshire households in achieving greater energy efficiency.

1.5. Provide home improvement and insulation services to North Northamptonshire households.

1.6. Provide collection services for unwanted, re-usable and recyclable white goods and essential household items across North Northamptonshire.

1.7. Provide and deliver essential household items at affordable prices to low-income households in need within North Northamptonshire.

1.8. Participate in the quarterly meetings with Household Support Fund management to coincide with regulatory reporting to discuss progress against Key Performance Indicators.

1.9. Provide satisfaction measures from customer interactions.

1.10. Not exceed a spend of more than £1000 per household in total across all services provided.

1.11. With the authority of the Household Support Fund Team Leader, the maximum spend may be increased on a case-by-case basis for a household requiring specialist support. A request for such discretion to be applied must be submitted by email detailing the rationale to [email protected]

1.12. Any discretionary approval from NNC to increase in the maximum spend must be received in writing by the provider prior to being actioned.

1.13. Provide onward referral to other NNC departments and other agencies where a household need is identified.

1.14. All services provided should be completed is by appropriately trained, certified, and qualified individuals. They must also hold appropriate indemnity insurance and make it available upon request.

1.15. Complete appropriate risk assessments for the services they provide and make these available upon request.

1.16. Provide services which add long term value and sustainability to the household.

2. Project Availability

The Recipient shall:

2.1. Provide the service for a minimum of five days per week. 

2.2. Link to other relevant providers who can help add value to this Project.

2.3. Ensure both town and rural communities are provided with services. 

2.4. Attend and provide performance figures at quarterly monitoring meetings with the Funders designated lead officer.

2.5. Adopt the Funders key commitments.

2.6. Shall acknowledge the funding is financed by the Department of Work and Pensions and publicise this in the delivery of the project.

3. Key Outcomes

3.1. Provide access to affordable, good quality white goods and essential items for low-income households including those in need within North Northamptonshire.

3.2. Provide data on the number households supported as part of services provided.

3.3. Provide data on the types of services provided to households across North Northamptonshire throughout the funding period.

3.4. Be able to demonstrate support offered to both town and rural communities across North Northamptonshire.

3.5. Provide data on measurements of satisfaction for support services provided to households in North Northamptonshire.

4. Performance Indicators

Performance Indicators attached as a Schedule to this Agreement will be reviewed on a quarterly basis with a summary report at year end. The data contained within this schedule will support submissions to the Department for Work and Pensions funding returns on predetermined dates. The targets for each indicator are contained within the schedule.

4.1. Demonstrate household support offered to both town and rural communities across North Northamptonshire as detailed below:

Definition of household = All residents residing in the same property

  • 4.1.1. Number of households supported.
  • 4.1.2. Number of households supported with Pensioners.
  • 4.1.3. Number of households supported with Disabled Occupants.
  • 4.1.4. Number of households supported with Children.
  • 4.1.5. Total £ value spent on all Households.
  • 4.1.6. Total £ spent on households where there are Pensioners residing.
  • 4.1.7. Total £ spent on households with Disabled Occupants.
  • 4.1.8. Total £ spent on households with Children.
  • 4.1.9. Are any members inf the household part of the armed forces community. (Armed Forces - Serving Personal, Ex-Armed Forces or Reserves)
  • 4.1.10. Number of organisations partnered with
  • 4.1.11. How many services are offered.
  • 4.1.12. What types of services are provided.

4.2. Measurements of satisfaction for support services provided to households in North Northamptonshire

  • 4.2.1. Supporting data and outcomes from organisational customer satisfaction surveys

5. Final Project Report

The Provider will submit an annual report attached as a Schedule to this Agreement.

5.1. Demographic information of those accessing the Project to be submitted, to include:

  • 5.1.1. Equal Opportunities Monitoring for those accessing the service in relation to 4.2.
  • 5.1.2. Postcode grouping of attendees’ reference to 4.1 on first part of the postcode i.e., NN15 or NN8.
  • 5.1.3. Data on why people access this provision.

5.2. What information has been delivered or people have been signposted and referred to.

5.3. Details of other providers and organisations that have been involved in the delivering of this project.

5.4. Provide evidence of implementation of Quality Management systems including the quality of data for management purposes. (Managing data appropriately and not double counting numbers with the systems in place, how processes are run, review of systems, etc)

5.5. Explain how your organisation’s activities also support other local priorities such as the Funders Carbon Management Plan.

5.6. Total expenditure in providing the provision.

6. Additional Requirements 

6.1. The Recipient shall acknowledge the funding and support of the Funder and Department of Work and Pensions in any advertising relating to the delivery of the Project in all communication and marketing.

6.2. The Recipient shall ensure that they have in place both Adult and Children Safeguarding policies and procedures which comply with the requirements of the Council’s safeguarding procedures.

6.3. The Provider has a clear process and associated documentation for recording allegations of abuse.

6.4. The Provider needs to submit a copy of all relevant safeguarding policies to the funder on commencement of the project.

6.5. The Provider is to ensure that: 

  • 6.5.1. Alerts are made in a timely way, appropriate to the level of urgency and risk.
  • 6.5.2. Alerts contain all relevant information with regards to any allegation made to ensure that any investigation can be conducted comprehensively.
  • 6.5.3. Alerts are made to the relevant agencies and individuals are asked to consent to an alert being made, where they have capacity to do so. Reasons for overriding consent, e.g., that others may be at risk, must be explained to the individual.
  • 6.5.4. Dignity, choice, and respect for the individual is maintained throughout any investigation and they are informed of the outcome.
  • 6.5.5. Engagement with the safeguarding process, which may include participation in safeguarding strategy meetings and producing written reports of safeguarding investigations.
  • 6.5.6. The Provider will provide the Funder data on a quarterly basis:
    • The number of any alerts made.
    • The number of any investigations undertaken.

6.6. The Provider will ensure that policies and procedures are covered in induction and fully understood by staff and volunteers. 

  • 6.6.1. All staff and volunteers will have an initial understanding of Safeguarding duties within their first week of employment and volunteering. 
  • 6.6.2. Comprehensive training on awareness and prevention of abuse is given to all staff and volunteers as part of their core induction within three months. In addition, updated training will be provided, in light of new policies and procedures introduced either locally or nationally.

6.7. The Provider will provide the Funder data on a 6 monthly basis:

  • 6.7.1. A Training matrix for staff and volunteers:
    • Health and Safety
    • Safeguarding
    • Data Protection
    • Any other induction or mandatory training of the organisation

Amount allocated - £75,000

Core objectives of the project

The Recipient shall:

Through the provision of a co-ordinated approach to benefits advice for residents in low-income and vulnerable for households across North Northamptonshire.

Minimum project requirements

1. The Project

The Recipient shall:

1.1. Provide services across both town (population size of 10,000 or more) and rural (population size of 9,999 and below) communities in North Northamptonshire.

1.2. Work with low-income and vulnerable households.

1.3. Work with social landlords who house North Northamptonshire residents.

1.4. Work in partnership with the Council, and or suitable accredited organisations with the expertise operating in North Northamptonshire to help provide support to those in need.

1.5. Provide a free, independent, confidential and impartial benefit advice service.

1.6. Provide support to improve understanding of the benefits system and entitlements.

1.7. Participate in the quarterly meetings with Household Support Fund management to coincide with regulatory reporting to discuss progress against Key Performance Indicators.

1.8. Provide satisfaction measures from customer interactions.

1.9. Not exceed a spend of more than £500 per household in total across all services provided.

1.10. With the authority of the Household Support Fund Team Leader, the maximum spend may be increased on a case-by-case basis for a household requiring specialist support. A request for such discretion to be applied must be submitted by email detailing the rationale to [email protected].

1.11. Any discretionary approval from NNC to increase in the maximum spend must be received in writing by the provider prior to being actioned.

1.12. Provide onward referral to other NNC departments and other agencies where a household need is identified.

1.13. All services provided should be completed is by appropriately trained, certified, and qualified individuals and hold appropriate indemnity insurance and make it available upon request.

1.14. Complete appropriate risk assessments for the services they provide and make these available upon request.

1.15. Provide services which add long term value and sustainability to the household.

2. Project Availability

The Recipient shall:

2.1. Provide the service for a minimum of five days per week. 

2.2. Link to other relevant providers who can help add value to this Project.

2.3. Ensure both town and rural communities are provided with services. 

2.4. Attend and provide performance figures at quarterly monitoring meetings with the Funders designated lead officer.

2.5. Adopt the Funders key commitments. 

2.6. Shall acknowledge the funding is financed by the Department of Work and Pensions and publicise this in the delivery of the project.

3. Key Outcomes

3.1. Provide access to households directly affected by the cost-of-living crisis by providing benefit advice within North Northamptonshire.

3.2. Provide data on the number households supported as part of services provided.

3.3. Provide data on the types of services provided to households across North Northamptonshire throughout the funding period.

3.4. Be able to demonstrate support offered to both town and rural communities across North Northamptonshire.

3.5. Provide data on measurements of satisfaction for support services provided to households in North Northamptonshire.

4. Performance Indicators

Performance Indicators attached as a Schedule to this Agreement will be reviewed on a quarterly basis with a summary report at year end. The data contained within this schedule will support submissions to the Department for Work and Pensions funding returns on predetermined dates. The targets for each indicator are contained within the schedule.

4.1. Demonstrate household support offered to both town and rural communities across North Northamptonshire as detailed below:

Definition of household = All residents residing in the same property

  • 4.1.1. Number of households supported.
  • 4.1.2. Number of hidden homeless supported.
  • 4.1.3. Number of households supported with Pensioners.
  • 4.1.4. Number of households supported with Disabled Occupants.
  • 4.1.5. Number of households supported with Children.
  • 4.1.6. Total £ value spent on all Households.
  • 4.1.7. Total £ spent on households where there are Pensioners residing.
  • 4.1.8. Total £ spent on households with Disabled Occupants. 
  • 4.1.9. Total £ spent on households with Children.
  • 4.1.10. Are any members inf the household part of the armed forces community (Armed Forces - Serving Personal, Ex-Armed Forces or Reserves).
  • 4.1.11. Number of organisations partnered with.
  • 4.1.12. How many services are offered.
  • 4.1.13. What types of services are provided.

4.2. Measurements of satisfaction for support services provided to households in North Northamptonshire

  • 4.2.1. Supporting data and outcomes from organisational customer satisfaction surveys

5. Final Project Report

The Provider will submit an annual report attached as a Schedule to this Agreement.

5.1. Demographic information of those accessing the Project to be submitted, to include:

  • 5.1.1. Equal Opportunities Monitoring for those accessing the service in relation to 4.2.
  • 5.1.2. Postcode grouping of attendees’ reference to 4.1 on first part of the postcode i.e., NN15 or NN8.
  • 5.1.3. Data on why people access this provision.

5.2. What information has been delivered or people have been signposted or referred to.

5.3. Details of other providers and organisations that have been involved in the delivering of this project.

5.4. Provide evidence of implementation of Quality Management systems including the quality of data for management purposes. (Managing data appropriately and not double counting numbers with the systems in place, how processes are run, review of systems, etc)

5.5. Total expenditure in providing the provision.

6. Additional Requirements 

6.1. The Recipient shall acknowledge the funding and support of the Funder and Department of Work and Pensions in any advertising relating to the delivery of the Project in all communication and marketing.

6.2. The Recipient shall ensure that they have in place both Adult and Children Safeguarding policies and procedures which comply with the requirements of the Council’s safeguarding procedures.

6.3. The Provider has a clear process and associated documentation for recording allegations of abuse.

6.4. The Provider needs to submit a copy of all relevant safeguarding policies to the funder on commencement of the project.

6.5. The Provider is to ensure that: 

  • 6.5.1. Alerts are made in a timely way, appropriate to the level of urgency and risk.
  • 6.5.2. Alerts contain all relevant information with regards to any allegation made to ensure that any investigation can be conducted comprehensively.
  • 6.5.3. Alerts are made to the relevant agencies and individuals are asked to consent to an alert being made, where they have capacity to do so. Reasons for overriding consent, e.g., that others may be at risk, must be explained to the individual.
  • 6.5.4. Dignity, choice, and respect for the individual is maintained throughout any investigation and they are informed of the outcome.
  • 6.5.5. Engagement with the safeguarding process, which may include participation in safeguarding strategy meetings and producing written reports of safeguarding investigations.
  • 6.5.6. The Provider will provide the Funder data on a quarterly basis:
    • The number of any alerts made.
    • The number of any investigations undertaken.

6.6. The Provider will ensure that policies and procedures are covered in induction and fully understood by staff and volunteers. 

  • 6.6.1. All staff and volunteers will have an initial understanding of Safeguarding duties within their first week of employment and volunteering. 
  • 6.6.2. Comprehensive training on awareness and prevention of abuse is given to all staff and volunteers as part of their core induction within three months. In addition, updated training will be provided, in light of new policies and procedures introduced either locally or nationally.

6.7. The Provider will provide the Funder data on a 6 monthly basis:

  • 6.7.1. A Training matrix for staff and volunteers:
    • Health and Safety
    • Safeguarding
    • Data Protection
    • Any other induction or mandatory training of the organisation

Amount allocated - £95,000

Core objectives of the project

The Recipient shall:

Through the provision of a co-ordinated approach provide tenancy support to residents especially those on low-income, and vulnerable households across North Northamptonshire.

Minimum project requirements

1. The project

The Recipient shall:

1.1. Provide services across both town (population size of 10,000 or more) and rural (population size of 9,999 and below) communities in North Northamptonshire.

1.2. Work with low-income and vulnerable households.

1.3. Work with social landlords who house North Northamptonshire residents.

1.4. Work in partnership with the council, organisations and or service providers operating in North Northamptonshire to help provide support to those in need. 

1.5. Provide support to households to prevent them from becoming homeless or relieve their homelessness with alternative accommodation. 

1.6. Provide support to those suffering from hidden homelessness to relieve their homelessness by accessing suitable accommodation.

1.7. Work with the Council’s Housing Team or suitable accredited organisation with the expertise to provide advice and assistance on tenancy matters.

1.8. Participate in the quarterly meetings with Household Support Fund management to coincide with regulatory reporting to discuss progress against Key Performance Indicators.

1.9. Provide satisfaction measures from customer interactions.

1.10. Not exceed a spend of more than £500 per household in total across all services provided.

1.11. With the authority of the Household Support Fund Team Leader, the maximum spend may be increased on a case-by-case basis for a household requiring specialist support. A request for such discretion to be applied must be submitted by email detailing the rationale to [email protected].

1.12. Any discretionary approval from NNC to increase in the maximum spend must be received in writing by the provider prior to being actioned.

1.13. Provide onward referral to other NNC departments and other agencies where a household need is identified.

1.14. All services provided should be completed is by appropriately trained, certified, and qualified individuals and hold appropriate indemnity insurance and make it available upon request.

1.15. Complete appropriate risk assessments for the services they provide and make these available upon request.

1.16. Provide services which add long term value and sustainability to the household.

2. Project availability

The Recipient shall:

2.1. Provide the service for a minimum of five days per week. 

2.2. Link to other relevant providers who can help add value to this Project.

2.3. Ensure both town and rural communities are provided with services. 

2.4. Attend and provide performance figures at quarterly monitoring meetings with the Funders designated lead officer.

2.5. Adopt the Funders key commitments. 

2.6. Shall acknowledge the funding is financed by the Department of Work and Pensions and publicise this in the delivery of the project.

3. Key outcomes

3.1. Provide access to households directly affected by the cost-of-living crisis by providing access to tenancy support services within North Northamptonshire.

3.2. Provide data on the number households supported as part of services provided.

3.3. Provide data on the types of services provided to households across North Northamptonshire throughout the funding period.

3.4. Be able to demonstrate support offered to both town and rural communities across North Northamptonshire.

3.5. Provide data on measurements of satisfaction for support services provided to households in North Northamptonshire.

4. Performance Indicators

Performance Indicators attached as a Schedule to this Agreement will be reviewed on a quarterly basis with a summary report at year end. The data contained within this schedule will support submissions to the Department for Work and Pensions funding returns on predetermined dates. The targets for each indicator are contained within the schedule.

4.1. Demonstrate household support offered to both town and rural communities across North Northamptonshire as detailed below:

Definition of household = All residents residing in the same property

  • 4.1.1. Number of households supported.
  • 4.1.2. Number of hidden homeless supported.
  • 4.1.3. Number of households supported with Pensioners.
  • 4.1.4. Number of households supported with Disabled Occupants. 
  • 4.1.5. Number of households supported with Children.
  • 4.1.6. Total £ value spent on all Households.
  • 4.1.7. Total £ spent on households where there are Pensioners residing.
  • 4.1.8. Total £ spent on households with Disabled Occupants. 
  • 4.1.9. Total £ spent on households with Children.
  • 4.1.10. Are any members in the household part of the armed forces community. (Armed Forces - Serving Personal, Ex-Armed Forces or Reserves)
  • 4.1.11. Number of organisations partnered with
  • 4.1.12. How many services are offered.
  • 4.1.13. What types of services are provided.

4.2. Measurements of satisfaction for support services provided to households in North Northamptonshire

  • 4.2.1. Supporting data and outcomes from organisational customer satisfaction surveys

5. Final project report

The Provider will submit an annual report attached as a Schedule to this Agreement.

  • 5.1. Demographic information of those accessing the Project to be submitted, to include:
  • 5.1.1. Equal Opportunities Monitoring for those accessing the service in relation to 4.2.
  • 5.1.2. Postcode grouping of attendees’ reference to 4.1 on first part of the postcode i.e., NN15 or NN8.
  • 5.1.3. Data on why people access this provision.

5.2. What information has been delivered or people have been signposted and referred to.

5.3. Details of other providers and organisations that have been involved in the delivering of this project.

5.4. Provide evidence of implementation of Quality Management systems including the quality of data for management purposes. (Managing data appropriately and not double counting numbers with the systems in place, how processes are run, review of systems etc)

5.5. Total expenditure in providing the provision.

6. Additional requirements

6.1. The Recipient shall acknowledge the funding and support of the Funder and Department of Work and Pensions in any advertising relating to the delivery of the of the Project in all communication and marketing.

6.2. The Recipient shall ensure that they have in place both Adult and Children Safeguarding policies and procedures which comply with the requirements of the Council’s safeguarding procedures.

6.3. The Provider has a clear process and associated documentation for recording allegations of abuse.

6.4. The Provider needs to submit a copy of all relevant safeguarding policies to the funder on commencement of the project.

6.5. The Provider is to ensure that: 

  • 6.5.1. Alerts are made in a timely way, appropriate to the level of urgency and risk.
  • 6.5.2. Alerts contain all relevant information with regards to any allegation made to ensure that any investigation can be conducted comprehensively.
  • 6.5.3. Alerts are made to the relevant agencies and individuals are asked to consent to an alert being made, where they have capacity to do so. Reasons for overriding consent, e.g., that others may be at risk, must be explained to the individual.
  • 6.5.4. Dignity, choice, and respect for the individual is maintained throughout any investigation and they are informed of the outcome.
  • 6.5.5. Engagement with the safeguarding process, which may include participation in safeguarding strategy meetings and producing written reports of safeguarding investigations.
  • 6.5.6. The Provider will provide the Funder data on a quarterly basis:
    • The number of any alerts made.
    • The number of any investigations undertaken.

6.6. The Provider will ensure that policies and procedures are covered in induction and fully understood by staff and volunteers. 

  • 6.6.1. All staff and volunteers will have an initial understanding of Safeguarding duties within their first week of employment or volunteering. 
  • 6.6.2. Comprehensive training on awareness and prevention of abuse is given to all staff and volunteers as part of their core induction within three months. In addition, updated training will be provided, in light of new policies and procedures introduced either locally or nationally.

6.7. The Provider will provide the Funder data on a 6 monthly basis:

  • 6.7.1. A Training matrix for staff and volunteers:
    • Health & Safety
    • Safeguarding
    • Data Protection
    • Any other induction or mandatory training of the organisation

Amount allocated - £25,000

Core objectives of the project

The Recipient shall:

Through the provision of a co-ordinated approach deliver a winter meals programme to homeless, low-income, and vulnerable households in North Northamptonshire.

This will include working in partnership with other service providers such as foodbanks, soup kitchens, lunch clubs in response to cost-of-living crisis affecting residents across North Northamptonshire.

Minimum project requirements

1. The project

The Recipient shall:

1.1. Provide services across both town (population size of 10,000 or more) and rural (population size of 9,999 and below) communities in North Northamptonshire.

1.2. Work with low-income and vulnerable households.

1.3. Directly help homeless, low income and vulnerable people affected by the cost-of-living crisis by providing access to food (such as hot meals, soup kitchens, breakfast and lunch clubs, after school meal provision or foodbanks) within North Northamptonshire.

1.4. Provide and deliver a winter meals programme to support people struggling to afford food within North Northamptonshire.

1.5.nWork in partnership with other service providers operating in North Northamptonshire to help provide access to food and food services. 

1.6. Create and co-ordinate service provision within North Northamptonshire and raise awareness for residents and organisations to access services relating to the winter meal programme.

1.7. Identify any locations and gaps in services provision and look to provide appropriate support.

1.8. Participate in the quarterly meetings with Household Support Fund management to coincide with regulatory reporting to discuss progress against Key Performance Indicators.

1.9. Provide satisfaction measures from customer interactions.

1.10. Not exceed a spend of more than £500 per household in total across all services provided.

1.11. With the authority of the Household Support Fund Team Leader, the maximum spend may be increased on a case-by-case basis for a household requiring specialist support. A request for such discretion to be applied must be submitted by email detailing the rationale to [email protected].

1.12. Any discretionary approval from NNC to increase in the maximum spend must be received in writing by the provider prior to being actioned.

1.13. Provide onward referral to other NNC departments and other agencies where a household need is identified.

1.14. All services provided should be completed is by appropriately trained, certified, and qualified individuals and hold appropriate indemnity insurance and make it available upon request.

1.15. Complete appropriate risk assessments for the services they provide and make these available upon request.

1.16. Provide services which add long term value and sustainability to the household.

2. Project availability

The Recipient shall:

  • 2.1. Provide the service for a minimum of five days per week. 
  • 2.2. Link to other relevant providers who can help add value to this Project.
  • 2.3. Ensure both town and rural communities are provided with services. 
  • 2.4. Attend and provide performance figures at quarterly monitoring meetings with the Funders designated lead officer.
  • 2.5. Adopt the Funders key commitments. 
  • 2.6. Shall acknowledge the funding is financed by the Department of Work and Pensions and publicise this in the delivery of the project.

3. Key outcomes

3.1. Provide access to homeless, low-income households directly affected by the cost-of-living crisis by providing access to food within North Northamptonshire.

3.2. Provide data on the number of households supported as part of services provided.

3.3. Provide data on the types of services provided to households across North Northamptonshire throughout the funding period.

3.4. Be able to demonstrate support offered to both town and rural communities across North Northamptonshire.

3.5. Provide data on measurements of satisfaction for support services provided to households in North Northamptonshire.

4. Performance indicators

Performance Indicators attached as a Schedule to this Agreement will be reviewed on a quarterly basis with a summary report at year end. The data contained within this schedule will support submissions to the Department for Work and Pensions funding returns on predetermined dates. The targets for each indicator are contained within the schedule.

4.1. Demonstrate household support offered to both town and rural communities across North Northamptonshire as detailed below:

Definition of household = All residents residing in the same property

  • 4.1.1. Number of households supported.
  • 4.1.2. Number of hidden homeless supported.
  • 4.1.3. Number of households supported with Pensioners.
  • 4.1.4. Number of households supported with Disabled Occupants.
  • 4.1.5. Number of households supported with Children.
  • 4.1.6. Total £ value spent on all Households.
  • 4.1.7. Total £ spent on households where there are Pensioners residing.
  • 4.1.8. Total £ spent on households with Disabled Occupants.
  • 4.1.9. Total £ spent on households with Children.
  • 4.1.10 Are any members in the household part of the armed forces community. (Armed Forces - Serving Personal, Ex-Armed Forces or Reserves)
  • 4.1.11. Number of organisations partnered with.
  • 4.1.12. How many services are offered.
  • 4.1.13. What types of services are provided.

4.2. Measurements of satisfaction for support services provided to households in North Northamptonshire

  • 4.2.1. Supporting data and outcomes from organisational customer satisfaction surveys

5. Final project report

The Provider will submit an annual report attached as a Schedule to this Agreement.

5.1. Demographic information of those accessing the Project to be submitted, to include:

  • 5.1.1. Equal Opportunities Monitoring for those accessing the service in relation to 4.2.
  • 5.1.2. Postcode grouping of attendees’ reference to 4.1 on first part of the postcode i.e., NN15 or NN8.
  • 5.1.3. Data on why people access this provision.

5.2. What information has been delivered or people have been signposted or referred to.

5.3. Details of other providers and organisations that have been involved in the delivering of this project.

5.4. Provide evidence of implementation of Quality Management systems including the quality of data for management purposes. (Managing data appropriately and not double counting numbers with the systems in place, how processes are run, review of systems etc)

5.5. Total expenditure in providing the provision.

6. Additional Requirements

6.1. The Recipient shall acknowledge the funding and support of the Funder and Department of Work and Pensions in any advertising relating to the delivery of the Project in all communications and marketing.

6.2. The Recipient shall ensure that they have in place both Adult and Children Safeguarding policies and procedures which comply with the requirements of the Council’s safeguarding procedures.

6.3. The Provider has a clear process and associated documentation for recording allegations of abuse.

6.4. The Provider needs to submit a copy of all relevant safeguarding policies to the funder on commencement of the project.
6.5. The Provider is to ensure that: 

  • 6.5.1. Alerts are made in a timely way, appropriate to the level of urgency and risk.
  • 6.5.2. Alerts contain all relevant information with regards to any allegation made to ensure that any investigation can be conducted comprehensively.
  • 6.5.3. Alerts are made to the relevant agencies and individuals are asked to consent to an alert being made, where they have capacity to do so. Reasons for overriding consent, e.g., that others may be at risk, must be explained to the individual.
  • 6.5.4. Dignity, choice, and respect for the individual is maintained throughout any investigation and they are informed of the outcome.
  • 6.5.5. Engagement with the safeguarding process, which may include participation in safeguarding strategy meetings and producing written reports of safeguarding investigations.
  • 6.5.6. The Provider will provide the Funder data on a quarterly basis:
    • The number of any alerts made.
    • The number of any investigations undertaken.

6.6. The Provider will ensure that policies and procedures are covered in induction and fully understood by staff and volunteers.

  • 6.6.1. All staff and volunteers will have an initial understanding of Safeguarding duties within their first week of employment and volunteering. 
  • 6.6.2. Comprehensive training on awareness and prevention of abuse is given to all staff and volunteers as part of their core induction within three months. In addition, updated training will be provided, in light of new policies and procedures introduced either locally or nationally.

6.7. The Provider will provide the Funder data on a 6 monthly basis:

  • 6.7.1. A Training matrix for staff and volunteers:
    • Health and Safety
    • Safeguarding
    • Data Protection
    • Any other induction or mandatory training of the organisation

Amount allocated - £40,000

Core objectives of the project

The Recipient shall:

Through the provision of a co-ordinated approach to deliver a winter support programme to low-income and vulnerable households across North Northamptonshire.

Minimum project requirements

1. The project

The Recipient shall:

1.1. Provide services across both town (population size of 10,000 or more) and rural (population size of 9,999 and below) communities in North Northamptonshire.

1.2. Work with low-income and vulnerable households.

1.3. Work in partnership with other organisations operating in North Northamptonshire to help provide support to those in need.

1.4. Provide information, energy saving equipment and other winter essentials such as items of clothing and winter wear, suitable bedding and blankets within North Northamptonshire.

1.5. Work with social landlords and sheltered housing schemes and partner agencies in supporting households and the hidden homeless in North Northamptonshire.

1.6. Participate in the quarterly meetings with Household Support Fund management to coincide with regulatory reporting to discuss progress against Key Performance Indicators.

1.7. Provide satisfaction measures from customer interactions.

1.8. Not exceed a spend of more than £500 per household in total across all services provided.

1.9. With the authority of the Household Support Fund Team Leader, the maximum spend may be increased on a case-by-case basis for a household requiring specialist support. A request for such discretion to be applied must be submitted by email detailing the rationale to [email protected].

1.10. Any discretionary approval from NNC to increase in the maximum spend must be received in writing by the provider prior to being actioned.

1.11. Provide onward referral to other NNC departments and other agencies where a household need is identified.

1.12. All services provided should be completed is by appropriately trained, certified, and qualified individuals and hold appropriate indemnity insurance and make it available upon request.

1.13. Complete appropriate risk assessments for the services they provide and make these available upon request.

1.14. Provide services which add long term value and sustainability to the household.

2. Project availability

The Recipient shall:

  • 2.1. Provide the service for a minimum of five days per week. 
  • 2.2. Link to other relevant providers who can help add value to this Project.
  • 2.3. Ensure both town and rural communities are provided with services. 
  • 2.4. Attend and provide performance figures at quarterly monitoring meetings with the Funders designated lead officer.
  • 2.5. Adopt the Funders key commitments. 
  • 2.6. Shall acknowledge the funding is financed by the Department of Work and Pensions and publicise this in the delivery of the project.

3. Key outcomes

3.1. Provide access to households directly affected by the cost-of-living crisis by providing access to winter support over the within North Northamptonshire.

3.2. Provide data on the number households supported as part of services provided.

3.3. Provide data on the types of services provided to households across North Northamptonshire throughout the funding period.

3.4. Be able to demonstrate support offered to both town and rural communities across North Northamptonshire.

3.5. Provide data on measurements of satisfaction for support services provided to households in North Northamptonshire.

4. Performance indicators

Performance Indicators attached as a Schedule to this Agreement will be reviewed on a quarterly basis with a summary report at year end. The data contained within this schedule will support submissions to the Department for Work and Pensions funding returns on predetermined dates. The targets for each indicator are contained within the schedule.

4.1. Demonstrate household support offered to both town and rural communities across North Northamptonshire as detailed below:

Definition of household = All residents residing in the same property

  • 4.1.1. Number of households supported.
  • 4.1.2. Number of hidden homeless supported.
  • 4.1.3. Number of households supported with Pensioners.
  • 4.1.4. Number of households supported with Disabled Occupants. 
  • 4.1.5. Number of households supported with Children.
  • 4.1.6. Total £ value spent on all Households.
  • 4.1.7. Total £ spent on households where there are Pensioners residing.
  • 4.1.8. Total £ spent on households with Disabled Occupants. 
  • 4.1.9. Total £ spent on households with Children.
  • 4.1.10. Are any members in the household part of the armed forces community. (Armed Forces - Serving Personal, Ex-Armed Forces or Reserves)
  • 4.1.11. Number of organisations partnered with
  • 4.1.12. How many services are offered.
  • 4.1.13. What types of services are provided.

4.2. Measurements of satisfaction for support services provided to households in North Northamptonshire

  • 4.2.1. Supporting data and outcomes from organisational customer satisfaction surveys

5. Final project report

The Provider will submit an annual report attached as a Schedule to this Agreement.

  • 5.1. Demographic information of those accessing the Project to be submitted, to include:
  • 5.1.1. Equal Opportunities Monitoring for those accessing the service in relation to 4.2.
  • 5.1.2. Postcode grouping of attendees’ reference to 4.1 on first part of the postcode i.e., NN15 or NN8.
  • 5.1.3. Data on why people access this provision.

5.2. What information has been delivered or people have been signposted and referred to.

5.3. Details of other providers and organisations that have been involved in the delivering of this project.

5.4. Provide evidence of implementation of Quality Management systems including the quality of data for management purposes. (Managing data appropriately and not double counting numbers with the systems in place, how processes are run, review of systems etc)

5.5. Total expenditure in providing the provision.

6. Additional requirements 

6.1. The Recipient shall acknowledge the funding and support of the Funder and Department of Work and Pensions in any advertising relating to the delivery of the Project in all communication and marketing.

6.2. The Recipient shall ensure that they have in place both Adult and Children Safeguarding policies and procedures which comply with the requirements of the Council’s safeguarding procedures.

6.3. The Provider has a clear process and associated documentation for recording allegations of abuse.

6.4. The Provider needs to submit a copy of all relevant safeguarding policies to the funder on commencement of the project.

6.5. The Provider is to ensure that: 

  • 6.5.1. Alerts are made in a timely way, appropriate to the level of urgency and risk.
  • 6.5.2. Alerts contain all relevant information with regards to any allegation made to ensure that any investigation can be conducted comprehensively.

6.5.3. Alerts are made to the relevant agencies and individuals are asked to consent to an alert being made, where they have capacity to do so. Reasons for overriding consent, e.g., that others may be at risk, must be explained to the individual.

6.5.4. Dignity, choice, and respect for the individual is maintained throughout any investigation and they are informed of the outcome.

6.5.5. Engagement with the safeguarding process, which may include participation in safeguarding strategy meetings and producing written reports of safeguarding investigations.

6.5.6. The Provider will provide the Funder data on a quarterly basis:

  • The number of any alerts made.
  • The number of any investigations undertaken.

6.6. The Provider will ensure that policies and procedures are covered in induction and fully understood by staff and volunteers. 

6.6.1. All staff and volunteers will have an initial understanding of Safeguarding duties within their first week of employment and volunteering. 

6.6.2. Comprehensive training on awareness and prevention of abuse is given to all staff and volunteers as part of their core induction within three months. In addition, updated training will be provided, in light of new policies and procedures introduced either locally or nationally

6.7. The Provider will provide the Funder data on a 6 monthly basis:

  • 6.7.1. A Training matrix for staff and volunteers:
    • Health and Safety
    • Safeguarding
    • Data Protection
    • Any other induction or mandatory training of the organisation

Amount allocated - £40,000

Core objectives of the project

The Recipient shall:

Through the provision of support to the Gypsy, Romany and Traveller (GRT) cohort across North Northamptonshire. 

Minimum project requirements

1. The project

The Recipient shall:

1.1. Provide services across both town (population size of 10,000 or more) and rural (population size of 9,999 and below) communities in North Northamptonshire.

1.2. Create greater links and work on tackling hardship and poverty with the Gypsy, Romany and Traveller (GRT) cohort in North Northamptonshire.

1.3. Provide information and financial support to the Gypsy, Romany and Traveller (GRT) cohort in North Northamptonshire.

1.4. Provide information in achieving greater energy efficiency and support to Gypsy, Romany and Traveller (GRT) cohort to North Northamptonshire.

1.5. Provide support to Gypsy, Romany and Traveller (GRT) cohort to North Northamptonshire in accessing food and other essentials.

1.6. Work in partnership with other essential service providers operating in North Northamptonshire to help provide support to the Gypsy, Romany and Traveller (GRT) cohort with the cost-of-living.

1.7. Participate in the quarterly meetings with Household Support Fund management to coincide with regulatory reporting to discuss progress against Key Performance Indicators.

1.8. Provide satisfaction measures from customer interactions.

1.9. Not exceed a spend of more than £500 per family in total across all services provided.

1.10. With the authority of the Household Support Fund Team Leader, the maximum spend may be increased on a case-by-case basis for a family requiring specialist support. A request for such discretion to be applied must be submitted by email detailing the rationale to [email protected].

1.11. Any discretionary approval from NNC to increase in the maximum spend must be received in writing by the provider prior to being actioned.

1.12. Provide onward referral to other NNC departments and other agencies where a families’ need is identified.

1.13. All services provided should be completed is by appropriately trained, certified, and qualified individuals and hold appropriate indemnity insurance and make it available upon request.

1.14. Complete appropriate risk assessments for the services they provide and make these available upon request.

1.15. Provide services which add long term value and sustainability to the family.

2. Project availability

The Recipient shall:

2.1. Provide the service for a minimum of five days per week. 

2.2. Link to other relevant providers who can help add value to this Project.

2.3. Ensure both town and rural communities are provided with services. 

2.4. Attend and provide performance figures at quarterly monitoring meetings with the Funders designated lead officer.

2.5. Adopt the Funders key commitments. 

2.6. Shall acknowledge the funding is financed by the Department of Work and Pensions and publicise this in the delivery of the project.

3. Key outcomes

3.1. Provide the cohort with access to information and support on essential services and funding within North Northamptonshire.

3.2. Provide data on the number families supported as part of services provided.

3.3. Provide data on the types of services provided to the cohort across North Northamptonshire throughout the funding period.

3.4. Be able to demonstrate support offered to both town and rural communities across North Northamptonshire.

3.5. Provide data on measurements of satisfaction for support services provided to families in North Northamptonshire.

4. Performance indicators

Performance Indicators attached as a Schedule to this Agreement will be reviewed on a quarterly basis with a summary report at year end. The data contained within this schedule will support submissions to the Department for Work and Pensions funding returns on predetermined dates. The targets for each indicator are contained within the schedule.

4.1. Demonstrate families support offered to both town and rural communities across North Northamptonshire as detailed below:

Definition of family = All residents residing in the same accommodation

  • 4.1.1. Number of families supported.
  • 4.1.2. Number of families supported with Pensioners.
  • 4.1.3. Number of families supported with Disabled Occupants.
  • 4.1.4. Number of families supported with Children.
  • 4.1.5. Total £ value spent on all families.
  • 4.1.6. Total £ spent on families where there are Pensioners residing.
  • 4.1.7. Total £ spent on families Disabled Occupants.
  • 4.1.8. Total £ spent on families with Children.
  • 4.1.9. Number of organisations partnered with.
  • 4.1.10. How many services are offered.
  • 4.1.11. What types of services are provided.

4.2. Measurements of satisfaction for support services provided to families in North Northamptonshire

  • 4.2.1. Supporting data and outcomes from organisational customer satisfaction surveys

5. Final project report

The Provider will submit an annual report attached as a Schedule to this Agreement.

5.1. Demographic information of those accessing the Project to be submitted, to include:

  • 5.1.1. Equal Opportunities Monitoring for those accessing the service in relation to 4.2.
  • 5.1.2. Data on why people access this provision.

5.2. What information has been delivered or people have been signposted and referred to.

5.3. Details of other providers and organisations that have been involved in the delivering of this project.

5.4. Provide evidence of implementation of Quality Management systems including the quality of data for management purposes. (Managing data appropriately and not double counting numbers with the systems in place, how processes are run, review of systems etc)

5.5. Total expenditure in providing the provision

6. Additional requirements

6.1. The Recipient shall acknowledge the funding and support of the Funder and Department of Work and Pensions in any advertising relating to the delivery of the Project in all communications and marketing.

6.2. The Recipient shall ensure that they have in place both Adult and Children Safeguarding policies and procedures which comply with the requirements of the Council’s safeguarding procedures.

6.3. The Provider has a clear process and associated documentation for recording allegations of abuse.

6.4. The Provider needs to submit a copy of all relevant safeguarding policies to the funder on commencement of the project.

6.5. The Provider is to ensure that: 

  • 6.5.1. Alerts are made in a timely way, appropriate to the level of urgency and risk.
  • 6.5.2. Alerts contain all relevant information with regards to any allegation made to ensure that any investigation can be conducted comprehensively.
  • 6.5.3. Alerts are made to the relevant agencies and individuals are asked to consent to an alert being made, where they have capacity to do so. Reasons for overriding consent, e.g., that others may be at risk, must be explained to the individual.
  • 6.5.4. Dignity, choice, and respect for the individual is maintained throughout any investigation and they are informed of the outcome.
  • 6.5.5. Engagement with the safeguarding process, which may include participation in safeguarding strategy meetings and producing written reports of safeguarding investigations.
  • 6.5.6. The Provider will provide the Funder data on a quarterly basis:
    • The number of any alerts made.
    • The number of any investigations undertaken.

6.6. The Provider will ensure that policies and procedures are covered in induction and fully understood by staff and volunteers.

  • 6.6.1. All staff and volunteers will have an initial understanding of Safeguarding duties within their first week of employment and volunteering.
  • 6.6.2. Comprehensive training on awareness and prevention of abuse is given to all staff and volunteers as part of their core induction within three months. In addition, updated training will be provided, in light of new policies and procedures introduced either locally or nationally.

6.7. The Provider will provide the Funder data on a 6 monthly basis:

  • 6.7.1. A Training matrix for staff and volunteers:
    • Health and Safety
    • Safeguarding
    • Data Protection
    • Any other induction or mandatory training of the organisation

Amount allocated - £40,000

Core objectives of the project

The Recipient shall:

Through the provision of a co-ordinated approach provide budget management and financial skills education to residents especially those low-income, and vulnerable for households across North Northamptonshire.

Minimum project requirements

1. The project

The Recipient shall:

1.1. Provide services across both town (population size of 10,000 or more) and rural (population size of 9,999 and below) communities in North Northamptonshire.

1.2. Work with low-income and vulnerable households.

1.3. Work in partnership with the council, organisations and or service providers operating in North Northamptonshire to help provide support to those in need.

1.4. Provide a programme of free budget management and financial skills education for the funding period to help provide support to those in need in North Northamptonshire.

1.5. Provide support to improve understanding of the benefits system and entitlements.

1.6. Provide outreach information sessions to assist households with understanding debt and money management.

1.7. Participate in the quarterly meetings with Household Support Fund management to coincide with regulatory reporting to discuss progress against Key Performance Indicators.

1.8. Provide satisfaction measures from customer interactions.

1.9. Not exceed a spend of more than £500 per household in total across all services provided.

1.10. With the authority of the Household Support Fund Team Leader, the maximum spend may be increased on a case-by-case basis for a household requiring specialist support. A request for such discretion to be applied must be submitted by email detailing the rationale to [email protected].

1.11. Any discretionary approval from NNC to increase in the maximum spend must be received in writing by the provider prior to being actioned.

1.12. Provide onward referral to other NNC departments and other agencies where a household need is identified.

1.13. All services provided should be completed is by appropriately trained, certified, and qualified individuals and hold appropriate indemnity insurance and make it available upon request.

1.14. Complete appropriate risk assessments for the services they provide and make these available upon request.

1.15. Provide services which add long term value and sustainability to the household.

2. Project availability

The Recipient shall:

2.1. Provide the service for a minimum of five days per week.

2.2. Link to other relevant providers who can help add value to this Project.

2.3. Ensure both town and rural communities are provided with services.

2.4. Attend and provide performance figures at quarterly monitoring meetings with the Funders designated lead officer.

2.5. Adopt the Funders key commitments.

2.6. Shall acknowledge the funding is financed by the Department of Work and Pensions and publicise this in the delivery of the project.

3. Key outcomes

3.1. Provide access to households directly affected by the cost-of-living crisis by providing access to budget management and financial skills education within North Northamptonshire.

3.2. Provide data on the number of households supported as part of services provided.

3.3. Provide data on the types of services provided to households across North Northamptonshire throughout the funding period.

3.4. Be able to demonstrate support offered to both town and rural communities across North Northamptonshire.

3.5. Provide data on measurements of satisfaction for support services provided to households in North Northamptonshire.

4. Performance indicators

Performance Indicators attached as a Schedule to this Agreement will be reviewed on a quarterly basis with a summary report at year end. The data contained within this schedule will support submissions to the Department for Work and Pensions funding returns on predetermined dates. The targets for each indicator are contained within the schedule.

4.1. Demonstrate household support offered to both town and rural communities across North Northamptonshire as detailed below:

Definition of household = All residents residing in the same property

  • 4.1.1. Number of households supported.
  • 4.1.2. Number of hidden homeless supported.
  • 4.1.3. Number of households supported with Pensioners.
  • 4.1.4. Number of households supported with Disabled Occupants. 
  • 4.1.5. Number of households supported with Children.
  • 4.1.6. Total £ value spent on all Households.
  • 4.1.7. Total £ spent on households where there are Pensioners residing.
  • 4.1.8. Total £ spent on households with Disabled Occupants.
  • 4.1.9. Total £ spent on households with Children.
  • 4.1.10. Are any members in the household part of the armed forces community.
  • (Armed Forces - Serving Personal, Ex-Armed Forces or Reserves)
  • 4.1.11. Number of organisations partnered with
  • 4.1.12. How many services are offered.
  • 4.1.13. What types of services are provided.

4.2. Measurements of satisfaction for support services provided to households in North Northamptonshire

  • 4.2.1. Supporting data and outcomes from organisational customer satisfaction surveys

5. Final project report

The Provider will submit an annual report attached as a Schedule to this Agreement.

5.1. Demographic information of those accessing the Project to be submitted, to include:

  • 5.1.1. Equal Opportunities Monitoring for those accessing the service in relation to 4.2.
  • 5.1.2. Postcode grouping of attendees’ reference to 4.1 on first part of the postcode i.e., NN15 or NN8.
  • 5.1.3. Data on why people access this provision.

5.2. What information has been delivered or people have been signposted and referred to.

5.3. Details of other providers and organisations that have been involved in the delivering of this project.

5.4. Provide evidence of implementation of Quality Management systems including the quality of data for management purposes. (Managing data appropriately and not double counting numbers with the systems in place, how processes are run, review of systems etc)

5.5. Total expenditure in providing the provision.

6. Additional requirements 

6.1. The Recipient shall acknowledge the funding and support of the Funder and Department of Work and Pensions in any advertising relating to the delivery of the Project in all communication and marketing.

6.2. The Recipient shall ensure that they have in place both Adult and Children Safeguarding policies and procedures which comply with the requirements of the Council’s safeguarding procedures.

6.3. The Provider has a clear process and associated documentation for recording allegations of abuse.

6.4. The Provider needs to submit a copy of all relevant safeguarding policies to the funder on commencement of the project. 

6.5. The Provider is to ensure that: 

  • 6.5.1. Alerts are made in a timely way, appropriate to the level of urgency and risk.
  • 6.5.2. Alerts contain all relevant information with regards to any allegation made to ensure that any investigation can be conducted comprehensively.
  • 6.5.3. Alerts are made to the relevant agencies and individuals are asked to consent to an alert being made, where they have capacity to do so. Reasons for overriding consent, e.g., that others may be at risk, must be explained to the individual.
  • 6.5.4. Dignity, choice, and respect for the individual is maintained throughout any investigation and they are informed of the outcome.
  • 6.5.5. Engagement with the safeguarding process, which may include participation in safeguarding strategy meetings and producing written reports of safeguarding investigations.
  • 6.5.6. The Provider will provide the Funder data on a quarterly basis:
    • The number of any alerts made.
    • The number of any investigations undertaken.

6.6. The Provider will ensure that policies and procedures are covered in induction and fully understood by staff and volunteers. 

  • 6.6.1. All staff and volunteers will have an initial understanding of Safeguarding duties within their first week of employment and volunteering. 
  • 6.6.2. Comprehensive training on awareness and prevention of abuse is given to all staff and volunteers as part of their core induction within three months. In addition, updated training will be provided, in light of new policies and procedures introduced either locally or nationally.

6.7. The Provider will provide the Funder data on a 6 monthly basis:

  • 6.7.1. A Training matrix for staff and volunteers:
    • Health and Safety
    • Safeguarding
    • Data Protection
    • Any other induction or mandatory training of the organisation

Amount allocated - £40,000

Core objectives of the project

The Recipient shall:

Through the provision deliver a gas, electric and water (energy) support programme through financial support to low-income households across North Northamptonshire. 

Minimum project requirements

1. The project

The Recipient shall:

1.1. Provide services across both town (population size of 10,000 or more) and rural (population size of 9,999 and below) communities in North Northamptonshire.

1.2. Work with low-income and vulnerable households. 

1.3. Provide gas, electric and water (energy) support to households for low-income households within North Northamptonshire through information, assessment and advice.

1.4. Working in partnership with other organisations operating in North Northamptonshire to help provide support to those in need (such as social landlords, sheltered housing schemes).

1.5. Provide financial aid with the cost of gas, electric and water to households within North Northamptonshire following a needs assessment.

1.6. Participate in the quarterly meetings with Household Support Fund management to coincide with regulatory reporting to discuss progress against Key Performance Indicators.

1.7. Provide satisfaction measures from customer interactions.

1.8. Not exceed a spend of more than £300 per household in total across all services (energy and water) provided.

1.9. With the authority of the Household Support Fund Team Leader, the maximum spend may be increased on a case-by-case basis for a household requiring specialist support. A request for such discretion to be applied must be submitted by email detailing the rationale to [email protected].

1.10. Any discretionary approval from NNC to increase in the maximum spend must be received in writing by the provider prior to being actioned.

1.11. Provide onward referral to other NNC departments and other agencies where a household need is identified.

1.12. All services provided should be completed is by appropriately trained, certified, and qualified individuals and hold appropriate indemnity insurance and make it available upon request.

1.13. Complete appropriate risk assessments for the services they provide and make these available upon request.

1.14. Provide services which add long term value and sustainability to the household.

2. Project availability

The Recipient shall:

2.1. Provide the service for a minimum of five days per week. 

2.2. Link to other relevant providers who can help add value to this Project.

2.3. Ensure both town and rural communities are provided with services.

2.4. Attend and provide performance figures at quarterly monitoring meetings with the Funders designated lead officer.

2.5. Adopt the Funders key commitments. 

2.6. Shall acknowledge the funding is financed by the Department of Work and Pensions and publicise this in the delivery of the project.

3. Key outcomes

3.1. Provide access to households directly affected by the cost-of-living crisis by providing access to energy support for low-income households including those most in need within North Northamptonshire.

3.2. Provide data on the number households supported as part of services provided.

3.3. Provide data on the types of services provided to households across North Northamptonshire throughout the funding period.

3.4. Be able to demonstrate support offered to both town and rural communities across North Northamptonshire.

3.5. Provide data on measurements of satisfaction for support services provided to households in North Northamptonshire.

4. Performance indicators

Performance Indicators attached as a Schedule to this Agreement will be reviewed on a quarterly basis with a summary report at year end. The data contained within this schedule will support submissions to the Department for Work and Pensions funding returns on predetermined dates. The targets for each indicator are contained within the schedule.

4.1. Demonstrate household support offered to both town and rural communities across North Northamptonshire as detailed below:

Definition of household = All residents residing in the same property

  • 4.1.1. Number of households supported.
  • 4.1.2. Number of hidden homeless supported.
  • 4.1.3. Number of households supported with Pensioners.
  • 4.1.4. Number of households supported with Disabled Occupants. 
  • 4.1.5. Number of households supported with Children.
  • 4.1.6. Total £ value spent on all Households.
  • 4.1.7. Total £ spent on households where there are Pensioners residing.
  • 4.1.8. Total £ spent on households with Disabled Occupants. 
  • 4.1.9. Total £ spent on households with Children.
  • 4.1.10. Are any members in the household part of the armed forces community. (Armed Forces - Serving Personal, Ex-Armed Forces or Reserves)
  • 4.1.11. Number of organisations partnered with
  • 4.1.12. How many services are offered.
  • 4.1.13. What types of services are provided.

4.2. Measurements of satisfaction for support services provided to households in North Northamptonshire

  • 4.2.1. Supporting data and outcomes from organisational customer satisfaction surveys

5. Final project report

The Provider will submit an annual report attached as a Schedule to this Agreement.

5.1. Demographic information of those accessing the Project to be submitted, to include:

  • 5.1.1. Equal Opportunities Monitoring for those accessing the service in relation to 4.2
  • 5.1.2. Postcode grouping of attendees’ reference to 4.1 on first part of the postcode i.e., NN15 or NN8. 
  • 5.1.3. Data on why people access this provision.

5.2. What information has been delivered or people have been signposted and referred to.

5.3. Details of other providers and organisations that have been involved in the delivering of this project.

5.4. Provide evidence of implementation of Quality Management systems including the quality of data for management purposes. (Managing data appropriately and not double counting numbers with the systems in place, how processes are run, review of systems etc)

5.5. Explain how your organisation’s activities also support other local priorities such as the Funders Carbon Management Plan.

5.6. Total expenditure in providing the provision.

6. Additional requirements 

6.1. The Recipient shall acknowledge the funding and support of the Funder and Department of Work and Pensions in any advertising relating to the delivery of the Project in all communications and marketing.

6.2. The Recipient shall ensure that they have in place both Adult and Children Safeguarding policies and procedures which comply with the requirements of the Council’s safeguarding procedures.

6.3. The Provider has a clear process and associated documentation for recording allegations of abuse.

6.4. The Provider needs to submit a copy of all relevant safeguarding policies to the funder on commencement of the project. 

6.5. The Provider is to ensure that: 

  • 6.5.1. Alerts are made in a timely way, appropriate to the level of urgency and risk.
  • 6.5.2. Alerts contain all relevant information with regards to any allegation made to ensure that any investigation can be conducted comprehensively.
  • 6.5.3. Alerts are made to the relevant agencies and individuals are asked to consent to an alert being made, where they have capacity to do so. Reasons for overriding consent, e.g., that others may be at risk, must be explained to the individual.
  • 6.5.4. Dignity, choice, and respect for the individual is maintained throughout any investigation and they are informed of the outcome.
  • 6.5.5. Engagement with the safeguarding process, which may include participation in safeguarding strategy meetings and producing written reports of safeguarding investigations.
  • 6.5.6. The Provider will provide the Funder data on a quarterly basis:
    • The number of any alerts made.
    • The number of any investigations undertaken.

6.6. The Provider will ensure that policies and procedures are covered in induction and fully understood by staff and volunteers. 

  • 6.6.1. All staff and volunteers will have an initial understanding of Safeguarding duties within their first week of employment and volunteering. 
  • 6.6.2. Comprehensive training on awareness and prevention of abuse is given to all staff and volunteers as part of their core induction within three months. In addition, updated training will be provided, in light of new policies and procedures introduced either locally or nationally.

6.7. The Provider will provide the Funder data on a 6 monthly basis:

  • 6.7.1. A Training matrix for staff and volunteers:
  • Health and Safety
  • Safeguarding
  • Data Protection
  • Any other induction or mandatory training of the organisation

Last updated 06 November 2023