Greener, sustainable environment
As a Council, we declared a climate and environment emergency in July 2021. We understand that this means we need to demonstrate clear leadership on environmental sustainability. We need to set an example for others to follow.
Implementing more environmentally friendly ways of working as a Council will be essential. Ensuring that we use renewable energy, low energy LED lighting, make the move to a lower carbon vehicle fleet and reducing staff work-related travel will all be important steps we will need to take.
Using our resources, our profile and our connections with local communities, we will raise awareness of important environmental issues and help set out what needs to be done to respond to the challenges ahead.
We will look to encourage the re-use of materials to protect resources. We will actively work to protect the local countryside and open spaces, and whilst doing so, enhance and the natural environment and ecology. Where necessary, we will take enforcement action to ensure that individuals and businesses comply with the necessary environmental regulations.
Working with communities and businesses to tackle climate change and help improve air quality will also be a priority for us. Businesses have a significant role to play in this regard. We know that we will need to demonstrate leadership to give us the credibility to work with them and together deliver change.
We also need to take active steps to promote more sustainable, active travel. We will look to ensure low carbon technology such as electric vehicle charging infrastructure is in place.
Our priorities
- Demonstrate clear leadership on tackling environmental sustainability
- Educate, encourage reuse, harmonise and enforce to keep our environments free from litter
- Work with communities and businesses to tackle climate change and improve air quality
- Promote sustainable, active travel
- Protect the countryside and open spaces, and enhance the natural environment and ecology
- Embed low carbon technology, improved green infrastructure and sustainable forms of transport
- Performance indicators and outcomes for:
- Assets and the Environment
- Growth and Regeneration
- Highways and Waste
- Regulatory Services
- Progress in the delivery of our Service Plans
- Budget Performance of services
We will:
- Embed climate change in our policy development and procurement practices.
- Establish a North Northants network to develop and co-design a Climate Strategy and Action Plan.
- Ensure we use green energy for our electricity and low energy lighting at our offices and other assets.
- Reduce the fossil fuel consumption of our vehicle fleet both through the use of more efficient and low carbon vehicles and by reducing avoidable journeys.
We will:
- Work with businesses to measure and improve air quality across our communities, particularly where it is highest.
- Work with key sectors to support renewable energy parks.
- Promote and support initiatives that engage local communities in tackling climate change.
- Increase community participation with local green spaces by supporting and developing ‘friends of groups’.
- Provide voluntary placements within our woodland and heritage sector, providing training and development opportunities.
- Continue to deliver sustainability messages via outdoor learning sessions to schools and groups.
We will:
- Provide inspirational parks and open spaces that are beneficial for all and, in so doing, contribute to people’s health and wellbeing.
- Host and deliver a high standard of community events and educational sessions within local parks and open spaces.
- Continue to promote environmental awareness to park visitors through on site information, and public events programmes.
- Maximise opportunities to support our wildlife through both our built environment and green spaces.
- Develop a Tree Strategy to increase coverage and long-term care of our tree stock.
- Work with local communities and other stakeholders to manage the risks associated with flooding.
We will:
- Standardise the waste and recycling service so that the same standard and type of service is provided to all residents across North Northamptonshire.
- Provide waste and recycling education and information to residents and businesses.
- Ensure our waste collection and disposal operations are efficient and have the minimum, most economically viable, detrimental impact on the environment.
- Set an example as an organisation by reducing our waste and recycling as much as possible.
- Tackle littering by discouraging people from throwing litter on our streets and roadsides, as well as support volunteers who wish to take part in local litter pick.
We will:
- Promote sustainable travel and invest in active travel through new Cycling and Walking Investment Plans, by working with schools, businesses and residents to encourage a shift to cycling and walking.
- Reduce carbon emissions and air pollution by making it easier and safer to travel by bike, scooter or on foot.
- Support school street initiatives, walking to school and low traffic neighbourhoods.
We will:
- Increase the proportion of total energy used by the Council to that which is generated by renewable sources.
- Seek to ensure all new housing developments and council sites have access to Electric Vehicle (EV) charging points as part of a wider EV Strategy.
Last updated 17 December 2021