Corporate plan - Covid-19 Recovery Plan
Economic recovery
- Set out clearly how we will support the recovery, regrowth and diversification of the local economy over the next decade.
- Support the delivery of COVID-19 business recovery and innovation grants whilst they are available.
- Work with our partners to create and deliver plans to attract inward investment.
- Working with businesses and other stakeholders, build awareness of local tourism attractions and accommodation to take advantage of day-trips and staycation opportunities.
- Ensure the effective use of the Welcome Back Fund.
- Deliver events in the area in line with pre-COVID-19 provision to help stimulate footfall into towns.
- Continue to implement policies that ensure the appropriate support is offered to rough sleepers and continue to work to both prevent and reduce the number of rough sleepers in the future.
- Work with key partners to prevent individuals in financial hardship from becoming homeless though early intervention, advice and support, encouraging people into employment where possible.
- Make safeguarding training available to staff and councillors to improve their understanding of different types of vulnerabilities and the reporting of concerns.
Community recovery
- We will work to restore our services provided in the community, ensuring that they are safe and give our community the confidence to use them.
- Identify the challenges and opportunities currently faced by North Northamptonshire’s voluntary and community sector and their services and identify how best we can help them.
- Look for opportunities within the Council’s community grant scheme to provide help and support to community groups and organisations that focus on initiatives that aid communities recover from the pandemic.
- Support the development and promotion of improved contact information to enable residents, parish and town councils and service providers to search for community groups, organisations and charities local to them and based on their local needs.
- Work with our leisure providers to ensure their recovery plan is robust and increases the usage of leisure centres to improve the health and wellbeing of our communities.
- Engage with communities, town and parish councils and key partners to identify any key recovery issues and adapt our COVID-19 recovery plan in the light of any issues that emerge.
Organisational recovery
- Develop and implement a ‘Future Ways of Working’ Strategy that is informed by the learning from the remote working implemented during the pandemic and builds-in the strengths into our future approach.
- Continue to develop a responsive, collaborative and innovative working culture.
- Develop the Council’s ICT strategy to ensure that it is more agile and responsive to changing business need.
- Invest in technology to support more effective hybrid meetings (where some people attend in person, and some attend remotely). We will also invest in our Council Chambers, to ensure that they can be accessed and viewed remotely and effectively, opening up access to our meetings to local communities.
- Improve the Council’s intranet to ensure more effective delivery of information to staff to help them do their job and support the development of their wellbeing.
- We will review our office accommodation requirements to encourage and promote more flexible and collaborative working.
- We will continue to develop our organisation’s culture, developing ownership of our values and behaviours with our staff.
- Develop our people strategy, investing in our staff’s skills, capabilities and wellbeing.
- Continue to develop and implement our staff wellbeing approach in light of learning from the pandemic, anticipated longer term health impacts and staff needs/expectations.
- Identify lessons learnt from the experience of the pandemic, impacts on services, performance and resilience, and any forthcoming challenges. We will feed the findings into the Council’s transformation programme.
- Review our Emergency Planning and Business Continuity Planning arrangements to make sure we have the correct resources and contingencies to meet future emergencies.
Last updated 17 December 2021