Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs)


PSPOs for anti-social behaviour 

If you are found to be showing anti-social behaviours in an PSPO area you could be given a fixed penalty fine of up to £100. If this still does not stop the problem, as a repeat offenders you can face a fine of up to £1,000 (or £500 for street drinking).

Active PSPO

North Northamptonshire Council (Corby Town Centre) Public Spaces Protection Order No 1. of 2015

Corby Town Centre Public Spaces Protection Order

  • restricted Area is shown edged red on the below Map
Corby PSPO map

The council makes the following Order in exercise if its powers under
Section 59 of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 ("the Act")

  1. this Order may be cited as the North Northamptonshire Council (Corby Town Centre) Public Spaces Protection Order ("the Order').
  2. this Order takes effect an the 14" December 2015 and continues to have effect for a period of 3 years thereafter
  3. this Order applies to the land described in Schedule 1 below ("the Restricted Area" and is shown edged red on the attached plan ( the Order plan)
  4. this Order applies to all persons within the Restricted Area at all times of the day and night


  1. persons not to be in possession of containers with alcohol in, within the restricted area
  2. persons not to consume alcohol within the restricted area
  3. persons not to act in a manner that causes harassment, alarm or distress as a result of consuming alcohol within the restricted area
  4. persons not to beg within the restricted area

The council is satisfied that the conditions set out in Sections 58 and 72 of the Act have been satisfied and that it is, in all the circumstances, expedient to make this Order for the purposes of reducing anti-social behaviour in the Restricted Area. The council is satisfied that activities have been cared out in. the Restricted Area that have had a detrimental effect on the quality of life of those in the locality. Furthermore the council is satisfied that the effect of the activities is, or is likely to be, of a persistent or continuing nature, and is, or is likely to be such as to make the activity unreasonable and the effect justifies the restrictions imposed.

The council makes this Order because people have been gathering in the Restricted Area and consuming alcohol, begging and acting in a manner causing alarm, harassment and distress to the local community.


Failure without reasonable excuse to comply with the prohibitions or requirements imposed by this Order is a summary offence under Section 67 of the Act. A person guilty of an offense under Section 67 of the Act is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding level 3 on the standard scale.

Failure to comply with a requirement of a constable or an authorised person not to consume alcohol on anything they reasonably believe to be alcohol, or to surrender anything which a constable or authorised officer reasonably believes to be alcohol or a container for alcohol, is a summary offence under section 63 of the Act. A person guilty of an offence under Section 63 of the Act is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding level 2 on the standard scale.

Schedule 1

The land to which this Order applies includes the following:

  • Corby Town Centre including George Street, Everest Lane, Windsor Place, Anne Street, Cardigan Place, Corporation Street, New Post Office Square, Crown Court, Chandlers Way, Market Square, Alexandra Road
  • The Boating Lake
  • Hazel Wood North and South of Westcott Way
  • Coronation Park
  • Wood Street
  • Richmond Road
  • Westcott Way (in part, as shown on the Order plan)
  • Elizabeth Street (in part, as shown on the Order plan)
  • George Street (in part, as shown on the Order plan)
  • Cottingham Road (in part, as shown on the Order plan)
  • Jubilee Avenue

Dated: 14th day of December 2015

The Common Seal of The council was affixed to this Order in the presence of Authorised by the Council to sign in that behalf

Public Spaces Protection Order Extension No.01 of 2024 

North Northamptonshire Council

Anti-social behaviour crime and policing act 2014

On 14th day of December 2015, the Corby Borough Council ("the Council") being the appropriate local authority and in pursuance of its powers under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 ("the Act") made a Public Spaces Protection Order ("the Order") coming into force on 15th December 2015 for a period of three years, as described in the first schedule below.

On the 29th day of November 2018, the Council being the appropriate local authority and in pursuance of its powers under the act, made an Order (the Order Extension number 1) extending the original Order, as detailed in the second schedule attached hereunto.

On the 26th day of November 2021, the North Northamptonshire Council being the appropriate local authority and in pursuance of its powers under the act, made an Order (the Order Extension number 2) extending the Order number extension 1, as detailed in the third schedule attached hereunto.

The North Northamptonshire Council, being the appropriate local authority and in pursuance of its powers under the Act and other enabling powers, makes the following Order:

The Order Extension number 2 is extended with immediate effect for a period of 3 years from the date of this order.

First schedule

(The original Order)

The Corby Borough Council (Corby Town Centre) Public Spaces Protection Order No.1 of 2015

Second schedule

(The Order Extension number 1)

Public Spaces Protection Order Extension No.1 of 2018

Third schedule

(The Order Extension number 2)

Public Spaces Protection Order Extension No.1 of 2024

The Common Seal of The council was affixed to this Order in the presence of Authorised by the Council to sign in that behalf
Signed: Louise Delavaloire
Title: Senior Lawyer
Authorised by North Northamptonshire Council to sign on its behalf Dated this day: Thursday, 21 of November 2024.

Updates to the Kettering Town Centre Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) have been approved for 2022 to 2025.
  • restricted area is shown edged black on the below map
Kettering town centre PSPO map

North Northamptonshire Council, Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 Part 4, Section 59 Public Spaces Protection Order

North Northamptonshire Council in exercise of the power under section 59 of The Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 (the Act), being satisfied that the conditions set out in section 59 of the Act have been met, makes the following order:

North Northamptonshire Council (referred to hereafter as “the Council”) hereby makes the following Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) that applies to any place to which the public have access within the area shown and edged black on the plan annexed to this order (the Prohibition Area) unless otherwise specified.

1. Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO)

a) Control of commercial or charity collection or soliciting for money in the street.

Any person is prohibited, at any time, when within the Prohibition Area from, engaging in or knowingly causing or permitting the collection or soliciting of money (commercial or charity and whether by way of immediate payment or the seeking of a standing order or direct debit authority) unless they are in possession of a written authorisation for Face to Face Fundraising issued by the Council.

b) Consumption of alcohol on street

Any person within the Prohibition Area is prohibited from, at any time, consuming alcohol or having an open alcohol container after having been requested by an Authorised Officer to cease consumption or hand over the container, unless subject to exemptions listed in item 4.1 below.

c) Those in the area between the hours of 11pm and 6am whose behaviour is causing, or is likely to cause nuisance, alarm or distress to the local community.

Any person present between the hours of 11pm and 6am (“the relevant hours”) in public areas of the Prohibition Area (being an area to which the public ordinarily have access between those times whether or not a business owner can exclude access) and whose behaviour is causing, or is likely to cause, nuisance, alarm or distress to the local community, must leave the Prohibition Area when requested by an Authorised Officer, or return to and remain in that person’s place of residence if such residence is situated within the Prohibition Area, and any such person shall not again be present in the public area for the duration of the relevant hours.

Any person subject to a requirement under this provision to leave the area must comply with any such direction forthwith. No person shall knowingly or recklessly cause, permit or encourage any such person subject to a direction under this provision to fail to comply with such a direction.

d) Driving or using a car in an anti-social manner

A person in charge of a motor vehicle in the Prohibition Area must not allow, cause or permit the:

  • Running of the engine in such a manner that causes or is likely to cause a noise nuisance;
  • Playing of music in the motor vehicle at such a level that causes or is likely to cause a nuisance;
  • Behaving in a way likely to cause harassment alarm or distress to any person present at the time of the behaviour (including an Authorised Officer)
  • Driving the vehicle in a manner that causes or is likely to cause harassment alarm or distress to any person (including an Authorised Officer)

e) Obstructing the highway or loitering

Any person is prohibited from causing or permitting an obstruction on the carriageway of a street in the Prohibition Area after having been requested to remove the obstruction from the carriageway by an Authorised Officer.

f) Anti-social parking

Any person or registered keeper of a motor vehicle in the Prohibition Area is prohibited from parking such that the side of the vehicle is adjacent to another motor vehicle parked parallel to the traffic direction (the Double Parking Prohibition)

g) Unauthorised distribution of printed material or leaflets

Any person is prohibited from distributing free printed matter in a council car park within the Prohibition Area without being in possession of an authorisation from the council.

h) Use of skateboards, bicycles and scooters

Any person is prohibited from, at any time using a skateboard, bicycle, scooter or similar wheeled conveyance in such a manner that causes, or is likely to cause, nuisance, alarm or distress in the Prohibition Area.

i) Begging on the Street

Any person on a street in the Prohibition Area is prohibited from, at any time, placing themselves in a position to beg or solicit money. 

j) Foul and abusive language

Any person in the Prohibition Area is prohibited from swearing, or shouting, in a manner that causes or is likely to cause harassment alarm or distress to any person present at the time (including an Authorised Officer)

2. Definitions

a) Authorised Officer means a Police Constable a Police Community Support Officer or an officer of North Northamptonshire Council in possession of an authority to enforce this order
b) Plan means the plan annexed to this order
c) Carriageway means 'The part of a road intended for vehicles rather than pedestrians'
d) Scooter means 'conveyance consisting of a footboard mounted on two wheels and a long steering handle, propelled by resting one foot on the footboard and pushing the other against the ground' or any other variation of the same designed or adapted for similar purpose, whether having a handle or otherwise.

3. Period for which the order has effect

This Order shall come into force on Wednesday 31 August 2022 and remain in place for a period of three years.

4. What happens if you fail to comply with this order?

If a person does anything that is lawfully prohibited by the this order, or fails to do something lawfully required by it, he commits an offence under section 67 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014 punishable by a level 3 fine being the sum of £1,000, Alcohol will be punishable by a level 2 fine being the sum of £500, on the date of this order unless he has a reasonable excuse save that consumption of alcohol is not an offence unless the requirements of clause 4.1 (a) have been complied with.

4.1 If an Authorised Officer reasonably believes that a person is, or has been, consuming alcohol in the area covered by this order or intends to consume alcohol in such place or is in possession of an open container of alcohol in such place, the Officer may:

a) require the person not to consume alcohol
b) require the person concerned to surrender anything in his possession which is, or which the Officer reasonably believes to be, alcohol or a container of alcohol.

5. Exemptions

A prohibition in this order on consuming alcohol does not apply to licensed premises as defined in section 62 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2004.    

Signed: Iain M Smith
Iain M Smith, Assistant Director of Regulatory Services
Dated: 31 August 2022      

North Northamptonshire Council anti-social behaviour, crime and policing act 2014

  • restricted area is shown edged red on the below map
Rushden PSPO

Public Spaces Protection Order Notice is hereby given that the North Northamptonshire Council (referred to hereafter as "the Council") makes a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) under section 59 of The Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 (the Act) and all other enabling powers.

General Provisions

  1. The Order will be cited as the North Northamptonshire Council (Rushden Town Centre) Public Spaces Protection Order ("the Order").
  2. The Order will apply to any place to which the public have access within the area of land described in Schedule 1 below ("the Prohibition Area") and is shown edged red and shaded on the plan above ("the Order plan") unless otherwise specified.
  3. The Order will apply to all persons within the Prohibition Area at all times of the day and night.
  4. The Order will come into effect on [date to be inserted on sealing] and shall remain in place for a period of 3 years unless extended by further order under the Council's statutory powers.


The effect of the Order will be to prohibit the following within the Prohibition Area (Schedule 1):

  1. Alcohol consumption - Being in the possession of any open vessel suspected of containing alcohol, having been requested by an Authorised Officer to surrender the same, unless it is being consumed on a licensed premise i.e. a pub or a restaurant.
  2. Rowdy or inconsiderate behaviour - Acting in a manner that causes harassment, alarm or distress or acting in a way that an Authorised Officer reasonably perceives to be intimidating and / or aggressive as a result of consuming alcohol.
  3. Using the public space as a toilet - Urinating or defecating other than in a facility specifically designed and intended for such use.
  4. Begging - By making any verbal, non-verbal (excluding busking) or written request from a standing, sitting down position for money, donations or goods-including the placing of hats or containers for money.
  5. Misuse of motorised or powered vehicles - Using a motorised or powered vehicle within the prohibition area causing unreasonable anti-social noise, public nuisance, or danger to others, and or refusal by a person in possession or control of a motorised or powered vehicle, to remove the vehicle from the prohibition area when requested to do so by an Authorised Officer.

Authorised Officer

Authorised Officer means a Police Constable, a Police Community Support Officer or an officer of the North Northamptonshire Council in possession of an authority to enforce this order.


Any person who fails without reasonable excuse to comply with the Prohibitions or requirements within this Order commits a summary offence under Section 67 of the Act. A person guilty of an offence under Section 67 of the Act is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding level 3 on the standard scale.

Any person who fails to comply with a requirement of a Constable or an Authorised Officer

  1. Not to consume alcohol or anything they reasonably believe to be alcohol or
  2. Not to surrender anything which a Constable or Authorised Officer reasonably believes to be alcohol or a container for alcohol, commits a summary offence under section 63 of the Act.

A person guilty of an offence under Section 63 of the Act is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding level 2 on the standard scale.


A Prohibition in this Order will not apply to:

  1. I licensed premises as defined in Section 62 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014

Schedule 1

This order applies to all land which is within the administrative area of North Northamptonshire Council as edged red and shaded on the Order plan above to this order and which is:

  1. Any highway, footway, cycleway or footpath maintainable at the public expense, any grass verge maintained by the local authority, and which is adjacent to any carriageway or footway of any highway, any road subject to a 30-mph limit or less to that part of the carriageway of a highway which forms part of the gutter.
  2. Church Green (War Memorial and Gardens) bordered by Wellingborough Road and High Street.
  3. The High Street
  4. Victoria Road between High Street and Rectory Road
  5. West Street
  6. Queen Street between High Street and Rectory Road
  7. George Street
  8. Coffee Tavern Lane
  9. Church Street
  10. John Street
  11. Eaton Walk
  12. Alfred Street
  13. College Street
  14. Rectory Road
  15. Newton Road
  16. Duck Street
  17. Wellingborough Road from Duck Street to High Street
  18. John Street car park
  19. Duck Street car park
  20. Splash Pool car park
  21. Orchard Place car park
  22. Rectory Road car park

The Common Seal of The council was affixed to this Order in the presence of Authorised by the Council to sign in that behalf
Signed: Louise Delavaloire
Title: Senior Lawyer
Authorised by North Northamptonshire Council to sign on its behalf Dated this day: Friday, 15 of March 2024.

North Northamptonshire council Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 Part 4, Section 59

  • restricted area is shown edged red on the below map
Wellingborough PSPO map

Public Spaces Protection Order Notice is hereby given that the Northamptonshire council (referred to hereafter as “the Council”) makes a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) under section 59 of The Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 (the Act) and all other enabling powers.

  1. the Order will be cited as the Borough Council of Wellingborough (Wellingborough Town Centre) Public Spaces Protection Order (“the Order”).
  2. the Order will apply to any place to which the public have access within the area of land described in Schedule 1 below (“the Prohibition Area”) and is shown edged red on the attached plan (“the Order plan”) unless otherwise specified.
  3. the Order will apply to all persons within the Prohibition Area at all times of the day and night.
  4. the Order will come into effect on 1st March 2018 and shall remain in place for a period of 3 years unless extended by further order under the Council’s statutory powers.


The effect of the Order will be to prohibit the following within the Prohibition Area (Schedule 1):

  1. the continued consumption of alcohol (except within a licensed premise) when required to desist by an Authorised Officer.
  2. being in the possession of any open vessel containing alcohol having been required by an Authorised Officer to surrender the same, unless subject to the exemptions listed below;
  3. acting in a manner that causes harassment, alarm or distress or acting in a way that is reasonably perceived to be intimidating and/or aggressive as a result of consuming alcohol;
  4. urinating or defecating other than in a facility specifically designed and intended for such use;
  5. begging by making any verbal, non-verbal (excluding busking) or written request from a standing, sitting or lying down position for money, donations or goods including the placing of hats or containers for money. 

Authorised Officer

Authorised Officer means a Police Constable, a Police Community Support Officer or an officer of the Borough Council of Wellingborough in possession of an authority to enforce this order.


Any person who fails without reasonable excuse to comply with the Prohibitions or requirements within this Order commits a summary offence under Section 67 of the Act. A person guilty of an offence under Section 67 of the Act is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding level 3 on the standard scale.

Any person who fails to comply with a requirement of a Constable or an Authorised Officer

(a) not to consume alcohol or anything they reasonably believe to be alcohol or
(b) not to surrender anything which a Constable or Authorised Officer reasonably believes to be alcohol or a container for alcohol, commits a summary offence under section 63 of the Act.

A person guilty of an offence under Section 63 of the Act is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding level 2 on the standard scale.


A Prohibition in this Order will not apply to licensed premises as defined in Section 62 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014

Schedule 1

The land to which this Proposed Order applies includes the following: The area boundaried by Gold St, Finedon Rd, Eastfield Rd, Senwick Rd, Irthlingborough Rd, Broadway, Croyland Rd, Westfield Rd, also including Croyland park & Dale End park.

The Common Seal of The council was affixed to this Order in the presence of Authorised by the Council to sign in that behalf

Public Spaces Protection Order extension no 2. of 2023 North Northamptonshire Council anti-social behaviour crime and policing act 2014

The Borough Council of Wellingborough (Wellingborough Town Centre) Public Spaces Protection Order - Extension no 2. of 2023

On the 10th day of November 2020, the Borough Council of Wellingborough ("the Council") being the appropriate local authority and in pursuance of its powers under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 ("the Act") made a Public Spaces Protection Order ("the Order") coming into force on 10th November 2020 for a period of three years, as described in the first schedule below.

The North Northamptonshire Council, being the appropriate local authority and in pursuance of its powers under the Act and other enabling powers, makes the following Order:

The Order is extended with immediate effect for a period of 3 years from the date of this order.

First Schedule:

  • The Borough Council of Wellingborough (Wellingborough Town Centre) Public Spaces Protection Order

Signed: Sarah Coles
Title: Senior Lawyer

Authorised by North Northamptonshire Council to sign on its behalf Dated this day: Thursday, 9 of November 2023

Active Gating PSPO

Laxton Close Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) has been approved for 2023 to 2026. On 1 May 2023, the Laxton Close Public Spaces Protection Order came into effect.

  • restricted area is shown edged red on the below map
Map showing PSPO for Laxton Close, Corby

The Order authorises the installation of a gate in front of property number 24 Laxton Close, Corby and between 21 and 23 Grafton Drive, Corby thereby restricting the public rights of way along the pedestrian walkway. It also prohibits the following:

  • no person shall shout, swear or act in a threatening or aggressive manner likely to cause annoyance, harassment, alarm or distress to any persons within the Restricted Area or any person living nearby
  • it is an offence to engage in any of the activities that are restricted or prohibited by this Order - Any person who fails to comply with this Order, may be issued with a fixed penalty notice for £100.00 by a police constable or other authorised person or, on summary conviction in the Magistrates Court, a fine of up to £1000.00

North Northamptonshire Council, Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime And Policing Act 2014 Section 59, Public Spaces Protection Order

This order is made by the North Northamptonshire Council (the ‘Council’) and shall be known as the Public Spaces Protection Order Laxton Close. 

1. The council makes this Order in exercise of its powers under Section 59,64 and 72 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014 (“the Act”)

2. The Council, in making this Order is satisfied on reasonable grounds that: 
The activities identified have been carried out in public places within the Council’s area and have had a detrimental effect on the quality of life of those in the locality, 
and that: 

the effect, or likely effect, of the activities: 

  • is, or is likely to be, of a persistent or continuing nature, 
  • is, or is likely to be, such as to make the activities unreasonable

and justifies the restrictions imposed by the notice. 

3. The Council is satisfied that the prohibitions imposed by this Order are reasonable to impose in order to prevent the detrimental effect of these activities from continuing, occurring or recurring, or to reduce that detrimental effect or to reduce the risk of its continuance, occurrence or recurrence. 

4. The Council has had regard to the rights and freedoms set out in the European Convention on Human Rights. The Council has had particular regard to the rights and freedoms set out in Article 10 (right of freedom of expression) and Article 11 (right of freedom of assembly) of the European Convention on Human Rights and has concluded that the restrictions on such rights and freedoms imposed by this Order are lawful, necessary and proportionate. 


5. This Order will come into force on 1st May 2023 and will remain in place for a period of three years.
6. At any point before the expiry of this three-year period the Council can extend the Order by up to three years if they are satisfied on reasonable grounds that this is necessary to prevent the activities identified in the Order from occurring or recurring or to prevent an increase in the frequency or seriousness of those activities after that time.


7. This Order applies to the pedestrian walkways outside 24 Laxton Close, Corby, at the front of 21 Grafton Drive, Corby and at the side of 23 Grafton Drive, Corby, (“the Restricted Areas”) and are shown as yellow and black hatching on the attached plan.
8. This Order authorises the installation of gates which will enforce the restriction. The effect of this Order is to restrict the public right of way along the pedestrian walkway marked with yellow and black on the plan and to impose the following prohibitions:


a. No person shall enter the Restricted Areas other than those listed in paragraph 9.
b. No person shall shout, swear or act in a threatening or aggressive manner likely to cause annoyance, harassment, alarm or distress to any persons within the Restricted Area or any person living nearby


9. The public right of way over the Restricted Areas shown in the attached plan shall be restricted at all time except for those persons listed below:

a. Fire brigade, police or NHS Trust / Foundation staff when in the exercise of their duties.
b. Employees, contractors or agents of statutory undertakers in relation to gas, electricity or water, telecommunications apparatus as defined in the Telecommunications Act 1994 situated in the relevant highway in connection with the laying, erecting, inspection, maintenance, alteration, repair, renewal or removal of any relevant apparatus.
c. Council staff and authorised contractors when in the exercise of their duties.
d. Persons using the Restricted Areas with the permission or on the direction of a duly authorised Council Officer in this regard.


10. Responsibility for the maintenance of the gates at the Restricted Areas will lie with the Council.


11. A person who is believed to have engaged in a breach of this Order is required to give their name and address to a police officer, police community support officer or other person designated by the Council.
12. A constable or authorised Officer may issue a fixed penalty notice to anyone he or she has reason to believe has committed an offence under section 67 of the Act in relation to public spaces protection orders.
13. Failure without reasonable excuse to comply with the requirements imposed by this Order is a summary offence under 67 of the Act. A person guilty of an offence under section 67 of the Act is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding level 3 on the standard scale.

Signed: Iain M Smith
Iain M Smith, Assistant Director of Regulatory Services
Dated: 30 March 2023

Last updated 21 November 2024