- Busking
- Street performers - Code of practice
Street performers - Code of practice
Busking is playing music or performing in a public place for voluntary donations. Performances tend to be impromptu in nature and performed by an individual or a small
group of musicians who move from one pitch to another during the course of the day.
Larger groups or those which use more than the minimum amplification do not generally come within the term busking. Performances by such groups may require to be formally licensed by us.
Busking and other forms of street entertainment such as dancing, mime and puppetry are long established traditions which, when done well, add to the appeal of our town and village centres. It can create a happy and pleasant atmosphere that provides pleasure and entertainment to local people and visitors.
For those living or working in the town centre, busking can become a source of intrusion and annoyance. Under some circumstances, this could lead to a nuisance being caused, which would warrant action by the authorities. This is especially so when amplification is used to support the performance.
The law requires us to take action to reduce noise which is deemed to be a nuisance. This could involve the service of a legal notice and in some cases the seizure of instruments or amplifiers.
The Street Performers’ Code
This voluntary code of practice is intended to set out a standard which, if followed, will enable busking to continue to thrive whilst protecting businesses and residents
from excessive noise, intrusion or nuisance:
- do not position yourself or equipment to obstruct the road, entrances and exits to shops, cash machines, shop window displays or street furniture
- ensure that the road is not obstructed by people gathering to watch or listen (including any pedestrianised areas)
- the level of sound generated should be appropriate and not heard beyond a distance of 30 meters
- collections must not be solicited from passers by. This is regarded as begging and could result in prosecution. You may however use a box, hat or the like placed discreetly to collect donations
- buskers are not permitted to collect for charitable purposes. This would be considered a street collection and needs a permit
- selling of merchandise such as CDs, posters, etc, is not allowed
- you should not perform in a manner which could be considered dangerous to yourself or the general public, and should not dress or say anything likely to cause alarm, distress or offence to a member of the public
- busking in the street should not start before 9am and should finish by 9pm
If buskers are disturbing you, either where you live or outside your place of work, you should approach the busker calmly and explain politely that you are being troubled by the noise. You may be apprehensive, but often, people may be unaware that they are causing a problem. Most buskers will be prepared to respond positively to a reasonable request. You may find it helpful to bring this code to their attention.
If the problem persists, you can contact us for advice. An officer may be able to visit to explain the code to the busker and, if necessary, take appropriate action.
Organised events
Where street performances are planned in advance, for example, by a large group or as part of an organised event, then a licence may be required, usually using a Temporary Event Notice.
Everyone who performs in the street has a responsibility to do so safely and should consider whether they need public liability insurance cover.
Last updated 03 August 2023