Augean revenue and small grants fund

Augean manages landfill sites in King’s Cliffe and Thornhaugh. As part of this, some of their revenue (Section 106 monies) is given back to fund local community projects.

We administer the scheme to fund projects within a 10 mile radius of Augean's landfill sites - you can use our postcode checker and the magnifying glass in the top menu to search by postcode and see if it's within the blue or green project areas.

Total funding changes every year and supports revenue projects up to £5,000 and capital projects of up to £5,000. There is one funding round in the 2024/25 financial year.


Any organisation with a constitution or charitable status that directly benefits the community can apply (e.g. community groups, parish councils, sports associations).

All groups must be constituted and not-for-profit.

Schools and religious institutions can apply if they can clearly show the wider community will benefit


Revenue funding is available up to £5,000 for project costs such as administration costs, running costs, feasibility studies (e.g. paying for the running of a volunteer hub, management costs such as facilities manager for small, growing organisations, one off expense such as catering for an annual event).

Capital funding is available up to £5,000 such as one-off equipment purchases for sports club, community centres, signage, defibrillators, benches, park equipment. For any capital projects needing more than £5,000, visit Augean Community Fund – Grantscape.

Organisations can apply for different projects in each round.

The same project can't be applied for more than once a year.


We like to support as many groups as possible that will help achieve one or more of the following outcomes.

Provision, maintenance or improvement of facilities or schemes that increase:

  • health and wellbeing and active lifestyle participation in the community
  • volunteering within community to contribute to community self-help
  • financial resilience and sustainability for community groups
  • existing community services offered that benefit the wider community

Examples of what can't be funded.
  • Large capital purchases in excess of £5,000 (e.g. sports facility improvements)
  • Works that are considered a statutory responsibility (e.g. verge mowing)
  • Projects that have exclusive membership and do not allow anyone to join
  • Any commercial or business venture which makes a profit
  • Religious promotion
  • Political promotion
  • Replacement of facilities subject to an insurance claim
  • Land banking
  • Organisations with more than 12 months free reserves unless a good reason can be given 

Including what you need to include in your application.

To help make your application as clear as possible, please include:

  1. How you will measure project outcomes - what monitoring you have in place or how you will monitor how successful the project has been to deliver the outcomes mentioned above. (e.g 'By receiving this funding we will be able to deliver x amount of sessions and will ask participants to complete feedback forms on our service')
  2. What experience you have in delivering similar projects. Give an example of what other projects you have done in the same organisation and what outcomes you achieved and how you monitored them
  3. What measures you have in place to achieve your organisation’s future financial resilience and sustain- ability. (e.g. tell us why you need to invest in this in order to receive x amount in fees back)
  4. How you expect to receive good value for money. (e.g. explain how many quotes you will get to ensure the price is competitive)
  5. How you have worked with the community to assess the need for this project. Please explain how the idea for the project evolved and what evidence you have to support it (e.g. consultation)
  6. How you will try to source local contractors where possible. Please show how you have tried to use suppliers within the local area where applicable
  7. Who will benefit from the project. Please indicate the approximate numbers of people that will benefit, their age ranges, demographics, etc
  8. What will be the legacy of the project. This is the outcome and what you hope the lasting impact of the project will be

Other key information to consider before applying.
  • Match funding is not required
  • All awards will be subject to a grant agreement
  • All grants are paid retrospectively upon receipt of invoices
  • Projects cannot start before the funding application has been approved
  • Applicants are responsible for ensuring they have all relevant documentation (e.g. planning permission, building control, regulations, tenancy and lease agreements)
  • Activities must be widely advertised, open to the public and fully accessible to all
  • The project must acknowledge the contribution of Augean PLC
  • The project must have the support of the community, its need identified in consultation and be sup- ported by the management committee, landlord, town or parish council, etc, and ratified in minutes
  • The amount of monies available each year differ and can be withdrawn at any time. Therefore, projects are asked to look at their other options for future sustainability
  • Where the amount of monies requested exceeds the amount of monies available, preference will be given to those within a 5-mile radius
  • Where the amount required from applications exceed the amount of funding available, priority will be given to those projects that best meet the outcomes

This is not an exhaustive list, and the Augean Revenue and Smaller Grants Fund Ward Councillors and Advisory Panel makes its recommendations based on the information provided by each application. The more detail that is given, the more information we have to assess your application.

If you have any questions, please contact the Grants team at [email protected].


For larger capital grants for projects in this area, please visit Augean Community Fund – Grantscape.


  • Open - 17 May 2024
  • Deadline - 17 June 2024 at 12 noon 
  • Outcome - Mid to end of July 2024

Last updated 17 May 2024