Carer’s assessment

If you care for someone, and it has an impact on your life, you are entitled to have a free assessment of your needs as a carer. 

Carers come from all walks of life and anyone can become a carer. Many feel that they are doing what anyone would do in the same situation, for example:

  • looking after a mother
  • partner
  • son or best friend

You may not think you are a carer or wish to view yourself as a carer, or you may not live with the person you care for, so don't ask for support. However, anyone who provides care to someone else can ask for an assessment, advice, and support to continue caring for that person (if that is what you wish to do).

Stages of an assessment

A carer's assessment will look at how caring affects your life and determine how you can carry on doing the things that are important to you and your family.

Your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing will be at the heart of this assessment and you may benefit from:

  • receiving information about local support groups
  • just having someone to talk to
  • information about training available to you
  • advice about how to get a balance between work and caring
  • assessment of your needs
  • information on how your GP can help you
  • practical help
  • services to enable you to have a break from your caring role

If you need other types of support you may be eligible for a direct payment to support you in your caring role. This can be spent on things to make your caring role easier. 

Our carer's assessments are carried out by Northamptonshire Carers.

You can request a carer's assessment even if the person you care for does not get any help from us, and they do not need to be reassessed.

Request a carer's assessment


The person you care for may be eligible for certain benefits. There are also benefits you can apply for as a carer:

  • Attendance Allowance (GOV.UK) is a tax-free benefit for people aged 65 or over who need someone to help look after them because they are physically or mentally disabled
  • Carer's Allowance (GOV.UK) is a taxable benefit to help people who look after someone who is disabled - you do not have to be related to, or live with, the person that you care for
  • Personal Independence Payment (GOV.UK) - for disabled people aged 16 to 64
  • Employment and Support Allowance (GOV.UK) replaces Incapacity Benefit and Income Support that is paid because of an illness or disability for new claimants from 27 October 2008 - If you are already receiving Incapacity Benefit, you will continue to get it as long as you are eligible
  • Incapacity Benefit (GOV.UK) - if you can't work because of illness or disability you may be able to get a weekly payment for people under State Pension age

Help with health costs

Most National Health Service (NHS) treatment is free but there can be charges for some things. You may be able to get help with health costs if, for example, you're on a low income.

Get help with health costs

Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)

If someone has difficulties that mean they can't make decisions anymore, they will need help managing their finances.

Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a legal document where someone (while they still have mental capacity) nominates a trusted friend or relative to look after their affairs should they lose capacity. To find out more visit the Office of the Public Guardian website.

Last updated 15 November 2022