Bus Subsidy Ring-Fenced (Revenue) Grant

The Local Authority Bus Subsidy Ring-Fenced (Revenue) Grant is paid by the Department for Transport to local authorities. This is in place of the Bus Services Operators Grant, previously paid to bus operators for running services under tender to local authorities.

The grant may be used for the purposes of supporting bus services (including community transport services run under a section 19 permit). It may also be used for the provision of infrastructure supporting such services in our, or a neighbouring local transport authority's area.

In 2021 and 2022, North Northamptonshire Council received £105,654. This was used to match fund services which were supported by parish or town councils and developer funding. It was also used to continue running services which had been withdrawn by commercial bus operators.

In 2023 and 2024, North Northamptonshire Council received £110,728. This is used to supplement the Council’s own budget for supporting bus services to enable existing supported services to continue or to additionally support services which have been withdrawn by commercial operators.

Supported Bus Services Fund

The Department for Transport provided Northamptonshire County Council with funding for supported bus services in 2020 and 2021. This was part of the better deal for buses announced in September 2019.

The impacts of the Covid pandemic lasted longer than expected. And with more emergency Government support available than initially expected, the funding was used in a slightly different way.

Funding was used for the following services between March 2020 and March 2021:

Bus NumberRoute
8Kettering - Geddington - Corby
16Brambleside - Kettering - Thrapston - Raunds
18 and X3Corby - Thrapston

The remaining funding was used by North Northamptonshire Council to continue to fund these services after April 2021.

Covid-19 Bus Service Support Grant

The Covid-19 Bus Service Support Grant (CBSSG) and CBSSG Restart Grant were paid by the Department for Transport between 17 March 2020 and 31 August 2021. They were to ensure that bus services can continue to run while passenger numbers were reduced due to Covid-19.

The majority of the grant is paid to commercial bus operators. However, a proportion of the grant is paid to local authorities to support tendered services. North Northamptonshire Council used this funding to support the continued operation of the following services:

North Northamptonshire Council

Bus NumberRoute
8​Kettering - Geddington - Corby
16Brambleside – Kettering – Thrapston - Raunds
18 and X3Corby - Thrapston
R1, R2 and R3Rushden Town Services

From 1 September 2021, this funding was replaced by two grants. The Bus Recovery Grant, paid to commercial operators; and the Local Authority Bus Recovery Grant, paid to local authorities.

Last updated 03 October 2024