Mainstream and public transport code of conduct
For passengers
Always ensure that you have your pass with you and present it to the driver/company official/Authority inspector upon boarding each time you travel and whenever requested. Allow the driver time to examine this properly.
If you can’t show your pass you will be refused travel on the vehicle. If you have lost your pass at your establishment you will be allowed to travel home provided you have obtained a temporary pass from the establishment office.
Lost or damaged passes must be replaced for which a small fee is charged.
Be Punctual: arrive at your designated pick-up and or set-down points at least 5 minutes before your transport is due to arrive.
At the end of the day, do not hang around talking to your friends as the vehicle will not wait for you. Make your way to the vehicle bay as quickly and safely as possible.
Queue in a sensible manner away from the road having respect for nearby residents and property.
Do not push or rush towards the vehicle when it arrives as you may push someone into the path of the moving vehicle. Only move to board the vehicle when it has stopped and the door has been opened. Never try to force any door unless informed to do so in an emergency.
Don’t panic if the vehicle is late or does not arrive, if you have a mobile phone, use it to contact home, establishment or the Authority.
You should discuss with your parent/guardian/carer a plan of action in case of exceptional circumstances (e.g. where the vehicle is unable to follow the normal route to your designated pick-up and or set-down points because of road diversions or deteriorating weather or the vehicle does not arrive).
Do not board a vehicle whilst wearing dirty sports kit or other soiled clothing or footwear.
Broken or unsuitable equipment including laser light pens will not be allowed on the vehicle. Please do not use glass containers for any lessons at school as they pose a Health and Safety issue should they be broken whilst on the vehicle.
Board the vehicle in an orderly manner sitting down quickly and quietly, and fasten your seat belt (where fitted).
Place belongings in a safe place where they do not obstruct the gangway or use up seat space.
Be aware of the location of the emergency exit on the vehicle. Behave sensibly and safely at all times. If you see an incident, act responsibly. You can report incidents to your establishment or the Authority in confidence.
Show respect to the driver, following their instructions at all times and treat the vehicle with respect. Show respect to all other passengers and their belongings.
If you are using Public Transport have consideration for other passengers.
It is against the law to smoke on any vehicle.
The consumption of food or drink is not permitted on the vehicle.
Do not drop litter or throw anything around the vehicle.
Always remain seated when the vehicle is moving and wear the seat belt at all times (where fitted). If travelling on public transport you may be required to stand for a short distance.
Do not kneel or stand on your seat. It is dangerous and accidents have resulted from it.
Do not lean against any vehicle windows or throw items out of open windows.
Only speak to the driver when they are not driving, in an emergency or when requesting a stop. Remember that excessive noise can distract the driver and could lead to an accident.
Should you cause damage to the vehicle the operator will claim the full cost of the repairs from your parent/guardian/carer.
You must not at any time request the driver to stop at a location other than that which has previously been agreed with the Authority. Any requests should be made to the Transport Team and a period of time should be allowed for any agreed changes to take place.
If your behaviour becomes unacceptable due to verbal and or physical abuse towards anyone travelling in the vehicle and or others outside the vehicle and or cause damage to the vehicle, then you will not be transported until your behaviour improves. Your parent/guardian/carer then has full responsibility to ensure that you attend your establishment.
The Transport Team will work with all parties concerned, and you will only be returned to transport when all parties have agreed that the unacceptable behaviour has improved, and a letter of apology from you is received.
If the vehicle breaks down or is involved in an accident, follow the instructions given by the driver. Only leave the vehicle in an emergency or where instructed to do so by the driver. In these circumstances, all passengers should remain together in a safe spot in the vicinity of the vehicle.
If you leave the vehicle, do not continue your journey alone or without informing the driver of your name, where you are heading and the route you plan to take.
In the event of an accident we would need to know all the passengers who are travelling on the vehicle. Do not take your friends home on the vehicle unless they have a pass for the same vehicle as you. If you want friends to travel home with you, you will need to make alternative travel arrangements.
If travelling on Public Transport please request your stop in good time and in all cases, wait until the vehicle has stopped before standing and moving along the vehicle aisle.
Make sure that you have all your belongings with you when you leave the vehicle, but be prepared to leave them behind in the event of an emergency.
If you forget something, take great care how and if you return to the vehicle as the driver may be pulling away and may not have seen you return; in that case, do not try to stop the vehicle. It will then be necessary for your parent/guardian/carer to contact the operator direct for your belongings to be retrieved.
If you have to cross the road after getting off the vehicle, always allow the vehicle to move off before attempting to do so. Always use the Green Cross Code.
For parents/guardians/carers
Ensure that your passenger always carries their pass. If lost or damaged, travel will be refused. Replacement passes are available for a small fee on request. If a passenger (other than a 16+ or Concessionary passenger) loses their pass during the day, they will be allowed to travel home provided they have obtained a temporary pass from the establishment’s office.
Be punctual. Remember that it is your responsibility to ensure your passenger gets to and from their designated pick-up and/or set-down point in safety. Please discuss with your passenger what they should do if they are refused entry onto a vehicle, the vehicle is late or the vehicle does not arrive.
If waiting for transport with your own vehicle at the pick-up and or set-down points, please have respect for nearby residents and the entrance to their property.
If passengers have a mobile phone with them please ask them to let you know if they have any major delays or problems with their transport.
Transport is provided from designated pick-up and or set-down points near your home address to the establishment and return only. Please do not ask the driver to pick-up or set-down your passenger at different places.
In exceptional circumstances it is the driver/operator who must decide upon whether a route is passable when faced with deteriorating weather conditions or chance road diversions.
Advise your passenger that where vehicles are fitted with seat belts it is a requirement that these must be worn and secured by themselves.
Ensure that young passengers are met when the vehicle returns from their establishment. Once passengers alight from the vehicle they are no longer the driver’s responsibility. Stand in a safe place and avoid calling your passenger across the road to you.
Make sure both you and your passenger know the safest route home after leaving the vehicle and always use it.
Ensure your passenger knows how to cross the road from the designated pick-up and or set-down point. Make sure your passenger knows and understands the Green Cross Code. Remember, very young passengers cannot judge speed or distance and should not be allowed to cross the road unaccompanied.
Please ensure that your passenger is aware of the consequences arising from vandalism.
While this problem is only caused by a small minority, parents/guardians/carers should be aware that they will be held responsible for any damage caused by their passenger who may:
- receive a temporary or permanent travel ban from all establishment transport
- be required to pay for any damage caused
- be prosecuted by the police
If you have any concerns regarding transport please contact the Authority or your passengers’ establishment. Please see list of telephone numbers below.
If your passenger wishes to travel on an alternative vehicle, you must put your request in writing to the Transport Team, and allow a period of time for any changes to be implemented if and or when agreed.
You should consider providing your passenger with reflective hi-visibility clothing for walking to and from the designated pick-up and or set-down points.
Lost property
The passenger is carried also subject to the Provisions of the Public Service Vehicle (Lost Property) Regulations 1978 as amended by the PSV (Lost Property) (Amendment) Regulations 1995 a short summary of which follows:
Any such property which before it has been deposited is claimed by a person who satisfies the member of staff or other duly authorised servant of the Company that he is the owner, will be returned forthwith to the claimant without fee or reward, upon giving his name and address to such staff member or other authorised servant.
If any property so retained by the Company or their representatives appears to them to be of a perishable nature, and it is not claimed within 48 (or earlier if it becomes objectionable) hours from time when it was found, he may there upon destroy or otherwise dispose of it as he sees fit.
Under the provisions of the above Statutory Regulations the Company may charge claimants of lost property a fee, plus advance payment for postage and packing if applicable.
Any property unclaimed within one calendar month will be disposed of in accordance with the Statutory Regulations.
Please note this is an abridged version of the Code of Conduct for your convenience.
To contact us with a query or to receive the full version of the Code of Conduct:
- email: [email protected]
- telephone: 0300 373 1023
Last updated 01 November 2022