Register of Definitive Map Modification Order Applications

The DMMO register lists all applications made to modify the Definitive Map.

Case number, application date and statusParishDescription and grid ref start and endDocuments

071 - 14/04/2008

Order made

Burton Latimer

Claim for a public footpath from UA12 to UA19 along the eastern edge of Hog's Hole.

Start: NGR SP 894 743

End: NGR SP 892 740

103 - 15/12/2009

Under investigation

Lilford-cum-Wigsthorpe and Thorpe Achurch

Claim for 6 Public Footpaths and 1 Public Bridleway:

  1. Lilford route 1: NG1 to Pilton Rd
  2. Lilford route 2: A605 to Lilford Home Farm
  3. Thorpe Achurch route 1: Pilton Rd to Pilton Rd
  4. Thorpe Achurch route 2: Pilton Rd to A605 to Clopton Rd
  5. Thorpe Achurch route 3: A605 to Pilton Rd (Bridleway claim)
  6. Thorpe Achurch route 4: A605 to Clopton Rd to Wigsthorpe Rd
  7. Thorpe Achurch route 5: A605 to dismantled railway to NW3 to Clopton Parish Boundary


  1. ​Lilford route 1: NGR TL029 834
  2. Lilford route 2: NGR TL033 837
  3. Thorpe Achurch route 1: NGR TL023 823
  4. Thorpe Achurch route 2: NGR TL024 830
  5. Thorpe Achurch route 3: NGR TL023 827
  6. Thorpe Achurch route 4: NGR TL025 816
  7. Thorpe Achurch route 5: NGR TL025 816


  1. ​Lilford route 1: NGR TL038 845
  2. Lilford route 2: NGR TL041 839
  3. Thorpe Achurch route 1: NGR TL029 834
  4. Thorpe Achurch route 2: NGR TL042 825
  5. Thorpe Achurch route 3: NGR TL030 823
  6. Thorpe Achurch route 4: NGR TL046 826
  7. Thorpe Achurch route 5: NGR TL040 808

114 - 28/09/2010

​Order made, 8 objections received. Being referred to Planning Inspectorate


​Claim for a public footpath from Granville Street to Russell Street

Start: SP 872 786

End: SP 872 785

116 - 29/01/2011

Under investigation


Claim for public footpath from Warmington Locks to Elton Locks

Start: SP 072 921

End: ​SP 080 938

125 - 03/01/2012

Application received


​Claim for a public footpath from Gladstone Street to Public Footpath NR2

Start: ​SP 991 751

End: ​SP 992 754

131 - 05/03/2012

Under investigation


Claim for a public footpath from Drummingwell Lane to West Street

Start: ​SP 992 754

End: SP 992 754

166 - 29/06/2014

Application received

Pilton, Sudborough and Aldwincle

Claim to upgrade public footpaths to bridleways


  • ​MC13 TL 973 849
  • NU15 TL 965 849
  • NN10 TL 983 856


  • ​MC13 TL 984 852
  • NU15 TL 973 849
  • NN10 TL 996 862

176 - 01/07/2015

Under investigation

Wilbarston/Stoke Albany

Claim for upgrade to public footpaths to bridleways


  • ​HH11 SP 814 865
  • HH18 SP 818 871
  • HH25 SP821 868
  • HA2 SP 810 857
  • HA20 SP 810 864


  • ​HH11 SP 819 869
  • HH18 SP 839 857
  • HH25 SP 830 876
  • HA2 SP 812 878
  • HA20 SP 814 865

184 - 30/03/2016

Application received


Claim to add footpath from Prospect Avenue to Greenway and Shirley Road

Start: SP 961 677

End: SP 959 674

188 - 19/08/2016

Under investigation


Claim to add a public footpath between Church Street/NX2 to North Street

Start: TL 021 800

End: ​TL 025 797

190 - 28/09/2016

Under investigation


​Claim to add a public footpath between High Street and public footpath NZ8

Start: ​TL 023 796

End: TL 023 792

197 - 18/1/2017

Application received


Claimed bridleway

Start point (grid ref): TL0895/8720

End point (grid ref): TL0885/8775

Map of Polebrook

198 - 16/03/2017

Application received


​Claim to add a public footpath from public footpath UC1 to old A6

Start: SP803 828

End: SP804 825

200 - 23/03/2017

Application received


Claim to add various rights of way

Start: ​SP942 777

End: SP938 772

244 - 21/08/2020

Application received


​Bridleway GF17 east along the road to Five Willows Farm (old A604) to Woodford Parish Boundary

Start: SP928 767

End: ​SP937 766

248 - 21/08/2020

Application received

Aldwincle, Sudborough

Upgrade existing footpaths NU17 and MC5 to bridleways. The footpaths run from Bridleways NU22 and NU23 to byway MC17

Start: ​SP973 845

End: ​SP996 827

255 - 25/08/2020

Application received

Ashton (ENC) and Lutton

From the Road to the Rifle Range, east to Tansor Road

Start: TL061 883

End: TL096 878

260 - 31/08/2020

Application received


Bridleway GG11 north-east along Church Lane to Great Cransley, near Bridleway GG9

Start: ​SP824 762

End: SP825 764

261 - 31/08/2020

Application received

Rothwell and Thorpe Malsor

Upgrade of existing Public Footpath HC4 from Kettering Road along Glen Baulk Road. The claimed route then proceeds over the A14 to join Violet Lane, Rothwell

Start: SP838 791

End: SP842 803

262 - 31/08/2020

Application received


​Bridleway GR6 north-east along Mawsley Lane to Wroxton Lodge

Start: SP809 772

End: ​SP810 774

264 - 31/08/2020

Application received


Grafton Road, Geddington, north-east along Wood Street to Byway GL20 (Clay Dick)

Start: SP895 829

End: ​SP899 835

268 - 04/09/2020

Application received

Southwick and Benefield

Bridleway MG5 north along the Road to Westwood Lodge at junction with NS5 and NS10 at Tottenhoe Lodge

Start: SP995 907

End: SP995 911

269 - 04/09/2020Earls Barton

​Bridleway TC13, north along the Road to Bridleway crossing the A45 to Northampton Road, Earls Barton

Start: ​SP848 622

End: ​SP847 635

272 - 16/08/2020

Application received

Burton Latimer

Wold Road, east, partially along Public Footpath UA6 to the A510 Thrapston Road

Start: SP918 748

End: SP934 749

273 - 16/08/2020

Application received

Chelveston cum Caldecote

​From the Caldecott Road south east along the road to Disused Airfield to junction Bridleway MM14

Start: SP995 678

End: SP998 676

282 - 14/09/2020

Application received

Easton Maudit

Upgrade of existing Public Footpaths LE9 TD5 and TD7 which run from Castle Ashby Road, generally east to the Road to Easton Maudit Village.

Start: ​SP865 572

End: SP891 581

287 - 17/09/2020

Application received


Jnc with BR NX14. North to A14

Start. 502 774

End. 022 776

297 and 322 - 29/09/2020

Application received


Jnc with NX3 ND13. East along riverbank to Jnc with NX2

Start. 997 799

End. 000 794

322 Map

299 - 16/02/2020

Application received

Aldwincle & Titchmarsh

Circular walk around lakes

Start. 015 815

End. 020 814


310 - 08/04/2021

Application received

Kings Cliffe

Along FP NE13 then South into Kings Cliffe

Start. 995 987

End. 005 972

311 - 19/04/2021

Application received


FP MT7 south to Jnc with Bridleway MT11

Start. 952 916

End. 954 905

315 - 04/06/2021

Application received

Polebrook and Ashton

path from Lutton Road Polebrook to Ashton Wold

Start. 073 871

End. 076 881

330 - 12/07/2022

Application received


Church Street. South east to Bears Lane.

Start. 926 892

End. 939 889


342 - 18/12/2023

Application received


Claimed upgrade of public bridleway NK8 to status of restricted byway.

Start: TL 111 855

End: TL 113 849

344 - 24/06/2024

Application received

Wadenhoe, Thorpe Achurch

Claim for public bridleways over existing public footpaths PB12 and NW1.

Start: NGR TL 013 834

End: NGR TL 022 826

345 - 24/06/2024

Application received

Thorpe Achurch

Claim for a public bridleway over existing public footpath NW2.

Start: NGR TL 017 830

End: NGR TL 021 831

351 - 04/12/2024

Application received


Claim for a public footpath Hemington Road to public footpath NK6

Start: NGR TL 104 836

End: NGR TL 104 836

634 - 24/08/2002

Under investigation


Claim for footpath from Kings Meadow Lane to Rushden and Diamonds car park between old stone road bridge and newer A6 road bridge.

Start: NGR SP 955 698

End: NGR SP 955 707

745 - 01/02/2005

Order made

Barton Seagrave

Claim for footpath between main gateway to the Latimer Community Arts College and Belvoir Drive, Barton Seagrave.

Start: ​NGR SP 888 767

End: NGR SP 892 767


Last updated 10 December 2024