Regulation 3 planning decisions - Wellingborough
Application numbers | NCC - 18/00026/CCDCOU
WBC - WP/18/0523/CRA |
Location | Land At Hardwater Road, Wollaston, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire NN29 7SS |
Proposal | Change of Use from Waste Transfer Station (Sui Generis) to Industrial Use (B8) for storage of mobile classrooms |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision date | 04 September 2018 |
Relevant documents |
Submitted information
Application Numbers | NCC - 16/00059/CCDFUL
WBC - WP/17/00129/CRA |
Location | All Saints CEVA Primary School, Castle Street, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, NN8 1LS |
Proposal | Removal of existing canopy, erection of new canopy with first-floor terrace, new first-floor classroom and ancillary works |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 06 April 2017 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 16/00054/CCDFUL
WBC - WP/16/00785/CRA |
Location | Wollaston Primary School, College Street, Wollaston, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, NN29 7SF |
Proposal | Construction of two-storey extension to existing building |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 06 February 2017 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 16/00019/CCDFUL
WBC - WP/16/00261/CRA |
Location | Irchester County Park, Gipsy Lane, Irchester, Wellingborough |
Proposal | Construction of viewing platform |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 24 June 2016 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 16/00010/CCDVOC
WBC - WP/16/00171/CRA |
Location | Wollaston School, Irchester Road, Wollaston, Wellingborough, NN29 7PH |
Proposal | Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 14/00004/CCDFUL to revise approved plans to include acoustic enclosure to air conditioning units |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 20 May 2016 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 15/00093/CCDNMA
WBC - WP/16/00154/CRA |
Location | Diamond Learning Centre, Oakway, Wellingborough, NN8 4SD |
Proposal | Non-Material amendment to planning permission 14/00012/CCDFUL to amend the location of Kitchen Pod |
Decision | Approved |
Decision Date | 23 March 2016 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 15/00085/CCDVOC
WBC - WP/15/00779/CRA |
Location | Rowan Gate Primary School, Finedon Road, Wellingborough, NN8 4NS |
Proposal | Variation of condition 1 of planning permission 14/00083/CCDFUL for the retention of a double mobile classroom until 31/12/2020 |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 22 January 2016 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 15/00070/CCDNMA
WBC - WP/15/00560/CRA |
Location | Ecton County Primary School, West Street, Ecton, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN6 0QF |
Proposal | Non-Material Amendment to Planning Permission 15/00017/CCDFUL for change of the window layout |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 17 September 2015 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 15/00017/CCDFUL
WBC - WP/15/00162/CRA |
Location | Ecton County Primary School, West Street, Ecton, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN6 0QF |
Proposal | Installation of a single mobile classroom |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 08 May 2015 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 14/00095/CCDFUL
WBC - WP/15/00007/CRA |
Location | Irchester Community Primary School, School Lane, Irchester, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, NN29 7AZ |
Proposal | Front, side and rear extensions and alterations to Block A1 |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 10 March 2015 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 14/00064/CCDFUL
WBC - WP/14/00748/EXT |
Location | Caravan Site, Gipsy Lane, Irchester, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, NN29 7UF |
Proposal | Lawful Development Certificate for the use of land as a purpose-built permanent gypsy and travellers site, comprising 25 numbered plots each with individual amenity blocks comprising kitchen, utility, laundry and toilet facilities |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 11 December 2014 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 14/00083/CCDFUL
WBC - WP/14/00746/EXT |
Location | Rowan Gate Primary School, Finedon Road, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, NN8 4NS |
Proposal | Installation of a double mobile classroom |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 11 December 2014 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 14/00059/CCDVOC
WBC - WP/14/00625/EXT |
Location | Redwell Infant and Junior School, Barnwell Road, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, NN8 5LQ |
Proposal | Variation of Conditions 2 and 16 of Planning Permission 13/00100/CCDFUL to change the appearance, external layout and lighting of the building |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 03 November 2014 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 14/00067/CCDFUL
WBC - WP/14/00574/CRA |
Location | Irchester Community Primary School, School Lane, Irchester, Northamptonshire, NN29 7AZ |
Proposal | Installation of a double mobile classroom |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 15 October 2014 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 14/00060/CCDFUL
WBC - WP/2014/00538/EXT |
Location | Little Harrowden County Primary School, School Lane, Little Harrowden, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, NN9 5BN |
Proposal | Extension at the rear of the school to provide an additional classroom with minor remodelling of existing internal arrangements |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 15 September 2014 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 14/00028/CCDFUL
WBC - WP/14/00301/CRA |
Location | Croyland Primary School, Croyland Road, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, NN8 2AX |
Proposal | Proposed multi-use sports area to existing school playing field |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 28 July 2014 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 14/00012/CCDFUL
WBC - WP/14/00293/CRA |
Location | Diamond Learning Centre, Oakway, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, NN8 4SD |
Proposal | Extension to the existing Primary School to better accommodate existing pupil numbers. To provide a link between the two existing buildings to provide a new School Hall and ancillary spaces |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 3 July 2014 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 14/00004/CCDFUL
WBC - WP/2014/0037 |
Location | Wollaston School, Irchester Road, Wollaston, Wellingborough, NN29 7PH |
Proposal | External refurbishment to the existing science block, including recladding, a new step and ramped access, an air conditioning unit, maintenance store and the demolition of a bio-chemical store |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 4 March 2014 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 13/00115/CCDFUL
WBC - WP/2014/0015 |
Location | Wollaston School, Irchester Road, Wollaston, Wellingborough, NN29 7PH |
Proposal | Installation of two Portakabin modular buildings to be used as four temporary classrooms during the refurbishment of the existing science block |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 17 February 2014 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 13/00100/CCDFUL
WBC - WP/2013/0623 |
Location | Redwell Infant and Junior School, Barnwell Road, Wellingborough, NN8 5LQ |
Proposal | New two storey teaching and main hall extensions and internal alterations to Redwell Infant and Junior Schools |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 6 February 2014 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 13/00011/CCDFUL
WBC - WP/2013/0236 |
Location | Redwell Infant School, Barnwell Road, Wellingborough, NN8 5LQ |
Proposal | Installation of a double mobile classroom |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 23 July 2013 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 13/00006/CCDFUL
WBC - WP/2013/0080 |
Location | Victoria Primary School, Finedon Road, Wellingborough, NN8 4NT |
Proposal | Expansion of school to two form entry, including extension over existing ground floor classroom block resulting in an additional three classrooms, DT specialist classroom, toilets and ancillary spaces |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 23 May 2013 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 12/00086/CCDFUL
WBC - WP/2013/0025 |
Location | Wollaston Community Primary School, College Street, Wollaston, NN29 7SF |
Proposal | Construction of 2 new classrooms, a new hall, kitchen, stores and ancillary facilities and including the demolition of an existing mobile classroom |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 28 March 2013 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 12/00079/CCDFUL
WBC - WP/2012/0556 |
Location | Ruskin Infant School, Ruskin Avenue, Wellingborough, NN8 3EG |
Proposal | Expansion of school to a 3-form entry which will include 4 new classrooms, toilet facilities, break out and teaching spaces and associated internal alterations to existing school buildings |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 12 February 2013 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 12/00082/CCDFUL
WBC - WP/2012/0569 |
Location | Wollaston School, 100 Irchester Road, Wollaston, Wellingborough, NN29 7PH |
Proposal | Proposed re-cladding of 2 storey science block |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 31 January 2013 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 12/00038/CCDVOC
WBC - WP/2012/278C |
Location | Bozeat Primary School, Harrold Road, Bozeat, NN29 7LP |
Proposal | Variation of condition 1 of planning permission 07/0005/CCD to extend the time limit for the retention of the modular building until 30 June 2022 |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 19 July 2012 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 11/00086/CCD
WBC - WP/2011/0585 |
Location | Ruskin Infant School, Ruskin Avenue, Wellingborough, NN8 3EG |
Proposal | Variation of condition 1 of planning permission 11/00015/CCD to extend temporary permission for a mobile classroom unit |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 31 January 2012 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 11/00081/CCD
WBC - WP/2011/0579 |
Location | Redwell Junior School, Barnwell Road, Wellingborough, NN8 5LQ |
Proposal | Installation of 1no. external air handling unit and mushroom cowl on flat roof (Retrospective) |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 26 January 2012 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 11/00050/CCD
WBC - WP/2011/0373 |
Location | Oakway Infant School, Oakway, Wellingborough, NN8 4SD |
Proposal | Installation of a double mobile classroom |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 29 September 2011 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 11/00041/CCD
WBC - WP/2011/0343 |
Location | Rowan Gate Primary School, Finedon Road, Wellingborough, NN8 4NS |
Proposal | Installation of 2no external air handling units to flat roof of school kitchen |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 22 September 2011 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 11/00039/CCD
WBC - WP/2011/0342 |
Location | Friars School, Friars Close, Wellingborough, NN8 2LA |
Proposal | Installation of 2no external air handling units to flat roof of school kitchen |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 22 September 2011 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 11/00013/CCD
WBC - WP/2011/0256 |
Location | Hardwick Infant School, Olympic Way, Wellingborough, NN8 3QA |
Proposal | Extensions and refurbishment to existing single-storey infant school to provide a single integrated primary school. Demolition of existing junior school to create playing field and ancillary works to provide additional car parking. |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 9 August 2011 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 10/00080/CCD
WBC - WP/2010/0541 |
Location | Croyland Primary School, Croyland Road, Wellingborough, NN8 2AX |
Proposal | Construction of a new extension to provide two additional classrooms and ancillary support rooms |
Decision | Approved by DC Committee |
Decision Date | 21 June 2011 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 11/00025/CCD
WBC - WP/2011/0157 |
Location | Freemans Endowed Church of England Junior School, Westfield Road, Wellingborough, NN8 3HD |
Proposal | Conversion of roof space to a mezzanine floor and associated external works |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 27 May 2011 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 11/00024/CCD
WBC - WP/2011/0156 |
Location | Bozeat Community Primary School, Harrold Road, Bozeat, NN29 7LR |
Proposal | Erection of 57 metres of 2 metre high Pallas mesh fencing to replace an existing low level wooden fence |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 27 May 2011 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 11/00015/CCD
WBC - WP/2011/0087 |
Location | Ruskin Infant School, Ruskin Avenue, Wellingborough, NN8 3EG |
Proposal | Installation of a double mobile classroom |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 20 April 2011 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 11/00004/CCD
WBC - WP/2011/0037 |
Location | Sywell Country Park, Washbrook Lane, Ecton, Northampton, NN6 0QX |
Proposal | Extension to existing car parking |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 1 April 2011 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 10/00073/CCD
WBC - WP/2010/0475 |
Location | Grendon Hall, Main Road, Grendon, Northampton, NN7 1JW |
Proposal | Installation of a yurt village to provide additional sleeping accommodation and associated facilities including the refurbishment of existing WC block, convert a garage/store to a changing room/shower block, convert existing shower block to incorporate a changing area and convert existing timber outbuilding pavilion into a cooking/dining area |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 1 February 2011 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 10/00054/CCD
WBC - WP/2010/0341 |
Location | Friars School, Friars Close, Wellingborough, NN8 2LA |
Proposal | Construction of a single storey building to provide a gym and sport science tuition rooms with ancillary and associated external alterations including additional car parking spaces |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 18 October 2010 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 10/00008/CCD
WBC - WP/2010/0049 |
Location | Rowan Gate School, Finedon Road, Wellingborough, NN8 4NS |
Proposal | Single storey extension to existing swimming pool to provide changing rooms and showers |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 29 March 2010 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 09/00065/CCD
WBC - WP/2009/0396 |
Location | Earls Barton Junior School, Broad Street, Earls Barton, Northampton, NN6 0ND |
Proposal | Extension to form new school reception area and Children's Centre |
Decision | Approved by DC Committee |
Decision Date | 16 December 2009 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 09/00043/CCD
WBC - WP/2009/0202 |
Location | Rowan Gate School, Finedon Road, Wellingborough, NN8 4NS |
Proposal | Extension to existing building to create staffroom and staff toilet facilities |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 2 July 2009 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 09/00039/CCD
WBC - WP/2009/0179 |
Location | Park Junior School, Great Park Street, Wellingborough, NN8 4PH |
Proposal | Classroom extension, covered raised deck area and internal alterations |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 22 June 2009 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 09/00020/CCD
WBC - WP/2009/0125 |
Location | Friars School, Friars Close, Wellingborough, NN8 2LA |
Proposal | Alterations and extension to provide post 16 teaching facilities and associated works |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 26 May 2009 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 09/00017/CCD
WBC - WP/2009/0119 |
Location | Friars School, Friars Close, Wellingborough, NN8 2LA |
Proposal | Construction of a single storey extension to provide store for existing Hall and the demolition of small outbuilding to improve access to Kitchen |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 21 May 2009 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 09/00015/CCD
WBC - WP/2009/0082 |
Location | Oakway Infant School, Oakway, Wellingborough, NN8 4SD |
Proposal | Construction of a single storey extension to provide an additional classroom with children's toilets, kitchen and baby room/sleep area and associated relocation of existing covered play area and extension of external fenced play area |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 21 April 2009 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 08/00100/CCD
WBC - WP/2009/0008 |
Location | Wollaston School, Irchester Road, Wollaston, NN29 7PH |
Proposal | Erection of 8 light duty, 10 metre high floodlight columns around existing netball courts |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 12 February 2009 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 08/00017/CCD
WBC - WP/2008/0157 |
Location | Hardwick Junior School, Olympic Way, Wellingborough, NN8 3QA |
Proposal | Provision of new car parking areas to serve junior and infant schools and to regularise the additional car park already completed |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 20 May 2008 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 07/00046/CCD
WBC - WP/2008/0566 |
Location | Summer Leys Nature Reserve, New Ryeholmes Bridge, Hardwater Road, Near Grendon |
Proposal | Construction of a pedestrian footbridge across the Grendon Brook |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 24 October 2007 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 07/00005/CCD
WBC - WP/2007/0296 |
Location | Bozeat Community Primary School, Harrold Road, Bozeat, NN29 7LP |
Proposal | Erection of a modular building and landscaping of pathways and grassed areas |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 29 June 2007 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | NCC - 07/00008/CCD
WBC - WP/2007/0308 |
Location | Great Doddington Primary School, Church Lane, Great Doddington,Wellingborough, NN29 7TR |
Proposal | Installation of a double mobile classroom unit to replace existing single unit |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 28 June 2007 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | WBC - WP/2007/0146 |
Location | Oakway Infant School, off Oakway, Wellingborough, NN8 4SD |
Proposal | Extension to form Children's Centre and a covered play area |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 24 May 2007 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | WBC - WP/2007/0075 |
Location | The Avenue Infant School, The Avenue, Wellingborough, NN8 4ET |
Proposal | New 2400mm high security fence |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 21 March 2007 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | WBC - WP/2007/0057 |
Location | Hardwick Infant School, Olympic Way, Wellingborough, NN8 3QA |
Proposal | Construction of a single storey extension to provide new entrance lobby and canopy |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 22 February 2007 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | WBC - WP/2007/0015 |
Location | Park Junior School, Great Park Street, Wellingborough, NN8 4PH |
Proposal | Extension and alterations to provide a new designated special need provision |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 15 February 2007 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | WBC - WP/2006/0690 |
Location | Highfield Nursery, Finedon Road, Wellingborough, NN8 4AB |
Proposal | Extension to form new shared reception with ancillary facilities, new covered play area and hardstanding courtyard |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 3 January 2007 |
Relevant Documents |
Application Numbers | WBC - WP/2006/0596 |
Location | All Saints C of E School, Castle Street, Wellingborough |
Proposal | Extension and attic conversion |
Decision | Approved by Delegation |
Decision Date | 8 December 2006 |
Relevant Documents |
Last updated 20 June 2023