Regulation 3 planning decisions - Wellingborough


Application numbersNCC - 18/00026/CCDCOU
WBC - WP/18/0523/CRA
LocationLand At Hardwater Road, Wollaston, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire NN29 7SS
ProposalChange of Use from Waste Transfer Station (Sui Generis) to Industrial Use (B8) for storage of mobile classrooms
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date04 September 2018
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Submitted information



Application NumbersNCC - 16/00059/CCDFUL
WBC - WP/17/00129/CRA
LocationAll Saints CEVA Primary School, Castle Street, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, NN8 1LS
ProposalRemoval of existing canopy, erection of new canopy with first-floor terrace, new first-floor classroom and ancillary works
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date06 April 2017
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Application NumbersNCC - 16/00054/CCDFUL
WBC - WP/16/00785/CRA
LocationWollaston Primary School, College Street, Wollaston, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, NN29 7SF
ProposalConstruction of two-storey extension to existing building
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date06 February 2017
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Application NumbersNCC - 16/00019/CCDFUL
WBC - WP/16/00261/CRA
LocationIrchester County Park, Gipsy Lane, Irchester, Wellingborough
ProposalConstruction of viewing platform
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date24 June 2016
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Application NumbersNCC - 16/00010/CCDVOC
WBC - WP/16/00171/CRA
LocationWollaston School, Irchester Road, Wollaston, Wellingborough, NN29 7PH
ProposalVariation of condition 2 of planning permission 14/00004/CCDFUL to revise approved plans to include acoustic enclosure to air conditioning units
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date20 May 2016
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Application NumbersNCC - 15/00093/CCDNMA
WBC - WP/16/00154/CRA
LocationDiamond Learning Centre, Oakway, Wellingborough, NN8 4SD
ProposalNon-Material amendment to planning permission 14/00012/CCDFUL to amend the location of Kitchen Pod
Decision Date23 March 2016
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Application NumbersNCC - 15/00085/CCDVOC
WBC - WP/15/00779/CRA
LocationRowan Gate Primary School, Finedon Road, Wellingborough, NN8 4NS
ProposalVariation of condition 1 of planning permission 14/00083/CCDFUL for the retention of a double mobile classroom until 31/12/2020
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date22 January 2016
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Application NumbersNCC - 15/00070/CCDNMA
WBC - WP/15/00560/CRA
LocationEcton County Primary School, West Street, Ecton, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN6 0QF
ProposalNon-Material Amendment to Planning Permission 15/00017/CCDFUL for change of the window layout
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date17 September 2015
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Application NumbersNCC - 15/00017/CCDFUL
WBC - WP/15/00162/CRA
LocationEcton County Primary School, West Street, Ecton, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN6 0QF
ProposalInstallation of a single mobile classroom
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date08 May 2015
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Application NumbersNCC - 14/00095/CCDFUL
WBC - WP/15/00007/CRA
LocationIrchester Community Primary School, School Lane, Irchester, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, NN29 7AZ
ProposalFront, side and rear extensions and alterations to Block A1
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date10 March 2015
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Application NumbersNCC - 14/00064/CCDFUL
WBC - WP/14/00748/EXT
LocationCaravan Site, Gipsy Lane, Irchester, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, NN29 7UF
ProposalLawful Development Certificate for the use of land as a purpose-built permanent gypsy and travellers site, comprising 25 numbered plots each with individual amenity blocks comprising kitchen, utility, laundry and toilet facilities
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date11 December 2014
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Application NumbersNCC - 14/00083/CCDFUL
WBC - WP/14/00746/EXT
LocationRowan Gate Primary School, Finedon Road, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, NN8 4NS
ProposalInstallation of a double mobile classroom
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date11 December 2014
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Application NumbersNCC - 14/00059/CCDVOC
WBC - WP/14/00625/EXT
LocationRedwell Infant and Junior School, Barnwell Road, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, NN8 5LQ
ProposalVariation of Conditions 2 and 16 of Planning Permission 13/00100/CCDFUL to change the appearance, external layout and lighting of the building
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date03 November 2014
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Application NumbersNCC - 14/00067/CCDFUL
WBC - WP/14/00574/CRA
LocationIrchester Community Primary School, School Lane, Irchester, Northamptonshire, NN29 7AZ
ProposalInstallation of a double mobile classroom
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date15 October 2014
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Application NumbersNCC - 14/00060/CCDFUL
WBC - WP/2014/00538/EXT
LocationLittle Harrowden County Primary School, School Lane, Little Harrowden, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, NN9 5BN
ProposalExtension at the rear of the school to provide an additional classroom with minor remodelling of existing internal arrangements
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date15 September 2014
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Application NumbersNCC - 14/00028/CCDFUL
WBC - WP/14/00301/CRA
LocationCroyland Primary School, Croyland Road, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, NN8 2AX
ProposalProposed multi-use sports area to existing school playing field
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date28 July 2014
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Application NumbersNCC - 14/00012/CCDFUL
WBC - WP/14/00293/CRA
LocationDiamond Learning Centre, Oakway, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, NN8 4SD
ProposalExtension to the existing Primary School to better accommodate existing pupil numbers. To provide a link between the two existing buildings to provide a new School Hall and ancillary spaces
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date3 July 2014
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Application NumbersNCC - 14/00004/CCDFUL
WBC - WP/2014/0037
LocationWollaston School, Irchester Road, Wollaston, Wellingborough, NN29 7PH
ProposalExternal refurbishment to the existing science block, including recladding, a new step and ramped access, an air conditioning unit, maintenance store and the demolition of a bio-chemical store
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date4 March 2014
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Application NumbersNCC - 13/00115/CCDFUL
WBC - WP/2014/0015
LocationWollaston School, Irchester Road, Wollaston, Wellingborough, NN29 7PH
ProposalInstallation of two Portakabin modular buildings to be used as four temporary classrooms during the refurbishment of the existing science block
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date17 February 2014
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Application NumbersNCC - 13/00100/CCDFUL
WBC - WP/2013/0623
LocationRedwell Infant and Junior School, Barnwell Road, Wellingborough, NN8 5LQ
ProposalNew two storey teaching and main hall extensions and internal alterations to Redwell Infant and Junior Schools
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date6 February 2014
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Application NumbersNCC - 13/00011/CCDFUL
WBC - WP/2013/0236
LocationRedwell Infant School, Barnwell Road, Wellingborough, NN8 5LQ
ProposalInstallation of a double mobile classroom
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date23 July 2013
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Application NumbersNCC - 13/00006/CCDFUL
WBC - WP/2013/0080
LocationVictoria Primary School, Finedon Road, Wellingborough, NN8 4NT
ProposalExpansion of school to two form entry, including extension over existing ground floor classroom block resulting in an additional three classrooms, DT specialist classroom, toilets and ancillary spaces
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date23 May 2013
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Application NumbersNCC - 12/00086/CCDFUL
WBC - WP/2013/0025
LocationWollaston Community Primary School, College Street, Wollaston, NN29 7SF
ProposalConstruction of 2 new classrooms, a new hall, kitchen, stores and ancillary facilities and including the demolition of an existing mobile classroom
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date28 March 2013
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Application NumbersNCC - 12/00079/CCDFUL
WBC - WP/2012/0556
LocationRuskin Infant School, Ruskin Avenue, Wellingborough, NN8 3EG
ProposalExpansion of school to a 3-form entry which will include 4 new classrooms, toilet facilities, break out and teaching spaces and associated internal alterations to existing school buildings
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date12 February 2013
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Application NumbersNCC - 12/00082/CCDFUL
WBC - WP/2012/0569
LocationWollaston School, 100 Irchester Road, Wollaston, Wellingborough, NN29 7PH
ProposalProposed re-cladding of 2 storey science block
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date31 January 2013
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Application NumbersNCC - 12/00038/CCDVOC
WBC - WP/2012/278C
LocationBozeat Primary School, Harrold Road, Bozeat, NN29 7LP
ProposalVariation of condition 1 of planning permission 07/0005/CCD to extend the time limit for the retention of the modular building until 30 June 2022
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date19 July 2012
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Application NumbersNCC - 11/00086/CCD
WBC - WP/2011/0585
LocationRuskin Infant School, Ruskin Avenue, Wellingborough, NN8 3EG
ProposalVariation of condition 1 of planning permission 11/00015/CCD to extend temporary permission for a mobile classroom unit
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date31 January 2012
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Application NumbersNCC - 11/00081/CCD
WBC - WP/2011/0579
LocationRedwell Junior School, Barnwell Road, Wellingborough, NN8 5LQ
ProposalInstallation of 1no. external air handling unit and mushroom cowl on flat roof (Retrospective)
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date26 January 2012
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Application NumbersNCC - 11/00050/CCD
WBC - WP/2011/0373
LocationOakway Infant School, Oakway, Wellingborough, NN8 4SD
ProposalInstallation of a double mobile classroom
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date29 September 2011
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Application NumbersNCC - 11/00041/CCD
WBC - WP/2011/0343
LocationRowan Gate Primary School, Finedon Road, Wellingborough, NN8 4NS
ProposalInstallation of 2no external air handling units to flat roof of school kitchen
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date22 September 2011
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Application NumbersNCC - 11/00039/CCD
WBC - WP/2011/0342
LocationFriars School, Friars Close, Wellingborough, NN8 2LA
ProposalInstallation of 2no external air handling units to flat roof of school kitchen
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date22 September 2011
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Application NumbersNCC - 11/00013/CCD
WBC - WP/2011/0256
LocationHardwick Infant School, Olympic Way, Wellingborough, NN8 3QA
ProposalExtensions and refurbishment to existing single-storey infant school to provide a single integrated primary school. Demolition of existing junior school to create playing field and ancillary works to provide additional car parking.
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date9 August 2011
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Application NumbersNCC - 10/00080/CCD
WBC - WP/2010/0541
LocationCroyland Primary School, Croyland Road, Wellingborough, NN8 2AX
ProposalConstruction of a new extension to provide two additional classrooms and ancillary support rooms
DecisionApproved by DC Committee
Decision Date21 June 2011
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Application NumbersNCC - 11/00025/CCD
WBC - WP/2011/0157
LocationFreemans Endowed Church of England Junior School, Westfield Road, Wellingborough, NN8 3HD
ProposalConversion of roof space to a mezzanine floor and associated external works
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date27 May 2011
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Application NumbersNCC - 11/00024/CCD
WBC - WP/2011/0156
LocationBozeat Community Primary School, Harrold Road, Bozeat, NN29 7LR
ProposalErection of 57 metres of 2 metre high Pallas mesh fencing to replace an existing low level wooden fence
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date27 May 2011
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Application NumbersNCC - 11/00015/CCD
WBC - WP/2011/0087
LocationRuskin Infant School, Ruskin Avenue, Wellingborough, NN8 3EG
ProposalInstallation of a double mobile classroom
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date20 April 2011
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Application NumbersNCC - 11/00004/CCD
WBC - WP/2011/0037
LocationSywell Country Park, Washbrook Lane, Ecton, Northampton, NN6 0QX
ProposalExtension to existing car parking
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date1 April 2011
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Application NumbersNCC - 10/00073/CCD
WBC - WP/2010/0475
LocationGrendon Hall, Main Road, Grendon, Northampton, NN7 1JW
ProposalInstallation of a yurt village to provide additional sleeping accommodation and associated facilities including the refurbishment of existing WC block, convert a garage/store to a changing room/shower block, convert existing shower block to incorporate a changing area and convert existing timber outbuilding pavilion into a cooking/dining area
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date1 February 2011
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Application NumbersNCC - 10/00054/CCD
WBC - WP/2010/0341
LocationFriars School, Friars Close, Wellingborough, NN8 2LA
ProposalConstruction of a single storey building to provide a gym and sport science tuition rooms with ancillary and associated external alterations including additional car parking spaces
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date18 October 2010
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Application NumbersNCC - 10/00008/CCD
WBC - WP/2010/0049
LocationRowan Gate School, Finedon Road, Wellingborough, NN8 4NS
ProposalSingle storey extension to existing swimming pool to provide changing rooms and showers
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date29 March 2010
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Application NumbersNCC - 09/00065/CCD
WBC - WP/2009/0396
LocationEarls Barton Junior School, Broad Street, Earls Barton, Northampton, NN6 0ND
ProposalExtension to form new school reception area and Children's Centre
DecisionApproved by DC Committee
Decision Date16 December 2009
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Application NumbersNCC - 09/00043/CCD
WBC - WP/2009/0202
LocationRowan Gate School, Finedon Road, Wellingborough, NN8 4NS
ProposalExtension to existing building to create staffroom and staff toilet facilities
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date2 July 2009
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Application NumbersNCC - 09/00039/CCD
WBC - WP/2009/0179
LocationPark Junior School, Great Park Street, Wellingborough, NN8 4PH
ProposalClassroom extension, covered raised deck area and internal alterations
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date22 June 2009
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Application NumbersNCC - 09/00020/CCD
WBC - WP/2009/0125
LocationFriars School, Friars Close, Wellingborough, NN8 2LA
ProposalAlterations and extension to provide post 16 teaching facilities and associated works
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date26 May 2009
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Application NumbersNCC - 09/00017/CCD
WBC - WP/2009/0119
LocationFriars School, Friars Close, Wellingborough, NN8 2LA
ProposalConstruction of a single storey extension to provide store for existing Hall and the demolition of small outbuilding to improve access to Kitchen
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date21 May 2009
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Application NumbersNCC - 09/00015/CCD
WBC - WP/2009/0082
LocationOakway Infant School, Oakway, Wellingborough, NN8 4SD
ProposalConstruction of a single storey extension to provide an additional classroom with children's toilets, kitchen and baby room/sleep area and associated relocation of existing covered play area and extension of external fenced play area
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date21 April 2009
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Application NumbersNCC - 08/00100/CCD
WBC - WP/2009/0008
LocationWollaston School, Irchester Road, Wollaston, NN29 7PH
ProposalErection of 8 light duty, 10 metre high floodlight columns around existing netball courts
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date12 February 2009
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Application NumbersNCC - 08/00017/CCD
WBC - WP/2008/0157
LocationHardwick Junior School, Olympic Way, Wellingborough, NN8 3QA
ProposalProvision of new car parking areas to serve junior and infant schools and to regularise the additional car park already completed
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date20 May 2008
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Application NumbersNCC - 07/00046/CCD
WBC - WP/2008/0566
LocationSummer Leys Nature Reserve, New Ryeholmes Bridge, Hardwater Road, Near Grendon
ProposalConstruction of a pedestrian footbridge across the Grendon Brook
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date24 October 2007
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Application NumbersNCC - 07/00005/CCD
WBC - WP/2007/0296
LocationBozeat Community Primary School, Harrold Road, Bozeat, NN29 7LP
ProposalErection of a modular building and landscaping of pathways and grassed areas
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date29 June 2007
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Application NumbersNCC - 07/00008/CCD
WBC - WP/2007/0308
LocationGreat Doddington Primary School, Church Lane, Great Doddington,Wellingborough, NN29 7TR
ProposalInstallation of a double mobile classroom unit to replace existing single unit
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date28 June 2007
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Application NumbersWBC - WP/2007/0146
LocationOakway Infant School, off Oakway, Wellingborough, NN8 4SD
ProposalExtension to form Children's Centre and a covered play area
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date24 May 2007
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Application NumbersWBC - WP/2007/0075
LocationThe Avenue Infant School, The Avenue, Wellingborough, NN8 4ET
ProposalNew 2400mm high security fence
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date21 March 2007
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Application NumbersWBC - WP/2007/0057
LocationHardwick Infant School, Olympic Way, Wellingborough, NN8 3QA
ProposalConstruction of a single storey extension to provide new entrance lobby and canopy
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date22 February 2007
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Application NumbersWBC - WP/2007/0015
LocationPark Junior School, Great Park Street, Wellingborough, NN8 4PH
ProposalExtension and alterations to provide a new designated special need provision
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date15 February 2007
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Application NumbersWBC - WP/2006/0690
LocationHighfield Nursery, Finedon Road, Wellingborough, NN8 4AB
ProposalExtension to form new shared reception with ancillary facilities, new covered play area and hardstanding courtyard
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date3 January 2007
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Application NumbersWBC - WP/2006/0596
LocationAll Saints C of E School, Castle Street, Wellingborough
ProposalExtension and attic conversion
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date8 December 2006
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Last updated 20 June 2023