Braybrooke Neighbourhood Plan - Modification
Modification Document published pursuant to Section 61M (4a) Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) and Regulation 30 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended)
- Summary
The Braybrooke Neighbourhood Plan was made by North Northamptonshire Council on 8 June 2023.
To correct a factual error, Braybrooke Parish Council have requested that a Minor Modification be made to the Braybrooke Neighbourhood Plan. North Northamptonshire Council confirms that this can be treated as a Minor Modification as it corrects a minor factual error and does not materially affect the policies of the made plan.
This is:
Policy H1 (Residential Site Allocation) is amended to make it clear that the reference to the provision of public access and seating on open space in this policy relates to the adjacent Top Orchard site and not Top Yard, the site which is allocated in Policy H1.
The proposed modification is set out below. No further changes are proposed.
Planning Practice Guidance (PPG) clarifies that there are 3 types of modification that can be made to a neighbourhood plan. Minor (non-material) modifications to a neighbourhood plan are those which would not materially affect the policies in the plan. These may include correcting errors, such as a reference to a supporting document, and would not require examination or referendum.
PPG states that minor (non-material) updates can be made by the Local Planning Authority at any time, but only with the consent of the qualifying body . Consultation, examination, and referendum are not required. At their meeting on Tuesday 19 September, Braybrooke Parish Council resolved that North Northamptonshire Council has consent to make the modification to the Braybrooke Neighbourhood Plan.
North Northamptonshire Council is publishing this Modification Document, confirming the modification made to the Braybrooke Neighbourhood Plan, is in accordance with Section 61M(a) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) (as applied to neighbourhood plans by section 38C(2)(c) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004) and Regulation 30 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended).
- Proposed Modification
The modification that North Northamptonshire Council is making to the Braybrooke Neighbourhood Plan is set out below, with replacement text shown in bold. The modified version of the Braybrooke Neighbourhood Plan is available to view alongside this Modification Document.
Modification 1: Replacement text for Policy H1 – Residential Site Allocation, Page 16
Retention and restoration of the historic granary store on the eastern boundary of the site will be encouraged as will the provision within the northern part of the site of open spaces with public access and seating.Original text
Retention and restoration of the historic granary store on the eastern boundary of the site will be encouraged as will the provision of public access and seating on open space within the northern section of the adjacent Top Orchard site.Replacement text
- Inspection of Modification Document
This Modification Document can be viewed on the North Northamptonshire Council website:- Hard copies of this Modification Document as well as the modified version of the Plan are available to view at the following locations:
- North Northamptonshire Council, Kettering Office, Bowling Green Road, Kettering, NN15 7QX. Opening: Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
- Kettering Library, Sheep Street, Kettering, NN16 0AY (please check opening hours here before visiting)
- Desborough Library, High Street, Desborough, NN14 2QS (please check opening hours here before visiting)
Graeme Kane
Executive Director of Place and Economy (Interim)
Date: 27 September 2023
Last updated 28 September 2023