Listed Building Enforcement notice - 21/00253/PPL
Important - This communication affects your property
Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 (as amended by the Planning and Compensation Act 1991)
Listed Building Enforcement notice - 21/00253/PPL
Issue by: North Northamptonshire Council, of Cedar Drive, Thrapston, Northamptonshire NN14 4LZ (“the Council”)
1. This notice
Is issued by the Council because it appears to them that there have been works undertaken that constitute a contravention of section 9(1) of the above act, at the land described below. They consider that it is expedient to issue this notice, pursuant to the provisions of section 38 of the Act, having regard to the effect of the works on the character of the building as one of special architectural or historic interest. The Annex at the end of the Notice and the enclosures to which it refers contain important additional information.
2. The land to which this notice relates
The land at 19 West Street, Oundle, Peterborough, Northamptonshire, PE8 4EJ, (“the Land”), shown edged in red on the attached Site Plan.
3. The matters which appear to constitute a breach of listed planning control
The following works, that affect the character of the building as one of special architectural or historical interest, have been undertaken without the benefit of Listed Building Consent:
3.1 The installation of 4 no. upvc windows at first floor level on the principal elevation of the building in the position shown marked ‘A-D’ on the photograph annexed to this notice and marked ‘Photograph 1’;
3.2 The installation of 1 no. upvc window at attic storey level on the principal elevation of the building in the position shown marked ‘E’ on the photograph annexed to this notice and marked ‘Photograph 1’.
4. The reasons for issuing this notice
It appears to the Council that the Works have been executed to the building such as to involve a contravention of Section 9(1) of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Area) Act 1990 and it is considered expedient to issue the Notice having regard to the effect of the said Works on the character of the building as being of special architectural or historic interest.
The design/detailing and construction of the replacement first-floor and attic storey windows, together with the loss of the existing timber units, cause harm to the significance of the listed building and the designated Oundle Conservation Area. The windows are contrary to advice provided at paragraph 202 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2021), which states that harm to the significance of a heritage asset should be weighed against the public benefits of the proposal. The harm caused firmly outweighs the negligible public benefit of improving energy efficiency. It also contrary to policy 2 (a) of the North Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy (2016), which seeks to conserve and, where possible, enhance the heritage significance of a heritage asset; and, policy 2 (b), which states that proposals should complement their surrounding historic environment through the form, scale, design and materials.
5. What you are required to do
The Council hereby gives notice that pursuant to section 38(2)(a) of the Act, it requires the following steps to be taken for the purpose of restoring the building to its former / desirable state:
5.1 Remove the first floor upvc windows from the principal elevation of the building;
5.2 Install three no. traditionally constructed, timber, single glazed and white painted canted bay windows where each bay consists of a central horizontal sliding slash and flanked by fixed lights (of a form and finish the same as the windows shown marked ‘A-C’ on the photograph annexed to this notice and marked ‘Photograph 1’); within the aperture left by the removal of the first floor upvc windows.
5.3 Install one no. traditionally constructed, timber, single glazed and white painted horizontal sliding slash window (of a form and finish the same as the windows shown marked ‘D’ on the photograph annexed to this notice and marked ‘Photograph 1’); within the aperture left by the removal of the first floor upvc window.
5.4 Remove the attic storey upvc window from the principal elevation of the building;
5.5 Install one no. traditionally constructed, timber, single glazed and white painted side hung (of a form and finish the same as the windows shown marked ‘E’ on the attached photograph annexed to this notice and marked ‘Photograph 1’); within the aperture left by the removal of the attic storey upvc window.
6. Time for compliance
A compliance period of 6 months for completion of all the steps in paragraph 5, from the day on which this notice takes effect.
7. When this notice takes effect
This notice takes effect on 1 July 2023 unless an appeal is made against it beforehand.
Dated: 1 June 2023
Graeme Kane
Interim Executive Director of Place and Economy
On behalf of:
North Northamptonshire Council
Cedar Drive
NN14 4LZ
Telephone: 0300 126 3000
E-mail: [email protected]
Nominated Officer: George Russell
Telephone Number: 0300 126 3000
Last updated 19 July 2023