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Vision for culture, tourism and heritage in North Northants to be discussed

Culture and tourism

15 January 2024

Chester House Estate

The blueprint for the future of culture, tourism and heritage services is on the agenda for the next meeting of North Northamptonshire Council’s Executive.

Councillors will be asked to approve the business plan which sets out the services offered by the council, financial considerations, plus achievements to date and how the service will grow in the future to improve the offering in the local area.

The Culture, Tourism and Heritage service covers a wide range of areas including the Chester House Estate, Corby Heritage Centre, Cornerstone, Discover Northamptonshire, Northamptonshire ARC and the North Northamptonshire Greenway project. 

The plan sets out the vision for the whole service:

“North Northamptonshire will develop a sustainable, operationally efficient, and immersive Culture, Tourism and Heritage Service for both residents and visitors. We are resolutely focused on illuminating the unique cultural treasures within North Northamptonshire while preserving these valuable legacies for the benefit of future generations. Our collaborative efforts with partners are geared towards revitalising the tourism economy through infrastructure enhancement and innovative marketing strategies, with the overarching goal of attracting investment and visitors”.

The plan looks at the key elements of the service such as how each area is currently operating, ongoing and prospective collaborations with partners, future development projects and opportunities.

It also acknowledges the ongoing Cornerstone project and the replacement of Kettering Library roof, with a revised business plan to be looked at once a definitive timeline (subject to necessary health and safety checks) for the whole site opening is established.

North Northants is a rich tapestry, with a wide breadth of heritage and culture for residents and visitors to discover, which our Officers and Members are extremely passionate about.

We, as a council, are dedicated to making North Northamptonshire a premier cultural and tourist destination and this plan encapsulates this work - the hard work, strategic thinking and dedication of the team. 

As well as looking inward at how we run the service, we have also worked with partners and stakeholders to make this plan a reality and I would to thank everyone for their ongoing support.
Cllr Helen Howell, the council’s Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Sport, Leisure, Culture and Tourism
This is a significant milestone for the service area as we enter the 2024/25 financial year and look at how we can continue to grow and achieve in this crucial area of the council, alongside all the services we offer. 

This business plan allows us to look at each of the offerings under a microscope identifying growth and financial opportunities, as well as, a critical eye on how we are running the Culture, Tourism and Heritage offering.

I look forward to discussing the business plan with the Executive and how we can drive the future of Culture, Tourism and Heritage in North Northants.
Cllr Jason Smithers, Leader of the Council

As well as the business plan for Culture, Tourism and Heritage, a long-term Northamptonshire Tourism strategy will be presented to the Executive.

North Northamptonshire Council’s Executive will meet on Thursday 18 January at 10am in the Corby Cube. All papers are available online and the meeting will be livestreamed on YouTube.