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SEND workshops to be held across North Northamptonshire
Children and families05 June 2023

A series of workshops for parents and carers of children or young people with SEND will take place across June.
The workshops will be on the theme of transitions and cover 3 areas of focus:
- supporting your child to be ‘school ready’
- making sure that schools are ‘ready to receive’
- supporting children and young people during planned and unplanned transition periods
The workshops will take place:
- Online workshop (Zoom) - 19 June, 8pm to 9:30pm
- Higham Ferrers workshop - 21 June, 9:30am to 12:30pm
- Kettering workshop - 23 June, 9:30am to 12:30pm
- Wellingborough workshop - 26 June, 9:30am to 12:30pm
- Corby workshop - 29 June, 9:30am to 12:30pm
All workshops are free to attend and can be booked online via Eventbrite.
In this series of workshops, we want to know what your experience of transitions has been, what have been the challenges and what has supported you through.Cllr Scott Edwards, North Northamptonshire Council’s Executive Member for Children, Families, Education and Skills
We are keen to hear from parents and carers and professionals to support us to develop best practice in North Northants.
It’s been great to see more and more parent carers joining those who regularly attend the SEND workshops alongside frontline practitioners and executive leaders. They welcome the opportunity for open and honest discussions and, from the “you said we did” style updates, they can see how sharing their views and experiences have influenced positive change. Co-producing in this way means that the necessary changes to improve services used by SEND families are far more likely to be the right ones.The Northamptonshire Parent Forum Group
Partnership working informed by the experience of parents, carers and professionals is key in our planning and delivery of services. We are looking forward to this next series of workshops to understand how we can improve transitions for children and young people with SEND and their families.Rachel Akers, Designated Clinical Officer for children and young people with special educational needs and disability (SEND) for Northamptonshire Integrated Care Board
We want to hear the voices of children and young people workshops allow the opportunity to do just that. Alongside our partners we want to ensure that the plans to address the improvements required are co-constructed with children, young people and families.Julian Wooster, Chair of Northamptonshire Children’s Trust
The workshops are run in partnership with North Northamptonshire Council, the Northamptonshire Parent Forum Group, Northamptonshire Children’s Trust and Northamptonshire Integrated Care Board.