This article is more than 1 year old

Consultation launched on Corby Towns Fund projects

Roadworks, major projects, plans and strategies

01 November 2023

Have your say on Corby Station Link public consultation text with speech bubbles

Residents are being asked to have their say and provide feedback on revised plans for pedestrian and cycle routes between Corby town centre and train station.

The Town Centre to Train Station link road and Smart and Connected Corby are two of the projects within the Corby Towns Fund which North Northamptonshire Council (NNC) was awarded £19.9m from Government to deliver. 

In September 2022, residents were asked for their views on the proposed, original designs after which the comments were received and collated into common issues/themes. The common issues and comments were evaluated, and alternatives were investigated, following which the scheme was revised and an alternative plan put forward.

In May 2023, North Northamptonshire Council completed a ‘You said, we did’ exercise which set out the comments/themes received and how the initial plans have been altered to mitigate these issues.

Now, residents and stakeholders are being asked to take a look and comment on the new, amended plans.

From Wednesday 1 November to Friday 22 December, information boards will be on display, alongside paper copies of the questionnaire, at the Corby Cube and there will also be staffed events, where residents can speak to staff and ask questions, between 10am and 4pm on:

  • Tuesday 28 November
  • Thursday 30 November
  • Monday 4 December
  • Wednesday 6 December
  • Friday 8 December

For those unable to attend, feedback can be provided through the dedicated Corby Towns Fund website.

Following an initial engagement last year, we have taken comments and concerns on board and amended the plans, which we are now asking for further feedback on.

As previously, we welcome comments from the public and there will be information alongside amended designs on display in the Cube until 22 December. Staff will also be on hand on identified days over the next few weeks to talk through the plans and answer any questions you may have - I would encourage you to visit the Cube and share your thoughts on what is being proposed.
Cllr David Brackenbury, the council’s Executive Member for Growth and Regeneration
The funding we have received from central government must be used on particular projects, but we have also listened to residents and made changes where we can. If you are unable to visit the Cube, you can see the plans online and provide feedback via the Corby Towns Fund website.Cllr Jason Smithers, Leader of the Council

The information will be gathered in early 2024 to identify any issues and comments which can be addressed as detailed design work continues. It is currently anticipated that work with start on the sensor network in winter/spring 2024.

This project is funded by the UK Government through the Towns Fund.

Your Voice Matters…

All consultation and engagement activities can be completed online via North Northamptonshire Council’s Consultation and Engagement Hub and the current Corby Towns Fund consultation will be open until 22 December 2023.

Alternatively, you can email [email protected] or write to: Corby Towns Fund/Station Link, The Corby Cube, George Street, Parklands Gateway, Corby, Northants, NN17 1QG