Changes to bank account details

Your council

16 January 2025

£1 coins

Following the harmonisation of services across North Northamptonshire Council, some residents in the Corby area will be receiving a letter this week (week commencing 13 January) notifying them of a change of bank details.

The letter will be on North Northamptonshire Council headed paper, from the Revenues and Benefits team, and is not a scam.

Anyone who lives in the Corby area and currently makes payment to your Council Tax account using either standing order, card payment or bank transfer to the old Corby Borough Council NatWest account will receive a letter from the Council.

The letter will include the new bank details for the Council’s Barclays account which will need to be used going forward.

The old Corby Borough Council NatWest account will soon be closed down.

The new account details can also be found on our Council Tax pages.

If you have any questions about this change, please contact us.