Adoption of East Northants Local Plan to be discussed
Planning strategies and plans10 November 2023
The final, to be adopted, Local Plan Part 2 for North Northamptonshire will be discussed by the council’s Executive next week.
If the East Northants Local Plan Part 2 is adopted, there will be a full, up to date picture in terms of strategic and local planning policies for the whole of North Northants.
All councils are required to have a plan for development in their area, which is known as the Local Plan. The plans are expected to set out a range of development proposals, as well as planning policies and support the delivery of the vision for the area. Local Plans have to be submitted for examination to the Secretary of State and the Local Plan for the East Northants area is the final one from the legacy councils to go through this process. Following the receipt of the Inspector’s report it has been identified “as sound” and with modifications agreed can now proceed to the adoption stage, which requires approval at Executive and Full Council.
If adopted, the East Northants Local Plan Part 2 will sit alongside the others Local Plans across North Northants, whilst acknowledging the local distinctiveness of the local geographical area.
It also provides more guidance on the delivery of a garden village to the east of Rushden, support for the network of green infrastructure across the area, proposals to encourage tourism and cultural developments as well as policies designed to assist town centre improvements and setting out specialist housing needs.
The East Northants Local Plan Part 2 is the final piece of the jigsaw for strategic planning across North Northants.Cllr David Brackenbury, the council’s Executive Member for Growth and Regeneration
As well as helping the Council make decisions when assessing future developments, Local Plans also take into consideration the needs of local communities, addressing housing, employment and infrastructure needs which have enormous benefits to residents.
Alongside this work, we are reviewing all our strategic policies through the North Northamptonshire Local Plan and will also be moving forward with a Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan, both of which will be consulted on next year.
Since North Northamptonshire Council came into existence, teams have been working together to ensure policies and plans cover the whole area, whilst reflecting the geographical differences of the legacy areas.Cllr Jason Smithers, Leader of the Council
Local Plans take time to be examined and adopted and the work on this one for East Northants predates this Council, but I am pleased we are now in a position to discuss adopting the East Northants plan which will mean we have a complete up to date set of plans for the whole North Northamptonshire area.
If Executive approve the report, the plan will be taken to Full Council for formal adoption.
North Northamptonshire Council’s Executive will meet on Thursday 16 November at 10am in the Corby Cube. All papers are now available online and the meeting will be livestreamed on YouTube.