Minerals and waste decisions

2 committees now make decisions on minerals and waste planning applications - North (above the A14) and South (below the A14).


Land at Heritage Way, Corby, Northamptonshire, NN17 5XW
LocationLand at Heritage Way, Corby, Northamptonshire, NN17 5XW
Proposal​Variation of condition 4 of planning permission reference NN/23/00015/WASVOC to increase throughput
​DecisionApproved by delegation
Decision date19 December 2024
Approved documents

The original decision notice is available on request by emailing us at [email protected].

Submitted information


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Land at Heritage Way, Corby, Northamptonshire, NN17 5XW
LocationLand at Heritage Way, Corby, Northamptonshire, NN17 5XW
Proposal​Variation of Condition 27 (bank holiday working) of planning permission reference NN/23/00015/WASFUL to allow bank holiday working and amend the hours of operation on Saturdays
​DecisionApproved by delegation
Decision date19 December 2024
Approved documents

The original decision notice is available on request by emailing us at [email protected].

Submitted information


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Long Drowpits Gullet, A43 Weekley Wood Lane, Weekley, Northamptonshire
LocationLong Drowpits Gullet, A43 Weekley Wood Lane, Weekley, Northamptonshire
ProposalVariation of condition 21 (End Date of infilling) of planning consent reference 18/00016/WASVOC to extend the end date
​Case OfficerPeter Moor
​Received26 June 2024
​Valid27 June 2024
​Target for decision26 September 2024
Consultation start23 July 2024
Consultation end13 July 2024
Committee areaNorth
​DecisionApproved by delegation
​Decision date25 September 2024
​Approved documents

The original decision notice is available on request by emailing us at [email protected].

Submitted documents

To view the submitted documents for this planning application, please use the links below:

Supporting information


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Broadholme Water Recycling Centre, Ditchford Road, Wellingborough
LocationBroadholme Water Recycling Centre, Ditchford Road, Wellingborough
ProposalThe erection of five kiosks and buildings to house electrical control equipment and a generator
​Case OfficerMartin Broderick
​Received14 February 2024
​Valid11 March 2024
​Target for decision10 June 2024
Consultation start14 March 2024
Consultation end8 April 2024
Committee areaNorth
DecisionApproved by delegation
Decision date21 August 2024
Relevant documentsThe original decision notice is available on request by emailing us at [email protected].

Submitted documents

To view the submitted documents for this planning application, please use the links below:

Supporting information


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Kirby Lodge Composting Facility, Gretton Brook Road, Deene, Northamptonshire, NN17 3ES
LocationKirby Lodge Composting Facility, Gretton Brook Road, Deene, Northamptonshire, NN17 3ES
ProposalChanges to the operation of the existing Metals Recycling Facility including the construction of a bailing storage building, waste processing, storage and treatment building, concrete storage bays and outside processing of waste materials (Part Retrospect)
​Case OfficerPeter Moor
​Received16 April 2024
​Valid16 April 2024
​Target for decision16 July 2024
Consultation start16 May 2024
Consultation end10 June 2024
Committee areaNorth
DecisionApproved by delegation
Decision date22 August 2024
Relevant documentsThe original decision notice is available on request by emailing us at [email protected].

Submitted documents

To view the submitted documents for this planning application, please use the links below:

Supporting information


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Corby Landfill Site, Kettering Road, Weldon, Corby, NN17 3JG
Application numberNN/23/00030/WASVOC
LocationCorby Landfill Site, Kettering Road, Weldon, Corby, NN17 3JG
Proposal​Removal of Condition 5 (End Date) and variation of Condition 4 (Restoration) of planning permission ref: 08/00065/WAS
DecisionApproved by delegation
Decision date9 January 2024
Relevant documentsThe original decision notice is available on request by emailing us at [email protected].

Land off Heritage Way, Corby, NN17 5XW
Application numberNN/23/00015/WASVOC
LocationLand off Heritage Way, Corby, NN17 5XW
Proposal​Variation of Conditions 4 (waste throughputs) and 5 (Hours of Working) of Planning Permission ref: 12/00080/WASFUL
DecisionApproved by delegation
Decision date21 February 2024
Relevant documentsThe original decision notice is available on request by emailing us at [email protected].

Biffa Waste Services - Corby, Pilot Road, Corby, Northamptonshire, NN17 5YH
Application numberNN/24/00007/WASFUL
LocationBiffa Waste Services - Corby, Pilot Road, Corby, Northamptonshire, NN17 5YH
ProposalRemoval of existing site office and welfare facilities, the erection of a new two storey modular office and welfare building, along with additional floodlighting and site layout amendments.
DecisionApproved by delegation
Decision date19 June 2024
Relevant documents

The original decision notice is available on request by emailing us at [email protected].

Supporting information


Wakerley Quarry, Wakerley, NN17 3BA
Application numberNN/22/00014/WASVOC
LocationWakerley Quarry, Wakerley, NN17 3BA
Proposal​Variation of condition 7 of planning permission ref: 19/00060/WASFUL to increase the annual infill volumes from 150,000 tonnes to 750,000 tonnes per annum
DecisionApproved by delegation
Decision date05 January 2024
Relevant documentsThe original decision notice is available on request by emailing us at [email protected] .

Wakerley Quarry, Wakerley, NN17 3BA
Application numberNN/23/00017/MINVOC
LocationWakerley Quarry, Wakerley, NN17 3BA
Proposal​Variation of Condition 6 of Planning Permission Reference: NN/21/00014/MINVOC to extend hours of HGV movements.
DecisionApproved by delegation
Decision date8 March 2024
Relevant documents

The original decision notice is available on request by emailing us at [email protected] .

Supporting information


Wakerley Quarry, Wakerley, NN17 3BA
Application numberNN/23/00018/MINVOC
LocationWakerley Quarry, Wakerley, NN17 3BA
Proposal​Variation of Condition 6 of Planning Permission Reference: NN/21/00014/MINVOC to extend hours of HGV movements.
DecisionApproved by delegation
Decision date5 April 2024
Relevant documents

The original decision notice is available on request by emailing us at [email protected] .

Supporting information


Neilson Rail Sidings, Meadow Close, Wellingborough, NN8 4BH
Application numberNN/23/00033/WASFUL
LocationNeilson Rail Sidings, Meadow Close, Wellingborough, NN8 4BH
Proposal​Import and handle pre-treated incinerator bottom ash aggregate into existing railhead and blend the same with raw aggregate to derive a secondary and recycled construction material.
​DecisionApproved by delegation
​Decision date14 May 2024
​Approved documents

The original decision notice is available on request by emailing us at [email protected].

Supporting information



Land off Woodford Road, Woodwell, NN14 4JD
Application numberNN/22/00040/WASFUL
LocationLand off Woodford Road, Woodwell, NN14 4JD
Proposal​​Proposed green and wood waste recycling facility
​Decision date29 August 2023
Relevant documents

​Submitted documents

To view the submitted documents for this planning application, please use the links below:

Supporting information


Lilford Lodge Farm, Barnwell Road, Barnwell, PE8 5SA

Rothwell Lodge AD Facility, Rothwell Road, Kettering, Northamptonshire, NN16 8XF
Application numberNN/22/00050/WASFUL
LocationRothwell Lodge AD Facility, Rothwell Road, Kettering, Northamptonshire, NN16 8XF
Proposal​Construction of additional feedstock storage, digester, pasteuriser, digestate storage tanks and installation of associated pipework and equipment, relocation of biogas upgrading equipment, propane tanks and associated infrastructure, increase waste throughput from 49,000 to 100,000 tonnes per annum, extension of waste reception building and installation of second feedstock line internally and replacement / upgrading of existing odour abatement systems
DecisionApproved by committee
Decision date15 May 2023

Submitted information

View the submitted documents for this application:

Submitted information

View the submitted documents for this application:

Supporting information


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Earls Barton Quarry, Grendon Road, Earls Barton, NN6 0PE
Application numberNN/23/00014/MINVOC
LocationEarls Barton Quarry, Grendon Road, Earls Barton, NN6 0PE
Proposal​Proposed variation of conditions 4 & 57 of planning permission WP/2007/0039 & SN/2006/1670 dated 16 December 2009 to extend the time limits for extraction of sand and gravel with progressive restoration to wet woodland and agriculture utilising imported inert materials; and to extend the time limit for the operation of the plant site
​DecisionApproved by delegation
​Decision date29 August 2023
​Approved documents

The original decision notice is available on request by emailing us at [email protected].

Submitted documents

Supporting information



Storefield Plant, Gretton Brook Road, Earlstrees Industrial Estate, Corby, NN17 4BA
Application numberNN/21/00059/WASVOC
LocationStorefield Plant, Gretton Brook Road, Earlstrees Industrial Estate, Corby, NN17 4BA
ProposalVariation of Condition 32 of planning permission ref: 20/00022/WASVOC to increase the stack height from 25m (currently permitted) to 35m
DecisionApproved by the NNC Strategic Planning Committee on 11th April 2022
Decision date27 April 2022
Relevant documents

Supporting Information


Storefield Plant, Gretton Brook Road, Earlstrees Industrial Estate, Corby, NN17 4BA
Application numberNN/21/00058/WASVOC
LocationStorefield Plant, Gretton Brook Road, Earlstrees Industrial Estate, Corby, NN17 4BA
ProposalVariation of Condition 32 of planning permission ref: 20/00022/WASVOC to increase the stack height from 25m (currently permitted) to 35m
DecisionApproved by the NNC Strategic Planning Committee on 11th April 2022
Decision date27 April 2022
Relevant documents

Supporting Information


Lowick Compost Site, Old Aldwincle Road, Lowick, Northamptonshire
Application numberNN/22/00012/WASFUL
LocationLowick Compost Site, Old Aldwincle Road, Lowick, Northamptonshire
ProposalExtension to the current concrete compost processing pad
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date29 July 2022
Relevant documents

Supporting Information


Kings Cliffe Industrial Estate, Wansford Road, Kings Cliffe, PE8 6PB
Application number20/00072/WASFUL
LocationKings Cliffe Industrial Estate, Wansford Road, Kings Cliffe, PE8 6PB
ProposalConstruction of a screening bund, implementation of landscape planting scheme along with the installation of associated infrastructure (part retrospective)
DecisionWithdrawn by applicant
Withdrawal date11 May 2022

Land North of Don White Road, Wellingborough
Application numberNN/22/00017/WASFUL
LocationLand North of Don White Road, Wellingborough
ProposalErection of an aggregate processing plant and erection of a hydraulically bound mixtures plant (HBM) with parking provision, ancillary development and on site biodiversity enhancements
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date02 September 2022
Relevant documents

Supporting Information


Environmental Statement


Technical appendices

Earls Barton Spinney Quarry, Grendon Road, Earls Barton, NN6 0RB
Application numberNN/22/00001/MINVOC
LocationEarls Barton Spinney Quarry, Grendon Road, Earls Barton, NN6 0RB
ProposalVariation of condition 6 of planning permission 15/00091/MIN for an extension of time in order to complete extraction of permitted minerals
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date13 June 2022
Relevant documents

Supporting Information


1-4 Neilson Road, Wellingborough, NN8 4PE
Application numberNN/21/00048/WASVOC
Location1-4 Neilson Road, Wellingborough, NN8 4PE
ProposalVariation of condition 5 (hours of working) of planning permission 18/00029/WASCOU (Proposed change of use from B2 (General Industrial) to B2 and 'Sui Generis' uses to allow the recycling of double-glazed windows, including the construction of two ancillary buildings, increasing the height of part of an existing building, provision of a new storage silo (23m), provision of new hardstanding areas, and other site alterations)
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date17 January 2022
Relevant documents

Supporting Information


Wakerley Quarry, Wakerley, Northamptonshire, NN17 3AZ
Application number20/00030/MINVOC
LocationWakerley Quarry, Wakerley, Northamptonshire, NN17 3AZ
ProposalVariation of condition 5 on planning permission EN.97.522C to increase the site operational hours from 07:00 to 18:00 to 07:00 to 19:00 Mondays to Fridays, and to allow the essential maintenance of plant and machinery between 07:00 to 21:00 Mondays to Fridays and 07:00 to 16:00 Saturdays, with no works on Sundays, Bank or Public Holidays
DecisionWithdrawn by applicant
Withdrawal date21 December 2021

Wakerley Quarry, Wakerley, Northamptonshire, NN17 3AZ
Application number20/00029/MINVOC
LocationWakerley Quarry, Wakerley, Northamptonshire, NN17 3AZ
ProposalVariation of condition 5 on planning permission 08/00026/MIN to increase the site operational hours from 07:00 to 18:00 to 07:00 to 19:00 Mondays to Fridays, and to allow the essential maintenance of plant and machinery between 07:00 to 21:00 Mondays to Fridays and 07:00 to 16:00 Saturdays, with no works on Sundays, Bank or Public Holidays
DecisionWithdrawn by applicant
Withdrawal date21 December 2021

Wakerley Quarry, Fineshade Road, Wakerley, NN17 3BA
Application numberNN/21/00015/MINVOC
LocationWakerley Quarry, Fineshade Road, Wakerley, NN17 3BA
ProposalVariation of Condition 5 of Planning Permission EN/97/522C to extend hours of HGV movements.
DecisionApproved by Committee on 01 November 2021
Decision date23 November 2021
Relevant documents

Supporting Information


Wakerley Quarry, Fineshade Road, Wakerley, NN17 3BA
Application number21/00014/MINVOC
LocationWakerley Quarry, Fineshade Road, Wakerley, NN17 3BA
ProposalVariation of Condition 5 of Planning Permission 08/00026/MIN to extend hours of HGV movements
DecisionApproved by Committee on 01 November 2021
Decision date23 November 2021
Relevant documents

Supporting Information


Plots 19 to 26, Sanders Lodge Industrial Estate, Rushden, Northamptonshire, NN10 6BQ
Application number20/00062/WASFUL
LocationPlots 19 to 26, Sanders Lodge Industrial Estate, Rushden, Northamptonshire, NN10 6BQ
ProposalAn additional industrial building for the storage and processing of recyclable waste
DecisionApproved by Committee on 06 September 2021
Decision date09 September 2021
Relevant documents

Supporting Information


Rushton Landfill Generating Station, Rushton Landfill, Oakley Road, Rushton, Kettering, Northamptonshire, NN14 1QT
Application numbersNN/21/00012/WASVOC
LocationRushton Landfill Generating Station, Rushton Landfill, Oakley Road, Rushton, Kettering, Northamptonshire, NN14 1QT
ProposalVariation of condition 9 of planning permission KE/06/245 to extend the life of the generation station for a further 15 years
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date21 July 2021
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Supporting Information


Unit 3-7 Bevan Close, Finedon Industrial Estate, Wellingborough, NN8 4BL
Application numbers

NCC - 19/00012/WASFUL

WBC - WP/19/00173/CRA

LocationUnit 3-7 Bevan Close, Finedon Industrial Estate, Wellingborough, NN8 4BL
ProposalOperate the recycling of inert material from local surrounding areas
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date23 July 2021
Relevant documents

Supporting Information



Decisions before 31 March 2021

Previously, decisions were listed by the former local authority areas in North Northamptonshire.

Previous decisions in the Corby area


Application numberNCC - 20/00048/WASVOC
CBC - 20/00384/COC
LocationLand at Shelton Road, Willowbrook East Industrial Estate, Corby, NN17 5XH
ProposalVariation of drawings approved under condition 2 of planning permission 1900027/WASFUL to amend buildings and ancillary facilities elevations, footprint, and payout to accommodate facility as a single line plant
DecisionApproved by Committee on 15 December 2020
Decision date29 January 2021
Relevant documents

Supporting Information


Environmental Statement


Technical Appendices



Application numberNCC - 20/00023/WASVOC
CBC - 20/00237/COC
LocationStorefield Plant, Gretton Brook Road, Earlstrees Industrial Estate, Corby, NN17 4AB
ProposalVariation of conditions 2 and 3 of Planning Permission 14/00094/WASVOC to amend building elevations and annual throughput of waste
DecisionApproved by Committee on 4 August 2020
Decision date05 August 2020
Relevant documents

Supporting Information



Application numberNCC - 20/00022/WASVOC
CBC - 20/00238/COC
LocationStorefield Plant, Gretton Brook Road, Earlstrees Industrial Estate, Corby, NN17 4AB
ProposalVariation of conditions 2 and 3 of Planning Permission 14/00093/WASVOC to amend building elevations and annual throughput of waste
DecisionApproved by Committee on 4 August 2020
Decision date05 August 2020
Relevant documents

Supporting Information


Application numberNCC - 19/00066/WASVOC
CBC - 20/0035/COC
LocationCrown House, Gretton Brook Road, Earlstrees Industrial Estate, Corby, NN17 2BA
ProposalRetrospective planning application to amend the layout of the waste management operations including the installation of 2 outside pickings lines, storage bays, outside storage areas and construction of 2 weighbridge
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date05 January 2020
Relevant documents

Supporting Information



Application numberNCC - 19/00027/WASFUL
CBC - 19/00215/COC
ENC - 19/00777/NCC
LocationLand at Shelton Road, Willowbrook East Industrial Estate, Shelton Road, Corby, NN17 5XH
ProposalConstruction of an Energy Recovery Facility comprising proven combustion technology with an education and visitor centre, access, landscaping and associated works.
DecisionApproved by Committee on 24 September 2019
Decision date04 October 2019
Relevant documents
Application numberNCC - 17/00057/WASVOC
CBC - 17/00686/COC
LocationCrown House, Gretton Brook Road, Earlstrees Industrial Estate, Corby, Northamptonshire, NN17 2BA
ProposalVariation of Condition 3 (Waste Throughputs) of planning consent ref. 16/00039/WASFUL to increase approved limit
DecisionWithdrawn by applicant
Decision date29 July 2019


Application numberNCC - 19/00019/WASCOU
CBC - 19/00238/COC
LocationA1 Priors Court, Priors Haw Road, Corby, Northamptonshire, NN17 5JG
ProposalChange of use to a waste management facility processing end of life vehicles, segregating parts and materials, plus sorting other metals for scrap as well as the continuation of use of part of the building as an office (Class B1).
DecisionWithdrawn by applicant
Decision date09 July 2019


Application numberNCC - 17/00061/WASFUL
CBC - 17/00693/COC
LocationCrown House, Gretton Brook Road, Earlstrees Industrial Estate, Corby, Northamptonshire, NN17 2BA
ProposalAmendment of approved site layout including the installation of two outside picking lines, storage bays, outside storage areas and two weighbridges (retrospective application).
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date04 October 2018
Relevant documents

Supporting information


Application numberNCC - 18/00033/WASNMA
CBC - 18/00630/COC
LocationLand To The North Of Princewood Road, Earlstrees Industrial Estate, Corby, Northamptonshire
ProposalNon-Material Amendment to planning consent ref. 16/00038/WASVOC for the removal of hardcore stockpiles
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date24 September 2018
Relevant documents

Supporting information


Application numberNCC - 18/00030/WASVOC
CBC - 18/00596/COC
LocationLand To The North Of Princewood Road, Earlstrees Industrial Estate, Corby, Northamptonshire
ProposalVariation of Conditions 23 (Finished Ground Levels) and 24 (Ecological Management, Restoration and Aftercare) of planning consent ref. 16/00038/WASVOC
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date24 September 2018
Relevant documents

Supporting information


Application numberNCC - 17/00058/WASVOC
CBC - 17/00707/COC
LocationWeldon Landfill Site, Kettering Road, Weldon, Northamptonshire, NN17 3JG
ProposalVariation of Condition 10 (Cessation of Development) of planning consent ref. CO/02/280C to extend the End Date
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date01 March 2018
Relevant documents

Supporting information


Application numberNCC - 17/00059/WASVOC
CBC - 17/00709/COC
LocationWeldon Landfill Site, Kettering Road, Weldon, Northamptonshire, NN17 3JG
ProposalVariation of Condition 8 (Cessation of Development) of planning consent ref. CO/96/155C to extend the End Date
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date01 March 2018
Relevant documents

Supporting information


Application numberNCC - 17/00060/WASVOC
CBC - 17/00708/COC
LocationWeldon Landfill Site, Kettering Road, Weldon, Northamptonshire, NN17 3JG
ProposalVariation of Condition 7 (Cessation of Development) of planning consent ref. CO/97/42C to extend the End Date
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date01 March 2018
Relevant documents

Supporting information



Application NumberNCC - 16/00039/WASFUL
CBC - 16/00442/COC
LocationCrown House, Gretton Brook Road, Earlstrees Industrial Estate, Corby, Northamptonshire, NN17 4LS
ProposalRedevelopment of existing materials recycling facility including reconstruction of a fire-damaged building
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date19 January 2017
Relevant Documents


Application NumberNCC - 16/00038/WASVOC
CBC - 16/00443/COC
LocationLand To The North Of Princewood Road, Earlstrees Industrial Estate, Corby, Northamptonshire
ProposalVariation of Condition 26 of planning permission 08/00067/WAS to extend the end date for landfilling and subsequent restoration of Princewood Road ironstone gullet to October 2020
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date12 December 2016
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 15/00037/WASNMA
CBC - 15/00194/COC
LocationWeldon Landfill Site, Kettering Road, Weldon, Northamptonshire, NN17 3JG
ProposalNon Material Amendment to Planning Permission 13/00042/WASVOC to amend the route of the surface water management ditch and lagoon, small area of regrading and amendment to route of access track
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date28 September 2016
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 16/00028/WASFUL
CBC - 16/00274/COC
LocationLand At, Shelton Road, Willowbrook East Industrial Estate, Corby, Northamptonshire
ProposalErection of an Energy Recovery Facility comprising a Materials Recovery Plant and Advanced Thermal Treatment Facility with an integrated education and visitor centre, access, landscaping and associated works
DecisionApproved by DC Committee
Decision Date21 September 2016
Relevant Documents

EIA Determination


Environmental Statement (June 2016)

Further Information (August 2016)

Other Information


Application NumberNCC - 16/00011/WASFUL
CBC - 16/00243/COC
LocationCorby Sewage Treatment Works, Weldon Road, Corby, NN17 3LD
ProposalErection of a glass reinforced plastic kiosk to house electrical control equipment
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date24 June 2016
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 16/00013/WASFUL
CBC - 16/00190/COC
LocationViridor, Pilot Road, Corby, NN17 5YH
ProposalGlass sorting and recovery facility
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date20 May 2016
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 15/00026/WASFUL
CBC - 16/00009/COC
LocationComposting Waste Facility, Stamford Road, Weldon
ProposalUse of land for open air windrow composting of green waste, with creation of new vehicular access, car parking, storage areas, portable office building and formation of surfacing, balancing pond and leachate lagoon
DecisionApproved by DC Committee
Decision Date28 April 2016
Relevant Documents


Application NumberNCC - 15/00027/WASFUL
CBC - 15/00176/COC
LocationViridor Waste Management, Pilot Road, Corby, Northamptonshire, NN17 5YH
ProposalGlass sorting and recovery facility
Decision Date30 June 2015
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 14/00097/WASFUL
CBC - 15/00037/COC
Location12B Earlstree Road, Corby, Northamptonshire, NN17 4AZ
ProposalProposed use of land and building for an AD facility accepting specialised difficult to treat liquid waste, involving a pre-treatment process
Decision Date16 April 2015
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 15/00003/WASFUL
CBC - 15/00032/COC
LocationVayland Ltd, Heritage Way, Corby, Northamptonshire, NN17 5XW
ProposalConstruction and operation of a Soils Treatment Hub
Decision Date15 April 2015
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 15/00004/WASVOC
CBC - 15/00042/COC
LocationLand at Shelton Road, Willowbrook East Industrial Estate, Corby, Northamptonshire, NN17 5XH
ProposalVariation of Condition 30 of Planning Permission 13/00079/WASFUL to amend the catchment area
Decision Date25 March 2015
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 14/00094/WASVOC
CBC - 14/00504/COC
LocationStorefield Plant, Gretton Brook Road, Earlstrees Industrial Estate, Corby, Northamptonshire, NN17 4BA
ProposalVariation of Condition 21 of Planning Permission 09/00052/WAS for a revised catchment area
Decision Date24 March 2015
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 14/00093/WASVOC
CBC - 14/00501/COC
LocationStorefield Plant, Gretton Brook Road, Earlstrees Industrial Estate, Corby, Northamptonshire, NN17 4BA
ProposalVariation of Condition 20 of Planning Permission 08/00097/WAS for a revised catchment area
Decision Date24 March 2015
Relevant Documents


Application NumberNCC - 14/00072/WASVOC
CBC - 14/00387/COC
LocationLand at Shelton Road, Willowbrook East Industrial Estate, Corby, Northamptonshire, NN17 5XH
ProposalRemoval of Condition 30 (Waste Catchment Area) on Planning Permission 13/00079/WASFUL
DecisionWithdrawn on 11 December 2014
Application NumberNCC - 14/00043/WASFUL
CBC - 14/00262/COC
LocationHeritage Way, Corby, Northamptonshire, NN17 5XW
ProposalRetrospective planning application for an office and canteen building
Decision Date11 August 2014
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 14/00007/WASVOC
Location5 Brunel Road, Earlstrees Industrial Estate, Corby, Northamptonshire NN17 4JW
ProposalVariation of Conditions 2 and 5 of planning permission ref 12/00011/WAS to allow the storage of baled waste at 5m high, with litter netting at 6m high and the storage of repaired pallets at 6m high
Decision Date14 May 2014
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 14/00006/WASFUL
CBC - 14/00095/COC
LocationCrown House, Gretton Brook Road, Earlstrees Industrial Estate, Corby, Northamptonshire NN17 2BA
ProposalOutside storage of waste including loose metal and glass, installation of an outside conveyor and a glass storage container (Retrospective Application).
Decision Date14 May 2014
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 13/00079/WASFUL
CBC - 13/00278/COC
ENC - 13/01600/NCC
LocationWillowbrook East Industrial Estate, Shelton Road, Corby
ProposalErection of an Advanced Conversion Technology (ACT) and Anaerobic Digestion (AD) Facility comprising an 8-12 MWe pyrolysis plant and a 2-3 MWe digestion facility with an integrated education centre, access, landscaping and associated works
DecisionApproved by DC Committee
Decision Date7 February 2014
Relevant Documents

Application Documents


Environmental Statement

Volume 1

Volume 2

Volume 3

Other Documents

Application NumberNCC - 13/00104/WASNMA
CBC - 13/00396/COC
LocationViridor, Pilot Road, Corby
ProposalNon-Material Amendment to planning permission 11/00021/WAS for the addition of a Mobile Sorting Platform for plastics
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date20 January 2014
Relevant Documents


Application NumberNCC - 13/00060/WASNMA
CBC - 13/00299/COC
LocationShore Energy, Gretton Brook Road, Corby, Northamptonshire
ProposalNon-Material amendment to planning permission 09/00052/WAS for alterations to the building elevations and location of openings and revised site layout
DecisionApproved by Committee
Decision Date18 December 2013
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 13/00061/WASNMA
CBC - 13/00298/COC
LocationShore Energy Site, Gretton Brook Road, Corby, Northamptonshire.
ProposalNon-Material amendment to planning permission 08/00097/WAS for alterations to the building elevations and location of openings and revised site layout
DecisionApproved by Committee
Decision Date18 December 2013
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 13/00087/WASCOU
CBC - 13/00340/COC
LocationConnect Motorcycles, 3 Princewood Road, Earlstrees Industrial Estate, Corby NN17 4AP
ProposalRetrospective change of use of 318 sqm from B2 to use for decommissioning end of life motorcycles, segregating parts and materials, plus sorting other metals for scrap
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date17 December 2013
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 13/00042/WASVOC
CBC - 13/00162/COC
LocationCorby Landfill Site, Kettering Road, Weldon, Northamptonshire, NN17 3JQ
ProposalVariation of time limit specified in condition 22 of planning permission CO/04/00498/COC, extension of the disposal of waste materials to achieve restoration to agriculture of former limestone quarry and extraction of clay for the use solely in connection with on site engineering operations
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date13 August 2013
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 13/00044/WASNMA
CBC - 13/00166/COC
LocationPilot Road, Corby, Northamptonshire, NN17 5YH
ProposalNon-Material Amendment to planning permission 13/00016/WASFUL to amend details and position of substation
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date20 June 2013
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 13/00039/WASNMA
CBC - 13/00135/COC
LocationCrown House, Gretton Brook Road, Earlstrees Industrial Estate, Corby, NN17 2BA
ProposalNon Material Amendment to planning permission 12/00011/WAS to change the site layout to regularise the landscape bund constructed on the North Eastern corner
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date20 June 2013
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 13/00016/WASFUL
CBC - 13/00074/COC
LocationPilot Road, Corby, Northamptonshire, NN17 5YH
ProposalErection of sub-station together with underground cables
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date19 April 2013
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 12/00084/WASCOU
CBC - 12/00435/COC
LocationCrown House, Gretton Brook Road, Corby, NN17 2BA
ProposalChange of use to allow a picking line with baler and to extend the range of waste allowed to be stored in the building to include dry recyclables
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date13 February 2013
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 12/00080/WASFUL
CBC - 12/00396/COC
LocationHeritage Way, Corby, Northamptonshire, NN17 5XW
ProposalConstruction of a waste transfer station and materials recycling facility, including the installation of a weighbridge and associated infrastructure, and site preparation work
DecisionApproved by Committee
Decision Date7 February 2013
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 12/00065/WASCOU
CBC - 12/00325/COC
LocationEarlstrees Road, Earlstrees Industrial Estate, Corby, NN17 4AZ
ProposalChange of Use to a recycling facility to manage Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment, ELV's, cardboard, plastics and tyres.
Decision Date5 February 2013


Application NumberNCC - 12/00077/WASVOC
CBC - 12/00394/COC
LocationCorby Household Waste Recycling Centre, Kettering Road, Weldon, NN17 3JQ
ProposalVariation of condition 16 on planning permission 10/00037/WAS to retain the Civic Amenity Facility until 2025
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date30 January 2013
Relevant Documents


Application NumberNCC - 12/00011/WAS
CBC - 12/00065/COC
LocationCrown House, Gretton Brook Road, Earlstrees Industrial Estate, Corby, NN17 4BA
ProposalChange of use to allow the temporary storage of baled waste, WEEE processing and WEEE storage at Brunel Road site and the extension to Materials Recycling Facility yard to provide parking, storage of baled waste, skips/containers and storage bays for green waste and glass, and a lorry wash at Crown House site
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date21 May 2012
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 12/00022/NMA
CBC - 12/00114/NMA
LocationLand off Gretton Brook Road, Corby, NN17 2BA
ProposalNon-material amendment of condition 2 of planning permission OS/00097M1AS to lower the height of the proposed new structures in order to reduce waste of construction materials and reduce volume of air requiring management.
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date3 May 2012
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 11/00087/WAS
CBC - 11/00475/COC
LocationUnit 6B, Sallow Road, Corby, NN16 8EG
ProposalChange of Use of Unit 6B, Sallow Road, Corby, NN16 8EG from B2 to use for decommissioning of end of life vehicles, segregating parts and materials, plus sorting other metals for scrap.
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date12 March 2012
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 11/00076/WAS
CBC - 11/00445/COC
LocationCrown House, Gretton Brook Road, Earlstrees Industrial Estate, Corby, NN17 4BA
ProposalExtension of Material Recycling Facility yard to include lorry wash, glass and green waste storage bays, and storage of baled waste.
DecisionWithdrawn on 15 February 2012


Application NumbersNCC - 11/00051/WAS
CBC - 11/00293/COC
LocationCorby Sewage Treatment Works, Weldon Road, Corby, NN17 5ZB
ProposalErection of six kiosk buildings
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date14 October 2011
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 10/00067/WAS
CBC - 10/00398/COC
LocationGretton Brook Road, Gretton, Corby, NN17 4BA
ProposalVariation of planning permission 08/00097/WAS to remove condition 20 (proximity principle)
DecisionWithdrawn on 5 July 2011
Application NumbersNCC - 11/00021/WAS
CBC - 11/00143/COC
LocationPilot Road, Phoenix Parkway, Corby, NN17 5YH
ProposalVariation of condition 2 of planning permission 07/00044/WAS to amend the site layout and extension of the waste operations to allow for a small scrap metal operation
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date30 June 2011
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 11/00014/WAS
CBC - 11/00083/COC
LocationWincanton Site, Mitchell Road, Corby, NN17 5QT
ProposalChange of use from a haulage facility to a Waste Transfer Station and Materials Recycling Facility and the installation of a weighbridge
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date17 May 2011
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 10/00077/WAS
CBC - 10/00461/COC
LocationLand off Arkwright Road, Corby, NN17 5AE
ProposalChange of use of land to provide an End of Life Vehicle Treatment Facility, WEEE and scrap metal yard and a portable office, de-pollution buildings and a weighbridge
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date31 January 2011
Relevant Documents


Application NumbersNCC - 10/00064/WAS
CBC - 10/00388/COC
LocationCrown House, Gretton Brook Road, Earlstrees Industrial Estate, Corby, NN17 4BA
ProposalCertificate of Proposed Lawful Use for a Materials Recycling Facility
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date21 December 2010
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 10/00058/WAS
CBC - 10/00336/COC
LocationComposting Site, Land off Brigstock Road, Stanion, Corby
ProposalVariation of condition 4 of planning permission 10/00025/EXT to revise the site layout
DecisionApproved by DC Committee
Decision Date8 November 2010
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 10/00051/WAS
CBC - 10/00277/COC
LocationWestminster Building, Gretton Brook Road, Gretton, Corby, NN17 4BA
ProposalChange of use of industrial building (B2 use class) to waste transfer and recycling facility, including the installation of a weighbridge for a temporary period of 2 years
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date15 October 2010
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 10/00047/WAS
CBC - 10/00236/COC
LocationCrown House, Gretton Brook Road, Earlstrees Industrial Estate, Corby, NN17 4BA
ProposalChange of use of warehouse to a Materials Recycling Facility
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date8 September 2010
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 10/00055/NMA
CBC - 10/00304/COC
LocationWeldon Landfill Site, Kettering Road, Weldon, NN17 3JG
ProposalNon-material amendment to planning permission CO/02/280C for the replacement of existing gas flare with an automatic temperature control flare of the same flow capacity
Decision Date24 August 2010
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 10/00025/EXT
CBC - 10/00137/COC
LocationComposting Site, Land off Brigstock Road, Stanion, Corby, Northants
ProposalReplacement of extant planning permission 07/00006/WAS to extend the time limit for implementation
DecisionApproved by Delegated
Decision Date1 July 2010
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 10/00037/WAS
CBC - 10/00218/COC
LocationCivic Amenity Facility, Kettering Road, Weldon, Corby, NN17 3JG
ProposalVariation of condition 9 of planning permission 08/00019/WAS to extend the current permitted site opening times
DecisionApproved by Delegated
Decision Date30 June 2010
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 10/00014/WAS
LocationCrown House, Gretton Brook Road, Earlstrees Industrial Estate, Corby, NN17 4BA
ProposalCertificate of Proposed Lawful Use for a material recycling facility
DecisionWithdrawn on 20 May 2010


Application NumbersNCC - 09/00052/WAS
CBC - 09/00302/COC
LocationLand off Gretton Brook Road, Corby, NN17 2BA
ProposalRenewable fuel production and recycling facility
DecisionApproved by Delegated
Decision Date22 October 2009
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 09/00042/WAS
CBC - 09/00195/COC & 09/00196/COC
LocationWeldon Landfill Site, Stamford Road, Weldon
ProposalVariation of condition 21 of planning permission CO/03/231C and condition 10 of planning permission CO/05/53C for the extension in time for the landfill, office, skip park, recycling area and associated facilities until 2026
DecisionApproved by DC Committee
Decision Date30 June 2009
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 09/00019/WAS
CBC - 09/00158/COC
LocationPilot Road, Phoenix Parkway, Corby, NN17 5YH
ProposalConstruction of a materials recycling facility (MRF) and two storey office building with associated site modifications; removal of two buildings known as 'Able Welding' and rearrangement of site to improve efficiency and safety
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date30 June 2009
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 09/00010/WAS
CBC - 09/00120/COC
LocationWeldon Landfill Site, Kettering Road, Weldon
ProposalVariation of condition 10 of planning permission CO/05/53C to extend the end date until 28/02/2026 for landfill, offices, skip park recycling area and associated facilities
DecisionWithdrawn on 7 May 2009


Application NumbersNCC - 08/00067/WAS
CBC - 08/00441/COC
LocationLand to the north of Princewood Road, Corby
ProposalRestoration of ironstone gullet with inert waste
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date19 November 2008
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 08/00065/WAS
CBC - 08/00413/COC
LocationCorby Landfill Site, Kettering Road, Weldon, Corby, NN17 3JG
ProposalInstallation of an electricity generation plant fuelled by landfill gas
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date19 November 2008
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 08/00075/WAS
CBC - 08/00457/COC
LocationWeldon Landfill Site, Kettering Road, Weldon, Corby, NN17 3JG
ProposalInstallation and use of a 50m3 (11,000 gallon) capacity leachate holding tank and compressor pump (retrospective)
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date3 November 2008
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 07/00054/WAS
CBC - 07/00509/COC
Location1 Brunel Road, Earlstrees Industrial Estate, Corby, NN17 4JW
ProposalCertificate of Lawful Use for materials recycling centre
DecisionWithdrawn on 30 June 2008
Application NumbersNCC - 08/00011/WAS
CBC - 08/00124/COC
LocationHunters Point, Hunters Road, Weldon North Industrial Estate, Corby, NN17 5JE
ProposalChange of use to tyre sorting and shredding facility and installation of tyre shredding plant
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date15 May 2008
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 08/00019/WAS
CBC - 08/00164/COC
LocationCorby Landfill Site, Kettering Road, Weldon, Corby, NN17 3JG
ProposalExtension of planning permission CO/05/0469 without compliance with condition 15 (end date) for retention of the Civic Amenity Facility until 30/04/2013
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date30 April 2008
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 08/00009/WAS
CBC - 08/00091/COC
LocationCorby Sewage Treatment Works, Weldon Road, Corby, NN17 3LD
ProposalErection of three glass reinforced plastic kiosks to house electrical equipment to control bio solids enhancement plant
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date10 April 2008
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 07/00071/WAS
CBC - 08/00078/COC
LocationHunters Point, Hunters Road, Weldon North Industrial Estate, Corby, NN17 5JE
ProposalChange of use to a materials recycling/recovery facility
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date10 April 2008
Relevant Documents


Application NumbersNCC - 07/00058/WAS
CBC - 07/00506/COC
Location1 Brunel Road, Earlstrees Industrial Estate, Corby, NN17 4JW
ProposalChange of use of warehouse to materials recycling facility and extension of the main building
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date21 December 2007
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 07/00044/WAS
CBC - 07/00413/COC
LocationPilot Road, Phoenix Parkway, Corby, NN17 5YH
ProposalChange of use of truck stop and adjacent land to waste related activities, replacement Portacabin offices and staff welfare facilities, extension to transfer and recycling building
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date14 November 2007
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 07/00006/WAS
CBC - 07/00192/COC
LocationLand off Brigstock Road, Stanion, Corby
ProposalIn-vessel composting facility and related building and structures
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date18 September 2007
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 07/00007/WAS
CBC - 07/00984/EXT
LocationKirby Lodge, Gretton Road, Corby
ProposalIn-vessel composting facility and related building and structures
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date17 September 2007
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersCBC - 07/00088/COC
Location79 Manton Road, Earlstrees Industrial Estate, Corby, NN17 4SL
ProposalAnaerobic digestion and electricity generation for use on site and for onward sale
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date15 June 2007
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersCBC - 07/00048/COC
LocationPilot Road, Corby
ProposalStopping up of public highway and change of use to waste recycling centre with the installation of two weighbridges and one office
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date5 April 2007
Relevant Documents


Application NumbersCBC - 06/00091/COC
LocationPriors Hall Quarry, Weldon, Corby
ProposalModification of conditions 1, 12, 15, 17, 23, 26 and 40 of planning permission EN/97/145 and CO/97/55
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date21 July 2006
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersCBC - 06/00058/COC
LocationWaste transfer and recycling site, Pilot Road, Corby
ProposalModification of condition 6 of planning permission CO/97/267 and condition 6 of planning permission CO/00418 to enable 24 hour working to take place at the site on Mon-Fri
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date6 April 2006
Relevant Documents


Application NumbersCBC - 05/00426/COC
LocationCrucible Road, Corby
ProposalStationing of mobile sludge treatment and dewatering equipment
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date24 October 2005
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersCBC - 05/00187/COC
LocationCorby Leachate Works, Princewood Road, Corby
ProposalExtension in time for the retention of leachate treatment plant (modification of condition 7 of planning permission CO/94/292)
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date13 June 2005
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersCBC - 05/00065/COC
LocationLand at Gretton Brook Road, Corby
ProposalChange of use from scrap metal yard to use for sorting and crushing of inert waste materials to provide recycled aggregates and soils
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date10 May 2005
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersCBC - 05/00053/COC
LocationWeldon Landfill Site, Kettering Road, Corby, NN17 3JG
ProposalExtension of time for offices, skip park, recycling area and associated facilities
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date6 May 2005
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersCBC - 05/00469/COC
LocationCorby Landfill Site, Kettering Road, Corby, NN17 3JG
ProposalApplication for the removal of condition 9 of planning permission CO/01/54
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date26 January 2005
Relevant Documents


Application NumbersCBC - 04/00236/COC
LocationCorby Landfill Site, Kettering Road, Corby, NN17 3JG
ProposalLandfill gas control flare compound
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date2 September 2004
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersCBC - 04/00498/COC
LocationLand at Stamford Road, Weldon
ProposalVariation of condition 22 of planning permission CO/89/54C to extend the time limit for the disposal of waste materials to achieve restoration to agriculture of former limestone quarry and extraction of clay for the use solely in connection with on site engineering operations.
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date13 January 2004
Relevant Documents

Previous decisions in the East Northamptonshire area


Application numberNCC - 20/00038/MINFUL
ENC - 20/00938/NCC
LocationElton Quarry, Peterborough Old Road, Eaglethorpe, Warmington, Peterborough, PE8 6SN
ProposalRetrospective mineral application for an extension to the existing plant and ancillary works site in order to provide additional operational space for material treatment, stockpiling and temporary storage with restoration to agricultural land
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date31 March 2021
Relevant documents

Supporting Information


Application numberNCC - 20/00037/MINVOC
ENC - 20/00936/NCC
LocationElton Quarry, Peterborough Old Road, Eaglethorpe, Warmington, Peterborough, PE8 6SN
ProposalVariation of condition 26 (End Date) of planning permission 18/00032/MINVOC to extend the end date for the plant site and ancillary works associated with the construction of an agricultural reservoir until 31 July 2022
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date31 March 2021
Relevant documents

Supporting Information


Application numberNCC - 20/00036/MINVOC
ENC - 20/00935/NCC
LocationElton Quarry, Peterborough Old Road, Eaglethorpe, Warmington, Peterborough, PE8 6SN
ProposalVariation of condition 26 (End Date) of planning permission 18/00031/MINVOC to extend the end date for completion of the agricultural reservoir until 31 July 2022
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date31 March 2021
Relevant documents

Supporting Information


Application numberNCC - 19/00035/MINFUL
ENC - 19/00862/NCC
LocationElton Quarry, Peterborough Old Road, Eaglethorpe, Warmington, Peterborough, PE8 6SN
ProposalRetrospective mineral application for an extension to the existing plant and ancillary works site in order to provide additional operational space for material treatment, stockpiling and temporary storage with restoration to agricultural land
DecisionApproved by Committee on 17 November 2020
Decision date31 March 2021
Relevant documents
Application numberNCC - 19/00034/MINVOC
ENC - 19/00857/NCC
LocationElton Quarry, Peterborough Old Road, Eaglethorpe, Warmington, Peterborough, PE8 6SN
ProposalSection 73 application to vary conditions 2, 3, 7 & 26 of planning permission 18/00032/MINVOC to enable a new replacement low profile processing plant to be erected as well as to import reclamation material a proportion of which will need to be treated to make it suitable for restoration and an extension of the completion date to 31 July 2030
DecisionApproved by Committee on 17 November 2020
Decision date31 March 2021
Relevant documents
Application numberNCC - 19/00033/MINFUL
ENC - 19/00856/NCC
LocationElton Quarry, Peterborough Old Road, Eaglethorpe, Warmington, Peterborough, PE8 6SN
ProposalPhased mineral extraction, construction of a bailey bridge to cross a branch of the River nene, importation of reclamation material including ancillary activities, with restoration to agricultural pasture and wet woodland
DecisionApproved by Committee on 17 November 2020
Decision date31 March 2021
Relevant documents


Application numberNCC - 20/00018/MINVOC
ENC - 20/00513/NCC
LocationStonehill Quarry, Off King's Cliffe Road, Near Wansford/Yarwell, PE8 6NU
ProposalVariation of conditions 9 and 19 of planning consent ref: 15/00092/WASFUL to allow crushing to produce recycled aggregate
DecisionApproved by delegation
Decision date06 July 2020
Relevant documents

Supporting information


Application numberNCC - 20/00024/MINNMA
LocationWakerley Quarry, Wakerley, Northamptonshire, NN17 3AZ
ProposalTemporary extended working hours
DecisionRefused by delegation
Decision date21 May 2020
Relevant documents

Supporting information


Application numberNCC - 20/00006/MINFUL
ENC - 20/0275/NCC
LocationWakerley Quarry, Wakerley, Northamptonshire, NN17 3AZ
ProposalWakerley Quarry access road additional drainage provisions
DecisionApproved by delegation
Decision date06 May 2020
Relevant documents

Supporting information


Application numberNCC - 19/00060/WASFUL
ENC - 19/001651/NCC
LocationWakerley Quarry, Wakerley, Northamptonshire, NN17 3AZ
ProposalProposed importation of suitable inert material to the quarry site to restore land close to pre-development contours to produce a more naturalistic profile upon restoration across the entire site than approved at present
DecisionApproved by delegation
Decision date28 February 2020
Relevant documents

Supporting information


Environmental Statement


Application numberNCC - 19/00025/MINNMA
ENC - 19/000631/NCC
LocationCollyweston Quarry, Duddington, Peterborough Road, Northamptonshire, PE9 3QA
ProposalNon-Material Amendment relating to the changing of the current wet wheel wash for a dry wheel cleaning system of planning consent ref: 14/00035/MINFUL
DecisionApproved by delegation
Decision date11 June 2019
Relevant documents

Supporting information


Application numberNCC - 19/00024/MINVOC
ENC - 19/00632/NCC
LocationRingstead Grange Quarry, Raunds Road, Ringstead, Northamptonshire, NN9 6FZ
ProposalVariation of Conditions 5 and 17 of planning consent ref: 12/00016/MIN to allow disposal of inert materials from essential highway maintenance works
DecisionApproved by delegation
Decision date08 May 2019
Relevant documents

Supporting information


Application numberNCC - 19/00011/MINVOC
ENC - 19/00426/NCC
LocationRingstead Grange Quarry, Raunds Road, Ringstead, Northamptonshire, NN9 6FZ
ProposalVariation of Conditions 2, 42, 48 and 52 of Planning Permission 15/00073/MINVOC to amend the Restoration Scheme and Ecological Management Plan to remove references to agricultural grassland
DecisionApproved by delegation
Decision date08 May 2019
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Supporting information


Application numberNCC - 19/00002/WASNMA
ENC - 19/000026/NCC
LocationSlipe Clay Pit Landfill Site, Stamford Road, Kings Cliffe, Northamptonshire, PE8 6XX
ProposalChanges to the approved phasing plans to work Phase 10 in advance of Phases 7 to 9.
DecisionApproved by delegation
Decision date28 March 2019
Relevant documents


Application numberNCC - 18/00045/WASNMA
ENC - 19/00095/NCC
LocationWestwood AD Facility, Bedford Road, Rushden, Northamptonshire, NN10 0QS
ProposalNon material amendments for extension of hours of working.
DecisionApproved by delegation
Decision date25 January 2019
Relevant documents

Supporting information



Application numberNCC - 18/00040/WASVOC
ENC - 18/0195/NCC
LocationQuarry And Premises, Lilford Lodge Farm, Thrapston Road, Barnwell, Northamptonshire PE8 5SA
ProposalVariation of Conditions 7 (Waste Materials), 8 and 10 (Permitted Operations) of planning consent ref.: 09/00049/WAS to allow for the operation of a Screener and Crusher on site, and to clarify the quantity of materials to be imported and associated vehicle movements.
DecisionApproved by delegation
Decision date13 December 2018
Relevant documents

Supporting information


Application numberNCC - 18/00031/MINVOC
ENC - 18/01565/NCC
LocationElton Quarry, Peterborough Road, Warmington, Northamptonshire PE8 6SN
ProposalVariation of Condition 26 (End Date) of planning consent ref. 13/00073/MINVOC to retrospectively extend the end date of operations
DecisionApproved by delegation
Decision date26 October 2018
Relevant documents

Supporting information


Application numberNCC - 18/00032/MINVOC
ENC - 18/01566/NCC
LocationElton Quarry, Peterborough Road, Warmington, Northamptonshire PE8 6SN
ProposalVariation of Condition 25 (End Date) of planning consent ref. 13/00074/MINVOC to retrospectively extend the end date of operations
DecisionApproved by delegation
Decision date26 October 2018
Relevant documents

Supporting information


Application numberNCC - 18/00038/MINNMA
ENC - 18/01646/NCC
LocationWakerley Quarry, Wakerley, Northamptonshire
ProposalNon-Material Amendment to planning consent ref. 17/00065/MINFUL for the importation of additional materials for the creation of a seal for previously-approved dust suppression/water attenuation ponds
DecisionApproved by delegation
Decision date14 September 2018
Relevant documents

Supporting information


Application numberNCC - 18/00034/MINNMA
ENC - 18/01544/NCC
LocationWakerley Quarry, Wakerley, Northamptonshire
ProposalNon-Material Amendment of planning consent ref. 16/00025/MINFUL for the erection of additional fencing
DecisionApproved by delegation
Decision date12 September 2018
Relevant documents

Supporting information


Application numberNCC - 18/00035/MINNMA
ENC - 18/01543/NCC
LocationWakerley Quarry, Laxton Park, Laxton, Northamptonshire
ProposalNon-Material Amendment to planning consent ref.: 08/00026/MIN to remove the provision of establishing a temporary hedgerow along the northern embankment of the quarry access road
DecisionWithdrawn by Applicant
Decision date07 September 2018
Application numberNCC - 18/00019/MINVOC
ENC - 18/01114/NCC
LocationCollyweston Quarry, Peterborough Road, Duddington, Northamptonshire, PE9 3QA
ProposalVariation of Conditions 22, 24, 26 (Survey and Restoration), 29 (Woodland Planting), 31 (Aftercare and Woodland) and 33 (End Date) of planning consent ref. EN/06/1279C to extend the end date
DecisionApproved by delegation
Decision date01 August 2018
Relevant documents

Supporting information


Application numberNCC - 18/00014/WASVOC
ENC - 18/00784/NCC
LocationWestwood A D Plant, Bedford Road, Rushden, Northamptonshire, NN10 0SQ
ProposalVariation of Condition 20 (Visual Amenity) of planning consent ref.: 17/00048/WASVOC to alter an approved drawing
DecisionApproved by delegation
Decision date19 June 2018
Relevant documents

Supporting information


Application numberNCC - 17/00065/MINFUL
ENC - 18/00125/NCC
LocationWakerley Quarry, Wakerley, Northamptonshire
ProposalImportation of materials for the creation of a seal for previously-approved dust suppression and water attenuation ponds
DecisionApproved by delegation
Decision date06 April 2018
Relevant documents

Supporting information



Application numberNCC - 17/00052/WASFUL
ENC - 17/02206/NCC
LocationEaston On The Hill WRC, Park Walk, Easton On The Hill, Northamptonshire, PE9 3LW
ProposalErection of 2no. glass-reinforced kiosk to house electrical control equipment
DecisionApproved by delegation
Decision date06 December 2017
Relevant documents

Supporting information


Application numberNCC - 17/00047/WASFUL
ENC - 17/02135/NCC
LocationBroadholme Treatment Works, Ditchford Lane, Irthlingborough, Northamptonshire, NN8 1RR
ProposalErection of a kiosk to house electrical and control equipment
DecisionApproved by delegation
Decision date06 December 2017
Relevant documents

Supporting Information


Application numberNCC - 17/00039/MINFUL
ENC - 17/01497/NCC
LocationSlate Drift Industrial Estate, Collyweston, Northamptonshire PE9 3PG
ProposalPartially retrospective application for the installation of 2 no. cold stores for mineral processing
DecisionApproved by delegation
Decision date31 October 2017
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Supporting documents


Application NumberNCC - 17/00042/MINMNA
ENC - 17/01704/NCC
LocationWakerley Quarry, Laxton Park, Laxton, Northamptonshire
ProposalNon-Material Amendment to planning consent ref. 08/00026/MIN for the installation of a temporary weighbridge and associated office building
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date11 September 2017
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 17/00011/WASVOC
ENC - 17/00484/NCC
LocationWestwood A D Plant, Bedford Road, Rushden, Northamptonshire, NN10 0SQ
ProposalVariation of Condition 23 (Catchment Area) of planning permission 13/00090/WASVOC to amend the approved catchment area condition to increase the catchment area from which wastes could be imported to the facility
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date08 June 2017
Relevant Documents


Supporting Information:

Application NumberNCC - 17/00025/MINNMA
ENC - 17/00872/NCC
LocationWakerley Quarry, Wakerley, Northamptonshire
ProposalNon-Material Amendment to planning application 08/00026/MIN to alter approved plans
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date18 May 2017
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 17/00012/MINNMA
ENC - 17/00482/NCC
LocationWakerley Quarry, Wakerley, Northamptonshire
ProposalNon-material amendment to application ref. 08/00026/MIN for the creation of multi-functional ponds within the approved mineral extraction area (Phase E)
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date29 March 2017
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 17/00005/MINNMA
ENC - 17/00078/NCC
LocationWakerley Quarry, Wakerley, Northamptonshire
ProposalNon-Material Amendment to planning permission 08/00026/MIN for the establishment of three temporary soil mounds
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date07 March 2017
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 17/00006/WASNMA
ENC - 17/00144/NCC
LocationWestwood A D Plant, Bedford Road, Rushden, Northamptonshire, NN10 0SQ
ProposalNon-Material Amendment to planning permission 13/00090/WASVOC to reflect difference in quantity of CHP units installed against original proposal
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date20 February 2017
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 16/00055/MINNMA
ENC - 16/02400/NCC
LocationRingstead Grange Quarry, Raunds Road, Ringstead, Northamptonshire
ProposalNon-Material Amendment to planning permission 15/00073/MINVOC for revisions to parking areas and site compound layout, including installation of a wheel bath
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date9 January 2017
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 16/00053/WASFUL
ENC - 16/02275/NCC
LocationPlots 19 To 26, Sanders Lodge Industrial Estate, Rushden, Northamptonshire, NN10 6BQ
ProposalConstruction of building for storage and recyclable waste processing purposes
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date10 February 2017
Relevant Documents


Application NumberNCC - 16/00050/WASFUL
ENC - 16/02191/NCC
LocationBroadholme Treatment Works, Ditchford Lane, Irthlingborough, Northamptonshire, NN8 1RR
ProposalErection of a glass-reinforced kiosk to house electrical equipment
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date19 December 2016
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 16/00061/MINFUL
LocationBuilders Yard, Slate Drift, Collyweston, Northamptonshire, PE9 3PG
ProposalInstallation of cold store for mineral processing
Decision Date07 December 2016
Application NumberNCC - 16/00051/MINNMA
ENC - 16/02097/NCC
LocationWakerley Quarry, Laxton Park, Laxton, Northamptonshire, NN17 3AZ
ProposalNon-Material Amendment to planning permission 08/00026/MIN for modifications to the existing site infrastructure layout
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date30 November 2016
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 16/00042/MINNMA
ENC - 16/02007/NCC
LocationWakerley Quarry, Laxton Park, Laxton, Northamptonshire, NN17 3AZ
ProposalNon-Material Amendment to planning permission 08/00026/MIN to amend the location of topsoil storage bund No. 5
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date30 November 2016
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 16/00037/MINFUL
ENC - 16/01812/NCC
LocationWakerley Quarry, Laxton Park, Laxton, Northamptonshire, NN17 3AZ
ProposalRevised internal access road alignment
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date28 November 2016
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 16/00049/WASNMA
ENC - 16/02094/NCC
LocationStonehill Quarry, Off Kings Cliffe Road, Northamptonshire, PE8 6NU
ProposalNon-Material Amendment of planning permission 15/00092/WASFUL to better clarify the nature of the materials to be imported to the site for restoration purposes
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date9 November 2016
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 16/00025/MINFUL
ENC - 16/01255/NCC
LocationWakerley Quarry, Laxton Park, Laxton, Northamptonshire
ProposalRevised access onto Duddington Road
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date6 September 2016
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 15/00092/WASFUL
ENC - 16/00151/NCC
LocationStonehill Quarry, Off Kings Cliffe Road, Northamptonshire, PE8 6NU
ProposalImportation of inert materials for the final restoration of the Stonehill Quarry including the creation of calcareous grassland.
DecisionApproved by DC Committee
Decision Date21 September 2016
Relevant Documents

Supporting information:

Application NumberNCC - 16/00020/WASFUL
ENC - 16/01205/NCC
LocationLand At Upper Higham Lane, Rushden, Northamptonshire, NN10 0SU
ProposalReplacement of an industrial unit to house a Combined Heat and Power plant to convert Refuse Derived Fuel/Solid Recovered Fuel into energy pellets
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date16 August 2016
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 16/00016/MINNMA
ENC - 16/00748/NCC
LocationRingstead Grange Quarry, Raunds Road, Ringstead
ProposalNon material amendment to planning permission 15/00073/MINVOC to temporarily stockpile overburden clay prior to use as engineering material
Decision Date27 May 2016
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 16/00004/MINNMA
ENC - 16/00530/NCC
LocationWakerley Quarry, Laxton Park, Laxton
ProposalNon material amendment to planning permission 08/00026/MIN to revise the sequence of working
Decision Date24 May 2016
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 16/00007/MINNMA
ENC - 16/00532/NCC
LocationWakerley Quarry, Laxton Park, Laxton
ProposalNon material amendment to planning permission EN/97/522C to revise the sequence of working
Decision Date24 May 2016
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 15/00038/WASFUL
ENC - 16/00265/NCC
LocationThe Caravan Site, Station Road, Irthlingborough, NN9 5QF
ProposalRetrospective planning application for the erection of a steel framed building
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date5 May 2016
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 16/00001/MINVOC
ENC - 16/00021/NCC
LocationCollyweston Quarry, Peterborough Road, Duddington, Northamptonshire, PE9 3QA
ProposalVariation of condition 2 of planning permission 13/00120/MINVOC to extend time for in-filling and restoration operations
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date20 April 2016
Relevant Documents


Application NumberNCC - 08/00026/MIN
ENC - EN/08/00727/NCC
LocationWakerley Quarry, Wakerley
ProposalExtension to existing mining consent
DecisionApproved by DC Committee
Decision Date11 December 2015
Relevant Documents

Environmental Statement

Appendix A - Scoping Opinion from Northamptonshire County Council

Appendix B - Landscape Assessment

Appendix C - Hydrological Assessment

Appendix D - Flood Risk Assessment

Appendix E - Highways and Traffic Assessment

Appendix F - Noise Assessment

Appendix G - Air Quality Assessment

Appendix H - Ecological Assessment

Appendix I - Archaeological Assessment

Appendix J - Soil Assessment

Application NumberNCC - 15/00073/MINVOC
ENC - 15/01753/NCC
LocationRingstead Grange Quarry, Raunds Road, Ringstead, NN14 4DT
ProposalVariation of conditions 5 and 17 of planning permission 12/00016MINFUL to allow disposal of inert materials from essential highway maintenance works
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date9 December 2015
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 15/00073/MINVOC
ENC - 15/01753/NCC
LocationRingstead Grange Quarry, Raunds Road, Ringstead, NN14 4DT
ProposalVariation of conditions 5 and 17 of planning permission 12/00016MINFUL to allow disposal of inert materials from essential highway maintenance works
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date9 December 2015
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 15/00073/MINVOC
ENC - 15/01753/NCC
LocationRingstead Grange Quarry, Raunds Road, Ringstead, NN14 4DT
ProposalVariation of conditions 5 and 17 of planning permission 12/00016MINFUL to allow disposal of inert materials from essential highway maintenance works
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date9 December 2015
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 15/00073/MINVOC
ENC - 15/01753/NCC
LocationRingstead Grange Quarry, Raunds Road, Ringstead, NN14 4DT
ProposalVariation of conditions 5 and 17 of planning permission 12/00016MINFUL to allow disposal of inert materials from essential highway maintenance works
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date9 December 2015
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 15/00072/MINFUL
ENC - 15/01752/NCC
LocationRingstead Grange Quarry, Raunds Road, Ringstead, NN14 4DT
ProposalInstallation of a mobile concrete batching system along with the establishment of two aggregate bays and associated HGV movements
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date9 December 2015
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 15/00050/MINNMA
ENC - 15/01222/NCC
LocationCollyweston Quarry, Peterborough Road, Duddington, Northamptonshire, PE9 3QA
ProposalNon Material Amendment to Planning Permission EN/06/1279C relating to phasing of extraction and associated soils storage in the Eastern Extension
Decision Date23 July 2015
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 15/00034/WASFUL
ENC - 15/01153/NCC
LocationPlots 19 to 26, Sanders Lodge Industrial Estate, Rushden, Northamptonshire, NN10 6BQ
ProposalConstruction of an additional industrial style building; 48 metres long, 48 metres wide and 5.5 metres high to the eaves for the storage of recyclable materials
Decision Date23 July 2015
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 15/00039/MINNMA
ENC - 15/00946/NCC
LocationRingstead Grange Quarry, Raunds Road, Ringstead, Northamptonshire
ProposalNon Material Amendment to Planning Permission 12/00016/MIN for importation of fill material in the western sector to extend the "Landscaping Zone" by approximately 5HA
Decision Date22 June 2015
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 15/00029/MINNMA
ENC - 15/00720/NCC
LocationRingstead Grange Quarry, Raunds Road, Ringstead, Northamptonshire
ProposalNon Material Amendment to Planning Permission 12/00016/MIN to allow the overnight parking of HGVs, adjusted location of office and weighbridge together with amendment of the scheme of works
Decision Date19 June 2015
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 15/00025/WASFUL
ENC - 15/00756/NCC
LocationPlot 19 to 26, Sanders Lodge Industrial Estate, Wellingborough Road, Rushden, Northamptonshire, NN10 6BQ
ProposalInstallation of a boiler extractor flue
Decision Date10 June 2015
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 15/00023/WASFUL
ENC - 15/00714/NCC
LocationPlot 19 to 26, Sanders Lodge Industrial Estate, Wellingborough Road, Rushden, Northamptonshire, NN10 6BQ
ProposalInstallation of barrier walls for health and safety purposes
Decision Date10 June 2015
Relevant Documents


Application NumberNCC - 14/00091/WASNMA
ENC - 14/02377/EXT
LocationSlipe Clay Pit Landfill Site, Stamford Road, Kings Cliffe, Northamptonshire
ProposalNon-Material Amendment for alterations to the site entrance
Decision Date09 January 2015
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 14/00058/WASFUL
ENC - 14/01534/NCC
LocationPlots 19-26, Sanders Lodge Industrial Estate, Rushden, Northamptonshire, NN10 6BQ
ProposalConstruction of an additional industrial style building for the storage and processing of recyclable materials
Decision Date24 October 2014
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 13/00074/MINVOC
ENC - 14/01142/NCC
LocationLand North of Eaglethorpe, Warmington, Northamptonshire
ProposalVariation of Condition 26 to retrospectively extend the end date to 2018 for Planning Permission 09/00047/MIN for the Variation of Condition 3 of Planning Permission EN/05/2356C to vary the details of the plant and ancillary works
Decision Date26 September 2014
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 13/00073/MINVOC
ENC - 14/01140/NCC
LocationLand North of Eaglethorpe, Warmington, Northamptonshire
ProposalVariation of Condition 28 to retrospectively extend the end date to 2018 for Planning Permission EN/02/0846C for the construction of an agricultural reservoir together with removal of surplus material arising in the course of construction and the importation of a limited quantity of engineering clay
Decision Date26 September 2014
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 14/00020/WASNMA
ENC - 14/01342/NCC
LocationSlipe Clay Pit Landfill Site, Stamford Road, Kings Cliffe, Northamptonshire, PE8 6XX
ProposalNon-material amendment relating to revised layout of the soil treatment area
Decision Date07 August 2014
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 14/00040/MINNMA
ENC - 14/01143/NCC
LocationCollyweston Quarry, Peterborough Road, Duddington, Northamptonshire, PE9 3QA
ProposalNon-material amendment relating to soil storage (condition 14) of permission EN/06/1279C to retain soils in their current location
Decision Date16 July 2014
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 14/00008/MINFUL
ENC - 14/00511/NCC
LocationLilford Lodge Farm, Thrapston Road, Barnwell, Northamptonshire, PE8 5SA
ProposalImportation of aggregate from Rectory Farm Quarry, Titchmarsh, Thrapston to Lilford Lodge
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date09 June 2014
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 13/00121/MINVOC
ENC - 14/00062/NCC
LocationCollyweston Quarry, Peterborough Road, Duddington, PE9 3QA
ProposalVariation of condition 1 of planning permission EN/98/374C - Extension of time for restoration operations
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date1 April 2014
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 13/00120/MINVOC
ENC - 14/00059/NCC
LocationCollyweston Quarry, Peterborough Road, Duddington, PE9 3QA
ProposalVariation of condition 30 of planning permission EN/97/802C - Extension of time for infilling and restoration operations
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date1 April 2014
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 13/00079/WASFUL
CBC - 13/00278/COC
ENC - 13/01600/NCC
LocationWillowbrook East Industrial Estate, Shelton Road, Corby
ProposalErection of an Advanced Conversion Technology (ACT) and Anaerobic Digestion (AD) Facility comprising an 8-12 MWe pyrolysis plant and a 2-3 MWe digestion facility with an integrated education centre, access, landscaping and associated works
DecisionApproved by DC Committee
Decision Date7 February 2014
Relevant Documents

Application Documents


Environmental Statement

Volume 1

Volume 2

Volume 3

Other Documents

Application NumberNCC - 13/00099/MINVOC
ENC - 13/01839/NCC
LocationHarley Way Quarry, Oundle
ProposalRegularise working - Variation of condition 7 (sequence of working), 14 (Details of Site Building), 18 (Internal Haul Road, 31 (Internal Routing Arrangements) and 43 (Stockpiling of Material) of planning permission 12/00001/MIN in order to regularise a number of mineral extraction related activities
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date20 January 2014
Relevant Documents


Application NumberNCC - 13/00086/WASFUL
ENC - 13/01954/NCC
LocationKirby Lodge Composting Facility, Gretton Brook Road, Deene, Corby, NN17 3ES
ProposalRegrading of earth bund, the placement of inert material for storage purposes, retention of existing lagoon and provision of revised landscape scheme
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date13 January 2014
Relevant Documents


Application NumbersNCC - 13/00090/WASVOC
ENC - 13/01690/NCC
LocationWestwood AD Plant, Bedford Road, Rushden, NN10 0SQ
ProposalVariation of conditions 2 and 25 of planning permission 11/00078/WAS to increase throughputs from 49,000 to 65,000 tonnes per year, to remove the radial restriction on the area for digestate spreading and to increase the catchment area from which waste can be sourced
DecisionApproved by Committee
Decision Date20 December 2013
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 13/00041/MINNMA
ENC - 13/00870/NCC
LocationRingstead Grange Quarry, Raunds Road, Ringstead, Northamptonshire
ProposalNon Material Amendment to planning permission 12/00016/MIN for the creation of a temporary site access and route to undertake initial earthworks
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date26 July 2013
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 13/00022/WASFUL
ENC - 13/00509/NCC
LocationKirby Lodge Composting Facility, Gretton Brook Road, Deene
ProposalThe installation of 2 leachate holding tanks
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date13 June 2013
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 13/00004/MINVOC
ENC - 13/00115/NCC
LocationStonehill Quarry, Off Kings Cliffe Road, Northamptonshire, PE8 6NU
ProposalVariation of condition 14 (Time Limit) of planning permission 12/00078/MINFUL to change the time limit for completion to two years from the commencement of the development
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date28 March 2013
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 12/00064/WASVOC
ENC - 12/01888/NCC
LocationRushden Waste Recycling Centre, Northampton Road, Rushden, NN10 6BW
ProposalVariation of conditions of planning permission EN/92/376C to alter the site layout and access
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date11 February 2013
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 12/00078/MIN
ENC - 12/01784/NCC
LocationStonehill Quarry, Off Kings Cliffe Road, Northamptonshire, PE8 6NU
ProposalThe extraction of limestone and importation of materials for engineering works associated with the construction of lakes
DecisionApproved by Committee
Decision Date04 January 2013
Relevant Documents


Application NumbersNCC - 12/00016/MIN
ENC - 12/000506/NCC.PRHAB
LocationRingstead Grange, Ringstead, Northamptonshire, NN14 4DT
ProposalProposed Limestone Quarry incorporating extraction of limestone and clay, inert waste recycling and progressive restoration of the site to a beneficial after use using imported inert material
DecisionApproved by Committee
Decision Date21 December 2012
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 12/00031/WAS
ENC - 12/00746/NCC/PJXW
LocationEast Northants Resource Management Facility, Stamford Road, Kings Cliffe, Northamptonshire, PE8 6XX
ProposalVariation of conditions 7, 27 and 28 of planning permission APP/K2800/A/10/2126938/NWF to extend the end date until 31/12/2016
DecisionApproved by Committee
Decision Date25 October 2012
Relevant Documents

Application Forms

Application NumbersNCC - 12/00030/WAS
ENC - 12/00745/NCC/PJXW
LocationEast Northants Resource Management Facility, Stamford Road, Kings Cliffe, Northamptonshire, PE8 6XX
ProposalVariation of condition 22 of planning permission 07/00048/WAS to extend the end date until 31/12/2016
DecisionApproved by Committee
Decision Date25 October 2012
Relevant Documents

Application Forms

Application NumbersNCC - 12/00029/WAS
ENC - 12/00744/NCC/PJXW
LocationEast Northants Resource Management Facility, Stamford Road, Kings Cliffe, Northamptonshire, PE8 6XX
ProposalVariation of conditions 32 and 33 of planning permission EN/05/1264C to extend the end date until 31/12/2016
DecisionApproved by Committee
Decision Date25 October 2012
Relevant Documents

Application Forms

Application NumbersNCC - 12/00017/WAS
ENC - EN/12/00505/NCC
LocationIslip STW, Ridge Road, Islip, Kettering, NN14 3LD
ProposalErection of a GRP kiosk to house electrical and control equipment
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date24 May 2012
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 12/00001/MIN
ENC - EN/12/00135/NCC
LocationHarley Way Quarry, Harley Way, Churchfield, Oundle, PE8 5AU
ProposalConservation Stone Quarry
DecisionApproved by Committee
Decision Date4 May 2012
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 11/00089/WAS
ENC - EN/12/00030/NCC
LocationLowick Compost Site, Old Aldwincle Road, Lowick, Thrapston, NN14 3BL
ProposalVariation of condition 10 of planning permissions EN/07/0051C to allow receipt of green waste on Sundays and Bank and Public Holidays and for compost operations and receipt of waste for longer hours on Saturdays
DecisionApproved by Committee
Decision Date15 March 2012
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 11/00084/WAS
ENC - EN/11/02071/NCC/PAB
LocationLand of Wakerley Road, Harringworth
ProposalConstruction of a new Sewage Treatment Works
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date1 March 2012
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 09/00079/MIN
ENC - EN/10/00013/NCC
LocationLilford Lodge Farm, Lilford, Oundle, Peterborough, PE8 5SA
ProposalExcavation of sand and gravel mineral reserves to enable the construction of a 100 berth marina basin for recreational and leisure use
DecisionApproved by Committee
Decision Date2 February 2012
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 11/00078/WAS
ENC - EN/11/01863/NCC
LocationWestwood AD Plant, Bedford Road, Rushden, NN10 0SQ
ProposalVariation of condition 2 of planning permission 08/00002/WAS to increase the annual throughputs from 45,000 to 49,000 tpa and to allow digestate to be applied to farmland up to 5 miles from the plant
DecisionApproved by Committee
Decision Date23 January 2012
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 11/00073/WAS
ENC - EN/11/01938/NCC
LocationWestwood AD Plant, Bedford Road, Rushden, NN10 0SQ
ProposalVariation of condition 5 of planning permission 08/00002/WAS to allow public and bank holiday working
DecisionApproved by Committee
Decision Date23 January 2012
Relevant Documents


Application NumbersNCC - 10/00002/WAS
ENC - 10/00091/EXT
LocationDodson and Horrell Ltd, Kettering Road, Islip, Kettering, NN14 3JW
ProposalInstallation of a reedbed system to provide waste water processing plant
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date1 April 2010
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 09/00053/WAS
ENC - 09/01269/NCC
LocationEast Northants Resource Management Facility, Stamford Road, King's Cliffe, Northamptonshire, PE8 6XX
ProposalLandfill disposal of low level radioactive waste in Phases 4B, 5A and 5B of the permitted hazardous waste landfill
DecisionRefused by DC Committee
Decision Date25 March 2010
Relevant Documents


Application NumbersNCC - 09/00049/WAS
ENC - 09/01143/NCC
LocationLilford Lodge Farm, Lilford, Barnwell, Oundle, Peterborough, PE8 5SA
ProposalRetention of structures and operations in connection with the processing of construction and demolition waste and stone to produce building stone and other recycled building products
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date14 October 2009
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 09/00047/MIN
ENC - 09/01072/NCC
LocationLand north of Eaglethorpe, Warmington, Northants
ProposalVariation of condition 3 of planning permission EN/05/0236 to vary the details of the plant and ancillary works
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date2 October 2009
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 09/00040/WAS
ENC - 09/00808/NCC
LocationChurchfield Farm, Oundle, PE8 5AU
ProposalRestoration of old quarry using inert fill material, to provide a site for future biodiversity and recreation use
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date6 August 2009
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 09/00027/WAS
ENC - 09/00698/EXT
LocationKirby Lodge, Gretton Road, Corby
ProposalApplication to vary condition 15 that restricts waste sources to within a 20 mile radius of the site, under planning permission 07/00007/WAS that consent an In-vessel composting facility
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date9 July 2009
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 09/00006/MIN
ENC - 09/00193/EXT
LocationCastle Manor Farm, Titchmarsh Road, Thrapston, NN14 4NJ
ProposalVariation of condition 40 of planning permission 07/00035/MIN to extend the end date to 30/09/2015
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date22 April 2009
Relevant Documents


Application NumbersNCC - 08/00003/WAS
ENC - 08/00194/NCC
LocationLand at Chelveston Renewable Energy Park, Chelveston
ProposalConstruction and use of a biomass renewable energy plant
DecisionApproved by Committee
Decision Date22 December 2008
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 08/00076/WAS
ENC - 08/01845/NCC
LocationLand near Sewage Works, Armston Road, Barnwell
ProposalCreation of flood plain in compensation for tipping of inert waste to construct a track and bunds on land immediately to the north of the application site
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date8 December 2008
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 08/00084/WAS
ENC - 08/01898/EXT
LocationHill Farm Estate, Irthlingborough Road, Little Addington, Kettering, NN14 4AS
ProposalVariation of condition 2a and 2b of planning permission EN/99/69C to allow Atlas Recycling to operate site
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date11 December 2008
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 08/00048/WAS
ENC - 08/01066/NCC
LocationLand at Kirby Lodge, Corby
ProposalExtension of the area for in-vessel composting
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date27 August 2008
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 08/00002/WAS
ENC - 08/00056/NCC
LocationWestwood, Higham Park, Rushden
ProposalConstruction and operation of a farm-based anaerobic digestion plant
DecisionApproved by Committee
Decision Date15 May 2008
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 08/00013/WAS
ENC - 08/00518/NCC
LocationRaunds Sewage Treatment Works, Stanwick Road, Raunds, NN9 6TQ
ProposalErection of a kiosk to house dosing equipment
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date31 March 2008
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 07/00048/WAS
ENC - 07/01838/NCC
LocationKing's Cliffe Landfill Site, Stamford Road, King's Cliffe, Peterborough, PE8 6XX
ProposalSoil treatment facility
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date10 January 2008
Relevant Documents


Application NumbersNCC - 07/00039/WAS
ENC - 07/01572/NCC
LocationKing's Cliffe Industrial Estate, King's Cliffe
ProposalVariation of condition 14 of planning permission EN/06/02506
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date18 October 2007
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 07/00038/WAS
ENC - 07/01568/NCC
LocationWestwood, Higham Park, Rushden
ProposalConstruction of anaerobic digestion plant for the processing of food chain waste into bio fertilizer and renewable energy
Application NumbersNCC - 07/00035/MIN
ENC - 07/01478/NCC
LocationLand at Castle Manor Farm, Titchmarsh, Thrapston
ProposalVariation of conditions 7 and 8 of planning permission EN/01/23C to extend mineral workings
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date27 September 2007
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersENC - 07/00099/NCC
LocationHemington Sewage Treatment Works, off Main Street, Hemington, PE8 5QQ
ProposalReplacement of privately owned sewage treatment works, new kiosk, access road and telemetry aerial
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date16 April 2007
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersENC - 07/00051/NCC
LocationLowick Composting Site, Old Aldwincle Road, Lowick
ProposalExtension of composting area by means of mineral extraction and importation of wood waste
DecisionApproved by Committee
Decision Date21 March 2007
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersENC - 06/02516/NCC
LocationThe Potato Store, Barnwell Road, Oundle, Peterborough, PE8 5PB
ProposalVariation of condition 13 and 14 of planning permission EN/05/1247C
DecisionApproved by Committee
Decision Date19 February 2007
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersENC - 06/02508/NCC
LocationKing's Cliffe Industrial Estate, Wansford Road, King's Cliffe
ProposalProvision of a facility for recovery and sorting of glass to provide material suitable for recycling (retrospective)
DecisionApproved by Committee
Decision Date19 February 2007
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersENC - 06/02506/NCC
LocationLand adjacent to King's Cliffe Industrial Estate, Wansford Road, King's Cliffe
ProposalProvision of a facility for sorting and processing mixed inert waste to provide material suitable for recycling (retrospective)
DecisionApproved by Committee
Decision Date19 February 2007
Relevant Documents


Application NumbersENC - 06/01279/NCC
LocationCollyweston Quarry, Near Duddington
ProposalProposed extension of limestone quarry and restoration to woodland using imported inert waste
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date2 November 2006
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersENC - 06/01517/NCC
LocationKing's Cliffe Landfill Site
ProposalInstallation and operation of gas flare and surface water pumping station
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date19 September 2006
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersENC - 06/01419/NCC
LocationLowick Composting Site, Old Aldwincle Road, Lowick
ProposalExtension to composting site
DecisionRefused by Delegation
Decision Date1 September 2006
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersENC - 06/01416/NCC
LocationLand at Old Aldwincle Road, Lowick
ProposalVariation of condition 2 for planning permission EN/03/1434C
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date1 September 2006
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersENC - 05/02356/NCC
LocationLand to the North of Eaglethorpe, Warmington
ProposalErection of a low profile sand and gravel processing plant
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date23 February 2006
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersENC - 05/01694/NCC
LocationBarnwell Country Park, Barnwell Road, Oundle, Peterborough
ProposalErection of new visitor facilities
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date19 January 2006
Relevant Documents


Application NumbersENC - 05/01484/NCC
LocationLand adjacent to Willow Brook, Bulwick Road, Blatherwycke
ProposalExtraction of soils to create siltation control lake
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date12 October 2005
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersENC - 05/01247/NCC
LocationThe Potato Store, Oundle Road, Barnwell, Oundle, Peterborough
ProposalChange of use to materials recovery facility for construction and demolition waste
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date5 September 2005
Relevant Documents


Application NumbersENC - 04/01694/NCC
LocationLand at Old Aldwincle Road, Lowick
ProposalMinor extraction of limestone aggregate
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date8 November 2004
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersENC - 04/01726/NCC
LocationLand off Kettering Road, Islip
ProposalExcavation of borrow pit in association with Thrapston Flood Management Scheme
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date20 October 2004
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersENC - 04/00979/NCC
LocationLand at The Warg, Bridge Street, Thrapston
ProposalExtension of time of planning permission EN/01/822C for the raising of ground level to 30.5m AOD through the importation of inert waste material
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date7 July 2004
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersENC - 02/00846/NCC
LocationLand north of Eaglethorpe, Warmington, Peterborough
ProposalConstruction of agricultural reservoir, extraction of sand and gravel and importation of engineering clay
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date2 July 2004
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersENC - 03/01434/NCC
LocationLand at Old Aldwincle Road, Lowick
ProposalGreen waste composting facility
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date9 February 2004
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Previous decisions in the Kettering area


Application numbersNCC - 20/00063/WASFUL
KBC - KET/2020/0856/NCC
LocationFernbrook Bio Limited, Rothwell Road, Kettering, Northamptonshire, NN16 8XF
ProposalConstruction of biogas scrubbing columns, gas clean-up container, compressor, distribution kiosk, propane tanks, grid entry unit and export pipeline to grid
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date10 February 2021
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Supporting information



Application numbersNCC - 20/00046/WASVOC
KBC - KET/2020/0823/NCC
LocationCranford Landfill Site, Thrapston Road, Cranford, Kettering, Northamptonshire, NN14 4AW
ProposalVariation of condition 34 (End Date) of planning permission 17/00032/WASVOC to allow a further four year time period (until 31 October 2025) to complete the restoration of the landfill site
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date09 December 2020
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Supporting information


Application numbersNCC - 18/00028/WASVOC
KBC - KET/2018/0533/NCC
LocationRushton Landfill Site, Oakley Road, Rushton, Kettering, Northamptonshire, NN14 1QS
ProposalVariation of Conditions 7 (Fire Risk), 8 (Heavy Goods Vehicle Movements), 12 (Odour, Noise and Dust), 31 and 32 (Lorry Routing, Wheel Cleaning and Vehicle Sheeting) of planning consent ref.: 15/00086/WASVOC to allow the delivery and tipping of inert waste within the Waste Transfer Station building during the night time.
Decision date24 April 2020
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Supporting information

Application numbersNCC - 18/00027/WASVOC
KBC - KET/2018/0530/NCC
LocationRushton Landfill Site, Oakley Road, Rushton, Kettering, Northamptonshire, NN14 1QS
ProposalVariation of Conditions 18, 19 (Odour, Noise and Dust), 24 and 25 (Hours of Working) of planning consent ref.: 15/00087/WASVOC to allow the delivery and tipping of inert waste within the Waste Transfer Station building during the night time.
Decision date24 April 2020
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Supporting information


Application numbersNCC - 19/00052/WASFUL
KBC - KET/2019/0567/NCC
LocationUnit 13, Henson Way, Telford Way Industrial Estate, Kettering NN16 8PX
ProposalA proposed development of the yard area to accommodate a sealed asbestos waste skip
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date04 October 2019
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Supporting information



Application numbersNCC - 18/00039/WASCOU
KBC - KET/2018/0778
LocationPytchley Lodge Road Industrial Estate, Pytchley Lodge Road, Kettering, Northamptonshire NN15 6JJ
ProposalChange of use from B2 (General Industrial) to mixed use B2 (General Industrial and processing of end of life vehicles)
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date11 December 2018
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Supporting information


Application numbersNCC - 18/00016/WASVOC
KBC - KET/2018/0345/NCC
LocationLong Drowpits Gullet, A43 Weekley Wood Lane, Weekley, Northamptonshire
ProposalVariation of Condition 21 (End Date) of planning consent ref. 08/00082/WAS to extend the end date
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date26 September 2018
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Supporting information



Application numbersNCC - 17/00032/WASVOC
KBC - KET/2017/0556/NCC
LocationCranford Landfill Site, Thrapston Road, Cranford, Kettering, Northamptonshire, NN14 4AW
ProposalVariation of Conditions 3 (Scope of Planning Permission), 24 (Landscaping), 29 (Restoration - Gullets), 32 (Restoration - Access Route), 33 (Aftercare) and 34 (End Date) of planning consent 16/00030/WASVOC to extend the restoration end date, and confirm the site restoration, landscaping and aftercare scheme
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date26 September 2017
Relevant documents
Application NumbersNCC - 17/00004/WASVOC
KBC - KET/2017/00034/NCC
LocationRushton Landfill Site, Oakley Road, Rushton, Kettering, Northamptonshire, NN14 1QS
ProposalVariation of Condition 12 (Final Landform Profile and Contours) of planning permission 08/00102/WAS
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date25 April 2017
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 17/00003/WASVOC
KBC - KET/2017/00032/NCC
LocationRushton Landfill Site, Oakley Road, Rushton, Kettering, Northamptonshire, NN14 1QS
ProposalVariation of Condition 39 (Restoration Scheme and Landscaping Scheme) of planning permission 11/00047/WAS
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date25 April 2017
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 17/00002/WASVOC
KBC - KET/2017/00031/NCC
LocationRushton Landfill Site, Oakley Road, Rushton, Kettering, Northamptonshire, NN14 1QS
ProposalVariation of Condition 39 (Restoration Scheme and Landscaping Scheme) of planning permission 11/00048/WAS
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date25 April 2017
Relevant Documents


Application NumbersNCC - 16/00030/WASVOC
KBC - KET/2016/0570/NCC
LocationCranford Landfill Site, Thrapston Road, Cranford, Kettering, Northamptonshire, NN14 4AW
ProposalVariation of Condition 28 of planning permission 09/00016/WAS to amend the final levels of the northern and southern extension (Areas A & B)
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date21 October 2016
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 15/00087/WASVOC
KBC - KET/2016/0010/NCC
LocationRushton Landfill Site, Oakley Road, Rushton, Kettering, NN14 1QS
ProposalVariation of conditions 8, 22 and 23 of planning permission 15/00068/WASVOC to allow the disposal of inert materials from essential highway maintenance works
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date1 April 2016
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 15/00086/WASVOC
KBC - KET/2016/0008/NCC
LocationRushton Landfill Site, Oakley Road, Rushton, Kettering, NN14 1QS
ProposalVariation of conditions 7 and 8 of planning permission 15/00067/WASVOC to allow the disposal of inert materials from essential highway maintenance works
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date1 April 2016
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 15/00069/WASCOU
KBC - KET/2015/0924/NCC
LocationPytchley Lodge Industrial Estate, Pytchley Lodge Road, Kettering, NN15 6JQ
ProposalChange of use of existing small industrial unit (adjacent to the main building) to Waste Transfer Station with incinerator
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date28 January 2016
Relevant Documents


Application NumbersNCC - 15/00068/WASVOC
KBC - KET/2015/0727/NCC
LocationRushton Landfill Site, Oakley Road, Rushton, Kettering, NN14 1QS
ProposalVariation of condition 20 of planning permission 14/00019/WASFUL for extended operating hours
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date8 December 2015
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 15/00067/WASVOC
KBC - KET/2015/0726/NCC
LocationRushton Landfill Site, Oakley Road, Rushton, Kettering, NN14 1QS
ProposalVariation of condition 8 of planning permission 11/00049/WAS for extended operating hours
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date8 December 2015
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 15/00052/WASNMA
KBC - KET/2015/0560/NCC
LocationStorefield Lodge, Oakley Road, Rushton, Kettering, Northamptonshire, NN14 1QT
ProposalNon-Material Amendment to Planning Permission 11/00046/WAS for retrospective installation of an internal road
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date28 July 2015
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 15/00046/WASNMA
KBC - KET/2015/0538/NCC
LocationShanks Waste Management, Telford Way, Kettering, Northamptonshire, NN16 8UN
ProposalNon-Material Amendment to Planning Permission 11/00020/WAS to alter the site layout for purposes of inert waste washing and screening
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date16 July 2015
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 15/00021/WASFUL
KBC - KET/20150391/NCC
LocationBarton Seagrave Cricket Club, Barton Road, Barton Seagrave, Kettering, Northamptonshire, NN15 6TW
ProposalImportation of inert materials to level the land at Barton Seagrave cricket ground
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date08 July 2015
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 14/00081/WASFUL
KBC - KET/2015/0012
LocationVolvo Truck and Bus Ltd, Pytchley Lodge Road Industrial Estate, Pytchley Lodge Road, Kettering, Northamptonshire, NN15 6JJ
ProposalProposed change of use from truck sales and service centre to recycling of electrical products
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date23 January 2015
Relevant Documents


Application NumbersNCC - 14/00068/WASVOC
KBC - KET/2014/0625/NCC
LocationFernbrook Bio Ltd, Rothwell Lodge, Rothwell Road, Kettering, Northamptonshire, NN16 8XF
ProposalVariation of Condition 23 (Waste Catchment Area) on Planning Permission 11/00067/WAS
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date13 September 2014
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 14/00019/WASFUL
KBC - KET/2014/0384
LocationStorefield Lodge, Oakley Road, Rushton, Kettering, NN14 1QT
ProposalProposed extension to the waste reception building and construction of a solid recovered fuel (SRF) facility and concrete batching plant
DecisionApproved by DC Committee
Decision Date22 July 2014
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 14/00015/WASVOC
KBC - KET/2014/0188
LocationFernbrook Bio Ltd, Rothwell Lodge Farm, Rothwell Road, Kettering, NN16 8XF
ProposalRemoval of condition 23 (waste catchment area) on planning permission 11/00067/WAS
DecisionRefused by Delegation
Decision Date10 June 2014
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 13/00112/WASFUL
KBC - KET/2014/0091
LocationKettering Household Waste Recycling Centre, Garrard Way, Kettering, NN16 8TD
ProposalInstallation of a prefabricated re-locatable 2 storey modular building on an existing bitumen surface at Kettering Household Waste Recycling Centre, for use as a teaching classroom for school and community groups to visit and learn about waste and energy
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date26 March 2014
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 14/00014/WASNMA
KBC - KET/2014/0178
LocationCranford Landfill Site, Thrapston Road, Cranford, Kettering, NN14 4AW
ProposalNon-material amendment to planning permission KE/06/301C for the re-siting of gas engines
Decision Date24 March 2014
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 14/00002/WASFUL
KBC - KET/2014/0063
LocationSewage Farm, Church Road, Pytchley, Kettering, Northamptonshire
ProposalInstallation of a glass-reinforced plastic (GRP) kiosk to house electrical control equipment
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date21 March 2014
Relevant Documents


Application NumbersNCC - 13/00003/WASFUL
KBC - KET/2013/0455
LocationGlebe Farm, Rothwell Road, Kettering, NN16 8XF
ProposalChange of use of land and related works to provide pallet storage and refurbishment and waste recycling facility. (in combination with retained agricultural use for part of site)
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date30 September 2013
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 13/00052/WASFUL
KBC - KET/2013/0370
LocationRothwell Lodge, Kettering Road, Rothwell, Kettering, NN16 8XF
ProposalInstallation of additional de-sulphurization tank
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date19 July 2013
Relevant Documents


Application NumbersNCC - 12/00068/WASVOC
KBC - KET/2012/0604
LocationLong Drowpits, The Boughton Estate, Weekley, Kettering
ProposalVariation of condition 21 of planning permission 08/00081/WAS to extend the time limit for restoration
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date19 December 2012
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 12/00043/WASFUL
KBC - KET/2012/0400
LocationLand Off Eagle Avenue, Magnetic Park, Desborough, Northamptonshire
ProposalErection and installation of an Energy Centre with the capacity to produce Combined Heat and Power through Energy from Waste technology and including associated buildings, plant and machinery, formation of access and associated works
DecisionApproved by Committee
Decision Date19 December 2012
Application NumbersNCC - 12/00018/WAS
KBC - KET/2012/0229
LocationWoodside, Stoke Albany Road, Desborough
ProposalErection of a waste materials storage and handling barn together with associated ancillary service buildings to facilitate the operation of a waste transfer site.
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date22 June 2012
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 12/00003/WAS
KBC - KET/2012/0105/NCC
LocationShanks Waste Solutions, Telford Way, Telford Way Industrial Estate, Kettering, NN16 8UN
ProposalVariation of condition 23 (catchment area) of planning permission 11/00020/WAS
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date7 May 2012
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 11/00070/WAS
KBC - KET/2011/0688/NCC
LocationBottom Farm, Desborough Airfield, Stoke Albany Road, Desborough, Kettering, NN14 2SP
ProposalRelocation of Vehicle Dismantling Yard
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date9 January 2012
Relevant Documents


Application NumbersNCC - 11/00067/WAS
KBC - KET/2011/0657
LocationFernbrook Bio Limited, Rothwell Lodge Farm, Rothwell, Kettering, NN16 8XF
ProposalVariation of condition 3 of planning permission 10/00076/WAS to increase total annual throughput to 49,000 tonnes per annum
DecisionApproved by Committee
Decision Date16 December 2011
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 11/00066/WAS
KBC - KET/2011/0656
LocationFernbrook Bio Limited, Rothwell Lodge Farm, Rothwell, Kettering, NN16 8XF
ProposalErection of new digester tank and plastics recycling building
DecisionApproved by Committee
Decision Date16 December 2011
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 11/00049/WAS
KBC - KET/2011/0533/NCC
LocationStorefield Lodge Waste Management Park, Oakley Road, Rushton, Kettering, NN14 1RS
ProposalVariation of conditions 3 (hours) and 13 (end date) of planning permission 10/00004/WAS
DecisionApproved by Committee
Decision Date11 November 2011
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 11/00048/WAS
KBC - KET/2011/0532/NCC
LocationStorefield Lodge Waste Management Park, Oakley Road, Rushton, Kettering, NN14 1RS
ProposalVariation of conditions 12 (restoration contours) and 22 (end date) of planning permission 09/0018/WAS
DecisionApproved by Committee
Decision Date11 November 2011
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 11/00047/WAS
KBC - KET/2011/0531/NCC
LocationStorefield Lodge Waste Management Park, Oakley Road, Rushton, Kettering, NN14 1RS
ProposalVariation of conditions 11 (restoration contours), 21 (end date) and 22 (catchment area) of planning permission 08/00101/WAS
DecisionApproved by Committee
Decision Date11 November 2011
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 11/00046/WAS
KBC - KET/2011/0530
LocationStorefield Lodge Waste Management Park, Oakley Road, Rushton, Kettering, NN14 1RS
ProposalNorthern Extension to Storefield Lodge (Rushton Landfill), including the extraction of limestone and the diversion of Storefield Brook.
DecisionApproved by Committee
Decision Date11 November 2011
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 11/00020/WAS
KBC - KET/2011/0229
LocationFurnace Park, Old Telford Way, Telford Way Industrial Estate, Kettering, NN16 8UN
ProposalVariation of condition 2 of planning permission 10/00059/WAS to amend the layout of the site
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date13 June 2011
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 10/00076/WAS
KBC - KET/2010/0751
LocationRothwell Lodge Farm, Rothwell, Kettering, NN16 8XF
ProposalVariation of planning permission 09/00033/WAS to remove condition 16 (Highway Safety and Access)
DecisionApproved by DC Committee
Decision Date26 January 2011
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 10/00059/WAS
KBC - KET/2010/0628
LocationFurnace Park, Old Telford Way, Telford Way Industrial Estate, Kettering, NN16 8UN
ProposalThe extension of an existing building, the construction of a canopy and ancillary works to facilitate an increase in annual throughput from 125,000 tonnes to 215,000 tonnes of mixed, non-hazardous and inert waste
DecisionApproved by DC Committee
Decision Date26 January 2011
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 10/00061/WAS
KBC - KET/2010/0615
LocationFurnace Park, Old Telford Way, Telford Way Industrial Estate, Kettering, NN16 8UN
ProposalVariation of condition 11 of planning permission 08/00071/WAS to increase the waste catchment area to a 50 mile radius
DecisionWithdrawn on 14 January 2011
Application NumbersNCC - 10/00060/WAS
KBC - KET/2010/0630
LocationFurnace Park, Old Telford Way, Telford Way Industrial Estate, Kettering, NN16 8UN
ProposalVariation of condition 5 of planning permission 08/00071/WAS to amend the hours of operation and restrictions on outside operations
DecisionWithdrawn on 14 January 2011


Application NumbersNCC - 10/00035/WAS
KBC - KET/2010/0339
LocationBlackbridge Farm, Cranford Road, Kettering, NN15 5JJ
ProposalVariation of condition 2 of planning permission 09/00014/WAS for the installation of additional plant to improve the efficiency of the waste operations and material processing
DecisionWithdrawn on 21 September 2010
Application NumbersNCC - 10/00020/WAS
KBC - KET/2010/0185
LocationKettering Household Waste Recycling Centre, Garrard Way, Telford Way Industrial Estate, Kettering, NN16 8TD
ProposalVariation of condition 7 of planning permission 09/00034/WAS to extend the current permitted opening times
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date28 May 2010
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 10/00004/WAS
KBC - KET/2010/0039
LocationStorefield Lodge, Oakley Road, Rushton, Kettering, NN14 1RS
ProposalVariation of condition 14 of planning permission 08/00069/WAS to vary the end date of waste recycling operations to 30 September 2017
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date14 April 2010
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 10/00011/NMA
KBC - KET/2010/0144/NCC
LocationKettering Household Waste Recycling Centre, Garrad Way, Telford Way Industrial Estate, Kettering, NN16 8TD
ProposalNon-material amendment to 09/00034/WAS for surface level changes to external roads and hard landscaped areas
Decision Date26 March 2010
Relevant Documents


Application NumbersNCC - 09/00033/WAS
KBC - KET/2009/0295
LocationRothwell Lodge Farm, Rothwell, Kettering, NN16 8XF
ProposalAnaerobic digestion plant (1 waste reception/handling building, 2 digester tanks, 2 pre-storage tanks, 1 feedstock buffer tanks, 2 big estate storage tanks) and associated hard surfacing and landscaping
DecisionApproved by DC Committee
Decision Date22 October 2009
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 09/00034/WAS
KBC - KET/2009/0311
LocationLand of Robinson Way and Garrad Way, Kettering
ProposalProposed relocation of the existing Household Waste Recycling Centre located within Telford Way Industrial Estate, to the land situated at the rear of the Kettering Depot on Robinson Way and the construction of a new access onto the application site from Garrard Way
DecisionApproved by Delegated
Decision Date29 July 2009
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 09/00016/WAS
KBC - KET/2009/0162
LocationCranford Landfill Site, Thrapston Road, Cranford St John, Kettering, NN14 4HY
ProposalVariation of conditions 12, 20, 21 and 22 of planning permission KE/02/547C for the extension of end date of landfill site to 31/10/2017, revision of restoration contours and the siting of a gas flare stack
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date18 June 2009
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 09/00018/WAS
KBC - KET/2009/0187
LocationStorefield Lodge, Oakley Road, Rushton, Kettering, NN14 1QT
ProposalGreen waste composting, bioremediation, recovery of limestone and additional non-hazardous waste landfill
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date15 June 2009
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 09/00014/WAS
KBC - KET/2009/0128
LocationBlackbridge Farm, Cranford Road, Kettering, NN15 5JJ
ProposalBio-drying and pyrolysis waste management facility
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date20 May 2009
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 08/00101/WAS
KBC - KET/2008/1038
LocationRushton Quarry, Oakley Road, Rushton, NN14 1RS
ProposalVariation of condition numbers 12 and 21 of planning permission KE/89/714C to facilitate revision to approved contours
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date4 March 2009
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 08/00102/WAS
KBC - KET/2008/1043
LocationRushton Quarry, Oakley Road, Rushton, NN14 1RS
ProposalExtension to Rushton Landfill Site and modification to working scheme including the recovery and processing of limestone
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date3 March 2009
Relevant Documents


Application NumbersNCC - 08/00093/WAS
KBC - KET/2008/0963
LocationThe Piggeries, Cranford Road, Burton Latimer, Kettering
ProposalRestoration of previously quarried land to agriculture using imported soils
DecisionApproved by DC Committee
Decision Date29 January 2009
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 08/00086/WAS
KBC - KET/2008/0878
LocationRushton Quarry, Oakley Road, Rushton, Kettering, NN14 1RS
ProposalVariation of condition 12 of planning permission KE/89/0714 to facilitate to revision to the approved contours
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date6 January 2009
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 08/00085/WAS
KBC - KET/2008/0877
LocationRushton Quarry, Oakley Road, Rushton, Kettering, NN14 1RS
ProposalRe-contouring of the southern slope of the existing landfill site
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date6 January 2009
Relevant Documents


Application NumbersNCC - 08/00082/WAS
KBC - KET/2008/0863
LocationLong Drowpits Gullet, The Boughton Estate, Weekley, Kettering
ProposalExtension of Long Drowpits landfill site with associated clay extraction and retention of the recycling area
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date22 December 2008
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 08/00081/WAS
KBC - KET/2008/0850
LocationLong Drowpits Gullet, The Boughton Estate, Weekley, Kettering
ProposalAmended restoration contours and timescale for completion of the inert waste landfill in the area of Long Drowpits Phase 2
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date22 December 2008
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 08/00071/WAS
KBC - KET/2008/0807
LocationFurnace Park, Old Telford Way, Telford Way Industrial Estate, Kettering
ProposalVariation of condition 3, 5 and 11 of planning permissions KE/04/1336 and KE/07/0113 to amend hours of operation and restrictions on outside operations
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date21 November 2008
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 08/00069/WAS
KBC - KET/2008/0791
LocationRushton Landfill Site, Oakley Road, Rushton, Kettering, NN14 1RS
ProposalErection of a covered waste recycling facility for the reception and recycling of non hazardous waste materials and skip storage
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date19 November 2008
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 08/00044/WAS
KBC - KET/2008/0521
LocationLand to the East of The Piggeries, Cranford Road, Burton Latimer, Kettering
ProposalRestoration of previously quarried land to agriculture using imported soils
DecisionWithdrawn on 15 August 2008
Application NumbersNCC - 08/00012/WAS
KBC - KET/2008/0198
LocationOld Telford Way, Kettering
ProposalVariation of conditions of planning permissions KE/04/1336 and KE/07/0113 to amend hours of operation and restrictions on outside operations
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date23 May 2008
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Application NumbersNCC - 07/00061/WAS
KBC - KET/2008/1053
LocationKettering Borough Council Depot, Robinson Way, Kettering
ProposalHousehold waste recycling and collection facility
DecisionWithdrawn on 20 December 2007
Application NumbersKBC - KET/2007/0319
LocationWharf Lodge, Harrington, Kettering, NN6 9NP
ProposalChange of use to operate a waste transfer station and recycling centre
DecisionWithdrawn on 21 June 2007
Application NumbersKBC - KET/2007/0113
LocationFurnace Park, Telford Way, Kettering
ProposalErection of a new shed to provide a tipping hall to facilitate the transfer and bulking of waste
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date29 March 2007
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Application NumbersKBC - KET/2006/0891
LocationStorefield Plant, Storefield Road, Rushton, Kettering
ProposalBio Diesel Research and Development Project
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date17 November 2006
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersKBC - KET/2006/0578
LocationBottom Farm, Stoke Albany Road, Desborough
ProposalChange of use from a storage facility for building materials to a processing site for salvaged building materials to be recycled for conservation purposes
DecisionWithdrawn on 10 November 2006
Application NumbersKBC - KET/2006/0560
LocationLand at Duck End Farm, Cranford
ProposalUse of previously imported waste materials
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date8 August 2006
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersKBC - KET/2006/0301
LocationCranford Landfill Site, Thrapston Lane, Cranford St John
ProposalInstallation of landfill gas fuelled power generation plant as part of a renewable energy scheme
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date15 May 2006
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersKBC - KET/2006/0245
LocationRushton Landfill Site, Oakley Road, Rushton
ProposalDevelopment of land without complying with condition 7a of planning permission KE/01/0361
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date5 May 2006
Relevant Documents


Application NumbersKBC - KET/2005/0867
LocationWood Lodge Buildings, Duck End, Cranford
ProposalChange of use of agricultural building to a temporary storage of clean agricultural plastic waste
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date4 November 2005
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersKBC - KET/2005/0774
LocationWood Lodge Buildings, Duck End, Cranford
ProposalChange of use of agricultural building to a temporary storage of clean agricultural plastic waste
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date4 November 2005
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersKBC - KET/2004/1336
LocationOld Telford Way, Telford Way Industrial Estate, Kettering
ProposalChange of use of industrial/storage building and land to waste materials recycling facility
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date11 March 2005
Relevant Documents


Application NumbersKBC - KET/2004/0976
LocationLand at Duck End Farm, Cranford
ProposalUse of previously imported waste materials to extend the farm access
DecisionRefused by Delegation
Decision Date13 December 2004
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersKBC - KET/2004/0975
LocationLand at Duck End Farm, Cranford
ProposalUse of previously imported waste materials to raise the levels of other land for agricultural improvement
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date13 December 2004
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersKBC - KET/2004/0808
LocationWindmill Farm, Burton Latimer, Kettering
ProposalInfilling of old mineral railway cutting with inert waste materials for restoration to agriculture
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date29 October 2004
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersKBC - KET/2002/0547
LocationCranford Landfill Site, Thrapston Lane, Cranford St John
ProposalRevised restoration profile, placement of gas flare stack and modification of various conditions relating to planning permission KE/90/0396 and KE/92/0496
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date22 June 2004
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersKBC - KET/2004/0079
LocationRushton Landfill Site, Oakley Road, Rushton
ProposalVariation of condition 2 of planning permission KE/94/0326 and condition 3b and 12 of planning permission KE/89/0714 to reconfigure the operations at the site, alter the phasing and provide a different restoration profile
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date21 April 2004
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersKBC - KET/2004/0078
LocationRushton Landfill Site, Oakley Road, Rushton
ProposalUse of current storage mound as permanent engineering bund for completion of the site covered under planning permission KE/94/0326 and KE/89/0714
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date21 April 2004
Relevant Documents

Previous decisions in the Wellingborough area


Application numbers

NCC - 20/00035/WASVOC

WBC - WP/20/00627/CRA

LocationNorthampton Shooting Ground, Kettering Road, Sywell, Northamptonshire, NN6 9TE
ProposalVariation of Condition 13 (End Date) of planning permission 17/00013/WASVOC to extend the time limit for completion of operations for a further three years
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date12 February 2021
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Supporting Information



Application numbers

NCC - 20/00039/WASFUL

WBC - WP/20/00506/CRA

Location1-4 Neilson Road, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, NN8 4PE
ProposalErection of 8 new storage silos (30m) 4 new hopper silos (8m) and new material storage building
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date03 November 2020
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Supporting Information



Application numbers

NCC - 19/00022/MINNMA

WBC - WP/19/00220/CRA

LocationEarls Barton Quarry, Grendon Road, Earls Barton, Northampton, Northamptonshire
ProposalNon-Material Amendment to work the remaining permitted mineral in the following sequence - 1G then 1F with 1D being extracted contemporaneously during the summer months when weather conditions allow of planning consent: 15/00091/MINVOC
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date15 June 2019
Relevant documents

Supporting Information


Application numbersNCC - 19/00018/WASLAE
WBC - WP/19/00221/CRA
LocationSidegate Lane Landfill Site, Sidegate Lane, Finedon, Wellingborough, NN8 1RN
ProposalCertificate of existing lawful use for a waste transfer station
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date14 May 2019
Relevant documents

Supporting Information


Application numbersNCC - 19/00013/WASLAE
WBC - WP/19/00136/CRA
LocationDCS House, Unit 12, Baron Avenue, Earls Barton, Northamptonshire, NN6 0JE
ProposalProposed certificate of existing lawful development for B2 (general industrial) use for the processing of redundant refrigeration units
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date03 May 2019
Relevant documents

Supporting Information


Application numbersNCC - 17/00040/MINFUL
WBC - WP/17/00545/CRA
LocationLand Off Gipsy Lane, Irchester, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, NN29 7DJ
ProposalImportation of inert waste materials for improved restoration as Lowland Meadow habitat
DecisionRefused by Delegation
Decision date31 January 2019
Relevant documents

Supporting Information

Environmental Statement:


Application numbersNCC - 18/00041/WASFUL
WBC - WP/18/00653/CRA
LocationSidegate Lane Landfill Site, Sidegate Lane, Finedon, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire NN8 1RN
ProposalErection of a single storey portacabin and removal of three trees
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date17 December 2018
Relevant documents

Supporting Information


Application numbersNCC - 18/00029/WASCOU
WBC - WP/18/00458/CRA
Location1 to 4 Nielson Road, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire NN8 4PE
ProposalProposed change of use from B2 (General Industrial) to B2 and 'Sui Generis' uses to allow the recycling of double glazed windows, including the construction of two ancillary buildings, increasing the height of part of an existing building, provision of a new storage silo (23m), provision of new hardstanding areas, and other site alterations.
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date13 November 2018
Relevant documents

Supporting information


Application numbersNCC - 18/00005/MINFUL
WBC - WP/18/00120/CRA
LocationNeilson Rail Sidings, Meadow Close, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire NN8 4BH
ProposalExtension to existing site for provision of increased aggregate stocking capacity (retrospective), plus replacement car parking facilities.
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date01 November 2018
Relevant documents


Application numbersNCC - 17/00053/MINFUL
WBC - WP/17/00686/CRA
LocationLand To The East Of Great Billing WRC, Northampton, Northamptonshire NN3 9BX
ProposalExtraction of sand and gravel, construction of concrete batching plant, processing plant, including ancillary weighbridge, office, workshop, recycling activities and access, plus importation of inert material and restoration to agriculture and nature conservation.
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date13 July 2018
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Supporting documents

Application numbers

NCC - 18/00021/MINNMA

WBC - WP/18/00405/CRA

LocationEarls Barton Quarry, Grendon Road, Earls Barton, Northampton, Northamptonshire
ProposalNon-Material Amendment to planning consent ref.: SN/06/1670 for the retrospective alteration of approved site layout drawings
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date27 June 2018
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Supporting information


Application numbers

NCC - 18/00002/MINVOC

WBC - WP/18/00175/CRA

LocationWhite Mills Marina, 344 Grendon Road, Earls Barton, Northampton, Northamptonshire
ProposalVariation of Conditions 2 (Scope of Permission), 18 (Landscape and Habitat Management), 20 (Habitat Management Plan), 23 (Materials) and 24 (Lighting) of planning consent ref. 16/00064/MINVOC to amend the approved plans to reflect the marina site layout as constructed
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date07 May 2018
Relevant documents

Supporting information


Application numbers

NCC - 18/00008/MINNMA

WBC - WP/18/00091/CRA

LocationEarls Barton Spinney Quarry, Grendon Road, Earls Barton, Northampton, Northamptonshire
ProposalNon-Material Amendment to Conditions 2 (Commencement of Development) and 7 (Protection of Hedgerows) of planning consent ref. 15/00091/MINVOC to alter the approved scheme for tree and hedgerow protection
DecisionApproved by delegation
Decision date20 February 2018
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Supporting information



Application NumbersNCC - 17/000045/WASLAP
WBC - WP/17/00600/CRA
Location1 Bradfield Road, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, NN8 4HB
ProposalCertificate of proposed lawful use for the storage and transfer of asbestos waste
DecisionApproved by delegation
Decision Date10 November 2017
Relevant Documents

Supporting Information


Application NumbersNCC - 17/000036/MINNMA
WBC - WP/17/00442/CRA
LocationEarls Barton Quarry, Grendon Road, Earls Barton, Northampton, Northamptonshire
ProposalNon-material amendment to planning consent ref. SN/06/1670 and WP/07/0039 to retain the diverted Whiston Brook as a permanent feature
DecisionApproved by delegation
Decision Date14 August 2017
Relevant Documents


Supporting Information

Application NumbersNCC - 17/000024/MINVOC
WBC - WP/17/00250/CRA
LocationBozeat Quarry, London Road, Bozeat, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire
ProposalVariation of Condition 13.1 (Restoration and Aftercare Scheme) of planning permission ref. no. APP/K2800/97/287275 (NCC ref. no. WP/96/340C) for the amendment of the habitat layout, and the retention of the site access and access road
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date30 June 2017
Relevant Documents


Supporting Information:

Application NumbersNCC - 17/000014/WASVOC
WBC - WP/17/00207/CRA
LocationNorthampton Shooting Ground, Sywell Range, Sywell, Northampton, NN6 9TE
ProposalVariation of Condition 18 (End Date) of planning permission 13/00103/WAS to extend the time limit for the completion of works for a further 3 years until 30th April 2020
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date09 June 2017
Relevant Documents


Supporting Information:

Application NumbersNCC - 17/000013/WASVOC
WBC - WP/17/00208/CRA
LocationNorthampton Shooting Ground, Sywell Range, Sywell, Northampton, NN6 9TE
ProposalVariation of Condition 13 (End Date) of planning permission 13/00102/WAS to extend the time limit for completion of operations for a further 3 years until 30th April 2020
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date09 June 2017
Relevant Documents


Supporting Information:

Application NumbersNCC - 17/000015/MINNMA
WBC - WP/17/00160/CRA
LocationEarls Barton Spinney Quarry, Grendon Road, Earls Barton, Northampton, Northamptonshire
ProposalNon-Material Amendment to conditions 3 and 9 of planning permission ref. no. 15/00091/MINVOC to allow internal construction works to the site access, site compound and plant site area prior to completion of the external highway access
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date05 May 2017
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 17/000022/MINNMA
WBC - WP/17/00223/CRA
LocationEarls Barton Spinney Quarry, Grendon Road, Earls Barton, Northampton, Northamptonshire
ProposalNon-Material Amendment to planning permission 15/00091/MINVOC for the amendment of the wording of Condition 9
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date02 May 2017
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 17/000018/MINNMA
WBC - WP/17/00196/CRA
LocationEarls Barton Quarry, Grendon Road, Earls Barton, Northampton, Northamptonshire
ProposalNon-material amendment to planning permissions SN/06/1670 and WP/07/0039 for the construction of two (2) temporary settlement lagoons within Phase 1a of the extraction area
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date02 May 2017
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 17/00008/WASVOC
WBC - WP/17/00093/CRA
LocationSidegate Lane Landfill Site, Sidegate Lane, Finedon, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire
ProposalVariation of Conditions 13, 17, 20, 21 and 22 of planning permission WP/04/806C to update the restoration and landscaping scheme, the introduction of an aftercare scheme and to extend the end date to 31st July 2019
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date24 April 2017
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 16/00064/MINVOC
WBC - WP/16/00810/CRA
LocationWhitemills Marina, 344 Grendon Road, Earls Barton, Northamptonshire, NN6 0RB
ProposalVariation of Condition 2 of planning permission 14/00001/MINFUL to alter the approved site layout to allow the relocation of the proposed facilities building, site access and car park, and retention of existing temporary buildings and security fencing
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date7 April 2017
Relevant Documents


Application NumbersNCC - 16/00056/WASNMA
WBC - WP/16/00706/CRA
Location3-4 Bevan Close, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, NN8 4BL
ProposalNon-Material Amendment of planning permission 13/00014/WASVOC to increase existing chimney height
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date15 December 2016
Relevant Documents


Application NumbersNCC - 16/00048/MINNMA
WBC - WP/16/00662/CRA
LocationEarls Barton Quarry, Grendon Road, Earls Barton, Northampton, Northamptonshire
ProposalNon-Material Amendment to planning permission APP/K2800/A/97/287275 for time extension of operations to 31/01/2017
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date15 November 2016
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 16/00047/MINNMA
WBC - WP/16/00663/CRA
LocationBozeat Quarry, London Road, Bozeat, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire
ProposalNon-Material Amendment to planning permission APP/K2800/A/97/287275 for time extension of extraction to 31/01/2017
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date15 November 2016
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 16/00031/WASFUL
WBC - WP/16/000503/CRA
Location30 Sanders Park, Sanders Road, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, NN8 4FR
ProposalWaste Transfer Station to bulk up dry recyclable waste, including a new building
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date14 October 2016
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 16/00021/MINNMA
WBC - WP/16/00272/CRA
LocationBozeat Quarry, London Road, Bozeat, Wellingborough
ProposalNon-material amendment to planning permission APP/K2800/A/97/287275 for time extension of extraction to 30/11/2016
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date27 May 2016
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 15/00091/MINVOC
WBC - WP/15/00791/CRA
LocationEarls Barton Spinney, Grendon Road, Earls Barton, Northampton
ProposalVariation of conditions 2, 16, 17 and 43 of planning permission 10/00066/MINEXT to amend working scheme
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date24 February 2016
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 15/00043/WASFUL
WBC - WP/15/00472/CRA
Location3-4 Bevan Close, Wellingborough, NN8 4BL
ProposalErection of two industrial buildings, open storage bins and bays and an ancillary building and WCs, for processing of waste wood
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date18 January 2016
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 15/00088/MINVOC
WBC - WP/15/00755/CRA
LocationEarls Barton Quarry, Grendon Road, Earls Barton, Northamptonshire
ProposalVariation of condition 5 of planning permission WP/05/767C to continue the importation of aggregates until 27 August 2027
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date18 January 2016
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 15/00084/MINNMA
WBC - WP/2015/00776/CRA
LocationLand Opposite Sports Ground, Grendon Road, Earls Barton, Northamptonshire
ProposalNon-material amendment to planning permission 14/00001/MINFUL to reduce the footprint of the facilities building
Decision Date11 January 2016
Relevant Documents


Application NumbersNCC - 15/00045/MINFUL
WBC - WP/15/00412/EXT
LocationNeilson's Railway Sidings, Meadow Close, Ise Valley Industrial Estate, Wellingborough, NN8 4BH
ProposalRail served concrete block making facility with associated infrastructure and ancillary uses
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date23 September 2015
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 15/00062/WASNMA
WBC - WP/15/00497/EXT
LocationMick George Ltd., Waste Transfer Station, Lower Ecton Lane, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN3 5HQ
ProposalNon Material Amendment to Planning Permission 14/00096/WASFUL for amended site layout
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date07 August 2015
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 15/00049/WASNMA
WBC - WP/15/00419/EXT
LocationMick George Ltd., Waste Transfer Station, Lower Ecton Lane, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN3 5HQ
ProposalNon Material Amendment to Planning Permission 13/00097/WASVOC to extend the end date to import and process municipal solid waste by a further nine months
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date07 August 2015
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 14/00096/WASFUL
WBC - WP/14/00846/EXT
LocationLand at Lower Ecton Lane, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN3 5HQ
ProposalWaste Transfer Station, ready mix concrete plant and overnight parking of 15 HGVs
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date01 July 2015
Relevant Documents

Application documents

Application NumbersNCC - 15/00020/WASNMA
WBC - WP/15/00228/CRA
Location3-4 Bevan Close, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, NN8 4BL
ProposalNon-Material Amendment to Planning Permission 13/00014/WASVOC for building adjustments, changes to internal arrangements and amended wording of Conditions 13 and 24
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date28 April 2015
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 15/00009/MINNMA
WBC - WP/15/00084/CRA
LocationEarls Barton Quarry, Grendon Road, Earls Barton, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire
ProposalNon-Material Amendment to Planning Permission SN/2006/1670 for a new drainage channel
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date10 March 2015
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 15/00007/MINNMA
WBC - WP/00068/CRA
LocationEarls Barton Quarry, Grendon Road, Earls Barton, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire
ProposalRetention of car parking area
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date10 March 2015
Relevant Documents


Application NumbersNCC - 14/00001/MINFUL
WBC - WP/2014/0025
LocationLand opposite Sports Ground, Grendon Road, Earls Barton, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire
ProposalExtraction of minerals together with new inland waterways marina, access road, parking, facilities building and improved landscaping scheme
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date11 September 2014
Relevant Documents



Application NumbersNCC - 14/00032/WASFUL
WBC - WP/14/00352/CRA
Location30 Sanders Park, Sanders Road, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, NN8 4FR
ProposalWaste Transfer Station to process dry recyclable waste including a new building
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date07 August 2014
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 13/00111/WASVOC
WBC - WP/2014/0061/C
LocationNorthampton Shooting Ground, Sywell, Northampton, NN6 9TE
ProposalVariation of condition 12 of planning permission 10/00043/WAS to extend the end date until 7 January 2015.
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date12 May 2014
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 14/00003/WASFUL
WBC - WP/2014/0066/C
LocationNorthampton Shooting Ground, Sywell, Northampton, NN6 9TE
ProposalConstruction of a new safety mound using inert material to protect permitted go kart track from the adjacent shooting ground.
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date09 May 2014
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 13/00103/WASVOC
WBC - WP/2013/0645
LocationNorthampton Shooting Ground, Sywell, Northampton, NN6 9TE
ProposalVariation of condition 19 of planning permission 10/00005/WAS to extend the time limit for completion for a further 3 years until 30 April 2017
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date28 February 2014
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 13/00102/WASVOC
WBC - WP/2013/0646
LocationNorthampton Shooting Ground, Kettering Road, Sywell, NN6 9TD
ProposalVariation of condition 13 of planning permission 10/00074/WAS to extend the time limit for completion for a further 3 years until 30 April 2017
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date18 February 2014
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 13/00110/MINNMA
WBC - WP/2013/0627
LocationEarls Barton Quarry, Grendon Road, Earls Barton, Wellingborough
ProposalNon Material Amendment to planning permission 10/00066/EXT to amend working programme
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date15 January 2014
Relevant Documents


Application NumbersNCC - 13/00107/WASNMA
WBC - WP/2013/0618
LocationSidegate lane Landfill Site, Sidegate Lane, Finedon, Wellingborough
ProposalNon Material Amendment to planning permission 13/00070/WASFUL to amend the name of the applicant from ESG to Energy Development (UK) Ltd
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date29 November 2013
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 13/00081/WASNMA
WBC - WP/2013/0445
LocationSidegate lane Landfill Site, Sidegate Lane, Finedon, Wellingborough
ProposalNon Material Amendment to planning permission 12/00056/WASFUL for phased implementation
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date23 October 2013
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 13/00070/WASFUL
WBC - WP/2013/0380/C
LocationSidegate lane Landfill Site, Sidegate Lane, Finedon, Wellingborough
ProposalInstallation of two additional engines to the existing power generation plant and installation of a portacabin at the southeastern end of the compound
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date11 October 2013
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 13/00058/WASFUL
WBC - WP/2012/0370C
LocationSidegate lane Landfill Site, Sidegate Lane, Finedon, Wellingborough
ProposalRetrospective planning permission for the installation of a temporary landfill gas flare and ancillary equipment
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date26 September 2013
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 13/00014/WASVOC
WBC - WP/2012/0132
LocationLarner Pallets, Bevan Close, Wellingborough, NN8 4BL
ProposalVariations to the approved plans (condition 2) and hours of working (condition 12) permitted under planning permission 11/00088/WAS for the erection of a new industrial building, plant and machinery and installation of a biomass fuelled power plant at Larner Pallets, Bevan Close, Finedon Road Industrial Estate, Wellingborough, NN8 4BL
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date23 May 2013
Relevant Documents



Application NumbersNCC - 12/00056/WASFUL
WBC - WP/2012/0365
LocationSidegate Lane, Finedon, Wellingborough
ProposalResource Recovery Facility, to include Refuse Derived Fuel Facility, Road Sweeping Recycling and Soil Blending, for the treatment of 125,000
tonnes of municipal, commercial and industrial waste, road sweepings and soil making material
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date18 January 2013
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 12/00040/MINNMA
WBC - WP/2012/0270
LocationLand West of Earls Barton Quarry, Grendon Road, Northamptonshire, NN6 0PE
ProposalNon-material amendment to planning permissions SN/2006/1670 ·& WP/2007/0039 to transport up to 1000 tonnes of sand and gravel by road using lorries over a period of 1-3 days
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date13 July 2012
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 11/00088/WAS
WBC - WP/2012/0008
LocationLarner Pallets, Bevan Close, Finedon Road Industrial Estate, Wellingborough, NN8 4BL
ProposalErection of a new industrial building, plant and machinery and installation of a biomass fuelled power plant
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date21 March 2012
Relevant Documents


Application NumbersNCC - 11/00064/EXT
WBC - WP/2011/0440
LocationLarner Pallets, Bevan Close, Finedon Road Industrial Estate, Wellingborough, NN8 4BL
ProposalReplacement of extant planning permission 08/00049/WAS to extend the time limit for implementation
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date20 December 2011
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 11/00019/WAS
WBC - WP/2011/0143
LocationUnit 1, Midland Works Business Centre, Mill Road, Wellingborough, NN8 1QW
ProposalVariation of planning permission 09/00032/WAS to include recycling of end of life vehicles
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date13 June 2011
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 11/00018/WAS
WBC - WP/2011/0121
LocationThe Recycling Centre, 301 Grendon Road, Earls Barton, Northampton, NN6 0RB
ProposalVariation of condition 2 of planning permission 10/00001/WAS to permit the erection of a staircase and viewing platform and the installation of a safety line on the roof of an existing materials recycling facility building
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date9 May 2011
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 10/00066/EXT
WBC - WP/2010/0443
LocationEarls Barton Spinney Quarry, Off Grendon Road, Earls Barton, Northamptonshire
ProposalReplacement of extant planning permission 07/00050/MIN to extend the time limit for implementation
DecisionApproved by DC Committee
Decision Date28 January 2011
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 10/00074/WAS
WBC - WP/2010/0481
LocationNorthampton Shooting Ground, Sywell, Northampton, NN6 9TE
ProposalThe operation of a recycled inert waste export facility for a temporary period expiring 30 April 2014
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date26 January 2011
Relevant Documents


Application NumbersNCC - 10/00075/NMA
WBC - WP/2010/0482
Location15-21 Links Road, Finedon Road Industrial Estate, Wellingborough, NN8 4EY
ProposalNon-material amendment to planning permission 10/00016/WAS to allow the storage and treatment of waste vegetable oil at an existing waste transfer station
Decision Date30 November 2010
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 10/00043/WAS
WBC - WP/2010/0252
LocationSywell Aerodrome, Belman Gate, Holcot Lane, Sywell, NN6 0BN
ProposalVariation of condition 13 of planning permission 07/00002/WAS to extend the end date by two years
DecisionApproved by DC Committee
Decision Date8 September 2010
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 10/00016/WAS
WBC - WP/2010/0104
Location15-21 Links Road, Finedon Road Industrial Estate, Wellingborough, NN8 4EY
ProposalChange of use to Waste Transfer Station
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date25 May 2010
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 10/00005/WAS
WBC - WP/2010/0020
LocationSywell Shooting School, A43 Kettering Road, Sywell, NN6 9TE
ProposalCreation of undulating area on existing shooting ground through the importation of inert material
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date21 April 2010
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 10/00001/WAS
WBC - WP/2010/0010
LocationThe Recycling Centre, 301 Grendon Road, Earls Barton, Northampton, NN6 0RB
ProposalVariation of condition 3 of planning permission 07/00027/WAS to increase operating hours
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date31 March 2010
Relevant Documents