Short-term care for adults
Short-term care can help you after you've been ill or had a stay in hospital. This is sometimes known as reablement and rehabilitation.
Respite care
Short-term respite can be planned or provided in an emergency to give a temporary break to families or carers of an adult.
It can be pre-booked following an assessment which includes looking at your finances to work out much you need to contribute.
If you have income or savings above the financial threshold or wish to self-fund, you can still access paid respite care through us.
Leaving hospital
If you need care after leaving hospital, we will assess your needs and help you live as independently as possible.
Hospital staff will work with us to decide how we can support you, ideally bringing you back home where possible.
Short-term at home
If you can go home but you need some short-term support, care can be provided by the NHS, care agencies or our own support service, Reablement North.
24-hour care
If you can’t return home and need support in a 24-hour care environment, care can be provided by NHS rehabilitation, specialist care centres or local care homes. We will continue to assess your needs.
Complex needs
If you need care longer with support in a specialist care home to stabilise and help you get better in a 24-hour care environment. This care will be assessed regularly.
If you don't need any formal support, you can go home with your family and friends helping you.
You and your family should discuss arrangements for your discharge with staff so that you have everything you need for a full recovery when you return home.
Under 65
Care can be provided in specialist centres for those under 65 if:
- the centre can meet their needs
- the person consents to admission
- there is no other suitable service which could meet their needs
Support at home
Our Reablement North team can support you to remain as independent as possible at home. This can include:
- providing physical and emotional support
- support with personal care
- preparing a meal
We can provide support for a few days up to a maximum of six weeks.
If specialist dementia reablement is identified, the service will be supported by an Admiral Nurse and if needed, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and others.
We will assess if you need any specialist equipment to support you. If a lifeline is needed and you have no social care responders, then our team will step in as a named responder between the hours of 7am and 10pm.
If you need this care, you will be referred by healthcare professionals (e.g. if leaving hospital).
Care Quality Commission
Reablement North is registered with Care Quality Commission (CQC), who are the independent regulator of health and adult social care in England. CQC publish their latest rating for the service on their website.
Reablement North’s latest rating is Good following the latest inspection which took place on 11 July 2022. Read the CQC's full report.
Last updated 04 December 2023