Ordinary watercourse land drainage consents


Other consent for works on waterways

Main rivers

For works on main rivers (within 8 metres of the landward toe of the bank) in North Northamptonshire you need to apply for an environmental permit from the Environment Agency.

Other work

There are other consents, permits and exemptions that may be needed, depending on the work that you are doing on your land.

The following list is not exhaustive (e.g. you may need other waste related consents), so please speak to your local Environment Agency office for more advice:

  • Water Quality Discharge Consent – for any discharges to rivers, watercourses, other surface waters, groundwater, tidal waters, or the sea
  • Water Abstraction Licence – when abstracting or taking water from rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, tidal waters, or groundwater, also if you are constructing or altering any impounding works in rivers, streams, ponds, or tidal waters
  • Water Impoundment License – for the impoundment and storage of water on a watercourse (e.g. for the creation of a reservoir)
  • Navigation Registration and Licence – for boats navigating on the River Nene in Northamptonshire
  • Fisheries Byelaw Consent – when removing fish from rivers, streams, lakes, ponds or tidal waters
  • Section 30 Fish Movement Licence – when introducing fish into rivers, streams, lakes, ponds or tidal waters
  • Herbicide Authorisation – when using herbicides or pesticides in or near water
  • Consignment Note – when moving any potentially hazardous waste (such as silt)
  • Mobile Plant Waste Management Licence – when treating contaminated soils and contaminated controlled waters.

Last updated 12 May 2023