Meeting and activity rooms for hire

The Fermyn Woods Shelter is an open sided wooden shelter in Fermyn Woods Country Park and is suitable for schools, groups or parties.

What can we offer you?

The room provides:

  • wooden shelter measuring 10m x 15m
  • seating for up to 15 people around the perimeter
  • plenty of space to add chairs, benches or tables

Vinyl sides can be added if required to provide some weather protection.

The shelter is available to hire at £10 per hour.

How to book

Please read the terms and conditions below before you enquire.

To enquire about booking, please email [email protected].

Terms and conditions

9am to 4:45pm unless otherwise agreed.

Hirers are to vacate the rooms by the agreed time.

Bookings will only be confirmed once a completed booking form and a deposit of 50% of the hire fee have been received. Your event should not be advertised until you have received written confirmation of the booking. The remaining bill should be settled within 14 days of the event.

We reserve the right to cancel the booking if the booking form and deposit have not been received and no responsibility can be accepted for any losses on the part of the hirer.

A bond of £50 will be charged for all evening events, and for other events at the discretion of the Bookings Secretary. Bonds will be returned after the event provided no breakages or damage has occurred.

The hirer shall be responsible for paying all charges arising out of the booking including the cancellation fee.

The scale of the cancellation fee is as follows:

  • Up to 1 month notice: 25% of room hire
  • Up to 14 day’s notice: 75% of room hire
  • Less than 14 day’s notice: Room hire charged in full

The hirer is responsible for ensuring that their users behave appropriately and do not cause damage or nuisance to others.

The hirer shall not allow any disorderly, dangerous or improper conduct.

The council may order the immediate, total or partial, clearance of the premises, if it considers such action to be necessary.

The hirer shall be liable for any extra expense that the council may incur as a result. We reserve the right to decline a booking or to insist that the group leave the facilities in cases of misuse or misconduct. In
such an event no refund will be made.

The shelter must be left in a clean and tidy condition as found. All rubbish to be taken away by the hirer.

No screws or nails shall be driven into walls, floors or ceilings of the premises, fixtures and fittings. The Hirer shall be liable for any damage caused by the hirer’s use of the premises.

All losses and breakages must be reported and paid for. The cost of repairs shall be assessed by the council whose decision is final.

Groups are required to make provision for their own first aid cover and supply their own first aid equipment.

Hirers should note that there is no access to telephones and should therefore ensure they have a mobile phone with them in case of emergency.

Guide dogs and hearing dogs are welcome in the shelter.

However, pets are not allowed.

The council and its servants or agents will not be held responsible for any damage or loss of goods, property or equipment or for personal injury (except in the case of negligence by the council) on the council's premises or land, howsoever caused.

The hirer shall indemnify the council, its servants or agents against any claims, which may be made in respect thereof. Any accident must be reported to the council as soon as possible after its occurrence.

No additions or alterations to the electrical arrangements may be made without the written consent of the council.

No electrical apparatus may be brought on to the premises without the written consent of the council who must be satisfied that the equipment has been checked for safety. The hirer is responsible for insuring all equipment brought on to the premises.

No smoking is allowed in any part of the shelter. We do not allow any BBQs or other fires in the country parks.

Public liability insurance is required by clubs, organisations and individuals, whose activities on the site may inadvertently cause harm to others.

The hirer shall not do, or permit to be done, anything which, in the opinion of the council, is not covered by policy or policies of insurance in relation to the use of the premises. Fees may be increased and additional conditions imposed if required by the Council's insurers in respect of additional risks.

Hirers are liable on a public liability basis for any loss, damage, theft or injury caused as the result of their hire, or by the use of any equipment they introduce. No responsibility will be carried by the council.

Pay and display parking at £3.20 for 4 hours or £5.20 for 8 hours per vehicle, per day, is in operation at all times.

All vehicles and property are left in the car park entirely at the owner's risk.

The hirer shall ensure that all vehicles are parked appropriately. Failure to display a valid parking ticket may result in a fine.

Any activity requiring Temporary Event Notice (TEN) from a licensing authority requires our permission beforehand. A TEN would be required for the following:

  • Sale of alcohol
  • Late night refreshments (hot food or drink sold between 11pm and 5am)
  • Regulated entertainment (such as music, dance, films, plays)

The event would not be considered licensable if it is a private event, not open to the public (as long as no alcohol sales are taking place).

Children's entertainment

'Children's entertainment' is entertainment specifically organised for persons under the age of eighteen.

Children's entertainment may only be held with the written consent of the council. At least one adult must be in attendance at a children's entertainment function for every 6 children attending.

  • In the event of a fire on the premises, you should give priority to the evacuation of your group and check that they are all accounted for
  • If it is safe to do so, you should check that all in your group have heard the alarm and are evacuating the premises
  • Upon hearing the alarm all members of your group should proceed through the nearest assembly point in a calm and orderly manner to the pre-arranged assembly point
  • Assemble in the café car park adjacent to the pay and display machine
  • Check that all persons are accounted for by taking a full roll call as soon as possible at the fire assembly point
  • If any members of your group are missing from the roll call, report them immediately to the fire officer in charge at the scene
  • On no account should you or any member of your group re-enter the premises to locate or attempt to rescue missing persons after following the above procedure
  • Nobody should re-enter the premises until permission is given by the fire officer in charge at the scene

Last updated 13 December 2024