Dust and vibration

The majority of complaints we get about dust and vibration are connected to construction and demolition sites.

If you think that the dust or vibration is coming from another site carrying out an industrial or trade activity such (e.g. paint spraying) please contact us for advice.


Construction sites are often near people's homes and will by their nature, generate noise, dust or vibration. The law recognises that demolition and construction must take place, so we have limited powers to help.

Speak to the construction company and raise your concerns with them. They may be able to tell you when the work will be finished or take steps to reduce any nuisance.

Companies must take reasonable steps to control any nuisance, depending on the technology available and the costs involved. This is called using the best practicable means (BPM). This may include:

  • limiting hours of operation
  • using quieter pieces of machinery
  • using water to damp down dust


We can speak to the company carrying out the works and give advice on controlling their impact on the community.

Where possible, noisy activities should be restricted to 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays, with no noisy activities on Sundays or bank holidays.

These are guidelines only, not the law. We do not have legal powers to stop demolition or construction taking place if the company is taking reasonable steps to minimise its impact.

For long term, large demolition or construction projects, companies can apply to us for a Section 61 prior consent, which includes noise controls and may include overnight or early morning works. If the company fails to comply with controls on a Section 61 consent, we can take legal action. The requirement to have a Section 61 consent is not compulsory.

Property damage

We can only help where the activity is causing a nuisance to you (i.e. the noise or dust is affecting your daily activities, such as you are unable to hang any washing out in the garden because of the dust).

If you are concerned about property damage, for example, vibration causing cracks in ceiling or walls, speak to the company directly first. Alternatively contact a solicitor to get advice on taking action for a private claim and possible compensation. We can't get compensation for you.

Working nights

We can only ask the company to work during reasonable day time hours -  we can't help stop them working if you sleep during the day and you should to the company directly to see if they can help you.

Last updated 03 May 2023