Council car parks in Kettering


Council car parks in Kettering


You can now pay for parking using the PayByPhone service.

Car parks in Kettering showing opening hours, parking costs and locations.

Season tickets are available for these car parks.

Pay online

You can pay for parking using the PayByPhone service. Just open the PayByPhone app or website and enter the location number shown on the parking signs.

You can also pay by phone by calling 0330 400 7275. For more details, visit the PayByPhone website.

This service does not use QR codes.

Tariff hours

Monday to Thursday9am to 3pm
Friday to Saturday9am to 6pm
Sunday and Bank HolidaysFree

Car parks

Opening hoursOpen Monday to Sunday 24 hours
Postcode for Sat NavNN16 8DQ
Short stay/Long stayShort stay/Long stay
Disabled/Parent child spaces0
Electric pointsThere are 4 bays with charging points reserved for electric cars
Cash payment/Card paymentCash payment/Card payment
Blue badgesFree
PayByPhone location number8494

Map of Commercial Road car park

Parking costs

Monday to Thursday 9am to 3pm - Friday to Saturday 9am to 6pm.

PeriodCharge per vehicle
Up to 2 hours£2
3 hours£3
4 hours£4
5 hours£5
Over 5 hours£6

Sunday and Bank Holidays - All day free.

The pay and display machines do not give change. No refunds will be given for tickets purchased in error.

Opening hoursOpen Monday to Sunday 24 hours
Postcode for Sat NavNN15 7QA
Short stay/Long stayShort stay/Long stay
Disabled/Parent child spaces7
Electric pointsThere are 4 bays with charging points reserved for electric cars
Cash payment/Card paymentCash payment/Card payment
Blue badgesFree
PayByPhone location number8493

Map of London Road car park

Parking costs

Monday to Thursday 9am to 3pm - Friday to Saturday 9am to 6pm.

PeriodCharge per vehicle
Up to 2 hours£1.50
3 hours£3
4 hours£4
5 hours£5
Over 5 hours£6

Sunday and Bank Holidays - All day free.

The pay and display machines do not give change. No refunds will be given for tickets purchased in error.

Opening hoursOpen Monday to Sunday 24 hours
Postcode for Sat NavNN15 7QX
Short stay/Long stayShort stay/Long stay
Disabled/Parent child spaces4
Cash payment/Card paymentCash payment/Card payment
Blue badgesFree
PayByPhone location number8495

Map of Municipal Offices car park

Parking costs

Monday to Thursday 9am to 3pm - Friday 9am to 6pm.

PeriodCharge per vehicle
1 hour£1
2 hours£2
3 hours£3
4 hours£4
5 hours£5
Over 5 hours£6

Saturday 9am to 6pm.

PeriodCharge per vehicle
2 hours£1.50
3 hours£3
4 hours£4
5 hours£5
Over 5 hours£6

Sunday and Bank Holidays - All day free.

The pay and display machines do not give change. No refunds will be given for tickets purchased in error.

Opening hoursOpen Monday to Sunday 24 hours
Postcode for Sat NavNN16 0BZ
Short stay/Long stayShort stay/Long stay
Disabled/Parent child spaces0
Cash payment/Card paymentCash payment/Card payment
Blue badgesFree
PayByPhone location number8496

Map of Queen Street car park

Parking costs

Monday to Thursday 9am to 3pm - Friday to Saturday 9am to 6pm.

PeriodCharge per vehicle
1 hour£1
2 hours£2
3 hours£3
4 hours£4
5 hours£5
Over 5 hours£6

Sunday and Bank Holidays - All day free.

The pay and display machines do not give change. No refunds will be given for tickets purchased in error.

Opening hoursOpen Monday to Sunday 24 hours
Postcode for Sat NavNN16 0DH
Short stay/Long stayShort stay/Long stay
Disabled/Parent child spaces3
Assigned motorcycle bays3
Electric pointsThere are 4 bays with charging points reserved for electric cars
Cash payment/Card paymentCash payment/Card payment
Blue badgesFree
PayByPhone location number8497 (Standard bays), 8499 (Pop and shop bays)

Map of School Lane car park

Parking costs

Pop & Shop Parking Bays - Monday to Saturday - Please use the Pop & Shop pay machine.

PeriodCharge per vehicle
Maximum stay 1 hour40p

All other parking bays - Monday to Thursday 9am to 3pm - Friday to Saturday 9am to 6pm.

PeriodCharge per vehicle
1 hour£1
2 hours£2
3 hours£3
4 hours£4
5 hours£5
Over 5 hours£6

Sunday and Bank Holidays - All day free.

Specially marked red bays allow shoppers to park within easy walking distance from the Town Centre for up to 1 hour for a reduced charge of 40p.

Pay and display tickets for these specific bays must be purchased from the Pop & Shop pay and display machine located in close proximity to the bays.

Parking for motorcycles is free of charge in the School Lane car park.

The pay and display machines do not give change. No refunds will be given for tickets purchased in error.

Opening hoursOpen Monday to Sunday, 24 hours
PostcodeNN16 8TH
Short stay or long stayShort and long stay
Disabled or parent and child spaces26 and Shopmobility services
Assigned motorcycle bays3
Cash or card paymentCash or card payment
Blue badgesFree
PayByPhone location number8498

Map of Wadcroft car park

Parking costs

Monday to Thursday 9am to 3pm, Friday to Saturday 9am to 6pm.

PeriodCharge per vehicle
1 hour£1
2 hours£2
3 hours£3
4 hours£4
5 hours£5
Over 5 hours£6

Sunday and Bank Holidays - All day free.

Parking for motorcycles is free of charge in the Wadcroft car park.

The pay and display machines do not give change. No refunds will be given for tickets purchased in error.

Last updated 12 December 2024