Reducing waste


Home composting

Composting is an inexpensive, natural process that transforms your garden waste into a valuable and nutrient-rich food for your garden. It's easy to make and use.

A large proportion of household waste is made up of kitchen waste including fruit and vegetable peelings, unused fruit and vegetables, as well as tea bags and coffee grounds, which can all be composted at home.

Buy a composter

We offer the opportunity to buy a discounted home composting bin through Getcomposting. This is the most environmentally friendly way to deal with garden waste.

The Royal Horticultural Society offers a wealth of hints and tips on how to get the very best out of compost.

You can compost:

  • dry items such as leaves, dead plants, cardboard and paper
  • wet items such as tea bags, vegetable peelings, grass and fruit

For the best compost, try to get an equal mixture of wet and dry items

Avoid composting:

  • cooked food, plate scrapings, meat and dairy products
  • glass, metal and glossy paper
  • diseased plants and animal litter

Last updated 21 May 2024