Comment on a planning application

Making planning comments public

Comments received will be available to view on our website within 7 working days of receipt.

Public inspection

By law, comments are open to public inspection. In the event of an appeal these will be forwarded to the Planning Inspectorate and the appellant.

We reserve the right to withhold publishing comments on the website if we deem them to be inappropriate or libellous.

Personal data

We'll redact text containing personal data that doesn't affect the comment (e.g. removing telephone numbers). A copy of the full original comment would still be held internally for the Planning Officer's use.

If personal data could affect the impact of the comment (e.g. a person referencing health issues), then we may decide not to make the comment public at all.

If you want personal data to be displayed, you need to provide written consent for this when commenting or by emailing us separately.

Last updated 22 May 2023