Temporary Stop Notice - 24/00198/PPD

Temporary Stop Notice - 24/00198/PPD

Important - This communication affects your property

Served by: North Northamptonshire Council herein after referred to as “the council”


  • any person(s) with ownership of the land
  • any person(s) leasing the land
  • any person(s) occupying the land
  • any person(s) working on site depositing materials or levelling the land
  • persons unknown

1. On 23 August 2024 the council has issued this temporary stop notice alleging that there has been a breach of planning control on the land described in paragraph 4 below.

2. This temporary stop notice is issued by the council, in exercise of their power in section 171E of the 1990 Town and Country Planning Act (as amended), because they think that it is expedient that the activity specified in this notice should cease on the land described in paragraph 4 below. The council now prohibits the carrying out of the activity specified in this notice. Important additional information is given in the Annex to this notice.

3. The reasons for issuing this notice

No planning permission has been granted for the laying of hardstanding on the land, nor for the brick boundary wall which has a residential appearance. The operational development which has taken place is not sustainable development and has resulted in significant harm to disused land in an agricultural setting. Any further development would exacerbate that harm.

4. The land to which this notice relates

Land lying to the south of Alexandra Road, Rushden, Northamptonshire and the adjacent Plot 32 shown edged red on the below plan for the purpose of identification only.

Plan of 24/00198/PPD

5. The activity to which this notice relates

Without planning permission, the formation of hardstanding and the erection of a brick boundary wall.

6. What you are required to do

  1. To cease all works for the formation of hardstanding and excavation.
  2. To cease all works in connection with boundary screening, including the provision of any gates.
  3. No vehicles, caravans, trailers, machinery, buildings or chattels to be taken into and placed on the land.

7. When this notice takes effect

This notice takes effect on Friday 23 August 2024 when all activity specified in this notice shall cease. This notice will cease to have effect on Friday 18 October 2024.

Served 23 August 2024

Signed: George Candler
Executive Director of Place and Economy
Development Management Service
Kettering Office Municipal Offices
Bowling Green Road
NN15 7QX

Dated 23 August 2024


Warning, this notice takes effect on the date specified in paragraph 7. There is no right of appeal to the first secretary of state against this notice.

It is an offence to contravene a temporary stop notice after a site notice has been displayed or the temporary stop notice has been served on you. (Section 171G of the 1990 Act). If you fail to comply with the temporary stop notice you will be at risk of immediate prosecution in the Magistrate’s Court, for which the maximum penalty is £20,000 on summary conviction for a first offence and for any subsequent offence. The fine on conviction on indictment is unlimited. If you are in any doubt about what this notice requires you to do, you should get in touch immediately with the council’s Planning Enforcement Team, on 01536 464168 If you need independent advice about this notice, you are advised to contact urgently a lawyer, planning consultant or other professional adviser specialising in planning matters. If you wish to contest the validity of this notice, you may only do so by an application to the High Court for judicial review.

Last updated 30 January 2025