Suicide prevention in schools

This protocol should be used in the event of suspected death by suicide in a North Northamptonshire school community (this should be the same if the event occurs during term time or holidays) can be found in our support package:

The support package will help guide you through the 6 steps.

Step 1 - Notification

  • Educational establishments to notify Emergency Planning in the first instance of a suspected death by suicide in a school community
  • Call 07885 292851 to notify the North Northamptonshire Council Duty Emergency Planning Officer
  • Refrain from contacting further services or support (excluding emergency services) at this point and avoid sharing any personally identifiable information with others

Step 2 - Critical incident support

  • The Duty Emergency Planning Officer will immediately contact the Educational Psychology Service to start Critical Incident Support. The Educational Psychology Service is not available 24/7 but the Emergency Planning Team has access to out-of-hour contacts who will be notified if needed. The service runs during school holidays
  • The Northamptonshire Suicide Prevention Officer will be notified and will complete an escalation process with the aim of reducing the effect this has on others

Step 3 - Breaking the news

  • It is important to confirm as much information as possible before informing a school community of the death
  • Be mindful that the cause of death may not have been confirmed as a suicide yet and that the family may not want the cause of death to be disclosed
  • Breaking the News to the School Community section - guidance on how to break the news
  • Managing Media section - guidance on how to deal with media

Step 4 - Managing risk

  • Identifying those more vulnerable can help manage risk
  • With support from a member of the Educational Psychology service, the educational establishment should identify vulnerable students and staff members, think about who is likely in most need of support and identify who you can get this support from. The Circles of Vulnerability Matrix, can support this process under Managing Risk

Step 5 - Signposting support

  • Postvention Service Directory section - support available following a suspected death by suicide, see the  in the document
  • Prevention Service Directory section - mental wellbeing services and support
  • Supporting the School Community section - guidance on supporting the school community

Step 6 - Longer term

  • Going Forwards section -  guidance on moving forwards following a critical incident in an educational establishment

Last updated 02 December 2024