School workforce census
About the census
You will already be aware of the requirements of the annual School Workforce Census day on 3 November 2022.
The census is an annual statutory collection of individual level data on teachers and support staff from local authorities, local-authority-maintained schools, and academies.
Census data should be submitted without delay. The deadline is 2 December 2022.
The local authority has a role in co-ordinating and approving the submission of census data from all maintained schools. As part of this function, returns from maintained schools will be reviewed by the authority to ensure that all queries have been resolved. Please ensure your data is submitted by Friday 18 November 2022 to allow for this checking process to take place.
The DfE will not authorise submissions unless all queries and errors are resolved.
Academies are responsible for submitting and approving their own census data, the council has no ability to view these returns via Collect.
It is possible for schools to resolve errors and queries at source and you can do this by clicking on the "All Errors" box in the COLLECT system. This reveals the full list of all errors and queries. Clicking on the box marked "Queries" will only give part of the picture.
If you do have any questions or queries, or need to seek advice, please send an email to [email protected] and we will ensure you receive appropriate advice and guidance.
You are required to ensure that all queries are resolved, please ensure you follow the guidance outlined in the How to submit your school workforce census file section for reviewing and amending errors to avoid returns being rejected by DfE.
Last updated 03 November 2022