Post-16 travel assistance

If you're a student over the age of 16 in full time education, we may be able to provide assistance with transport.

You may qualify for school travel assistance if you are:

  • aged 16 to 18
  • in full time-education (12 hours or more a week)
  • living more than 3 miles away from your nearest school or further education establishment


All students who are entitled to school travel assistance will need to contribute:

  • £760 for the academic year starting September 2024
  • £795 for the academic year starting September 2025

Unless they meet the criteria for free travel assistance, charges apply to all students whether they are attending a:

  • mainstream school
  • SEND provision
  • further education college 
  • other Post-16 education provision


The only exceptions are if:

Parents or carers in receipt of one of the following will qualify as low income:

  • Income Support
  • child entitled to free school meals
  • Income-Based Jobseeker's Allowance
  • support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Child Tax Credit, provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual income as assessed by the Inland Revenue that does not exceed £16,190
  • guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
  • receipt of the maximum level of Working Tax Credit

For 16 to 18 year olds meeting these criteria, the cost of travel assistance is discounted by 50%.

The cost will be free of charge where parents or carers of a 16 to 18 year old student qualify on the grounds of low income (as listed above) and the young person:

  • has an education, health and care (EHC) plan which necessitates travel assistance
  • is attending their nearest suitable further education setting which is named in the EHC
  • lives within the administrative boundary of Northamptonshire and more than 3 miles from their nearest suitable educational establishment

We will, in the first instance, explore whether a parent or carer will provide transport and be remunerated for their fuel costs, if the student is eligible.

Free travel assistance will be provided to a young adult learner (not being a person of sixth form age) where:

  • the local authority has secured the provision of education or training and the provision of boarding accommodation for an adult learner aged under 25
  • they are subject to an EHC plan
  • it is considered necessary to facilitate that person’s attendance at the place of education or training

This policy does not relate to young adults who are not in education or training and who do not have an education, health and care plan. Information about transport provision for other young adults can be obtained from Adult Social Services.

We continue to encourage the participation in education and training by those over compulsory school age but under 19 and those aged 19 to 25 with an EHC plan. However, young adult learners would be expected to meet the cost of travel between home and the provider at which they are receiving education or training except in the circumstances as above.


We will only provide transport to educational settings at the beginning and end of a typical academic day.

If you are applying for travel assistance for a student with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), please complete the following form:

Tell us of a change in your home address if the child is currently getting travel assistance:

This includes students of sixth form age and young adult learners, subject to an Education, Health and Care plan.

VersionAuthorDateSummary of changes
V01Head of Transport DeliveryApril 2020Review and date changes
V02Head of Transport DeliveryApril 2021Review and Date changes
V03Head of Transport DeliveryOctober 2022Review, date Change, Update Local Authority reference
V04Transport Delivery ManagerApril 2024Clarification of entitlement, definitions, removal of spare seat guarantee, changes to fees and payment arrangements, clarification of application process including when to apply, useful contacts

1. Legal and policy framework

1.1 The requirements placed on a local Council are defined in the Education Act 1996 (as amended), Education and Skills Act 2008, Education and Inspections Act 2006, Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 and the Equality Act 2012.

These Acts require that: 

  • (1) A local Council shall prepare for each academic year a transport policy statement.
  • (2) The statement shall specify the arrangements for the provision of transport or otherwise that the Council consider it necessary to make for facilitating the attendance of persons of sixth form age, receiving education or training at:
    (a) A school
    (b) A college of further education
    (c) A Council maintained or assisted institution providing further education
    (d) An establishment supported by the Education Funding Agency
    (e) A learning provider funded by the Council to deliver accredited programmes of learning which lead to a positive outcome
  • (3) This requires the Council to have regard to the need to include sufficient information in their transport statement and the need to publish the statement in good time, so that young people and their parents are able to take account of these matters when choosing an establishment.
  • (4) The Statement shall specify the arrangements that the Council consider it necessary to make for the provision of financial assistance in respect of the reasonable travelling expenses of persons of sixth form age, receiving education or training at any establishment such as is mentioned in subsection (2).
  • (5) The Statement shall also provide information about the travel provision put in place for young adult learners aged 19 to 25 who have an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan.

1.2 Post-16 transport and travel support to education and training Statutory guidance for local councils (January 2019) advises that local councils should not differentiate between providers or institutions in the arrangements it provides to support students in facilitating their attendance in education or training. 

1.3 In preparing this Policy Statement, North Northamptonshire Council (‘the Council’) is mindful of the requirements under the Education and Skills Act 2008, which requires all young people to continue in learning or training until the end of the academic year in which they turn 18. 

1.4 Raising the participation age (RPA) does not mean that young people must stay in school; they will be able to choose one of the following choices: 

  • full-time education, such as school, FE college or home education
  • apprenticeships, work-based learning
  • part-time education or training if they are employed, self-employed or volunteering for at least 20 hours a week.

1.5 In particular the Council must have regard to:

  • the needs of those for whom it would not be reasonably practicable to access education or training provision if no arrangements were made including those who are vulnerable to becoming not in education, employment or training (NEET) at the age of 16 or 17 or who have already become NEET
  • the need to ensure that young people have reasonable opportunities to choose between different establishments at which education and training is provided
  • the distance from the learner’s home to establishments of education and training

1.6 The statutory walking distance of 3 miles to school (along the nearest available safe walking route) for those of compulsory school aged 8 and over is set out under section 444(5) of the Education Act 1996. This can be taken into account by local councils in defining the distance a young person might reasonably be expected to walk to access education or training.

2. Scope of the policy

2.1 Whilst there is no legal duty to provide free transport to all post-16 students, the scheme operating under this policy recognises that the Council needs to support all young people to access education, including those from low-income families and those with learning difficulties or disabilities.

2.2 The Council has established a Transport Partnership in which the key stakeholders involved in the provision of education or training for students aged 16 or over, work collaboratively in supporting students and their transport arrangements.

2.3 The Council will administer the scheme in conjunction with schools, FE colleges and training providers and will ensure that the scheme does not differentiate between institutions and providers.

2.4 The transport arrangements operating in accordance with this policy are specifically for students who meet the Council’s eligibility criteria. This does not however restrict individual schemes, which enhance and complement the scope of this policy statement being introduced by individual schools, colleges or training establishments.

2.5 Where suitable commercial services are available, students entitled to transport may be directed to those services, or provided with a pass to use those services. 

3. The Principles of the 2024 to 2025 Policy and Transport Scheme

3.1 Support for the provision of transport will be considered for students of sixth form age i.e. a student who is over compulsory school age, but below 19, or in exceptional circumstances a student who has begun a particular course of education or training before they reached 19 and continues to attend that course. Where the student becomes 19 years of age during their course, transport assistance will cease at the end of the academic year in which their 19th birthday falls.

3.2 Students of sixth form age must be enrolled on a full-time education course, scheduled to provide at least 540 hours of guided learning annually. Exceptional circumstances may arise, for example where a student has had to take a break in learning due to medical needs and is unable to meet the minimum number of study hours.

3.3 The Council does not provide support for transport assistance for part-time courses, higher education, or privately funded education, unless this has been agreed and arranged by the Council.

3.4 The partners of this policy recognise that it is the parents’ and / or students’ responsibility for ensuring attendance at a school, FE college or training provider.

3.5 Parents, guardians or carers of eligible students will be encouraged to provide transport for which a mileage allowance will be payable.

3.6 It is acknowledged that the FE colleges already invest significant resources in providing post-16 transport support alongside the Council’s contribution.

4. Removal of the guaranteed spare seat from September 2024

4.1 Prior to the admissions round for September 2024 the Council would guarantee to commission sufficient seats to accommodate everyone who applied before a set date. This resulted in the Council having to commission additional buses and taxis to provide sufficient seats for all eligible applicants.

In July 2023 the Executive decided to remove this guarantee for all discretionary transport, which includes all Post 16 transport.

4.2 What effect will this have on Post 16 Transport.

4.2.1 The Council recognises that there are a large number of Post 16 students who rely on Council and College transport to access their place of education.

4.2.2 Wherever possible the Council are working with commercial transport providers to put in place services to meet these transport needs.

4.2.3 The Council will continue to provide spaces over and above that required to meet the statutory transport demands, but it will no longer guarantee to provide a seat for all applicants registering before a set date.

4.2.4 Priority for allocation of spare seats will be given in date order of receipt of the completed application.

5. Who is eligible for support

In order to be eligible for Travel Assistance the student or their parent or carer will need to make an application for Post 16 transport to the relevant assessing body (see section 10 below.) An application must be made even where the student is intending studying at the same school or college as their statutory school age studies.

5.1 Mainstream Students of Sixth Form Age (16 to 19).

5.1.1 To be eligible for Travel Assistance under this policy a student must:
i. reside within the administrative boundary of North Northamptonshire
ii. be attending their nearest suitable school, FE college or training provider 
iii. reside more than 3 miles from their nearest suitable educational establishment or training provider or 
iv. where the distance between home and educational establishment is less than 3 miles, there is no safe walking route.

5.1.2 The distance between a student’s home and place of study will be measured by the shortest available safe walking route (see  below Appendix 1  ‘Safety of Walking Routes’).

5.1.3 Support for transport will normally only be provided to the student’s nearest or designated school, suitable college or training provider. Consideration may be given to a setting outside of the Council’s border and also where a student or their parent, guardian or carer expresses a wish for an alternative school, FE college or training provider on the grounds of religion or belief.

5.1.4 Where two or more educational establishments offer the same or broadly similar courses, in order to be eligible for assistance with transport the student will be expected to be attending the nearest provider of the course which has spaces available, or the school or college named in their EHCP if they have one.

5.1.5 Students who live within 3 miles of their nearest or designated school, college or nearest training provider will not normally receive support with transport unless there are exceptional circumstances which mean the student is unable to travel independently or with assistance from a parent, guardian or carer.

Consideration will be given on a case by case basis. Wherever possible, independent travel will be promoted for all students including students with learning difficulties and / or disabilities. 

5.2 Students with Learning Difficulties and / or Disabilities (Sixth form age and 19 to 25 with an EHCP).

5.2.1 Local authorities have a duty under the Education and Skills Act 2008 to encourage, enable and assist the participation of young people with special educational needs and disabilities up to the age of 25 in education and training.

5.2.2 Decisions will be made in accordance with the legal framework and statutory guidance for post-16 transport provision. Suitable travel arrangements will then be provided to address the needs of entitled students.

5.2.3 To be eligible for Travel Assistance under this provision a Student must: 
a. reside within the administrative boundary of North Northamptonshire.
b. have an Education, Health and Care plan. 
c. be attending their nearest suitable school, FE college or training provider as named in Section I of the EHCP document. 
d. reside more than 3 miles from their nearest suitable educational establishment or training provider or 
e. it is unreasonable to expect them to be able to make their own way to school or college due to their learning needs and / or disabilities.

5.2.4 When assessing whether it is reasonable for a student to make their own way to school or college, the assessing body shall use its discretion, having reference to the policy as published, and the legislation and guidance.

5.2.5 Where parents chose to send their child to an educational establishment which is not their nearest suitable educational establishment, or the Council feels that another more local establishment could meet the young person's needs but parents prefer an alternative placement, this will be classed as Parental Preference and parents will be responsible for the provision and cost of transport. Where a student has an EHCP this preference will be recorded in Section I.

5.3. Young Adults – 19 to 25 with an ECH Plan.

5.3.1 Whilst the Council would continue to encourage the participation in education and training by persons aged 19 to 25 with an EHC plan, young adult learners (those over 19) would generally be expected to meet the cost of travel between home and the provider at which they are receiving education or training.

5.3.2 Free transport would be provided to a young adult learner aged under 25 and subject to an EHC plan where:

  • the Council has secured the provision of education or training and the provision of boarding accommodation for an adult learner aged under 25 and subject to an EHC plan and 
  • where it is considered necessary to facilitate that person’s attendance at the place of education or training. 

5.3.3 Free transport assistance may also be provided where an adult learner is receiving education or training at an establishment maintained or assisted by the Council and providing Further Education, or at a College of Further Education, where the Council considered that: 
(a) the person’s attendance on that course was reasonably necessary; and 
(b) it was necessary for the Council to provide transport to facilitate that person’s attendance on the course.

5.3.4 In deciding whether it is necessary for the Council to provide free transport assistance for an adult learner, the Council would amongst other things, have regard to: 

  • the learner’s age, ability and aptitude
  • any learning difficulties the person may have
  • the locations and times at which the education or training is provided
  • the nature of the route, or alternative routes, which the learner could reasonably be expected to take. 

5.3.5 For the purposes of deciding whether to provide free transport the Council would not consider it necessary, other than in exceptional circumstances, for a young adult learner to attend an additional Further Education course at the same level or equivalent where the learner had previously attended and completed a course at an establishment within the Further Education sector.

5.3.6 In all other cases transport provision for young adults with EHCP will be considered as discretionary, and a fee will be charged. Each case will be considered on its own merits.

6. What will transport cost (All Students)

6.1 All sixth form students who are entitled to support are expected to pay an annual contribution or fare towards the costs of their transport. The fares are listed in the Fees and Charges Book, which is reviewed and published every year.

6.2 This charging structure will apply to all sixth form students including those with EHCPs, no matter which sort of educational establishment they are attending, and to young adults with an EHCP where transport provision is provided under the discretionary powers.

6.3 Invoices will be sent out in the latter half of the Autumn term.

6.4 Where payment has not been made, or if paying by instalments, the account is in arrears at the end of the Spring Term (Easter break) transport may be withdrawn, and will not be reinstated until the arrears are paid in full.

6.5 Where a student pays for their transport and subsequently withdraws from the school or college and no longer requires the transport service, they shall be entitled to a refund for each whole term for which they have already paid. Refunds will not be payable for the balance of the term in which the student withdraws from the school or college

6.6 Mitigations

6.6.1 Payment by instalments
Details of flexible payment plans are available on the application form and on the Home to School Transport information page.

6.6.2 Low Income
Where a student qualifies on the grounds of low income then the contribution by the student will be discounted by 50%.

To be assessed as having a Low Income a student must:
i. reside within the administrative boundary of North Northamptonshire
ii. reside more than 3 miles from their nearest suitable educational establishment or training provider; and 
iii. have parents or a legal guardian (or are themselves) in receipt of one of the following benefits: 

  • Universal Credit
  • Income Support
  • Income based Jobseekers Allowance
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Child Tax Credit, provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual income as assessed by the Inland Revenue that does not exceed £16,190
  • Guaranteed element of state pension credit
  • Receipt of the maximum level of Working Tax Credit
  • Employment and Support Allowance (income related)
  • Entitled to free school meals 

6.6.3 Where the student has a low income and their EHCP identifies that they would be unable to access education without travel assistance then the fee may be remitted in full.

6.6.4 Where a school or college or parent have been making their own transport arrangements before the application was made for assistance, the Council and colleges will not agree to pay these costs retrospectively. 

6.6.5 Siblings
In cases where there are 2 or more siblings within a household who are both in Post-16 education and who are entitled to support under this policy, then consideration will be given to providing a discount of up to 50% for each additional sibling. Each case will be considered on its own merits and the decision of the assessing body is final.

7. What transport or travel assistance will be provided

7.1 The Council has a duty under Section 508A of the Education Act 1996 to promote the use of sustainable travel and transport.

7.2 The legislation permits local authorities to meet their duty in a range of alternative ways. The type of support offered will depend on the individual circumstances of the student, which will be assessed by the Council, school, FE college or training provider. The Council or other assessing body will normally opt to provide the service which provides best value for the Council and makes best use of resources.

7.3 The travel options which may be considered include, but is not limited to:

  • walking (alone or accompanied by parent or other adult supervisor)
  • walking bus (walking with other children or young people and adult supervisors)
  • cycling or scooting
  • bus or train pass for public transport
  • discounted travel schemes
  • parental mileage payments
  • personal budget
  • independent travel training
  • dedicated bus routes
    - with passenger assistant if required
  • minibus or shared MPV from pick up points
    - with passenger assistant if required
  • minibus or shared MPV from door to door
    - with passenger assistant if required
  • shared taxis
    - with passenger assistant if required
  • solo taxi
    - with passenger assistant if required

7.4 If the student is eligible for Transport Assistance but is unable to use public transport services or to travel independently, the Council will initially explore whether a parent or carer could provide transport in return for a mileage allowance or Personal Travel Budget.

7.5 The transport that will be available for eligible students is one return journey between the agreed point of pick-up and their main place of study at the beginning and end of each day during term time only. Where students have courses outside normal school hours, e.g. classes which run into the evening after the scheduled operating time for shared transport, they will be offered a mileage allowance or Personal Travel Budget.

7.6 Transport or travel assistance will only be provided to the campus or site where the young person is enrolled. 

Special arrangements may be made by the college for students where the course moves between campuses on a termly or similar basis.

7.7 Transport will not be provided between campuses or sites during the day. The organisation and cost of such transport will fall to the school or college or the student’s family.

7.8 Where a course includes a period of work experience or work placement there is an expectation that the young person will make their own way to that placement, or that the college placing the young person will make suitable arrangements for their transport.

7.9 Colleges may award financial support to help the student with their transport. The Council will undertake regular reviews of the decisions to award financial support for student transport made by FE colleges to ensure compliance with the policy and that decisions are consistent across all education and training establishments. 

7.10 Public Bus and Rail Services  
Where a student is entitled to support and their journey can reasonably be accommodated using existing public bus or rail, then the student will be expected to pay the Fare contribution towards the cost of their travel, subject to the outcome of any entitlement to mitigations as referred to in Section 5 above.

The cost of the pass will vary due to the number of different public transport providers operating throughout North Northamptonshire and the individual journey requirement of the student. The Council is working to secure fair and consistent pricing for student bus passes.

Where it is cheaper for the student to purchase a commercial pass direct rather than come through the Council or College scheme the student will be re-directed to the appropriate service provider. 

7.11  Disabled persons Bus Pass or Concessionary fares 
Young people with a disability may be entitled to free travel on local buses anywhere in England. This is from 9:30am to 11pm on weekdays, and all day at weekends and on bank holidays. The scheme has time restrictions imposed during the morning peak travel period. This means that young people are currently unable to take advantage of free travel on commercial services to access school or college in the morning, although they are able to travel free after 9:30am.

Where the student would be able to travel using their Freedom Card and / or it is cheaper for the student to purchase a commercial pass or bus ticket direct rather than come through the Council or College scheme the student will be re-directed to the appropriate service provider. More information and to apply for a Disabled Person’s Bus Pass.

7.12 Dedicated transport 
Where there is no public transport service available, or the public service is not suitable, the Council or its partners may offer a seat on a dedicated service. This could be on a bus, minibus or taxi as appropriate.

Wherever possible the vehicle will be shared between two or more students attending the same school or college. Students using transport services funded as part of this scheme will be expected to make their way to the nearest pick up point up to 1 mile away from the home address or destination, unless the route is not deemed suitable, or the student cannot reasonably be expected to get there due to their learning difficulty and / or disability. The definition of a suitable route will be the same as that used in determining suitable walking routes of children of statutory school age. See appendix [A]

7.13 Cycling or Scooting
It is highly recommended that users wear high visibility clothing and appropriate safety equipment, such as a helmet when cycling or scooting.

7.13.1 All students eligible for support under this scheme and who live over 3 miles from their place of study have the option to apply for a grant towards the cost of a bicycle (including a small maintenance allowance) for the primary purpose of travelling to and from their place of study. Students who successfully apply and receive this grant will be deemed to have been provided with satisfactory support for transport for the entire duration of their course. Cycle training will be provided, where requested.

7.13.2 For those 18 and over, Electrical scooters (also known as e-scooters) are available for hire in Corby, Kettering, Higham Ferrers and Rushden areas. The e-scooter and e-bike scheme in North Northamptonshire has been operated by Voi since December 2020.

E-scooters are classed as motor vehicles under the Road Traffic Act 1988. This means that the rules that apply to motor vehicles, also apply to e-scooters including the need to have a driving licence.

Users must:

  • be 18 or over, and,
  • hold a provisional or full driving licence, and
  • download the app from the website to book and manage rental

Further details can be obtained from Voi e-scooters and e-bikes.

The management company will check driving licences through the app before you can unlock an e-scooter.

Use of privately owned e scooters on public roads and footpaths remains illegal.

7.14 Independent Travel Training
A young person may be requested to take independent travel training where this is appropriate. Independent travel training is tailored and practical help for people with learning difficulties or disabilities to travel by public transport, on foot or by bike by working together with parents, students, schools, FE colleges and training providers. It aims to help children and young people travel independently and without fear so they can get to school or college, work and for social and leisure activities.

Whilst each programme will differ slightly, the Council are working to develop a comprehensive programme across North Northamptonshire area, working in partnership with education establishments to introduce training during the final 2 years of a student’s statutory education prior to commencing their further education.

Unreasonable refusal to take part in travel training may lead to withdrawal of travel support.

Students anticipating taking part in work experience as part of their course should be able to travel to and from their work placement without additional assistance except in the most exceptional circumstances.

7.15 Shared resources
The FE colleges and some schools operate subsidised transport schemes and students are advised to contact their chosen education provider directly to identify what additional support may be available.

The Council is currently working with Northamptonshire FE colleges to share contracted services, where these could broadly meet the journey requirements of the student. 

7.16 Other Transport Provision 
Where a school or FE college arranges the transport for their students under the Post 16 Partnership, they will be expected to use operators approved for Home to School Transport under the Council’s Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) and ensure that where appropriate, the provision of a taxi is shared with other students entitled to similar support. Operators who are members of the DPS will have gone through a series of checks and inspections to ensure that they meet the standards expected by the Council for the safe transport of young people to and from places of education.

Parents or carers of students who are entitled for support under this policy will be encouraged to provide transport in exchange for a mileage allowance or personal travel budget. Where a student is in receipt of the higher rate mobility component of the Disability Living Allowance then this may be used towards the cost of transport to and from school or FE College, including the cost of transport provided under this policy.

8. Out of Area Education Provision (Including Residential Placements)

8.1 For the purposes of assessing eligibility to transport or travel support, colleges within both North and West Northamptonshire are considered to be “In area” provision.

8.2 Colleges and schools outside North and West Northamptonshire are considered to be “Out of area”.

8.3 Transport assistance may be provided where the educational needs of a student with learning difficulties or disabilities cannot be addressed within North or West Northamptonshire and a suitable out of area establishment is identified by the Council.

8.4 There is still an expectation that the placement will be the nearest suitable school or college able to meet the needs of the young person. Students attending an out of area school through personal preference or choice where there is a nearer school or college offering a substantially same course in area will not receive assistance with transport.

9. Residential educational placements

9.1 Attendance at out of area education establishments may include weekly or termly boarding and the transport arrangements for each student will vary accordingly.

9.2 It is anticipated that parents and carers will want to transport their young person to Residential Placements themselves. This provides an opportunity for regular personal discussion between parent and carers and the staff at the residential provision. This arrangement must be agreed in advance with the Transport team at North Northamptonshire Council and mileage can be claimed at the agreed rate on a termly basis.

9.3 Where parent or carer transport is not possible, students on termly placements (i.e. 3 terms a year) will be provided with transport at the start and end of each term and half term holiday. In addition, a mileage allowance at the agreed rate may be claimed for one visit to the school each half term.

9.4 For weekly placements, transport will be provided at the beginning and end of each week, usually on a Monday morning and Friday afternoon.

9.5 The scheduling of transport will be agreed with the school, FE college or training provider, in conjunction with the parents and carers or young person and within the terms of the EHCP. 

10. Applying for post-16 travel support

10.1 How do I apply for Travel Assistance
How you apply will vary depending upon the educational establishment that you will be attending.

10.2 Attending Further Education College (FE College) in North Northamptonshire, (including Northampton College) and mainstream students for Tresham College.

If a student plans to attend or is attending one of the FE colleges in North Northamptonshire, including Moulton College and Tresham College (mainstream), or plans to attend or is attending Northampton College, the student should make a transport application directly to their FE College.

It is the responsibility of the parent(s) or guardian(s) or carer(s) and student to obtain an application form and apply for transport support. 

10.3 SEN Students attending Tresham College, all Students attending Sixth form placements at schools, all students attending colleges outside North Northamptonshire (other than Northampton College), and any other education provider.

SEN Students (students with an EHCP) who are attending Tresham College and all Students attending sixth form at a school, and all students attending FE Colleges which are outside of North Northamptonshire’s administrative boundary (other than Northampton College) should apply to direct to the Council by using the Post 16 application form above.

The Travel Assistance home page contains links to all transport policies and application forms.

11. When should I apply

11.1 You should apply as soon as your place at Post 16 has been confirmed. Priority for allocation of seats will be based upon the date that completed applications are received, subject to meeting the other eligibility criteria.

The sooner you can apply the more likelihood there is that the Council or College concerned will be able to put travel arrangements in place for the return to school or college in September.

11.2 The Post 16 Partnership appreciates that sometimes decisions about Post 16 placements cannot be made before the end of year 11 due to needing to wait for exam results etc.

11.3 If you are making an application to the Council after the end of May, please ensure that you have alternative transport arrangements in place in case all the spare seats have already been taken by the time your application is approved. North Northamptonshire Council will not be responsible for any travel costs incurred during this time.

11.4 Other dates may apply if you are applying direct to a College. Please see the relevant college prospectus and website to confirm deadlines.

12. How often will I need to reapply

12.1 Once awarded, transport or travel assistance for Post 16 students will remain in place for the remainder of that academic year only, unless notified otherwise in writing at the time of awarding transport.

You will therefore have to reapply for each year that you attend Sixth Form or College.

12.2 Please be aware that you will also need to reapply:

  • if you change your home address
  • if you change school or college (including campus)
  • if the needs of your young person change

12.3 Change of Address
When you move house, you will have to apply for a change to your transport. This is because the student’s eligibility may change or they may need to be moved to a different route or type of transport.

If your new address is outside North Northamptonshire, you will be directed to your new local council for future support. 

Where students with an EHCP move to another administrative area, their EHCP must be transferred to their new council, which has to review and adopt the plan. Be aware that this may delay approval of new arrangements. Students and families will need to make alternative transport arrangements in the meantime.

12.4 Change of school or college
Sometimes a young person may want or need to change their Sixth Form school or college part way through the year. If a young person changes school or college, parents should re-apply for transport or travel assistance, and eligibility will be assessed as set out above.

If parents or carers elect to move a pupil to a school that is not the nearest suitable to their home address then they will become responsible for the young person’s transport provision and costs, except in very exceptional cases, for example where the pupil concerned would be at serious risk of significant harm.

Bullying, poor educational achievement, and similar factors will not normally be considered as exceptional circumstances. 

12.5 Transport after an Exclusion and to Alternative Provision
In general, if a student has been excluded from a Sixth Form College the law and statutory guidance regarding exclusions does not apply, as these are only applicable to schools.

Therefore, except in exceptional circumstances, transport will not be provided to an Alternative Placement for those of Sixth Form age who have been excluded from their educational placement.

Exceptional circumstances might include referral to an Alternative provision for health or medical reasons.

13. Appeals and complaints

What is the difference between an appeal and a complaint?

There is a difference between an Appeal against a decision and a complaint because you feel that you have been mistreated or the service you have been offered is not good enough.

13.1 Complaints arise when you are unhappy with the service provided by the Council and / or its transport providers, for example, this might include consistent late running of a vehicle, a member of staff or a contractor being unhelpful or that there has been an unacceptable delay in resolving an issue.

If you are unhappy about something, then you are invited to make a formal complaint.

13.2  An Appeal is for when you feel that the wrong decision has been made and you would like it re-examined.

If you are unhappy with a decision which has been taken, for example your application for transport has been declined, and you think that decision was incorrect, you may submit an appeal.

You may challenge a decision on any or all of the following grounds:

  • eligibility – you believe that we have failed to take into account some significant factor in assessing whether your child is eligible for travel assistance
  • distance measurement between home and school
  • safety of the walking route between home and school
  • transport arrangements offered are not suitable for the child or young person’s needs

Please be aware that there is no right to challenge a decision where a young person’s entitlement to transport assistance has been removed on the grounds of unacceptable behaviour.

The appeals process

Stage 1 Appeal - Review of decision

You have 20 working days from the receipt of the transport decision to make a request for a review of the original decision.

The request should detail why the decision should be reviewed and give personal and / or family circumstances, which should be considered during the appeal process. You might like to include other documents to support your case.

These may include:

  • a recent medical report stating how the young person’s medical condition or disability negatively impacts on their ability to travel. This must be from a relevant consultant or specialist working with the family.
  • map evidence to show how you have calculated the walking distance
  • an independent report showing why you believe the route to be unsafe or
  • any other third party evidence you wish us to consider as part of the review.

A Senior Officer from the Transport team will review the original decision and will send you a letter detailing the outcome of the review within 20 working days of receipt of the written request.

This will set out the following information:

  • the decision reached
  • how the review was conducted
  • information about other departments and / or agencies consulted as part of the process
  • what factors were considered
  • the rationale for the decision reached
  • information about escalation to Stage 2, if appropriate

Stage 2 Appeal

If you are still not happy with the decision, you will have 20 working days from receipt of the Stage 1 decision, to make a request to escalate the matter to a formal appeal.

An independent appeal panel, made up of 3 representatives of the North Northamptonshire Council, will be convened to consider the appeal within 40 working days of receipt of your request.

No member of the appeal panel will have been involved in the original decision to decline transport assistance.

The independent appeal panel may consist of a combination of:

  • a councillor
  • an assistant director or their representative
  • a senior transport officer
  • another senior officer from outside the Transport team

An officer from democratic services may be asked to act as clerk to record the appeal decision.

This panel will consider verbal and written representations from both the parent and officers involved in the case.

You will be invited to attend the hearing to present your case. If you do not wish to attend or are unable to attend, the panel will make its decision based upon your written representations. As in Stage 1, you may present further recent evidence to support your case if you wish. The evidence from the original application and the Stage 1 review will be re-examined together with any new evidence that you have presented.

The Senior Officer from the Transport Team involved in the review of the decision at Stage 1 may also be invited to attend.

Within 5 working days of the hearing you will receive a letter or email, detailing the outcome of the appeal hearing, which will set out:

  • the nature of the decision reached
  • the rationale for the decision reached
  • how the review was conducted
  • information about other departments and / or agencies that were consulted as part of the process
  • what factors were considered
  • information about escalation to the Local Government Ombudsman if appropriate

To request a review or an appeal, email [email protected].

Local Government Ombudsman

There is a right of complaint to the Local Government Ombudsman on the grounds that there was a failure to comply with the procedural rules or there was an irregularity in the way the appeal was handled. 


Appendix A1

North Northamptonshire Council School Transport

Safety of Walking Routes (Built-up areas inc. in villages) 

When determining whether the Council should provide transport to schools on safety grounds, a number of criteria have to be considered in order to determine a route’s acceptability for pupils to walk. The criteria assume that pupils aged 4 to 11 will be accompanied by a responsible adult, and that pupils aged 11 or over may travel independently. The law expects that all pupils will be accompanied “as appropriate”. Pupils are expected to travel by the shortest available route. However, where that route is judged to be unacceptable longer alternatives may be considered provided that they are still within the agreed walking distance. 

The following are the criteria that must all be met for a route to be acceptable for use by child pedestrians in an urban or village environment.

1 Can the route be walked without walking on a classified1 road? 
If yes, the route may be acceptable. 
If no, the route is unacceptable. 
2 Is the 85th percentile speed2 more than the guidelines for enforcement3? 
If yes, the route is unacceptable. 
If no, the route may be acceptable. 
3 Are there formal crossing facilities4 available on A class roads as required? 
If no, the route is unacceptable. 
If yes, the route may be acceptable. 

In measuring the speed of vehicles to apply criterion 2, only the data collected on schooldays between 0700hrs and 0900hrs and between 1500hrs and 1700hrs will be taken into account.

The route will be considered acceptable if the average speed of 85% of traffic over the week during the stated times is below the enforcement guidelines. If a route appears to meet all of the criteria, it will be deemed to be acceptable. Should a decision be challenged, a site visit would be made to verify that no exceptional circumstances exist. 

1 Class A, B or C. 
2 The speed which 85% of vehicles does not exceed. 
3 As determined by the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO). 
4 School Crossing Patrols, pedestrian refuges, zebra, pelican or other light-controlled crossings.

Appendix A2

North Northamptonshire Council School Transport

Safety of Walking Routes (Village to Village Routes)

When determining whether the Council should provide transport to schools on safety grounds, a number of criteria have to be considered in order to determine a route’s acceptability for pupils to walk. The criteria assume that pupils aged 4 to 11 will be accompanied by a responsible adult, and that pupils aged 11 or over may travel independently. The law expects that all pupils will be accompanied “as appropriate”. Pupils are expected to travel by the shortest available route. However, where that route is judged to be unacceptable longer alternatives may be considered provided that they are still within the agreed walking distance.

The following are the criteria that must all be met for a route to be acceptable for use by child pedestrians.

1 Is the route classified as Red or Amber1 by the Highway Authority? 
If yes, the route is unacceptable. 
If no, the route may be acceptable.
2 Can the route be walked without walking on a classified2 road? 
If yes, the route may be acceptable. 
If no, the route is unacceptable.
3 Is the traffic flow over 1,000 vehicles in the peak hour? 
If yes, the route is unacceptable. 
If no, the route may be acceptable.
4 Is the 85th percentile speed3 more than the guidelines for enforcement4? 
If yes, the route is unacceptable. 
If no, the route may be acceptable.
5 Are there formal crossing facilities 5 available on A class roads as required? 
If no, the route is unacceptable. 
If yes, the route may be acceptable. 

In measuring the speed of vehicles to apply criterion 4, only the data collected on schooldays between 0700hrs and 0900hrs and between 1500hrs and 1700hrs will be taken into account.

The route will be considered acceptable if the average speed of 85% of traffic over the week during the stated times is below the enforcement guidelines. If a route appears to meet all of the criteria it will be deemed to be acceptable. Should a decision be challenged, a site visit would be made to verify that no exceptional circumstances exist. 

1 Under the Casualty Reduction Strategy, all roads in the county are classified Red, Amber or Green on the basis of their overall accident record. 
2 Class A, B or C. 
3 The speed which 85% of vehicles do not exceed. 
4 As determined by the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO). 
5 School Crossing Patrols, pedestrian refuges, zebra, pelican or other light-controlled crossings.

Appendix A3

North Northamptonshire Council 

Low Income Criteria for Extended Rights Home to School Transport 

If you are in receipt of any of the following, your child may be eligible for free Home to School Transport under the extended right legislation. You also need to meet the other qualifying criteria set out in section 1 of the Home to School Transport and Travel Assistance Policy. 

Below is the Low Income qualifying criteria which is the same as for free school meals for children in year 3 or above: 

  • Income Support
  • Income based Job Seekers Allowance
  • Income related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Child Tax Credit, with no element of Working Tax Credit, and a household income below £16,190 (as assessed by HM Revenue and Customs)
  • Guarantee Element of State Pension Credit
  • Universal Credit 

A child must reside with the applicant to receive free school meals.

College contacts

Moulton College

Moulton College Transport 01604 491131 Option 4
Email: [email protected]
Transport Coordinator - Derek Fox
EHCP Transport Admin - Colette Robinson

Tresham College

Telephone: 01536 413232
Email: [email protected]
Website: Tresham College website

Northampton College

Telephone: 01604 736200
Website: Northampton College website

SEND Information Advice Support Service

Telephone: 0300 373 2532
Email: [email protected]

Local Offer

Education Health and Care Plan teams

Journey Planning

Road Safety Tips

Main Local Bus Operators

Train Operators



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E scooters

Read the travel assistance code of conduct.

North Northamptonshire Council will guarantee a seat on one of our existing contracted transport services for a student where an application is received on or before the 3 Friday in May prior to the September of that academic year.

Guaranteed seats will not be available for applications received after that time, and will then be subject to availability which will be considered once all statutory students have been allocated. Please note that this may not be processed until the October half term and parents will be responsible for taking their child alongside any associated costs.

In submitting an application form by the aforementioned date, parents/legal guardians will be committing to purchasing a seat for the full academic year at a cost of £600. Regrettably discounts, of any kind, will not be available if transport is used for only part of the year (i.e. passed their driving test etc.).

Only in circumstances where a family moves home and transport is no longer required will consideration be given to refunding the remaining full school terms of transport costs, if the yearly payment option has been chosen. If you opt to pay monthly, the refund will be based on the amount paid to date as well as the term in which transport ceases.

Applications which are not required prior to the commencement of the academic year to which it refers, must be cancelled by emailing [email protected] as soon as possible.

However, if we have already dispatched a bus pass, you will be liable for any costs until it is returned and received in the Post 16 Travel Scheme office along with a covering letter.

Where transport is no longer required after the academic year has commenced, you must notify us in writing, specifying the reason for the cancellation and the last date of travel; where a bus pass has been issued, this must accompany the letter.

Read more about cancelling applications.

It is important to remember that until we receive the letter of cancellation, and where applicable, the bus pass, you will still be liable for any costs incurred. If the school issue their own bus passes, please state this on the letter of cancellation so that we can notify the school’s administration department accordingly. Consideration should be given to returning the bus pass by recorded/signed for post.

Your application is assessed on the address and educational establishment on the form. Should you move address or educational establishment we will require a new form so we may reassess your application and there is no guarantee of transport arrangements being able to be rearranged. Should this be the case then it will be the parents’/legal guardians’ responsibility for transport provision and costs incurred.

To qualify for transport you will need to ensure you meet the eligibility criteria set out below.


The scheme is available for students who:

  • are over 16 years of age on or before 31 August of that year, but under 19 years of age on or before 31 August of that year
  • live more than 3 miles walking distance from their designated or nearest school, college or training establishment and
  • attending on a full time basis (12 hours or more per week)

Students who qualify on grounds of low income

The contribution of £600 will be reduced by 50% (£300) for students whose parents’/legal guardians’ are in receipt of any of the following benefits:

  • are on Income Support
  • are on Income Based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • support under Part VI of the Immigration & Asylum Act 1999
  • are on Child Tax Credit, provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual income, as assessed by the Inland Revenue, that does not exceed £16,190 guaranteed element of state pension credit
  • entitled to free school meals
  • families in receipt of the maximum level of Working Tax Credit will also be entitled to financial support - (If you are receiving the maximum level of Working Tax Credit, your documentation will show £0.00 for “Reduction due to your income” as shown in the working tax credit elements example below)
  • are on Employment and Support Allowance (Income-Related)
  • are on Universal Credit

Working Tax Credit elements

Basic from 06/04 to 05/04 the following year (1 year)£1111.11
Total Working Tax Credit elements (other than childcare)£1111.11
Reduction due to your income£ 0.00
Amount for the period£1111.11

Current and Full original documentary evidence i.e. all pages of your benefit documentation must be provided in all cases and should accompany the application form. These documents will then be returned. The regulations stipulate that the parents/legal guardians of children who qualify on grounds of low income are obliged to notify this office immediately if their benefits change or cease.

If you are on low income or in receipt of free school meals, you may be entitled to bursary funding which is available from the establishment attended. Please note that this is not administered in this office.

How the scheme works

North Northamptonshire Council will withhold any application where there is an outstanding debt in relation to the pupil or their siblings until the account is cleared in full.

NB. Please also be aware that non-payment of an invoice will result in a debt collection agency being notified to recover any monies which remain outstanding.

If your application is successful, you will receive an invoice prior to the start of the academic year, if you have applied by the deadline for guaranteed transport, for £600 if the yearly payment option has been chosen, or on a monthly basis over a six month period where the monthly payment option has been selected. Payments should be made within 28 days as specified on the invoice.

The Council reserves the right to withdraw the entitlement to travel where invoices are not paid on time and or the misuse of the travel facilities or bus pass. In these circumstances North Northamptonshire Council will have the right to recover any costs it has incurred as a result of the afore-mentioned misuse. Acceptance of the transport indicates that you accept the “Code of Conduct” and where applicable, the “Conditions of Use” printed on the reverse of the bus pass. Any misuse of the “Code of Conduct” and or “Conditions” e.g. misbehaviour etc. could render the transport invalid and no refund will be given.

Parents/Legal Guardians and students are required to read and adhere to the “Code of Conduct”.

Applications received after the third Friday in May of that academic year are hereby known as non-guaranteed seats. If your child is allocated a non-guaranteed seat under the scheme, we must inform you that, should a new application by a statutory entitled pupil be received, it may be necessary to withdraw the offer of the non-guaranteed seat that your child occupies giving you up to 14 days’ notice in writing. A pro rata refund of any fees paid would then be given and you would be required to make alternative transport arrangements.

Payment information

An invoice will be issued to all successful applicants and this will detail the methods of payment on the reverse. If you have any queries regarding payment options please email [email protected] providing your name, phone number and query and we will endeavour to contact you as soon as possible.

Late payment interest

As appropriate, and in accordance with the “Late Payment of Commercial Debt (Interest) Act 1998”, the Council reserves the right to levy a charge for interest and compensation for late payment of commercial invoices.

Additional information

There are occasions when Northamptonshire Highways Operational Team, or external operators need to cancel transport e.g. adverse weather, issues involving internal recourses i.e. passenger assistants/drivers/vehicles. Every effort is made to ensure this does not happen but should it be unavoidable it is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to transport the student to and from education and there will be no reimbursement for costs incurred. Every effort is made to restore the transport arrangements as soon as possible.

Please be aware that should transport no longer be required for qualifying statutory age students, current journeys will be cancelled as a consequence, under these circumstances, the processing of the application may be delayed until the statutory transport requirements are confirmed.

If you have a query with regards to the bus pass issued or you have a concern about the service being provided, please email [email protected].

If you require a replacement pass you can apply online.

Other transport support for post-16 students

We will also take receipt of 16 to 19 bursary funding into account in assessing an individual’s need for financial help with transport.

Where a person receives a benefit to facilitate their mobility needs (e.g. Personal Independence Payment (PIP) or Disability Living Allowance, where this includes the higher rate mobility element) we may explore whether this can be used to support their transport needs to and from education or training for which a mileage rate will be paid.

Each case will be considered on its own merits.

We are working together with key partners to enable access to further education and training courses for 16 to 18 year olds. The following colleges offer support:

Northampton College

Northampton College sell subsidised bus passes where a student is eligible (under 19, more than 3 miles from site of study, on a full-time course).

Students can apply to the bursary for transport support where there is a household income below £26,000 or income based benefits.

They also sell stagecoach bus passes for use on public bus services.

Email: [email protected]

Moulton College

Moulton College operates a comprehensive subsidised transport network throughout Northamptonshire, allowing students access to the main college and all of its out centres.


If an application for free travel assistance is declined, parents may appeal by submitting a form to escalate the matter to a Stage One Appeal.

Find out more about the appeals process.

Last updated 15 October 2024