Becoming a councillor

Running for election

Party icon

Party or independent

Decide if you want to represent a political party or be independent. You'll need to go through the party's selection process if you want to represent a political party

Issues icon

The issues

Decide what you want to campaign about including your views and opinions about local issues and how you will work for your community

Form icon


To officially stand for election you need to complete your nomination forms and return them to us - we need to have received these by 4pm on Wednesday 2 April

Electoral agent icon

Election agents

Decide if you want an election agent by the nomination deadline. They will manage your campaign and finances. 

If you don't nominate anyone, you will automatically become your own agent

Campaigning icon


Speak to the electorate about you're standing for - you need to stick to certain rules when campaigning including having spending limits

Voting icon


Residents will vote on Thursday 1 May 2025

Results icon


As a candidate you can attend the count. You can have counting agents to help you monitor the count.

This takes place on Friday 2 May 2025 (Saturday 3 May for town and parish council elections)

Declaration of spending icon

Wrapping up your campaign

Whether you win or lose, you'll need to complete a declaration and spending return

Last updated 21 January 2025