Your Voice Matters…consultation launched on air quality in North Northamptonshire
Environment14 March 2024

North Northamptonshire Council is asking for views on proposals to maintain good air quality and tackle poorer air quality in areas of traffic congestion.
The consultation focusses on two documents - the draft local air quality strategy and the draft air quality supplementary planning document.
Local authorities across England have been asked by DEFRA to publish a local air quality strategy.
The draft strategy contains a list of proposed measures that NNC are taking and will take in the future, to maintain and improve good air quality, alongside other stakeholders.
Measures include:
- Promoting and providing infrastructure for electric vehicles and active travel
- Dealing with traffic congestion
- Bus improvement plan
- Carbon management measures
- Domestic burning restrictions
- Taxi licencing policy for NetZero vehicles
The draft air quality supplementary planning document supports the aims and objectives of the local air quality strategy. If approved, it will ensure a more consistent approach to reducing air pollution arising from new developments across North Northamptonshire.
The good news is that air quality in rural and urban areas of North Northamptonshire is predominately very good and is considered acceptable in our town centres. But we can always do more, and these two documents are designed to ensure air quality standards continue to be met in our communities.Cllr Harriet Pentland, the council’s Executive Member for Climate and Green Environment
Feedback is welcomed on the initiatives published in both documents and you are also encouraged to suggest ideas for improving air quality in North Northants.
If approved, the draft air quality supplementary planning document will ensure a consistent approach for new developments across North Northants. The document includes requirements such as ensuring outdoor space is located away from busy roads and there is green infrastructure and planting.Cllr David Brackenbury, the council’s Executive Member for Growth and Regeneration
Local authorities have a legal obligation to monitor, assess and act to improve on air pollution levels and our aim is to ensure our levels stay below government’s legal limits.Jason Smithers, Leader of the Council
But we can’t do this alone and I would encourage everyone to have a read through the documents and have your say. Responses will then be considered by Executive later in 2024.
A summary of responses will be considered to inform whether changes should be made to the draft local air quality strategy and air quality supplementary planning document and proposed final versions considered by Executive for adoption.
Your voice matters…
All consultation and engagement activities can be viewed online via North Northamptonshire Council’s Consultation and Engagement Hub and the local air quality strategy consultation will be open until 7 April.
If you would like to make any comments or share ideas relating to the Draft Local Air Quality Strategy or Air Quality Supplementary Planning Document you can do so via email at: [email protected] or by writing to Air Quality Consultation, Environmental Protection Team, North Northamptonshire Council, Sheerness House, 41Meadow Road, Kettering, NN16 8TL