Where to find 'Warm Spaces' in communities across North Northamptonshire
04 December 2023

North Northamptonshire Council recognises that it will be unaffordable for many residents to heat their homes for as long as they would do normally. That’s why they are both running and supporting what is termed the Warm Spaces initiative.
Warm Spaces provide somewhere a person who needs to get warm can go to, for free, to enjoy warmth, have a hot drink and socialise if they choose to.
This year a total of 50 community organisations, volunteer groups and public bodies have opened their doors, to give their time, and share their resources with local residents to provide a safe, warm and welcome space. There are 12 in Wellingborough, 17 in Kettering, 14 in East Northants and seven in Corby.
The council has added map of Warm Spaces across North Northamptonshire on their website but need your help in spreading the message. If you know someone who you think might benefit, but doesn’t have access to the internet, please let them know about their nearby Warm Spaces. orting our communities is always our priority and that is why, during this cost of living
Supporting our communities is always our priority and that is why, during this cost of living crisis, we are taking urgent, and tangible action to ensure that our residents are supported.Cllr Jason Smithers, Leader of North Northamptonshire Council
Residents can attend for activities at these locations without any need to discuss their personal circumstances, which will help reduce the stigma that often exists around poverty and asking for support.
When people enter a warm space they do so with a guarantee they will be treated with respect and dignity, without judgement and in confidence.
We have been delighted with the keen response we have had from our partners to continue and grow the Warm Space network for the winter ahead.Councillor Helen Harrison, Executive Member for Adults, Health and Wellbeing
This Winter will be a difficult time for many, both in terms of physical health and mental health, which is why both North Northamptonshire Libraries and Community Libraries are being supported to signpost residents to Public Health’s free health and wellbeing services. Health and wellbeing advisors will also be on hand at many of the library Warm Space sessions.