Wellbeing event held for HGV drivers
Health and wellbeing01 November 2022
North Northamptonshire Council (NNC) have teamed up with partners for a wellbeing event for HGV drivers who use the Welcome Break Rothwell Truck Stop.
The event, held on Thursday 27 October, tied in with National Lorry Week and followed on from a successful event earlier in the year.
At the previous event, Officers from NNC’s Public Health, Community Wellbeing and Environmental Health teams worked in partnership with Welcome Break and the Road Haulage Association to support the wellbeing of the drivers. During the session, drivers could come and chat to the team, have their blood pressure check and use the body composition scales.
Last week, there were stands from a series of partners including Northamptonshire Sport, Kettering Mind, University of Northampton, the NHFT’s Sexual Health Outreach team, Living Well Taking Control and Public Health, who had a variety of mental health and smoking cessation information and brought back the blood pressure checkers and scales.
Feedback at the event from lorry drivers included what a good idea it was to have an event targeted at lorry drivers - something most of those who attended had never seen or heard of before, how refreshing it was to be able to voice opinions and be listened to and that the organisations really cared about the health and wellbeing of lorry drivers.
It is great that we are able to work with partners on an events that we hope will make a real difference to people’s lives, especially as we know this demographic tends to be overlooked.Cllr Helen Harrison, the council’s Executive Member for Adults, Health and Wellbeing
At both events, we have received really positive feedback and engagement from drivers, which is really encouraging to hear.
As a Council, we have a commitment to support everyone across North Northamptonshire and, in this case, that includes those passing through the area. I am pleased that these events have been so successful, and it is excellent to hear that our Officers and partners were so well received.Cllr Jason Smithers, Leader of the Council
Attendees also received a wallet sized card full of information, including details of nationally available resources which Welcome Break are looking at the possibility of rolling out wider across the country.
The Z-Cards the council have produced are a great innovative way to support drivers with their health and wellbeing, using the national resources included will be a huge benefit for drivers, something simple and to keep in their wallets.Dave Newman, Commercial Income Manager for Welcome Break
Those in attendance were encouraged to complete a questionnaire, with the results now being analysed and all the feedback received, NNC, Welcome Break, RHA and partners will use this for future initiatives and events to support this demographic.