Traffic safety measures on Executive agenda
Parking, roads and transport13 April 2023
Measures to improve safety for pedestrians along George Street in Corby will be discussed at next week’s meeting of North Northamptonshire Council’s Executive.
Following a previous phase which looked at the safety of pedestrians across a section of George Street and saw the upgrade of an existing zebra crossing and the introduction of a tiger crossing, alongside other changes, a second phase is proposed to introduce enforcement cameras along a small section of George Street.
If approved, the works will improve the accessibility, mobility and safety for pedestrians and cyclists.
Executive will be asked to discuss and decide whether to:
- Approve the replacement of the existing Traffic Regulation Order governing the main crossing in George Street to operate Monday to Saturday between 8am to 6pm restricting access to buses, taxis and cyclists only
- Approve the introduction of enforcement with the use of Automatic Number Plate Recognition to seek to improve the safety for pedestrians
This proposal reflects the comments and concerns we have received from residents about the safety of George Street in Corby.Cllr Graham Lawman, the council’s Executive Member for Highways, Travel and Assets
If approved, the plans would see a decrease in the number of vehicles using this particular stretch of road, which would bring multiple benefits to the area including the safety enhancements, alongside improved air quality and environment for pedestrians, whilst still allowing vehicles to access Everest Lane and Cardigan Place.
We are aware there are other areas of North Northants which are suffering from similar issues, which is why the report also proposes that £25,000 is utilised to undertake investigation, traffic studies and feasibility works for further schemes across North Northants.Cllr Jason Smithers, Leader of the Council
I look forward to discussing these proposals with members later this month.
The project will be funded through the Accelerated Fund, which is part of the Town Fund.
NNC’s Executive will meet on Thursday 20 April at 10am at the Cube in Corby. The papers are available online and the meeting will be livestreamed on YouTube.