Teens’ sky-high vision gets funding boost to deliver skate ramp for Burton Latimer


23 February 2024

Young people of Burton Latimer have had a major boost after the dream of two local teenagers got off the ground with a funding boost.

A partnership between North Northamptonshire Council and Burton Latimer Town Council successfully secured a £40,000 grant from the FCC Communities Foundation. 

The money will be used to build a new skate facility – complete with a specialist purpose built twin ramp - at the King George IV Recreation Ground, Burton Latimer.

The driving force of the project came from two thirteen-year-olds Alfie Brown and Jamie Neyland after they spent months of hard work lobbying support for the scheme of several hundred local people, including North Northamptonshire Council and Burton Latimer Town, who part-funded the new ramp. 

The boys have shown a real entrepreneurial spirit to help bring improvements to their community and this is really to be applauded. The skate ramp is a tremendous asset to the town.

I would also like to thank our ward councillor Cllr Jan O’Hara who played a major part in taking forward the funding bid as well as our own grounds maintenance team, which has been key to the project.
Cllr Matt Binley, North Northamptonshire Council’s Executive Member for Highways, Travel and Assets
These boys have done a wonderful job in getting this project moving forward and are an inspiration to us all in showing determination to make a difference in their home town.

I would like to thank everyone in involved - we are looking forward to seeing the new skate facility will take shape over the coming weeks.
Jason Smithers, Leader of North Northamptonshire Council
We were really struck by the determination of the two boys and their sheer hard work in gaining so much local support for the new skate facility. We always seek to fund projects that are driven by the needs of local communities and this is clearly one of those.Richard Smith, Senior Grant Manager at FCC Communities Foundation