This article is more than 1 year old

Statement on green waste decision deferral

Bins, recycling and street cleansing

15 July 2022

Garden leaves being raked up

The Executive agreed to defer the decision relating to the future provision of green waste at its meeting on 14 July.

It is anticipated that a report on the options will come back to Executive in September this year.

We have listened to feedback and the extra time will provide more opportunity to listen to resident’s views and to look at the options in more detail, including careful consideration at the council’s scrutiny meetings.

We are aware however that whilst the delay provides more opportunity to look at the options, it also provides a longer period of uncertainty for those residents who are currently paying a subscription charge for the service.

We would like to reassure residents who are currently subscribing to the service that fairness and equity of any future approach is essential. The need for a consistent service was a very clear message that came out of the consultation and something that we are committed to.

Until a decision is made on how the council proceeds with the service the current approach will remain. Once a decision has been made by the Executive, we will explore the impact that may have on existing subscription users in the East Northamptonshire area and consider the next steps.