On the right track… views sought on Corby walk and cycle routes
Walking and cycling30 August 2023
Following a consultation in 2022, North Northamptonshire Council is seeking views on a draft Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan for Corby.
The plan has been developed with specialist transport consultants, WSP and Brightwayz, and looks at proposed routes and corridors across Corby. NNC are asking for feedback on the routes, which routes should be prioritised and comments on the proposals.
Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIPs) provide a strategic approach to identifying cycling and walking improvements at local level. The ten-year walking and cycling plan outlines proposals for a network of safe routes across the area including dedicated cycle infrastructure, new footways, safer crossing, traffic calming and locations for cycle parking.
It is great that we are now at the stage in developing the LCWIP for Corby where we can ask for feedback on proposed routes.Cllr Matt Binley, the council’s Executive Member for Highways, Travel and Assets
Active travel, which includes walking and cycling, is an essential component of creating a sustainable transport infrastructure across North Northants. But we can’t do this without residents and stakeholder’s input, so please do take a look and let us know your priorities and comments for the proposed 6 cycle routes and 13 walking routes.
Having the right infrastructure in place is vital and has countless benefits, including reducing car journeys and helping people live a more active lifestyle, which is why I am pleased we are moving forward with the LCWIP for Corby and refining routes and plans.Cllr Jason Smithers, Leader of the Council
Following feedback, the draft report will be reviewed by the Executive for adoption by NNC.
The consultation is open until 27 September and can be viewed via NNC’s consultation hub.
This project is separate to the Corby Towns Fund work on the Corby Station Link road, which will be consulted on again later in the year, however it would sit within the scope of the wider LCWIP.