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Proposed primary school relocation to Glenvale Park Development to be considered at Executive Meeting next week

09 November 2023

Members of North Northamptonshire Council’s (NNC) Executive will meet next week to consider the proposed relocation of a Wellingborough primary school to the brand new school building at the Glenvale Park site.

Earlier in the year a panel reviewed and assessed expressions of interest applications from Little Harrowden Primary School and Wilby CEVA Primary School. 

Following a rigorous interview process, a recommendation was put forward by the panel that Wilby CEVA Primary should be the school to relocate to the Glenvale Park site to coincide with the start of term in September 2024. 

A formal 30-day public consultation was launched and was live from 5th September to 5th October 2023 and received 204 responses. The findings of the public consultation will be considered at the Executive Meeting on 16th November.

Executive Members will review the results of the consultation and the proposal recommendations which are: 

  • The relocation will support children and young people and their families to access high quality sustainable education facilities that enable the achievement of the best outcomes. 
  • The relocation will ensure the delivery of sufficient suitable school places that meet the needs of the community now and in the future.  
  • To ensure effective and efficient use of the education estate to meet the needs of all pupils.
We need to make sure that we arrive at the best decision which is why it was so important that we gathered as many views as possible. We will now review the recommendations and endeavour to make the best decision for the children and parents of the school.Cllr Scott Edwards – Executive Member for Children, Families, Education and Skills
We encouraged as many people as possible to take part in the consultation. We will now make an informed choice with the best interests of the children and their education at the heart of our decision.Jason Smithers, Leader of North Northamptonshire Council

If the relocation of Wilby CEVA Primary School to the Glenvale Park Development is approved, then the formal Department for Education (DfE) process of making a significant change to a maintained school will commence. Simultaneously, the necessary preparations and planning for the relocation will begin immediately.

Families from the Glenvale Park Development with primary aged children will be able to apply for a school place as part of the normal NNC admissions process.