Over one million miles ridden on Voi e-scooters in North Northamptonshire in two years since scooter trials started
Buses and transport06 March 2023

People in north Northamptonshire have ridden over one million miles on e-scooters since Voi scooters were introduced in the county two years ago.
E-scooter trials were set up in Kettering, Burton Latimer, Wellingborough, Corby and Rushden and Higham Ferrers in February and March 2021 - and since then they’ve gone from strength to strength.
Over 37,000 people have taken over 1 million rides on e-scooters, covering a distance of 1.05 million miles around north Northamptonshire.
The e-scooter trial in Northampton was set up over a year earlier, in September 2020, since when there have been 2.4 million rides, covering 3.7 million miles.
According to independent research into the economic impact of e-scooters on Northamptonshire’s economy, the trial schemes are expected to boost high street spending in the county by more than £7.6 million for the duration of the trial schemes.
A survey of people using Voi scooters in Northamptonshire found that 50% of riders were using them at least once a week and 27.12% of riders scoot between once a month and a few times a month.
Just under 58% of riders use e-scooters for journeys of up to 15 minutes a day, the survey revealed.
Over 53% of riders said they are using Voi e-scooters to travel to places they previously couldn’t because the journey was either too long, too expensive or because there wasn’t public transport available for the journey.
The Northamptonshire e-scooter scheme has just been shortlisted in two categories in this year’s LGC awards, which celebrate excellence in local government, beating hundreds of other entries.
North Northamptonshire Council put in for the public-private sector partnership category and West Northamptonshire Council submitted an entry in the climate response category for its partnerships with Voi and Liberty Charge offering sustainable travel options in Northampton.
It’s great to see that so many people are using our e-scooters in Northamptonshire.Jack Samler, regional general manager for Voi UK, Ireland and France
“People who ride our scooters enjoy being able to beat traffic jams and get to work, the shops or college without causing congestion or pollution.
Travelling by e-scooter is easy, safe and affordable, as so many people in Northamptonshire have realised.
We are now two years into the scheme running across North Northamptonshire, with an extension to March 2024.Cllr Graham Lawman, North Northamptonshire Council’s Executive Member for Highways, Travel and Assets
I am so pleased that we have so many riders using the scheme regularly; in fact, more than a third of riders are using the Voi e-scooters as part of their daily commute, which is great to see and will make such a difference to the environment, reducing car traffic and making additional work places accessible.
As we mark this key milestone, I would also like to take this opportunity to remind users of the importance of safety whilst out and about and that we advise riders to wear helmets when travelling by Voi e-scooter and not to ride on the pavement.
One of the features of the scheme has been the collaboration with Voi in improved safety and reporting of misuse.
I’m delighted that we have been short-listed in the LGC awards in recognition of our partnership.
We have a good working relationship with Voi and have regular meetings with them to receive updates and identify any issues that need addressing.Matt O’Connell, Northamptonshire Police safer roads team manager
We have also been able to create a reporting mechanism which allows us to notify them of any riders we stop for inappropriate riding.
The scooters have been well-received by many in the county who use them to travel in a greener and more cost-effective way.