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Online survey will create snapshot of Houses of Multiple Occupancy in North Northants

19 July 2022

North Northamptonshire Council logo

North Northamptonshire Council is asking residents, landlords and others to help understand the views and experiences of people regarding Houses in Multiple Occupation, or ‘HMOs', in the North Northants area.

The Council recognise that HMOs play an important part in the housing market and provide a vital resource for many people. The survey is to help establish an accurate picture of how many HMOs there are, what living conditions are like and the experiences of local people.

Understanding the picture assists with planning policy and also developing service provision in the area.

For people living in HMOs the survey asks about their experience, what issues they’ve had and how they have been resolved.

The survey is also for landlords and other members of the public and seeks views on whether there are additional HMOs in the area that the Council is not already aware of.

“Creating a clearer picture of where HMOs are in our area and understanding the demand and any issues, they may create helps us enormously in planning services.

“I would encourage as many as people as possible to take part in the survey. I look forward to seeing the results.”
Cllr David Brackenbury, the council’s Executive Member for Growth and Regeneration
“Creating safer better connected communities is a priority for the council and making sure we have the right information in place to help us to do this is very important.”Cllr Jason Smithers, Leader of the Council

HMOs are properties rented out by more than two people who are not from the same family or household but share basic facilities like a kitchen or bathroom. 

It does not include self-contained flats where none of the facilities are shared, but includes houses containing bedsits, hostels and shared houses.

Results of this survey will help make recommendations for policy and service changes to improve the council’s corporate approach to HMOs and ensure the highest standards of licensing and strong governance.

This survey closes at 11.59pm on September 9, 2022.