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Maintenance works planned for Rothwell Road, Kettering

Roadworks, major projects, plans and strategies

23 February 2023

Image of traffic cones at a road closure

Road users in Kettering will soon benefit from improved road surface as maintenance works start from this weekend.

Given the proximity to Kettering General Hospital, works will only take place on Sunday afternoons and evenings. Works will begin on Rothwell Road on Sunday 26 February until Sunday 23 April (excluding 9 April and 16 April) and between 12pm - 9pm to improve the structural stability of the road and increase skid resistance. Works will include resurfacing the road, new road markings and high friction surfacing. Gullies will also be cleaned to make best use of the road closure and minimise future disruption.

During the works, the road will be closed to through traffic, with a diversion in place.

This essential work on our highways network is part of our additional £1.5m Investment Plan to improve the roads across North Northamptonshire. Rothwell Road in Kettering is a busy, well-used road, so it is important that these repairs take place to ensure that the road is fit for purpose and the volume of traffic. We understand that there will be some inconvenience – which is why the works take place on Sundays - and appreciate everyone’s patience during the works.Cllr Graham Lawman, NNC’s Executive Member for Highways, Travel and Assets
I am pleased we have been able to use some of the additional £1.5m we have allocated to improving roads and verges across the area to help with these works.  We are working with the local hospital to ensure that vital access is still possible for hospital visitors, emergency vehicles and residents. I would ask that anyone checks before they travel and allow extra time for the diversion.Cllr Jason Smithers, Leader of the Council

Access to Kettering General Hospital and for residents

Resurfacing works will be split into two section - Northfield Avenue to the hospital entrance and then from the hospital entrance to the ambulance entrance. Traffic Marshalls will direct traffic during the road closure, but drivers are asked to follow all signs and allow plenty of time for your journey.

Emergency vehicles will be able to access the hospital at all times, using an alternative entrance separate to the works.

More information about the road closure.

Updates will be published on the NNC Highways Twitter and Facebook.