Long-term future of Corby recycling site to be discussed by North Northamptonshire Council

Find a Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC)

05 September 2024

Maintaining the long-term future of Corby’s household waste recycling centre will be discussed at a meeting of North Northamptonshire’s Executive next week.

Recommendations are to extend the lease at the current Kettering Road site for up to 25 years from when it is due to expire on 1 March, 2025.

The new lease would also give the council an option to extend the area of the current site if required, subject to planning permission.

Another recommendation is for a business case to be prepared for potential future investment at the facility.

A great deal of work has gone into looking at various options for the long-term provision of a recycling facility in Corby and this is by far the preferred choice in terms of continuity of service and the potential to expand.

This is a greatly used facility and one of four which we have in North Northamptonshire that provide a vital service for our residents.
Cllr Matt Binley, the Council’s Executive Member for Highways, Travel and Assets

The Council has four Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs) which are operated on a legacy contract which ends on 31 March, 2025. The Council is currently engaged in a procurement exercise for future operation and management of the HWRCs from 1 April, 2025, with contract award expected in December 2024.

Principal terms have been reached to secure a new lease for the current site footprint, with a 25-year lease being negotiated with an option to break the lease at 15 years, and subsequent three-yearly breaks, with a right to renew at the end of the lease term.

Our HWRCs play an important role in helping our residents manage the waste they produce as well as helping to boost recycling.

Our HWRCs are greatly valued by our residents and what we’re proposing offers a great long-term provision, which also is the most cost effective for the tax-payer.
Jason Smithers, Leader of the Council