Last chance to have your say on adult social care strategy
Adult social care09 January 2023
People are being reminded that a consultation on a transformation strategy for North Northamptonshire Council’s in-house adult social care provider services will be closing shortly.
More information about the consultation – which closes at midnight on Sunday, January 15 – and details on how to have a say are available on the council’s website.
The strategy proposes that the focus of these services will be to provide reablement, enablement and developing independence, moving away from the provision of longer-term support. It aims to make the direct delivery of the council’s provider services fit for the future.
It also aims to further improve pay for care staff and is expected to improve working conditions and the recruitment and retention of staff.
The strategy provides options for different ways that buildings used for care can be improved if possible or look at different options where we cannot deliver what we want from the current buildings.
It is believed that the strategy shows the council’s commitment to improving the services that have been inherited, so people who use these services experience better outcomes in the future while also improving working conditions for staff and their ongoing development.