Have your say on parking across North Northants
Car parks in North Northamptonshire13 June 2023
A survey looking at parking habits and provision across North Northamptonshire has been launched today.
The survey will be open for 6 weeks and asks a variety of questions on parking habits including parking in town centres, issues related to parking, on-street parking (not residential permit holders), electrical vehicle charging and thoughts on car parks in town centres across North Northamptonshire.
The results of this engagement stage will help develop a parking strategy for the area. The proposed parking strategy will then be consulted on later in the year and look at ensuring suitable levels of car and other vehicle type parking facilities are available to support town centre regeneration and access to towns across North Northants across the next 20 years.
With the way people use town centres changing and a move to more sustainable forms of transport, it is vital that we understand people’s parking habits across North Northants and issues that drivers are facing.Cllr Graham Lawman, the council’s Executive Member for Highways, Travel and Assets
Initially, we are asking a variety of questions that look at parking experiences both at home, on street and in Council owned car parks in North Northants; the responses will then help develop a parking strategy for the next 20 years.
It is important that people have their say on issues that impact them. With this in mind, we want to hear from residents, businesses and visitors about your experience of parking in the area. This is the first of two opportunities to have your say, as we will be consulting on the draft strategy later this year.Cllr Jason Smithers, Leader of the Council
The outputs of the strategy will provide a series of high-level objectives and actions for the council to take forward and inform its approach to a range of subjects, including Electric vehicles charging infrastructure, car park signage and charges. Work on these actions will be undertaken following adoption of the Strategy and include additional consultation where appropriate.
The engagement runs until midnight on 23 July. Anyone can take part in the following ways:
- Completing the online survey
- Writing to: Parking Strategy Survey Response, North Northamptonshire Council, Swanspool House, Doddington Road, Wellingborough, NN8 1BP