Executive set to discuss air quality planning document

Planning and building control

03 October 2024

Following the approval of North Northamptonshire Council’s Local Air Quality Strategy in July, the council’s Executive will discuss a new area wide document which has been produced to help reduce the impact of new development on air quality in North Northants.

The Air Quality Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) was consulted on earlier in 2024 and has been designed to assist developers and their air quality consultants to submit planning applications which mitigate and, if possible, improve the impact of air quality via their proposals.

If approved by Executive, the document will be published and available to all developers who will be advised to read the document prior to submitting a planning application.

If the SPD is adopted, NNC’s Environmental Protection team will assess dust mitigation submissions and air quality assessment submitted via the Planning process.

Measures in the SPD include advice on:

  • When air quality modelling is required
  • Installation of low oxides of nitrogen gas boilers
  • Need for construction management plans for all construction activities that create dust
  • Locating outdoor green spaces away from busy roads
  • Green infrastructure and planting
The draft SPD was subject to public consultation and the final document will now be reviewed by the Executive.

If approved, officers will be able to assess relevant planning applications for compliance with the mitigation measures set out, including when air quality modelling is needed, green infrastructure and planting, plus the locations of outdoor spaces.

We are continuously monitoring the impact developments might have on the surrounding area and this document will further help with this work.
Cllr David Brackenbury, the council’s Executive Member for Growth and Regeneration
Good air quality is extremely important, and we want to ensure that we are doing all we can to monitor air quality and that it meets the highest standards. This includes engaging with developers at the Planning stage to ensure that they are thinking about the impact of their developments on air quality levels in North Northants. With this in mind, I look forward to discussing this report with Executive colleagues.Jason Smithers, Leader of the Council

North Northamptonshire Council’s Executive will meet on Thursday 10 October at 10am at the Corby Cube and the papers are now available online. The meeting will be live streamed via the council’s YouTube channel.