Executive to discuss the council’s draft budget position for 2022/23
Finance05 June 2023
The Executive will consider the council’s draft budget outturn position for the 2022/23 financial year when it meets on Thursday 8 June.
Transparency of the council’s financial position and its performance is important, and reports on both areas are regularly considered by the Executive.
North Northamptonshire Council, like most people and organisations across the country, has felt the impact of price rises. It has also seen changes in the demand for its services. The council works hard to deliver a number of critical services to its residents and businesses each year within the financial resources that it has available; which can mean on occasions making difficult decisions, as we recognise the need to prioritise the support to some of our most vulnerable adults and children.
Whilst the financial picture is challenging, with an anticipated overspend of £965k (0.3% of the council’s £300m budget) for 2022/23, the council’s performance in key areas remains robust. The budget for this year also identified further savings of £15 million, building on the previous savings plans of £27 million since the council was created.
Throughout the year the council has continued to deliver both day-to-day services as well as develop and implement wider projects and improvements.
These include new places in our schools through capital investment to support children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and further funding including an additional £1.5m to help improve our roads and fixing over 17,000 potholes. They also include activity to help tackle climate change such as the development of the Climate Management Plan with over 80 actions to reduce the council's carbon footprint. There is also ongoing support in the development of our cultural and leisure facilities including the recent opening of our new Discover Northamptonshire tourism hub at Rushden Lakes. We have also been enhancing the provision of Adult Social Care services including further improving pay for care staff and developing a strategy aimed at transforming North Northamptonshire Council’s in-house adult social care provider services making them fit for the future.
We are investing in vital local services such as our roads, schools, adult and children’s social care, community facilities and in tackling important areas such as climate change.Councillor Jason Smithers, Leader of North Northamptonshire Council
We are absolutely committed to improving services to local residents, protecting those who are vulnerable in our community and effectively managing the council’s finances. This year we identified savings of £15 million, building on the previous savings plans of £27 million since the council was created in 2021.
The financial pressures we are all experiencing are unprecedented in recent years. However, through working innovatively and with timely investment we are making good progress and I am very grateful to our dedicated staff for their creativity and commitment to public services.
Despite the significant challenges we faced over the last twelve months, we have been able to continue to invest in our services and absorb wherever possible inflationary and other pressures. This has not been easy, but our focus is on ensuring that we live within our means as we continue to seek to improve our services in the future.Councillor Lloyd Bunday, Executive Member for Finance and Transformation said:
The report will be discussed at the next meeting of the Executive, taking place on Thursday 8 June. You can watch the meeting online.