This article is more than 1 year old

Deferral of the Garden Waste Future Service Provision Report to Executive

Bins, recycling and street cleansing

12 July 2022

Garden leaves being raked up

The Garden Waste Future Service Provision Report (Item 6) that is due to be considered at Executive on 14 July is proposed to be deferred.

I am aware that the future provision of our Garden Waste service is an incredibly important decision for both residents and the Council, now and in the future.

I am also very aware of the different views from residents and our councillors and I want to ensure that we further engage and listen to these views so that we all get a better understanding of the various options and their impacts before taking the decision. 

I will explain in a little more detail at Thursday’s meeting what that will look like.

I fully appreciate and recognise the importance of our Garden Waste service and I want to ensure that any decisions made are done so after a wider debate and discussion. I anticipate that a report on the options will come back to Executive in September this year.
Councillor Jason Smithers, Leader of North Northamptonshire Council