Council seeks views on North Northamptonshire Adult Social Care Strategy 2024 – 2029
Adult social care20 November 2024
North Northamptonshire Council is seeking views on its Adult Social Care Strategy 2024 - 2029, 'The Lives we Live'.
An ageing population and more people living longer with more complex needs means the demand on the council’s Adult Social Care services is growing.
The strategy sets out how people with care and support needs can expect to be supported as they transition to adulthood or at times in their lives when they may need additional support.
North Northamptonshire Council's five-year strategy aims to address the challenges of more demand on services while always striving for the best for the adults in its population. Its focus is on wellbeing, enablement, partnership working and outcomes.
The strategy has been co-produced with people who use our services, staff and local partners working in social care, this included our Expert by Experience panel members. Drawing on their knowledge and experience the draft strategy aims to improve the way we deliver and commission support.
Now the council wants to hear your views on the draft Adult Social Care Strategy 2024-2029 'The lives we live'.
We are delighted to be able to introduce the first Adult Social Care Strategy for North Northamptonshire - 'The lives we live', for 2024 to 2029.Cllr Gill Mercer, Executive Member for Adults Health and Wellbeing
Our draft strategy for Adult Services aspires to create an environment where individuals can live their best lives, supported by a responsive and empowering social care system.
Whilst we have continued to work with the countywide strategy developed in the predecessor council, developing our own strategy is an important milestone for North Northamptonshire.
It is important for people that may use adult social care services and their families, and let's face it - that could be all of us, to have their say and to understand what they can expect when dealing with social care services provided, or commissioned, by the council.
This strategy is about more than just services; it's about transforming lives. I would really urge residents to participate in the consultation process, ensuring that their voices shape the future of adult social care in North Northamptonshire.Jason Smithers, Leader of North Northamptonshire Council
Your feedback will help us to shape the final proposed draft Adult Social Care Strategy 2024-2029 which will be put before the Executive for adoption early next year.
How to have your say
The survey can be completed online.
The online questionnaire can also be accessed free of charge at any North Northamptonshire Council library.
Alternatively, you can email or send your comments in by post using the contact details below.
If you have any queries, comments or would like a copy of this questionnaire in another format (including paper, easy read or large print) you can contact us. Please use the following email, post or telephone:
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 0300 126 3000
Post: FAO Helen Goult
North Northamptonshire Council
The Cube
George Street
NN17 1QG
The deadline for completing this questionnaire is midnight, 16 December 2024.
Our survey seeks your feedback on the style and language of the draft Strategy as well as our proposals for service delivery. Once the strategy is finalised we will also publish an easy read version.
More information can be found in the Executive report and appendices dated 14 March 2024.